10110047-CofOter— 6)rtu"�Patlry \X7\ Cer t t tra le 0 I. /I 71 . V 1 I 1 � This Certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of Section/110.2/othe/2007 California Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance, the portion of this structure described/below has been inspected for compliance with the requirements of this code and with the\ arious ordinances of the City/regulating,building construction for the occupancy and division of occupancy and the use-fo�rr-which�he proposed'occupancy is classified. Building Permit Number(s): 101100�4-7-A licatio\ate��8"2010 Issuance Date(s): 5-20-2011 9i, PP �7✓ Address of Building: 20902 Dunbar Dr. \ 0 SFD Portion of Building: NEW 2-STORY 3816 S.F. WITH ATTACHED GARAGE 494 S.F. 7 c Use: Single Family Dwelling Occupancy-Classification: R�3 / U Occupant Load: SFD Total New Floor Area: 3816 s.fJ (R-3-occ) / 494 s f (U c)� CType of Construction: V-B Sprinklers System Provided: YESSprinkler System'Required: YES Current Property Owner: Theodor' a Cha�HUU-Ch-�o, ivian Chao Current Owner Address: 20902 Dunbar DC—Cupertino, CA 95014 Final Inspection By: Gary Stream/'Building Insp ce for o /Z U 0 - Final Inspection Date: 5-02-2012 *SPECIAL STIPULATIONS OR CDN(DITIONS:( AI ert Salvador, P.E.,C.B.O., Building Official Date Issued the budng di NOTICE. No changes,shall-be made-in the characterEoanq'yU by of except the authority_of the Building Official. uu U i_ I .. CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING PERNVIIT INSPECTION CARD 13UILDING ADDRESS: 20902 DUNBAR DR CONTRACTOR: THEODORE M CHAO PERINITNO: 10110047 IOWNER'S NAME: THEODORE M CHAD 98 VALERI RUI'H CT DATE ISSUED: 05/20/2011 OWNER'S PHONE: 7022776522 SANTA CLARA, CA 95050 PHONE NO: INSPECTIONSDATE INSP r r r r BUILDING PERMIT FOUNDATION/P1ERS/H.D.S 19 INFO: BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH UFER GROUND.11 PAD/SEF BACK -CERT RESIDENTIAL r- COMMERCIAL f JOB DESCRIPTION: NEW SFDWL 3, 817SQ-LIVING, r ` 494SQ-GARAGE; LANDSC P GARAGE SLABS/PREGUNITE ..- a,� J J1,16 1,782SQ POUR NO.CONCRETE UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED. UNDERGROUNDISLAB UNDERGROUND PLUMBING UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL DO NOT POUR FLOOR UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING UA:DERFLOOR MECHANIC v r UNDE FL��oR ELECTRICALWILDLAND URBAN INTERFACE FIRE AREA ERq TO ARRANGE INSPECTION Call 777-3228 between 7:30 am and 3:30 pm Monday through Friday, at least 24 hours UNDERFLOOR FRAMING VENTS -7 UNDERFLOOR INSULATION g' -Z•- before required inspection. Job address and Permit Numbers are needed when I+r1Z trequesting an inspection. fl ``r�yQ�!�Y�ROUGH 41osed PLACE NO SUBFLOOIt UNTIL-1_EHAS BEEN SIGNED ROOF SHEATHING G PLUMBING�C[JPNJAN�A�T'RICT circuit video inspection of property line cleanout, point of connection and street lateral required prior to passing FINAL, CITY PLUMBING TUBS g SIIOWER PAN � ROUGH MECHANICAL INSPECTION. Call the District (408-253-7071) for an appointment. N BUILDING FINALS INSPECTIONS UNTIL ALL REQUIRED ROUGH ELECTRICALIPOOL BOND 1 l FRAMING/STAIRS/E. EGRESS BUSINESS LICENSES ARE OBTAINED PERMIT EXPIRES IF WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN 180 DAYS OF PERNIIT ISSUANCE OR 180 DAYS FROM LAST CALLED INSPECTION. IMPORTANT INSULATION/VENTILATION COVER r;c; NORK UNTIL ABOVE HAS.BEEN SIGNED EXTERIOR. SHF.AR/HOLD DOWN -9_ n- j INTERIOR SHEAR/HOLD DOWN SHEETROCK/SHEETROCK SHEAR L` When a permit has expired, a charge totaling one-half the fees to obtain a new permit mu be paid in order to reactivate the permit. If a permit has been expired for more one year, a charge totaling the full fees to obtain a new permit must be paid EXTERIOR. LA'I HIIV-SCREED L-23-1/ , f INTERIOR LATHthan to reactivate the permit. n . \ 4 NOTES I -Is- I � acI,) �/rLb UNFLt�DIL N'ltrC/f /+ o ( "� C//NNALS� NO TAPE OR PIASTER UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED SCRATCH COAT WE w _ BARIMECH/ELECT ABOVE CELL [ELECTRIC SPECIAL INSPECTIONS Inspector: Date: Qf ROOF INSPECTIONS -INSPECTION: Inspector: Date: TEAR -OFF: Inspector: Date: PLYWOOD: Inspector: Date: BATTENS: Inspector: Date: 1N PROGRESS: Inspector: Date: METER RELEASE 3-7, / Z GAS TEST/METER RELEASE GRADE -PUBLIC WORKSL �- /C I FIRE -CALL (408) 3784010 Z [L(/ PLANNING (408) 777-3308 SANITARY (408) 253-7071 ELECTTRICAL 1 MECHANICAL FINAL: Inspector. Date: _ - PLUMBING NOTE: OSHA APPROVED ACCESS TO ROOF SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR INSPECTION. OCCUPANCY OF BUILDING NOT PERAJITTED UNTIL BUILDING FINAL IS SIGNED BY HANDICAP Ai ENERGY O BUILDINGINSPEC '2'� CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY-1'L-Pf U H. - fL to- If L 119 C,W �!/