09120017CITY OF CUPERTIT O BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS: 21951 LINDY LN I CONTRACTOR: TBD - TO BE DETERMINED I PERMIT NO: 09120017 I NER'S NAME: MARK SANTORO OWNER'S PHONE: 4088868300 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION .icense Class Lic. # contractor Date [ hereby affirm that I am licensed under the provisions of Chapter 9 ;commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business & Professions Code and that my license is in full force and effect. I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following two declarations: [ have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for Worker's Compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We) agree to save indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities, judgments, costs, and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the granting of this permit. Additionally, the applicant understands and will comply with all non -point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal Code, Section 9.18. Si `sire Date ❑ OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for one of the following two reasons' I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec.7044, Business & Professions Code) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec.7044, Business & Professions Code). I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following three declarations: I have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self -insure for Worker's Compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Worker's Compensation laws of California. If, after making this certificate of exemption, I become subject to the Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, I must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We) agree to save mify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities, judgments, costs, and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the granting of this permit. Additionally, the applicant understands and will comply with all non -point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal Code, Section 9.18. Signature Date, DATE ISSUED: 12/03/2009 PHONE NO: BUILDING PERMIT INFO: BLDG r ELECT r PLUMB r MECH r RESIDENTIAL F_ COMMERCIAL I— JOB DESCRIPTION: INSTALL A NEW 7.2KW PG&E GRID TIED SOLAR ELECTRIC GENERATOR, ROOF MOUNT. Sq. Ft Floor Area: APN Number: 35625027.00 Valuation: $3600 Occupancy Type: PERMIT EXPIRES IF WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN 180 DAYS OF PERMIT ISSUANCE OR 180 DAYS FROM LAST CALLED INSPECTION. Issued by: Date: RE -ROOFS: All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove all new materials for inspection. Signature of Applicant: Date: ALL ROOF COVERINGS TO BE CLASS "A" OR BETTER HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE I have read the hazardous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the California Health & Safety Code, Sections 25505, 25533, and 25534. I will maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12 and the Health & Safety Code, Section 25532(a) should I store or handle hazardous material. Additionally, should I use equipment or devices which emit hazardous air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District I will maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12 and the Health & Safety Code, Sections 25505, 25533, and 25534. Owner or authorized agent: Date: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of work's for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ C.) Lender's Name Lender's Address ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION I understand my plans shall be used as public records. Licensed Professional I CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING PERMIT I I BUILDING ADDRESS: 21951 LINDY LN I CONTRACTORS ^^ '^ nr- rvrrror.o, r.D I PERMIT NO: 09120017 1 I OWNER'S NAME: MARK SANTORO I _% n t'5n / A - -.I DATE ISSUED: 12/032009 1 OWNER'S PHONE: 4088868300 ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION License Contractor Lic. I hereby affirm that 1 am licensed under the provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business & Professions Code and that my license is in full force and effect. 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following two declarations: I have and will maintain a cenificate of consent to self -insure for Worker's Compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION 1 eenify that I have read this application and state that the above information is cored. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We) agree to save indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities, judgments, costs, and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the granting of this permit. Additionally, the applicant understands and will comply with all non -point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal Code, Section 9.18. PHONE NO: BUILDING PERMIT INFO: BLDG r ELECT r PLUMB r MECH r RESIDENTIAL r COMMERCIAL r JOB DESCRIPTION: INSTALL A NEW 72KW PG&E GRID TIED SOLAR ELECTRIC GENERATOR, ROOF MOUNT. Sq. Ft Floor Area: I Valuation: $3600 APN Number: 35625027.00 1 Occupancy Type: PERMIT EXPIRES IF WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN 180 DAYS OF PERMIT ISSUANCE OR 180 DAYS FROM LAST CALLED INSPECTION. Date I Issued by: ❑ OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from the Contractor's License Law Formic of the following two reasons: 1, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec,7044, Business & Professions Code) 1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec.7044, Business & Professions Code). 