07100110 CITY OF CUPERTINO > `' ° ° " BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT ���`��i�T�� �������T���� ' ,. .. .: . ::: _. BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 10734 S STELLING RD S I S CONSTRUCTION INC 07100110 • OWNER'S NAME: PERMITLSSUEDp`TE RODRIGUEZ APOLONIO AND LOUISA 1868 STONE AVE PHONE: SANITpRY NO. CONTROL NO. (408)293-1285 HI'IECTJENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INEO HLDG El.ECT PLUMH MECH � 0 0 0 i p p LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION JOU DeSCiIpLIOT! : v� ( hereby afGnn that I am Iiccnscd undcr provisions oC Chaptcr 9(commencing : z� wiih Scction 7000) of Division 3 of thc Business and ProCcssions Codc a�a�uc�� u F I RE RE PA I R PARTL ROO F RE PLCP/II�TT � NEW DRYWALL �� y in fuil force and e � � � �� z l.icensc Lic. N NEW ��° � ARCH[TEGTSDECLARATION ELCTRCL. NEUV HVC & FURNACE & PLUMBING FIXTURES. i� a 1 undcrswnJ my plans shall Ac uscd u public rccords )aU ' u- y Licenscd Pn�fcssional � y � OW NER-BUILDER DECLARATION � a� I Mcrcby atTirm tha� 1 am ezcmp� from �hc Convactor's Liccnsc Law far the p O [ollowing rcason. (Scction 7031.5, Busincss and Profc.esions Ca1c: Any ciry or county �°„ � which requires a permit ro cnnswc4 altcr, improve, dcmolish, ar repair any structurc ° Z y prior ui i�s issuancc. alsu ccquircs ihe applicant for such permi� to file a signcd su�ement �= 0 ihat hc is liccnscd pursuant to thc provisions o[ thc Conuacu�r's Licensc Law (Chaptcr 9 ;>q. Ft. Floor Area Valuation u t - �(commenring wiih Scction 7000) of Division 3 of Ihc Busincssand Profcssions Cadc) or $ 213 7 5 7 L �... that he is exempt Ne�cfrom and Ne basu for the allegcd exemption. Any violation of Secdon 7031.5 by a�ry applicant (or a pertnit subjecu the applicant to a civil penalty of Number Oeeupaney Type not more ihan five hundred dollars (SS00). 3 9 2 2 � � 5�� ❑ I, as owner of Uie property, or my employees with wages u the'v solc compensatlon, wiIl do thc work and �he structu�e is notintendcd or offend forsalc (Sec. 7044. Business Re uired Ins eCtlOiiS and Professions Cade: The Conuactor's License Law docs iwt apply w an owner of Q P property who builds or improves thereon, and wM does such wart himselCor tAmugh his own employces, provided that such improvemen�s are not in�ended or o(tered for sala If, hawever. �he building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, �6e ownu- builder will have �he burden o[ proving ihat hc did not build or improvc tor purpose af sakJ. ❑ I, as awner of the property, am uclusively convacting wi�h licensed cronuactors to constmct �he project (Sec. 7044. Business and Professians Code:) The Contrxwrs Li- ccnu Law does aot apply to an owner o( propeny who builds or improves the�eon, and , who conuac�s for such projec�s with a conuactor(s) Iicensed pursuan[ to the Contnctors License Law. � I am aempt under Sec. . B� P C for ihis resson , Owner Date WORKER'S COMPENSA'i'ION DECLARATION - � . - 1 hereby �rm under penalty of pc�jury nnc af �he following declantions: ❑ I twoe and will maintain a CeniCcatc of Canscnt to selt-imure [w Workers Compen- �Gost. u providcd for by Sectian 3700 of the Labor Code, for �he performancc at Ure rk for whicd this pertnit is iscucd. �J ! havc and will maintain Workcfs Compensation Insurance, u required by Scction 3700 oC �he Labor Code, Cor the per(ormanee of the woric (or w6ich ihis pem�it is issued. � My Work s o pe ation 1 unnce nrrier and Policy n ve: Cartier. Policy No.: /���y��� CERTIF[CA OP EXEMP'I'[ON FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATlON INSURANCE (This secUon necd not be completed if the pertnit is for onc hundred dallus (E I00) or Icss) • I cenify th.t in �hc perfortnancc of thc work [or which ihis permit is issucd. I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become wbject w ihe Workers' Compensatlon Laws of Califomia. Datc Applican� NOTICE TO APPLICAM: If, aftcr making ihis Ccrti�ca�c of Excmp6on, you shoulJ become subject to �e Worker's Compensation provisions af �he Labor Code, you must � O forthwit6 comply with such provisions or this pecmit shall bc dcemcd revoked. z '"' CONSfRUCT10N LENDING AGENCY Fr r�—� i hercAy a�rm �hat thcre is a conswcdon Icnding agcncy Car thc perfortnarec u( p! � �he wrork Cur which this permit is issued (Scc. 3097, Civ. CJ W� Q Lendcr's Namc • � z Lcnder's Address V � I cenifY U�at 1 havc rcad Wis application and s�ate that �he above infortnatiun is w�'" cortcct. 1 agrce io comply with all city and county orJinances and sute laws relaung to � U building conswction, and he�cby authori�e reprcsentativcs of this ciry to cntcr u{mn tbc � W abovc-mcntioncd property (or inspccuon purposes. a (Wc) agme to save, indcmnify and kecp harmless the City of Cupenino against �,E'�'„� � liabiliuu, judgmcnLC, costs and expenses which may in any way accnu agtinst said City > '^� V,'� in wnsequc c of �c granti g af this permit. DaLe C� � d�� 1 F-+ APPLI UNDER NDS AND COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: 1 l SOUR GULA N. � � Re-roofs �� Signa� of Applican�Conuactor ue HAZARDOUS MATERIALSDISCLOSURE Type of Rc�of Will thc applicant or futurc buitding occu t storc or handlc harardous ma�crial ma as dcfined by the Cupenino Municipal . aptcr 9.12, and the Hplth and Safcty c«� Section 25532(a)? All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑ vcs o wlI �hc applicant or futurc buildin upant use cyuipmcnt or Jcviar which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove - cmit ha•rardous air contaminanls az dcfi by �he Bay Arca Air Quality Managcmcni all new m�.terials for inspec�ion. ��S�;�a ❑ ves o 1 havc mad Uu ha�ardous maicrials requircmen�s undcrChaptcr 6.95 o(U�c Calitor- nia Hcal�h & cty Codc, Sc uons 25505, 25533 and 25534. I walcrs�and �hat iCtlie building Socs n ntly havc an4 �at it is my rcsponsibil' y to notify thc occupant af Ne rzyui hichm me�prio cnifica�co - Signature��fApplicant Date owncrorauthorizcdagcni p, All roof coverings to be Class ° B" or better