250214 '- IPS t LOT NO. PERMIT DEC 3 1863 l ,' Date « 2-- , 194 Permit No.� •-'� CITY OF CUPERTINO Fee �—s`% Applirltion is hereby made, to t e City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of By/&=La .P�[e-L.. C V_J ,gelpd. P CO_ NTAACCOR, �ACjEyN'I Phone: o, Address Address S/D kl, Approved :'ELECTRICAL INSPECTM Size Service Conduit ---------------------- Numltr of outlets ...... ..... ..._. Size Service Wires -------------------------- Number of Switches..............". Size Service Switch ........................Number of Receptacles........-.". Size Sub Feed Conduit.............._..Number of Fixtures.........':.".`.".. Size Sub Feed Wires .... ...............Ranges................ KW Number of Circuits ------------------- Oven .............. KW. NumberofMeters---------- .----------- .Signs ---------- Misc.----/ ....Diq Motors '------------ ------. HP ------------------ Phase .. " Motors -------------------- HP ----------------- Phase .. • Motors ------------------- HP ------------------- Phase -. ' RECORD OF INSPE(. Rough W.iring.......... • - DATE INSPECTOR Finish -Wiring - - ............ . ........ t 9C SM1� E i1 DATE IN9P[ TOR a- i Lr. ! Zy � �•i _ . 00 --------------- Permit Fee $1.00 --------------- --------------- H P Charge----....----- - --------- -'- TOTALFEES .3o O IONm`APPROVALS Fixtures ....................--- DATE., lx$P ECTOR Motors •� /.,` !Final . i �_ RATE `' .. r_ I�X e'PEOTOR!r 4 Y.TFi DAT[ It IxfP[CTOR'¢ct`C0001— h :x. OFFICE COPY ELECTRIC%§ER'*ICE NOTICE BUILDING Ij TSP R OFFICE CITY OF CUPEUPCRTINO . ' I To ' You are hereby authoriztq connect -.electrical service for Own/e �er nant-------------------ry-1--- ............. Acv..------------------------------------------------------------ No. ----- No. of kres ............ :... Size of Wires ----- ..y...ize of Switda,..1 Motor Load -------------------------- Voltage ---.------------------ ...... Phase ........ -'--- Heating Load ........................ K. W.... ---------- Voltage .... .------- --- Li ht ...... 110............ Nm Service._ .._... Reconnect..._._..___.No. of Meters .........._........,Heat ................. - ^_20.._........ Three Wire ................ Move Service........_. No. of Add. Meters............ � � � Power.. .... ree P se.........__ Move Meter..._ r ,v 104 1%,69-500L2CTRICAI INSPECT mss.