07100087 CIT�' OF CUPERTINO 77��,,�� BUILDiNG DIV�SION PERMIT ����`���� ����������* ;.. ;s> ,., ,..:.., __.: PERMIT NO. BUILD ����� ss CELESTE CIR AAA FURIACE � AIR 07100087 . PERMIT ISSUE DATE OWNER'S NAME: NICK M ARTIN 1712 SPONE AVE 10 10 2007 SANiTARY NO. CONTROL NO. �NE: (408)293-4717 BUILDING PSRMiT [NFO ARCHITECC/ENGINEER: BLDG ELECT PLUMH MECH � � 0 � i p Q LICENSED CON7RACfOR'S DECLARATION JOI� DeSCI'1pt10❑ � V� t hcrcby affirm that 1 arn liccnscd undcr provisions oC CAaptcr 9(commcncing , z� with sccuon �ocw of Division 3 of �hc Busincss and Profcssiont Codc. and my liccnsc is RE P LAC E FURNAC E AIVD A/ C ;� y in fu0 force an � v� Z Liccnsc Class Lic. ii : � p Datc ^ � Contractor ' � AR HI'f'ECI'S DEC R I N � 7 a a 1 undcrstand my plans shall Uc uud as public rcwrds , JaU ' u. F' Licensed Pmfcssional � � � OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I hacby aClirm thai 1 am cxcmpt Gom ihc Can�ranors Liccnsc Law for thc � p O (ollowing rcason. (Sccuon 7031.5, Busincss and Profcssions Ca1c: Any ci�y or county �$� which rcquires a permit to consWCt, altcr, impmvc, dcmolish, or repair any sWCturc ° Z� prior w i�s issuance, also rcquires �he applicant for such permit to file a signed statement Valuation � o that he is liccnscd pucsuanl �o thc pmvisions oC thc Conuacwr's Liccnsc law (Chapicr 9 ;>q. Ft. Floor Area r�� (commcncing wi�h Scction 7000) of Division 3 oC Ihc Busincss and Profcssions Codc) or $ 6 9 0 0 y�.. that he is ezemp� theretrom and Ihe basis for the allcged exemplion. Any violadon af Section 7031.5 by airy applicant Cor a permit subjccu ihe applicant to a civil penalty of Number Oecupancy Type not mor� than five hundrcd dollazs (5500). 3 2 6 5 8 9 9��� ❑ I, u owncr of tlu property, ar my employces with wages u the'v snlc compensadon, will do ihc work, and the st=uclule is not intended or ofteced [orsalc (Sec. 7044. Business Required Inspections and Rofessions Cadc: 'Itrc Conuutars License Law does not apply to an owixr of propeny who builds ot improves thercon, and who does such work himself or Ihmugh his own emplayces. provided thal such improvements are not iNe� or affered Cor sala [f. however, the building or improvement is sotd wichin one year ot complc6on, the owner builder will have Uie burden oC proving that he did no� build or improvc for pu�pose of sak.). ❑ I, as owner of the propcny. am exclusivdy conuacting witA licensed convactors to construct the project (Sec. 7044. Business and Profcssions Code:) "[he Coatrxtor's Li- ccnse Law docs oot apply w an owner o( propeny who buiMs or improves LL�e�eon, and . who conuacts for such pmjecis with a comractor(s) licensed pursuanc to �he Convacto�s Licenu Law. ❑ 1 am ezempt under Sec. . B& P C for this rcaton Ownu Date . _... _. WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hercby affimi under penalty of pe�jury one o( �he following declarations: �] I hare and will mainain a CeniGptc o( Consen� to ulf-inswe for Workcrs Compen- sation, as providcd for by Secrian 3700 of the Labor Code, for thc performa�c ot �irc waric for which this pertnit is issucd. ❑ I havc and will maintain Workcr's Compensation Insunnce, u�cquired 6y Scction . 