09100202 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS: 10138 COLD HARBOR AVE CONTRACTOR:TBD-TO BE DETERMINED PERMIT NO:09100202 OWNER'S NAME: KIN HING LEUNG DATE ISSUED: 10/29/2009 'ER'S PHONE: 4088732271 PHONE NO: ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION BUILDING PERMIT INFO: BLDG ELECT PLUMB License Class Lic.# MECH f- RESIDENTIAL f- COMMERCIAL Contractor Date I hereby affirm that I am licensed under the provisions of Chapter 9 JOB DESCRIPTION:CONNECT GUEST BEDROOM TO BATHROOM (commencing with Section 7000)of Division 3 of the Business&Professions Code and that my license is in full force and effect. I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following two declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for Worker's Compensation,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the Sq.Ft Floor Area: Valuation:$12000 performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this APN Number:36909043.00 Occupancy Type: permit is issued. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is PERMIT EXPIRES IF WORK IS NOT STARTED correct.I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating WITHIN 180 DAYS OF PERMIT ISSUANCE OR to building construction,and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We)agree to save 180 DAYS FROM LAST CALLED INSPECTION. indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities,judgments, costs,and expenses which may accnie against said City in consequence of the / ¢, granting of this permit. Additionally,the applicant understands and will comply Issu y: Datel G � with all non-point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal Code,Section 9.18. Signature Date RE-ROOFS: All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed.If a roof is CEJ/ OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove all new materials for inspection. I hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for one of the following two reasons: Signature of Applicant: Date: 1,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work,and the structure is not intended or offered for sale(Sec.7044, ALL ROOF COVERINGS TO BE CLASS"A"OR BETTER Business&Professions Code) 1,as owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project(Sec.7044,Business&Professions Code). HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following three I have read the hazardous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the declarations: California Health&Safety Code,Sections 25505,25533,and 25534. 1 will maintain I have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self-insure for Worker's compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12 and the Health& Compensation,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the Safety Code,Section 25532(x)should I store or handle hazardous material. performance of the work for which this permit is issued. Additionally,should I use equipment or devices which emit hazardous air I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as provided for by contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District I will maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12 and the Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this Health&Safety Code,Sections 25505,25533,and 25534. permit is issued. 1 certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued,I shall Owner or authorized Agent: not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Worker's / ^ Date: C7 Z VC) Compensation laws of California. If,after making this certificate of exemption,I become subject to the Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor Code,I must CONSUCTION LENDING AGENCY forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. I hereby affirm that there is a constriction lending agency for the performance of work's for which this permit is issued(Sec.3097,Civ C.) APPLICANT CERTIFICATION Lender's Name I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct.I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating Lender's Address to building construction,and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes.