15. AB 2939 Green Bldg. StandardsCity Hall 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 950]4-3255 (408) 777-32 ] 2 FAX: (408} 777-3366 CUPERTINO COMMUNICATION SUMMARY Agenda Item No. 1 SUB7ECT Meeting Date: August 5, 2008 Authorize the mayor to send a letter of support regarding AB 2939 (Hancock) allowing local governments to adopt green building standards BACKGROUND Existing provisions of the California Building Standards Law (Health and Safety Code Sections 17958.5 and 17958.7) generally preempt local agencies from setting building standards different from, or stricter than, those set forth in the California Building Standards Code ("Code"), except where "reasonably necessary because of local climatic, geological, or topographical conditions", thus hindering local governments' ability to use green building ordinances as a tool to meet Green House Gas reduction goals. AB 2939 will authorize local agencies to establish mandatory green building standards for private developments that may be stricter than the Code by expanding the current local code modification authority to specifically include local green building standards. While the California Building Standards Commission is developing a statewide green building code that should complement local green building efforts, it is important that state law be modified so that local agencies will be allowed to go beyond the State's minimum building code regulations and mandate more comprehensive green building programs, as many cities have already begun to do. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the council authorize the mayor to send a letter in support of this legislation. . Submitted by: Counci Rick Kitson, Public & Environmental Affairs Director Approved for submission to the City David W. Knapp, City Manager 15-1 AB 2939 Page i ( Nithout Reference to File } ASSEMBLY THIRD READING AE 2939 {Hancock) As Amended May 19, 7008 Majority vote BUSINESS 6 PROFESSIONS 7-3 NATOfUL RESOURCES 6-3 Ayes:IBng, Carter, Hayashi, (Ayes:IHaacock, Hrownley, Hernandez, Price, Fuentes, Laird, Saldal;a, Torrico, Purutani Molk Nays:IEmmeraon, Horton, Plescia INay9:ILa Melfa, Aghazariaa, Reeve APPROPRIATIONS 11-$ LOCAL OOVERNl7ER7T 4-1 Ayes: Leno, Cabal lezo, Davis, Ayes: Caballero, De La Torre, DeSaulnier, Furutanr, I ILreber DeSaulnier Huftman, Itarnetin, Lieu, Ma, Nava, SolOri0 Nays: Ral[er6, hl®ezeon, La Ways:ISmyth Malfa, Nakanishi, Sharon Rum-,er SONMARY Authorizes a city, County, or city and county to iaplement.stricter green building guidelines and scoring eyatema than those permitted under existing law, Specifically, this bill 1)Makes legislative findings and declarations regarding the benefits of green building practices. 2)AUthorizes a city, county, or city and county to implement green building guidelines and a scoring system eatabliahed by one of the authorised rating systems it the change or modification does not peradt use of a building atandaxd that is lees stringent than those othervriae permitted. A8 2939 Page 2 3}Definea "green building° as a arrestors that uses a holistic approach or life cycle analysis approach for design, c~structidn, aoe demolition that mi]Oimi.zea the building's inpaet oa the environment, the occupants, and the cnnm,";ty, sad that lncludes meaenrea to reduce impacts, including, but not limited to, site planning, energy efficiency, water efficiency, materials and resource efficiency, moor air quality, and environmental quality. 4)Provides that nothing in this bill shall limit ar alter the requirements of subdivision {h1 of Section 25402.1 of the Public Resources Code regarding city, county, or city sad county cronservatioa ox energy installation standards. 5)Requirea a city, county, ar city and camty that adopts ardinaaees oz regulations malting changes to the California Building Standards Code to implement green building guidelines and acozing systems to use one of the following rating systems: a) The Green Point Rated system of the Build It Green organization; b) The California Green Builder program of the California Building Industry Association; c) The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design eyatem of the united Scarce IU.s.) Green building Council; or, d) 1'he Green Globes system for new bnildinge of the Green Building Initiative. 6)AUthorizes the California Buildi~ Staadarfls Com,sieaioa (BSc) to aSae99 an application review and processing fee for any rating system application submitted to the commission for approval that shall not exceed the coat of reviewing and processing the application. 