3700 of thc Labor Codc, Cor thc performancc af the work for which �his pertnit is issued My Worke�s C ns tion Insuru�cc carticr and Policy number azc: �"' Cartier. Policy No.. E TIF[ ATE PI'[ON FRO ORKER COMPENSAT[ON INSURANCE ' ([his secUan nccd not be complctcd i( the pertnit is for onc hundred dollats (5100) ar IcssJ I cenify that in thc performance of thc work for which �his pertnit is issucd, 1 shall not crsploy any person in any manncr so az to bccomc subject to ihe Worlccrs' Compensation Laws of Cali(omia. Datc Applicant NOTICE TO APPC]CANT: if, af�cr making this CcniGcatc of Excmption, you should become subjcct to the Worker's Campcnsation provisions of thc Labor Codc, you must � O fonhwith comply with such provisions or this permi� shall 6c dixmcd n.wokcd. z ""' CONS7RUCIION LENDING AGENCY [.~-� ►�-. I hcrcby allirm ihat thcre is a consuuction Icnding agcncy for thc per(ormancc of . pC � ihc wurk for which this pertnit is issucd (Scc. 3097, Civ. C.) W Q I..endcr's Namc ' ? z (.cndei s Addmss V � I ceni[y �hat I havc read ihis application and sta�c that ihe above infortnauun is � ►-' corrcct. I agree �o comply with all city and county orelinances and state laws rclating w 0 U building conswction, and hcrcby authoci�e rcprcsentaiivcs of ihis city to cntcr upon Nc � a abovc-mcntioncd properly for inspccUoa purposes. (Wc) agrce lo save, indcmni(y and kecp harmless the City af Cupcnino against �� liabiliuu, judgmcnts, costs and expenscs which may in any way accruc agtins� said City U z in consequence oC the granung of this permit. DBLE / �c �-" APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-PO1NT Issued by ll 'L� SOU E REGULATIONS� � Re-roofs SignawmofApplicandConuactor ✓�� • T of Roof � HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISC[.OSURE }�� Will the applicant or futurc building accupant store or handlc huardous material az dcfincd 6y thc Cupertino Municipal Code, Chaptcr 9.12. and [he Hcalth and SaRty Cak.Section 25532(a)? p � All roofs �hall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑Y � (� N � If a roof i� installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove - �11 thc applicant or futurc building accupant usc equipmcn� or dcviccs which _•mi� harardous air conuminants az dcfincd by the Bay Acca Air Quality Managcmcn� all new m aterials for inspecrion. District? ❑ Yes �o I havc rcad the hvardous ma�crials requircmcnLC undcrChap�cr 6.95 o(Ilu Califor- nia FIcal�h & Safcty Codc, Secdans 25505, 25533 and 25534.1 undcrstand that iC Ux building dacs not curtcn�ly havc a tcnan4 �hat it is my responsiAility to naify Uic occupant of Nc rc uircmcn�s which muu bc met prior to issuance o( a Ccrtificaic o�OccupancY. S1gII1iUiC Of ApPItCSIIt Date � p, � - All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better wncr o u�horizcd ag t ,� �I�� O� ���J��R�'I�� � 7/� �� � d�' �7 ��. ,:s ' �' �� � a�--s . � � �,-.; :� � �'J �� .1�: �` �� �� �.f�� � �����T��o PE I'�' APPLI�A'I'I�l� �� �T Date: i ��� � �� � ! v ' � � j �, _� � ~ U Building Address: , o1C� � � .e �� � �c, � � * c / Owner's Name: Phone #: � �'�c_��_���rc���' _ ---- — y�� �9S - �S"�d� � ��i)i1jJ : }���C111(;: 1-,'CC3Il�.r'- i : � i � �� " I�I.