DRC 09-04-08 Design Review Committee September 4, 2008 Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 777-3308 APROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE HELD ON September 4, 2008 ROLL CALL Committee Members present: Lisa Giefer, Chairperson Jessica Rose, Commissioner Committee Members absent: none Staff present: Colin Jung Staff absent: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: August 21, 2008 Minutes of the August 21, 2008 Design Review Coinmittee meeting were approved WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None POSTPONEMENTS/REMOVAL FROM CALENDAR: None ORAL COMMUNICATION: None CONSENT CALENDAR: None PUBLIC HEARING: 1. Application No.(s): ASA-2008-08 Applicant: Tom Dyer (St. Jude's Episcopal Church) Location: 20920 McClellan Rd. Architectural and Site approval for landscaping, parking improvements and accessory structures at an existing church. Design Reviezu Committee decision final unless a~ppealed. Staff inember Jung explained that the applicant is requesting to do some site improvements at the church in phases. The project will be phased because the church will be fundraising in order to raise the money to do the renovations. The applicant plans to construct a covered garbage storage area, two small accessory structures, remove an old orchard on one side to construct a new parking area and renovate an orchard on the other side. They plan to demolish the existing parking area and install landscaping. The new parking area will use pavers instead of asphalt to ensure drainage. The renovation project will provide connectivity from the sidewalks, parking areas and throughout the rest of the property. In the approval resolution, Staff has included a 2 Design Review Committee September 4, 2008 requirement to replace a missing section of fence along the property line abutting a single- family residence. The Public Works department has also included some conditions of approval in the resolution. Coinmissioner Rose wanted to make sure that if the project was phased, the applic~nts would not have to come back in for a new approval when they got ready do each part of the project. Staff inember Jung explained that the approval today would not expire as long as they started the project within two years. The building permit that the applicant needs to obtain do expire, but the applicant wouldri t be getting them until they were ready to do the actual construction. Chairperson Giefer asked about planting something other than Crepe Myrtles along the street and suggested that the applicant post a notice on the site informing the public of their intent to renovate the remaining orchard during the construction of the new parking area to mitigate concerns that might arise when people see the apricot trees coming down. Jennifer Stern, leader of the development of this plan for St Jude's Church, explained to the committee that the church's plan is to beautify the campus to draw people to a place of meditation in a"spiritual oasis". She stated that the church has funding to do all of the renovation projects except for the central courtyard. The orchard renovation will be a volunteer project to be done by the congregation. Chairperson Giefer asked if the applicant planned to add square footage to the Senior day care. The applicant explained that they were adding storage space for the Boy Scouts. The applicant expressed concerns with two of the Public Works conditions; the condition to pay for traffic signal maintenance and the requirement to repair the sidewalks. They agreed with the requirement to repair the sidewalks, but the cost of the traffic signal modifications was prohibitive. The applicant suggested that they would rather extend the median on Stelling Road so people are not able to make a left turn into their driveway. They would rather have a designated left turn lane further down to direct people into the new driveway as part of the second phase of the project. The discussion continued concerning the legality of having the church bear the burden of improving the traffic signal at that intersection when the proposed project will not be generating additional trips. Commissioner Rose moved to approve the application with the following modification to the Resolution: Remove Condition #4, Section VI, ; in it's entirety Add verbage to Condition #6, Section VI; "The Public Works Department shall evaluate the suggestion of having the applicant, upon completion of phase two, to include a designated left turn pocket on Stelling Road to direct traffic into the new parking lot." MOTION: Comnussioner Rose moved to approve ASA-2008-08 with the above mentioned changes to the model resolution SECOND: Chairperson Giefer ABSENT: none ABSTAIN: none VOTE: 2-0 OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: None Res ectfully submitted: Beth Ebbe Administrative Clerk