06100136 CITY OF CUPERTINO ` ` ` BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT ���`����������'�`���* <::, ,: ;:: ,.. .,..: BUILDING ADDRESS: HOLDER INC DBA ABLE GLAS S PERMITNo. 0 610 013 6 PERMIT LSSUE DATE OWNER'S NAME: FISHER JAMES L AND BEVERLY P112 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. iNE: 408 739-8829 BU[LDING PERMIT INFO ARCHI'i'ECT/ENGiNEER: BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH � � � � i o p LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION JOb DCSCi1�7L1017 ;V� I hcrcby aflirm that I am limnsed un�icr provisions o[Chapur 9(commcncing ;z� wiU�Section 70(M))of Division 3 of thc Busincss and Profcssions Codc,and my liccnsc is ;�y infull(oreeandef � � REPLACE (1) WINDOW & (2) PATIO DOORS LIKE FOR ,�? Liccnsc Class '-��' L I KE ;i..,o Datc Contractor � p C['S DECLARATI i a Q l undcrswnJ my plans shall bc uscd as public reconls �yU 'u.y Liccnsed ProCcssional �y� OWNER-BUiLDER DECI.ARATION >' I hercby afiirm th�t t am e�ccmpt frum thc Contractors Liccnu Law far thc 3 O O (ollowing reazon.(Scction 7U31.5,Busincss and ProCccsions Cak:Any city or county %�Pi which requims a pertnit to conswct,altcr,improvc,dcmolish,or repair any swcwre ?Z� prior ui i�s issuancc,alsu rcquircs thc applican�for such permit to filc a signcd su�cment Ft. Floor Area Valuati�r7 5 0 0 :_� that hc is licenscd pursuant to thc provisions o!thc Comractur's Lic�cnsc Law(Chaptcr 9 S�]• �F-� (commencing wiih Scction 7000)of Division 3 0(thc Busincss and Profcssions Cadc)ur „�... that he is ezempt therefrom and the basis Cor tAe allegcd exemption.Any violation of Section 7031.5 by arry applicant Cor a permit subjec�s ihe applicant to a civil penalty of ppN Number Oeeupancy Type not more ihan fivc hundrcd dollars(5500). 3 6 2 2 3 O 2•� . �� ❑I,u owncr o[the property,or my cmployca with wages az the'v solc compensatinn, willdothcwork,andiheswctueeisnotintendedorafieredfarsale(Sec.7044.Business Re uired Ins ections and ProFessions Code:The Conuactor's License Law do��not apply to an owner o( Q P propeny who 6uilds or impraves thercon,and who does such work himsel[or Wrough his awn emplayces,p�ovided that such improvemenLa are not intended or olTered(or sale.l[, however,the building or improvement is sold within one year oC complction,the awner- builder will have the burden oC proving�hat he did not build or improve Cor purpose of salc.). �I,as owner of the propeny,am exclusively convacting with licensed rnnvactors w wnstiuct the pmjca(Sec.7044.Business and Professions Code:)The Contrdcmrs Li- ccnse Law docs not apply io an owner of propeny wha builds or improves�6ereon,and, who conuacts Cor such projects with a contractor{s)licensed pursuant to We Convactor's License Law. ❑I am ezempt undu Sec. ,B�P C(or this rcuon Owner Datc WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hercby affirtn under penalty o[perjury onc o(ttie following declarations: ,J I hs�e and will maintain a Certifiptc of Consent lo sclf-insure(or Workcr's Compen- sation,u providcd for by Secrion 3700 of the Labor Code,Cor�he perfortnance ot thc work for which U�is permit is issucd. ❑I havc and will maintain Workcr's CompensaUon Insurancc,as reyuircd by Scction 3700 of ihe Labor Code.Cor the performance of the work for which�his permit is issued. My Warke�s Compensatio nsurance carticr and Policy number are: • Cartier.V1�4�M�� �Z�1 Poliry No.: ERTIFICATE OF EX Pf10N FROM WORK RS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (fiis sectian necd not bc complctcJ if the permit is for anc hundred dollars(S 100) or Icss.) I certify ihat in ihc per(ormancc of thc work for which�his permit is issucd,I shall not cmploy any person in any mannar so as a bccomc subjcct io the Workcrs'Compcnsation Laws of Califomia.Datc Applicant N077CE TO APPLICANT:If,aCtcr making�his Ccrtilicate of Excmption,yau should bccome subjcct to thc Worker's Compensation provisions oC thc I.alwr Codc,yau muu �O (orthwilh comply wi�h such provisions or this permit shall bc dccmcd revokcd. Z"" CONSTRUC7'ION LENDING AGENCY (.~.�� 1 hcrehy alTirm that thcre is a conswcdon Icnding agcncy Cor thc per[armancc oC . �.7 �hc wurk for which this permit is iuucd(Scc.3097,Civ.CJ W Q L,endcfs Namc �z Lender's Address V� I certiCy U�a�1 have rcad this application and s�atc�hat ihc aAovc infortnaaun is w►�-� cortect.1 agrce io comply with all city and county ordinances and sute laws relating�o O U building conswction,and hcmby authari�e rcprescntativcs o!this city to cntcr u�n thc ahovc-mcntioncd property foc inspccuon purposes. �"a (We)agree to save,indem�i(y and kecp hartnleu thc Ci�y of Cupertino against �� liabiliuu,judgmcnls,costs and expenscs which may in any way accrue against said City /� (�,'� in conxqucnce oC�hc ting of this permil. Date C e—��--�� ►� APPLICANT UND NDS AND W1LL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: SOURCE REGU ��� �Q� ��— Re-roofs Signaturc o( licant/Convactor �a� Type of Roof HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will Ihc applicant or futurc building occupant starc or handlc ha•rardous matcrial az dcIIncd by the Cupertino Municipal Codc.Chaptcr 9.12.and thc Hcalth and Safcty c�,Scction 25532(a)? All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑Y� �° . Will the applicant or fuwrc building occupant use cyuipmcnt or dcvices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove .iit harardous air conuminants az dcfincd 6y the Bay Arca Air Quality Managcmcn� all new materials for inspection. Districi? ❑Ycs J�Nu 1 havc rcad the ha�ardous ma�crials rcquircmcn�s unJcr Chaptcr 6.95 oCthc Cali(or- nia Hcalih&Safcty Codc,Scctions 25505,25533 aru125534.I unckrsiand tha�iCihc building docs not currently have a tenan4�hat it is my responsiAili�y to nodl'y the occupant o(�hc rcyuircmcn�s w ' ust bc met prior to issuance o[a Cenifica�c or Occupancy. $�gnatUI'e Of e�►PPI1Caflt Daie '� '� All roof coverings to be Ciass"B"or better Owncr or aut arizcd agcnt Datc