11070140 - SI ALFILE
Field Report
Job Name: CIOT65_N._De-.9nzaBIvd
Cupertino, CA 95014
SEC Job Number: 11040.8
Date: May 9, 2012
Weather: Clear Time: 1:45 pin to 4:15 pm
Present at Site: Juror Maldes -Sierra Engineering Group
Mike Mandegrift—SD Deacon
Frank Hernandez— Testing Engineers, INC.
On May 9th, 2012, Sierra Engineering Group visited the subject property al the request of Mike
Mandegrir of SD Deacon. The pinpos•e iwas to observe the installation of the post tensioned system
and reinforcing steel,prior to the concrete pour.
The following are noted:
A. Post-tension tendons and reinforcing:
1) The Special Inspeclor shall observe and approve the post-Tension system and reinforcing prior
to concrete pouring. Please provide a copy oj'the Special Ins1ieclor's field report to our office.
2) :Debris cleanup shall be complete before concrele pouring.
3) Banded cables were properly placed with their respective profrle.
4) All Uniform cables have been placed wilh the correci profrle as shown on plans.
5) Connection between concrete slab and shear walls (full lie connection) are according to plan.
6) Permanent release between slab and walls shall were niissing at lime of our inspection. This
shall be corrected prior the concrete pour in the following areas:
e Along Grid 1.1 and between gridline A and 11C
o Around stairs and elevator
o Along CMU wall next to ramp behveen grids F.1 and BC
o Along Grid lime A belween gridlines 1.1 and R 2
o Interior wall at the north Test side of the bldg as well as the interior walls around the
1 10165 N.De Aua
May 9,2012
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o Refer to sheet SPL I inhere all these release connections are shown
7) Some perimeter bars along the walls were not tightened at the time of the inspeclion; all bars
shall be properly tightened before pouring concrete.
8) Some damage cables iMere found on the field, all those cables shrill be properly repaired prior
the concrete pow-.
9) Columns at along BG.1 al the intersection of B2 and 133 on each side of the 1-amphave,3
vertical bars without the hook. Since these columns are an edge condition it is acceptable to
leave as is.
10)Pipes located on the north side of the stair shall.follow detail GISP5.1 and LISP5.1
These items wei•e brought to the attention of the contractor in the field. It is the sole responsibility of
the contractor to make all of the necessary cor►•ections as listed above to comply ivilh the invent of the
approved stritctu•al di-awings. The work observer!, except as noted above, is acceptable to the best of
our knowledge and engineering practice.
This report shall not be used for const►•rtction proposes and shall not be submitted to any Building
Departner►t to secure a permit. This report is not detailed enough for const•rtction puposes and does
not constitute plans and specifications for any repair work
PVe have pe►Jornred this evaluation in accordance with generally accepted engineering procedu•es.
We have used that degree of care and skill ordinarily exerciserj, tinder similru• circumstances, by
nrenibers of the profession, practicing wide►• simila►• conditions at the same time and in the saute
locality. There are no other wa►•ranties, express o►• implied, including, without limitalions, no
lvarnmties of merchantability or fitness for a par•licular prnpose. If you have any questions in this
regard, pleas give its a call.
Sin erely,
Juan i es
S' c ngineering Group.
I -G R _O U P
Feld Report`'
Job Name: 10165 N De Anza, Blvd
Cupertino, CA 95014
SEG Job Number: 11040.8
Date: May 4, 2012
Weather. Clear Time: 10:00 am to 11:00 am
1 Present tit Site: Juan Valdes -Sierra Engineering Group
Mike Yandegrift—SD Deacon
Tim Souza—TEP Engineering
On May 4th, 2012, Sierra Engineering Group visited the subjectpropertyat the re crest o Mike
� y g g p I 9 .f
Yandegrif of SD Deacon. The.pun pose was to coordinate the duct openings on the post tension slab
system and conduits,prior to the concrete pour.
E The following are noted
A. Post-tension tendons and reinforcing:
1) Conflict conduit locations have been moved and coordinated to avoid any possible problem
with the post tension system. The following locations:have been coordinated and explained on
i thefield the solution of each of them;.refer to the pictures attached Each picture represents an
issue on the field and the sohition that we proposed..along with the other disciplines.
• Electrical conduit (picture #1) betiveen gridlines B3 & B4 and.F.9 & F.1
will be moved north to avoid being in the middle of the banded cables as
show on the picture
• At column B3 and BB there are two conduits close to each other behween
banded cables, one pipe will be moved north and west as shown on the
picture to ensure that both ducts are parallel to the cables and having at less
3"clearance to the closest banded cable.
• Conduit on picture #3 close to the elevator shaft ivill be relocated as
coordinated on site.
• Conduit close to the south east of the pool will be proved away from the
cables as shown on the picture; as long as it is aligned with the same pipe in
that area
• Conduit on pictures #5 and #6 that are located at the anchor of the PT
cables will be moved to the opposite side as shown on the pictures.
10165 N. De Auza
May 4,2012
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o Picture #7 has a conduit at the north-east of the pool ii%ill be moved south
sinceit is too close to the banded cables
2) Pipe and conducts shall avoid congestion as much as possible and follow the guide lines on
sheet SPO.1 note#16:
3) .Electrical boxes at cohunns BD, B14.and FG, B14 will be proved north; enough to be away
front the coha nr and drop cap as coordinated on site.
