07050113 CIT�I OF CUPERTINO ' ` ' ` ` BUILDING DIVISION pERMIT ���'T`���������TI��' : ,;.;:: >;; ,.:.:.....:. ... . _....:.: : PERMIT NO. BUiLD,��o�RE�s�UIREHILL CT HOLDER INC DI3A ABLE GLASS 07050113 • OW NER'S NAME: PECtMIT ISSUE DATE FISHER JAMES L AND BEVERLY P 1129 RI�HARD AVE vE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408) 739-8829 ARCHITECTBNGINEER: BUILDING PERMITINFO HLDG EI.ECT PLUMB MECH � � 0 � i o p LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATtON JO�]DeSCT1pC1017 i V� I hcrcby affirm that[am liccnscd undcr provisions ot Chaptcr 9(commcncing ;z� wi W Sccaon 7000)of Division 3 of thc Business and Profcssions Cadc,and my liccnsc is RE P LAC E W I NDOW S L I KE F O R L I KE. ?�y in WII force and e ct C� �p ��^ Licenac Clasa �.•�.� . ;�,w Datc Conueetor � CHRECTS DECLARATION i a Q 1 undcrstanJ my plans shall bc uscd as pubiic rccords )aU 'u.y Liccnsed Pnifcssional �y� OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION >' I hcrc6y alTirm that 1 am ezcmpt Crom�hc Contractor's Licensc Law far thc jp O following rcason.(Scction 7031.5,Business and Profcssions Calc:Any ci�y or county `<�Pi which mquires a permit io conswct,alicr,impmvc,dcmolLth,ar repair any swciurc �Z y prior w ils issuancc,alsu rcquircs thc applicant for such permit to filc a signcd statcmcnt �_� thai hc is IiccnscJ pursuant to thc provisions of thc Conuactur's Liccnu Law(Chaptcr 9 :>q.Ft.Floor Area Valuation �F-� (commcncing with Scction 7000)of Division 3 oC�hc Busincss and Profcssions Codc)or $9 5 0 0 ,,�.. thai he is exempt theicfrom and the buu(or the allegcd exemption.Any violaGon of Sectlon 7031.5 by airy applicant!or a petmit subjccts ihe applicant to a civil penalty ot �ypT Number Oceupaney Type not more than five hund�ed dollars(5500). 3 6 2 2 3�2 7�V �[,as owner oC the prnperty,ar my employces with wages az the'v satc compensaGon, will do the work,and�he strucwce is not intended or ollered forsale(Sec.7044.Husiness Re uired Ins eetions and Professions Cadc:The Conuxtor's License Law dae5 aot apply tn an owner of Q P property who builds or improves thereon,and who does such work himselt or through his own employces,provided that such improvements are not imended ar ot&ced for sala It, howevu,the building or improvement is told within one year of wmpletion,tl�e ownu- builder will have the burdrn of proving Uiat he did not build or improvc[or purpose of salc.). ❑I,as owner of the property,am exclusively conuacting with licensed rnnvactors to construct the projett(Sec.7044.Business and ProCessions Code:)7Le Contnctor's Li• ccnse Law docs not apply to an owner of propeny who builds ar improves�hemon,and. who conuacts fot such projects wi�h a conuanor(s)licensed pursuant w Ihe Convxwr's License Law. ❑I am ezempt undu Sec ,B 8c P C for�his rcason Owner �a� WORKER'S COMPENSAT[ON DECLARATION 1 hcrcby afficm under pcnalty of pe�jury onc of the[ollowing declaruions: ❑I hsve and will maintain a CeniGcatc of Consent lo self-insure for Worker's Compen- sation,as providcd for by Section 3700 oC�he Labor Code,(or�he performancc ot Uie work fo�whicd Ihis pertnit is issued. havc and will maintain Workcr's Compensauon Insurancc,u�cyuired 6y Scction 700 of the Labor Code,Cor the pcA'ormance of�he work for w6ich this permit is issued. My Worke�s Compemation Lisnrancc carticr and Polity numbcr a Carrier.�l $ PoI"�cy No.: �� RTIFICA OF EXEMPI'ION FRO WORKERS' COMPENSATIONINSURANCE (This section necd not bc complctcd if the permit is for onc hundred dollars(5100) or Icsa) ' I ceni(y ihai in thc performance of the work for which�his permii is issued,I Shall not employ any perwn in any manncr so az ta bccomc subject io the Workcrs'Compcnsation • Laws of Cali(omia.Da�c Applicani NOTICE TO APPL.ICANT:I(,af�cr making this CcniGcatc of Exemplion,you should bccome subjcct to�he Workcr's Compcnsation provisions oC thc Lahor Codc,ynu muu .J O forthwith camply with such provisions or this permil shall 6c dccmcd rcwokcd. �""' CONSTRUCTION LENDING ACENCY (-~-�►�-+ I hcreby affirm U�at thcre is a conswctinn Icnding agenry 1'or thc perfortnan��c of Cli� ihc wurk for wAich ihis permi�is issucd(Scc.3097,Civ.C.) W Q Lcndcr's Namc ' �z Lender's Address U� 1 ccrtify U�at I havc rcad this application and statc that thc abovc in(ortnauun is �►" cortect.I agrce�o eomply with alI city and county ordinances and sta�e Iaws relating to 0 U building conswction,and hcreby authori�e rcprcscntativcs of Nis ciiy to cn�cr uEmn thc � W ahovc-mcntiuncd properry for inspccuon purposes. a (Wc)agrce to save,indcmni(y and kccp harmless�hc Ci�y of Cupertino against �� IiabiliUcs,judgmcn�s,cosa and cxpcnscs which may in any way accruc against said City —7 („)z in consequcnce oC thc 'ng oC�his permit. Date S ( �/ ►-� APPLICANT UN DS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: � SOURCE REGU ����� Re-roofs ��� Signawre of ApplianUConuactor Dalc ` HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of R�of Will ihc applicant or futurc building accupant storc or handlc ha•rardous matcrial az dcfincd by the Cupenino Municipal Codc,Chaptcr 9.12,and�hc HcaIW and Safcty coa�.Scction 25532(a)? � All roofs:�hall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. O Y� Will the applicant or fumre building occupant usc eyuipmcnl or dcviccs which If a roof i:c installed without first obtaining an inspeetion,I agree to remove cmit harardous air contaminants ac dcfincd by the Bay Arca Air Quality ManagcmcM all new m�terials for inspection. Disu;ct? _y Q Ycs Dlf Nu P" 1 havc rcad�he ha�ardous matcrials rcquircmcn�t unAcrChaptcr 6.95 of�hc Cali(or- nia Hcalth&S tyCodc,Scctions 25505.25533 and 25534.I undcrstand thu iCthc building docs noi c avc a tcnan4�a�i�is my responsibili�y w nodfy Ihc occupant af thc rcyuirc mus�be mel prior�o issuancc of a CcNfica�c of Occ Signature of Applicant Date Owncrorauihorizcdagcnt o„� All roof coverings to be Class��8��or better