7)Requizes airy ordinance or regulation adopted by a city, county, or city and county to implement one of the green building guidelines and scoring eyat ems identrtled is the bill to include a procedure by which that city, county, or city and county shall review any subsequent changes to that eyatem before those changes can take effect within the city, co~mty, or city and county. AB 2939 Page 3 BILL ANALYSTS 15-2 el Provides that a city, county, or city and county that has adopted an ordinance or regulation to i~lement one or more of the green building guidelines or scoring systems set forth in this bill prior to January 1, 2009, without making the re;••; red findings pursuant to the relevant provision of this bill shall be deemed to have cca~lied with the relevant provisions of this bill for the purposes of that ordinance or regulation so long ae the city, county, or city and county makes and files the required EEnding on or before January 1, 2010. 91Requirea the governing body of a city, county, or city aM county, before adopting a green building standard pursuant to this bill, to make an express finding that the modifications or changes are reasonably necessary to permit the city, county, or city and county to implement one or more of the green building guidelines and scoring system established by one of the rating systems identified in ibis bill that shall be available as a public record. 10)Requires that a copy of those Findings, together with the modification or cn•,ege expressly xarkefl and identified so as to ~rrelate with the relevant findings, shall Ue filed with the BSC, and authorises the SSC to reject a modification or change filed by the governing body of a city, county, or city and county if ao finding was submitted. E7CISTTNG LRB 1)Requlres all state agencies that adopt or propose adoption of any building standard under the California Building Standards Code to submit the building standard to the HSC for approval or adoption. 2)Requlres the Department of Housing and Coewnnai[y Develppeient to propose the adoption, amendment, or repeal of building standazda to BSC reiati~ to hotels, motels, lodging houses, apartment houses, and dwellings and the buildings and structures acceseery thereto. 3)AUthorizes a City OY Coemty t0 make changes or modifications in building standards to provide for local variances relating to Local climatic, geological, or topographical conditions, upon making certain findings and Filing those findings with BSC. FISCAL EFFECT Ninor absorbable COata t0 HSC CO rlCeiVe additional filings from cities and cdmtiea regarding local modifications to the state Building Standards Code. CONMBNTS This bill is about the state building code and etw~er it is prvdern policy to allow local governments to ia~lement stricter gseen buildi~ guidelines sad scoring systems than those permitted under the state law. According [o the author, •Nany cities have expressed interest is adopting a ' mandatory approach as a tool to reduce the effects of climate change. Current law hinders local governments' abilities to effectively meet gzeenhouae gas emissions (GRG) reduction objectives required under AH 32. Local gavezmoente Lave difficulty in implementing local standards regarding green buildings due to authorisation. Existing prpVlaion6 of the California Building Standards Code preeagt loca3 agencies from setting building standards different from those net Sorth in the state code, except where 'reasonably necessary because of local climatic, geological, or topographical condition.' Local agencies should Lave the authority to develop local green building standazda.• Current sad pas[ legislation: 1)SH 1473 (Calderon) of 2008, pending in the Aaeeably, requires the Building S•'-'~-da Coimaission, by July 1, 2011, to adopt and publish green building standards for both residential and non-residential construction. 2)AB 32 1NUnez), Chapter 488, Statutes Of 2006, enacts flee Global Harming Act of 2006, which creates a statewide GHG emission limit that would reduce emissions by 254 by 2020. 31A8 315 {NaneockY of 2006, would have required the State Allocation Hoard regulations for energy efficient school facilities to include incentive-based guidelines that increase the Lase allocation for a school facilities project that meet certain requirements relative to energy eff Scient buildings. This bill was held on the Senate Floor. tIAB 701 (Nava) of 2006, would have required all state buildings on which canstzuc[ion or renovaiioa was begun an or after January i, 2006 to obtain a Leadership in Energy and Enrironmental Design Platimm rating, as developed by the U.S. Green Building Council, no later than January 1, 20]5. This bill was held in the Assembly Business and Professions Cosndttee. 5)AB 2878 (Ruskin) of 2006, world have required the California integrated Neste Nangemeat Hoard to adopt regulation establiehimi green building standards for the construction and renovation of state buildings. This bill was held is the Assembly Business and Professions Coeotittee. AB 2939 Page 4 AH 2939 Page 5 15-3 6)AB 2928 (Laird) of 2006, could have required BSC, by January 1, 2009, adopt voluntary green guidelines for residential construction. Tnis bill vas held on the Assembly Floor. AnalysiB Preuared by S. Stacey Sullivan / L. OOV. / (916) 319-3958 FN: 0005275 15-4