(We)agree to save ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION nify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities,judgments, c. ,and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the I understand my plans shall be used as public records. granting of this permit.Additionally,the applicant understands and will comply with all non-point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal Code,Section Licensed Professional 9.18. Signature Date Z (L CITY OF CUPERTINO 3 ITEMS OF 3 PERMIT RECEIPT OPERATOR: patg COPY # 1 Sec: Twp: Rng: Sub: Blk: Lot : APN . . . . . . . . : 36909043 .00 DATE ISSUED. . . . . . . : 10/29/2009 RECEIPT #. . . . . . . . . BS000009069 REFERENCE ID # . . . : 09100202 SITE ADDRESS . . . . . : 10138 COLD HARBOR AVE SUBDIVISION . . . . . . CITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CUPERTINO IMPACT AREA . . . . . . OWNER . . . . . . . . . . . . : KIN HING LEUNG ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . : 10138 COLD HARBOR AVE CITY/STATE/ZIP . . . : CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3327 RECEIVED FROM . . . . : EVA Y PANG CONTRACTOR . . . . . . . : TBD - TO BE DETERMINED LIC # 00096 COMPANY . . . . . . . . . . : TBD - TO BE DETERMINED ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . CITY/STATE/ZIP . . . : , TELEPHONE . . . . . . . . FEE ID UNIT QUANTITY AMOUNT PD-TO-DT THIS REC NEW BAL ---------- ------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 1BCBSC VALUATION 12, 000 . 00 1 . 00 0 . 00 1 . 00 0 . 00 1BSEISMICR VALUATION 12, 000. 00 1 .20 0 . 00 1 .20 0 . 00 1REMRESBAT SQ FEET 43 . 00 570 . 00 0 . 00 570 . 00 0 . 00 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL PERMIT 572 .20 0 .00 572 .20 0 .00 METHOD OF PAYMENT AMOUNT REFERENCE NUMBER ----------------- --------------- -------------------- CREDIT CARD 572 .20 AMEX --------------- TOTAL RECEIPT : 572 .20 09 CITY OF CUPERTINO ADDITION/REMODEL CUPEkT1NO PERMIT APPLICATION FORM APN # I. D q o o o Date: 1 j LI Is a 2ndunit being added? Yes ❑ No F71 If yes, please fill out the permit a'pplic'atiod for 2" unit. Building Address: Mailing Address (if different from building address): Owner's Name: Phone#�S , 8 -13 3 2 � T KEN BIN - Contractor: Phone#: 4ob Fax #: Contractor License#: 100-70 Cupertino Business License#: Contact: Phone#: Fax #: Building Permit Info: Bldg. [I- Elect. ER' Plumb. [Z/" Mech. E9-- Hillside ❑ Job Description: Addition-What is being added?(Be Specific): What is being remodeled (not including addition)? CoN\)2 Ct ��kQSt b1?_QLr00rn +o bc•tk r00m Remodel Includes Re-Roof: Yes ❑ No If yes list number of squares Remodel Includes Structural: Yes ❑ No Do you have the pre-application planning approval? Yes ❑ NA3­0 If yes, please provide a copy of your planning approval letter. Planners name: Square Footage: Addition: Porch: Deck: Garage: Detached Attached Remodel: Kitchen Bathe c� Other Type of Construction (Usage Class): Occupancy Type: 1-A, 1-B ❑ II/III/V-A ❑ II/III B, IV-HT, V-B Valuation: Z o oo Please check this box if the project is a second-story addition ❑ Project Size: Express ❑ Standard ❑ Large ❑ Major❑ Please complete relevant portion of the Green Building Checklist& attach it to the application or if applicable, Green Building Points Achieved: include in plan set& the sheet index. ***For Office Use Only*** Over-the-Counter 7 Revised 07/06/09 CITY OF CUPERTINO ADDITION/REMODEL OF CUPERTINO FEE SCHEDULE Quantity Fee ID Fee Description Fee Group Permit Type Sq Ft ADDITIONS 1R3SFDADD 1PLLONGRNGR Long Range PL Planning/Residential 1R3INSP Dwellings Inspections B 1R3PLNCK Dwellings plan check B 1R3REPINSP Dwellings Repeat B Ins ection 1R3REPPLNC