4) Any opening or pipe shall have at less 3"clearance to any cable as shown on the typical post
tension details ora sheet SP5.1.
I These items were brought-to the attention of the contractor in the f eld It is the-sole responsibility of
the contractor to make all of the necessary corrections as listed above to comply with the intent of the
iapproved structural drawings. The work observed, except as noted above, is acceptable to the best of
our knowledge and engineering practice.
This report shall not be used for construction prnposes and-shall not be submitted to any Building
Department"to secure a pernnit This report is not detailed enough for construction purposes and does
not constitute plans and specifications for any repair ivork
We have performed this evaluation in accordance withenerall -acce ted engineering procedures.
g Y P g g
lYe have used that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances, by
members of the profession, practicing under similar conditions at the same tune and in the same
locality. There are no other warranties, express or implied, including, without limitations, no
warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. If you have any questions in this
regard,.please .ve-us a call.
Since4 ,
Jua s
Sierra Engineering Gron p.
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Field Report
Job Name: 10165 N. De Anza, Blvd
Cupertino, CA 95014
SEG Job Number: 11040.1
Date: May 2, 2012
Weather: Clear Time: 10:30 am to 1:00 pm
Present at Site: Juan Valdes -Sierra Engineering Group
Mike Vandegrift—SD Deacon
On May 2nd, 2012, Sierra Engineering Group visited the subject property at the request of Mike
Vandegrift of SD Deacon. The purpose was to observe the installation of the post tensioned system
and reinforcing steel,prior to the concrete pour.
The following are noted:
A. Post-tension tendons and reinforcing:
1) The Special Inspector shall observe and approve the post-tension system and reinforcing prior
to concrete pouring. Please provide a copy of the Special Inspector's field report to our office.
2) Debris cleanup shall be complete before concrete pouring.
3) At the time of the inspection, no banded cables were finalized; cables.were in place but not yet
with the proper profile.
4) The bottom mat shall be place at the bottom of the banded cables if the rebar interfere with the
lower point of the cables. Move the bar such that the profile can get the proper shape. Bottom
mat can be adjusted on those areas to allow for the proper cable profile.
5) Bottom mat rebar shall be through out the perimeter bars were placed#4@ 12"instead of
#5@18, nonetheless it is acceptable.
6) Bottom mat rebar have been cut where small openings were interfering. Bar shall be continuous
if a cut was performed because of a pipe, then it should be treated as an opening and additional
bars should be added.
10165 N.De Anza
May 2,2012
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7) Pipe and conducts shall avoid congestion as much as possible and follow the guide lines on
sheet SPO.1 note#16
8) Pipes located in between banded cables-to be determine.
9) Drop Cap close to grid lines BH and B14 has its bottom rebar cut due to an opening. Bottom
bar that can not extend the full length shall finish with a standard hook.
10)Column along grid BGI at each side of the ramp has its top dowels cut off. Mechanical coupler
.shall be used to add the hook of those missing bars.
11)At the time of the inspection the uniform cables were not yet installed.
12)Shear key on the walls and pool were placed as shown on plan.
These items were brought to the attention of the contractor in the field. It is the sole responsibility of
the contractor to make all of the necessary corrections as listed above to comply with the intent of the
approved structural drawings. The work observed, except as noted above, is acceptable to the best of
our knowledge and engineering practice.
This report shall not be used for construction purposes and shall not be submitted to any Building
Department to secure a permit. This report is not detailed enough for construction purposes and does
not constitute plans and specifications for any repair work
We have performed this evaluation in accordance with generally accepted engineering procedures.
We have used that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances, by
members of the profession, practicing under similar conditions at the same time and in the same
locality. There are no other warranties, express or implied, including, without limitations, no
warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. If you have any questions in this
regard please give us a call.
Juan Valdes
Sierra Engineering Group.
2811 Teagarden St. 510.8353142 510.834-3777 fax
San Leandro,CA 94577 800-660-3142
San Leandro San Jose • Martinez
INSPECTION REPORT Week Ending: 9/28/12
Epoxied Anchors IIJIILJI FT 9
10165 N.De Anza Blvd. / Jobsite
Cupertino Hotel for Infinite Loop Hotel,LLC
Permit#s: 11070140; 11060038
DATE 9/26/12 F 16 I
Reported to Mike Vandegrift of SD Deacon at the jobsite as requested.
Inspected predrilled holes for proper diameter and depth. Observed the cleaning of holes and the injection of Simpson Set 22
epoxy(exp. 7/13). Witnessed the proper insertion of forty-two(42)5/V diameter Allthread anchors,10" in length,embedded
5" at trash enclosure from roof ledger to CMU.
The preceding work was, to the best of my knowledge,in compliance with approved plans and specifications,including
revisions by engineer.
Reviewed by:
David Chippero
Special Inspection Division Manager
1cc: Infinite Loop Hotel LLC/ D.Gupta
SD Deacon/ M.Vandegrift
SD Deacon/ M.Dietz
RYS Architects/ B.Hardev
Loorz Construction Management,LLC/ D.Loorz
City of Cupertino/ Bldg.Inspection Dept.
This report can be reproduced only in its entirety unless written permission from TEI is obtained.
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