�O/�l7 U � �,�< ` �e� ,�l 5�'�- `r �/ ,Z Contact: Phone: Cupertino Business L,icense #: � = - .7 - LS � J Buildin Permit Info: Bldg ❑ Elect Plumb ❑ Mech Job Description� , Residential �] Commercial ❑ �� For Residential Installations: Attic � 1 St floor ,� 2 floor � Adhere to min set back requirement , For Commercial Installations: � eplacement same weight ❑ Additional weight (stnictural calcs) � �cructural Calculations required for new installation �� New installation Planning Approval Required ❑ � Cost of Project: Type of Construct_on: Occupancy group: ! , , � � �. Strapped On Platform Bonded Sq.Ft. Floor Area: New Location � Re lacement '� � Qty. if Applicable Fee ID Fee Description Fee Group BENERGY En ;rgy BUILDING ; BREMFURN Fu�nace MECHANICAL BREMACOVER A/�; Unit > 10,000 cfrn MECHANICAL BREMAIRHAN A/�: Units <= 10, 000 cfin MECHANICAL BREMRECEPT Re�pfl, Switch & Outlets ELECTRICAL BSEISMICRE Se: smic Fee Res BUILDING BSEISMICOM Se: smic Commercial BUILIDNG EPERMITFEE Elf;c Permit Issuance ELECTRICAL MPERMITFEE Mf:ch Permit Issuance MECHANICAL PPERMTTFEE Phmbing Permit Issue PLUMBING BPERMFEE Biclg Permit Fees BUILDING BPLANCHK Pl�n Check Fee BUILDING BPGAS Gas Piping System Fee PLUMBING BUSLIC Business License BUILDING CITY OF CUPERTINO 7 ITEMS OF 7 PERMIZ RECEIPT OPERATOR: patg COPY # : 1 Sec: Twp: Rng: Sub: Blk: Lot: APN ......... 32658998.00 DATE ISSUED.......: 10/10/2007 RECEIPT #.........: BSC00002955 REFERENCE ID # ...: 07100087 SITE ADDRESS .....: 20E84 CELESTE CIR SUBDIVISION ....... CITY .............. CUFERTINO IMPACT AREA ....... OWNER ............. NICKI MARTIN ADDRESS ..........: 20E84 CELESTE CIR CITY/STATE/ZIP ...: CUF'ERTINO, CA 95014 RECEIVED FROM . ... : JIb[ R.ANDO CONTRACTOR .......: RArfDO, JIM LIC # 8050 COMPANY ..........: AAF. FURNACE & AIR CONDITIONING ADDRESS ..........: 17]2 STONE AVE CITY/STATE/ZIP ...: SAI`f JOSE, CA 95125 TELEPHONE ........: (4(�8)293-4717 i FEE ID UNIT QUANTITY ��MOUNT PD-TO-DT THIS REC NEW BAL ---------- ------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- BENERGY PERMIT FEE 1.00 34.86 0.00 34.86 0.00 BREMFURN NO LTNIT 1.00 14.31 0.00 14.31 0.00 BREMRECEPT NO. OUTLETS 1.00 1.20 0.00 1.20 0.00 BSEISMICRE VALUATION 6,900.00 0.70 0.00 0.70 0.00 EPERMITFEE FLAT R.ATE 1.00 40.79 0.00 40.79 0.00 MPERMITFEE FLAT RATE 1.00 40.79 0.00 40.79 0.00 PPERMITFEE FLAT RATE 1.fl0 40.•79 0.00 40.79 0.00 ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL PERMIT : 173.44 0.00 173.44 0.00 METHOD OF PAYMENT AMOUNT REFERENCE NUMBER ----------------- --------------- -------------------- CREDIT CARD 173.44 VISA --------------- TOTAL RECEIPT : 173.44 VOICE ID DESCRIPTION VOICE ID DESCRIPTION -------- ---------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- 301 ROUGH PLUMBING 303 ROUGH MECHANICAL 304 ROUGH ELECTRICAL 505 FINAL ELECTRICAL 507 FINAL PLUMBING 508 FINAL MECHANICAL