Dwellings Repeat Plan B Check 1 R3HINSP Dwellings Hillside B inspection 1 R3HPLNCK Dwellings Hillside plan B check 1R3HREINSP Dwellings Hillside B Repeat Inspection 1R3HREPLNC Dwellings Hillside B Repeat Plan Check 1R3ALTINSP Dwellings Alternate B Materials Inspection 1R3ALTPLNC Dwellings Alternate B Materials Plan Check 1PCESS Cesspool P 1PPRSEWG Ea. Private Sewage P Disposal System 1 PRSEWER Sewers P 1BPSPRINK Lawn Sprinkler/Backflow P 1BPWSVCS Main Water Service P 1BCBSC Cal Bldg Standards B ALL PERMIT TYPES Commission Fee C 113SEISMICRE SeismicResidential B 1RER00FRES Residential Re-roof Each B 100 SF CITY OF CUPERTINO ADDITON/REMODEL FEE SCHEDULE Quantity Fee ID Fee Description Fee Group Permit Type Sq Ft DECKS 1R3SFDADD OR 1R3SFDREM 1 DECKWOOD Deck (Wood)-Each B (Each) 1 DECKRAIL Deck Railing-Each B (Each) GARAGES 1R3SFDADD OR DETACHED 1R3SFDREM 1 GARDTW<=1 K Wood Frame up to B 1,000 SF (each) 1 GARDTM<=1 K Masonry up to 1,000 SF B (each) 1BCONSTAXR Construction Tax Res (new detachedgarage) PATIO'S OPEN IR3SFDADD OR IR3SFDREM 1 PATIOWOOD Wood Frame up to 300 B SF 1PATIOMETAL Metal Frame up to 300 B SF 1 PATIOOTHER Other Frame up to 300 SF B PATIO'S CLOSED 1R3SFDADD OR & SUN ROOMS 1R3SFDREM 1 PATIOENCLW Enclosed Wood up to 300 B SF 1PATIOENCLM Enclosed Metal up to 300 B SF 1PATIOENCLO Other Enclosed Patio up B to 300 SF 1 COVPORCH Porch Covered-Each B (Each) REMODELS IR3SFDREM 1 REMRESKIT Kitchen Remodel up to B (Deduct "$"for ea plan 300 SF check 1 REMRESBAT Bath Remodel up to 300 B " y SF 1REMREOTH Other Remodel up to 300 B " SF a w IcaI Io n n H a $ s 0 0 $ 3 S g n n In o o� � r �m30-F m f x p w o a d -3 O o F g y �A mag °Q _ 5 o s w 0'd a fD ^o ° w 0 x n 1 ° c (D CO li Lk fu m $ 3 3 01 N f 1 � 1 � � N c m rn 3 ID w Y $ m CD rw $ N 3 CJ C-- i `0 � � � � � � i ►t i ° i p a a CD o a .ID a W CD m CD CD CD CD CD a ►� r' o CCD P - r / G 0 0 CD eD CD C q CD ° CCD CCD cn ' ~" CD A� o CD o o m cD KI) r CS — CD C cc Dr Q .""I=. o C. (D ° C ' N A� CD (1Qcr CD CD Sy CD CD p a' O ° N CD p W � a o ¢, CD .� � � '��• Q- CD i' CD A� 'ZTJCD n � CD a,. n N s 65 in , Z - 1.01 00 w l? x o z o L X im Z = 00 r 0Koo00 1 = , M)-cmm M:[ DZr-ZM Ko i Zo000 D ,nm ZDV C7 _ m w 0Q° �ImDp�m x r i a MM o 361/2i n o 0 $ro Ica T o a L COO> D �J h 4, am 3 �F s ®� to p -� o = ro ro s ? n rl'1 0 r 03 3 � m� m D 3 �ro ool * 3 �d m p� --6 cc I hD in z D J rrm'u cr -0rr, y�y3 � m p W 3 3. ro ro _ O O om< r w r & m O 1 m o r� O C 0 ;'V,) n o��73 0 v < CID m £ 3 s rp f 75 A� � `tea as O cD H :1 _0 � g30 r7n 2) 05 w Cn `�^0 U N -i o,w a s d 7 K �. j O C `G C thgaN � g 3 i 3 s o c :E m 3 ---- � \ A 01 _ � w i. w m a 3 0 3 w N N e N r " m 3 3 w CD w 3 w 3 � m N r S �i CC i i N 1JNoa c . 0 o (D 0 CD IOID ID eb 0 tD w is c"- �3. 'COD 0 a ::7' CD o 9 p 0 Rcr CD � m OC p f9 (D to pQ C .-. 0 0 �s CD G1. CD0 ` a✓ �-• CD �. :3 a' UQ — CD (D (D ap chi, cr co p O N co UQ p 0 CD 6. a . a- CD G. CD C� o 0 CD CD ►z � o ° „� `ti 4, aC a- N (D s 65 in D 0 Z Z { �'"'i C OND z w X o' < z o X r Z Z e m 00 : r O = i -ICA 0Kco00 .0 Z =Zm t "Z Cr7:o ?Dmor"(�I O Sp m-1 o, O -im��m x O , -U MMQ! o co ~� 361/2 in o Community Development w f 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino CA 95014 ' Telephone(408)777-3228 CITY OF Fax(408)777-3333 �M TINO Building Department JOB ADDRESS: �o X39 COO, b4&-y6Y A4-o-, PERMIT# CA, 9Sof L ' �l�C�2fJ� OWNER'S NAME: K i N W N L G�KN PHONE # 4-Vg--TT-3Z2-7 GENERAL CONTRACTOR: FAX # I am not using any subcontractors: Signature Date Please check applicable subcontractors and complete the following information: SUBCONTRACTOR BUSINESS NAME BUSINESS LICENSE # Cabinets &Millwork Cement Finishing Electrical Excavation Fencing Flooring: Carpeting Linoleum/ Wood Glass/ Glazing Heating Insulation Landscaping Lathing Masonry Ornamental Sheet Metal Painting/ Wallpaper Paving Plastering Plumbing Roofing Septic Tank Sheet Metal Sheet Rock Tile -*Owner/Contractor Sikp(nata4 Date