11050189 Misc San Jose
LA Water 1 2��` San Jose Water Company
Company Water Services Administration
1265 S. Bascom Ave.,San Jose,CA 95128
110 W.Taylor Street Facsimile: 408-279-7889
San Jose,CA 95110-2131 - Writers Direct Dial: 408-279-7879
April 5, 2012 //0
Sudharani Pendyala
10474 Dempster Avenue ®�
Cupertino, CA 95014 ,
Reference: 10566 Santa Lucia Road, Cupertino
Dear Ms. Pendyala:
The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the procedures you need to follow to finalize
the installation of a new water service for this project, and to retire and abandon the existing
service at this site. Basically, you will need to hire a contractor to perform the work to our
standards and under our inspection. It is suggested, but not required, that you contact one of our
general,contractors to have,the,work performed. They are West Valley Construction at 408-371-
5510, and,Lewis & Tibbitts.at,408-925-0220... In any case, your contractor must possess a valid
license for this type of work, and must obtain a permit from the City of Cupertino to do the job.
Based on the data you supplied on our water service questionnaire, our Engineering
Department has determined that a 1'/z" copper service with a check valve needs to be installed for
this residence. The piping from the check valve/meter to the house should be 2" in size. By copy
of this letter, we are informing the City of Cupertino of our determination, and I have enclosed
our standard service drawing that details an approved installation. You also need to retire and
abandon the existing service by disconnecting it at the water main in the street. The meter/check
valve (service connection) defines the point at which you receive service, and the point where the
owner's piping begins. The owner of the property is responsible for all piping and equipment past
the check valve.
Please note that in addition to the check valve in the meter box, you must also install a
rubber seated single check valve (property of the owner) on the internal plumbing of the house.
The location of the check valve must be where the fire sprinkler piping tees off from the domestic
If you would like.to proceed with the work, please sign, date, and return thisletterwith a
construction deposit as discussed below. Also include the address-where the.monthly, billings
"should;be sent. Monthly billings start when the-meter is installed,..anda copy,of our rate schedule
Sudharam Pendyala
April 5, 2012
Page Two
is enclosed for your information. You must also submit a deposit in the amount of$779 to cover
the cost of our reviews, inspection, and the purchase and installation of the new meter and check
valve. Please make your check payable to San Jose Water Company.
At the appropriate time, you will need to provide our Construction Department at least one
week notice for inspection services. Your contact is Nick Bernhardt, who can be reached at 408-
279-7830. A San Jose Water Company inspector must witness the actual tap of the water main.
Once the service lateral and meter box have been installed and approved, we can install the meter
and check valve at your request.
If you have any questions or require further information, please contact me at (408) 279-
Wanda E. Folk
Water Services Representative
cc: Building Department,City of Cupertino
Responsible Party Name
Signature Address
Print Name City
Date Phone Number