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following three declarations: I have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self -insure for Worker's Compensation, as provided f'or by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Worker's Compensation laws of California. If, after making this certificate of exemption, 1 become subject to the Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, 1 must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct L I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property I'or inspection purposes. (We) agree to save indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities, judgments, costs, and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the granting of this permit. Additionally, the applicant understands and will comply with all non -point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal Code, Section 9.18, Signature Dale Dale: RE -ROOFS: All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove all new materials for inspection. Signature of Date: ALL ROOF COVERINGS TO BE CLASS "A" OR BETTER HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE 1 have read the hazardous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the California Health & Safety Code, Sections 25505, 25533, and 25534. 1 will maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12 and the Ilealth & Safety Code, Section 25532(a) should 1 store or handle hazardous material. Additionally, should 1 use equipment or devices which emit hazardous air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District 1 will maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12 and the Health & Safety Code, Sections 25505, 25533, and 25534. Owner or authorized agent: Date: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of work's for which this permit is issued (Sec 3097, Civ C.) Lender's Name Lender's ARCIIITECT'S DECLARATION I understand my plans shall be used as public records. CITY OF CUPERTINO 3 ITEMS OF 3 PERMIT RECEIPT Sec: -Twp: Rng: Sub: Blk: Lot: APN: 35625027.00 DATE ISSUED.......: 12/02/2009 RECEIPT.#.-........: BS000009322 REFERENCE'ID # 09120017 SITE ADDRESS .....i 21951 LINDY LN SUBDIVISION ....... CITY .............: CUPERTINO IMPACT AREA ....... OWNER.............:MARK SANTORO ADDRESS...........: 21951 LINDY LN CITY/STATE/ZIP ...: CUPERTINO, CA 95014 OPERATOR: patg COPY # : 1 RECEIVED FROM ....: THE SOLAR COMPANY CONTRACTOR .......: TBD -TO BE DETERMINED LIC # 00096 COMPANY TBD - TO BE DETERMINED ADDRESS ....... CITY/STATE/ZIP .... , TELEPHONE ........: FEE ID UNIT -QUANTITY AMOUNT PD -TO -DT THIS REC NEW BAL ---------- 1BCBSC ------------- VALUATION ----------- 3,600.00 ---------- 1.00 ---------- 0.00 ---------- 1.00 ---------- 0.00 1BUSLIC FLAT RATE 1.00 114.00 0.00 114.00 0.00 1SOLARRES FLAT RATE 1.00 207.00 0.00 207.00 0.00 TOTAL PERMIT ---------- 322.00 ---------- 0.00 ---------- 322.00 ---------- 0.00 METHOD OF PAYMENT ----------------- CHECK TOTAL RECEIPT : 'AMOUNT --------------- 322.00 --- 322.00 VOICE ID DESCRIPTION --- ------------------------- 301 ROUGH PLUMBING REFERENCE NUMBER -------------------- #1658 VOICE ID DESCRIPTION -------- ---------------------------- 303 ROUGH MECHANICAL 304 ROUGH ELECTRICAL 313 ROOF NAIL 505 FINAL ELECTRICAL 507 FINAL PLUMBING 508 FINAL MECHANICAL CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO SOLAR PANEL PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 1-1 Dpi 12-(-�>6'1 APN # O 0� Date: Building Address: Permit Type "! '?5-1 4/ GN C.,Pen /No9s-e) Owner's Name: E Phone #: o / (_ 3� (a b � M� 2 e S�,rJ roto IPHOTOVCOM O Contractor: Phone #: 977 -6o7 -ass 7 Contractor License #: 'r' - S �n12 C9,nP4 / Fax#: S 77-52 -73 5 yGGS! B, GG Contact: Phone #: S/0-T69-'iv8 Cupertino Business License #: /In/liLA/Ncs Fax#: S'/v-84 -`729y Job Description: IELCPLNCK ZNSipLL h NEaJ 7.1 ko p kio —(/ t J SO c,/i1 /-: r,— VciC GG/JEAmrD�: /Cci�F Residential Commercial ❑ Number of Panels/Units: Kilowatts: Valuation (cost ofproject): Project Size: Express Standard Large LJ Major Green Points: B 1.2 KW — 6 Points ❑ 2.4 KW — 12 Points ❑ 3.6 KW — 18 Points Quantity Fee ID Fee Description Fee Group Permit Type 1 SOLARPANL Commercial Solar Panel E SOLAR -COMM IPHOTOVCOM Photovoltaic System Commercial/Multi-family E 1 BSEISMICO Seismic Commercial E IELCPLNCK Plan Check Fee E 1 BCBSC Cal Bldg Standards Commission Fee B ALL PERMIT TYPES COMM & RESID 1 SOLARRES Residential Solar Panel E SOLAR -RES Revised 08/20/2009 Photovoltaic Solar Electric Generator for Santoro Residence 21951 Lindy Ln Cupertino, CA 95014 ProiectAddress:21951 Lindy Ln Cupertino, CA 95014 APN#: 356-25-027 Bldc. Owner: Mark Santoro (408) 886-8300 APPROVED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF CUPERTINO CODES-ANDOPQINANCES DATE_/ 7 SI: _ This set of plans a s if6tions MUST be kept on the job at all times and it is unlawful to make any changes or alterations on same without written permission from the Budding Department. Cily of Cupertino. The stamping of this plan and sped tions SHALL NOT be held to permit or to be an approval of the violation of any provisions of any City Ordinance or State Law. Contractor: Mark Construction Co. DBA The Solar Company CSL# 596651, B, C46 Mark Danenhower, Owner 20861 Wilbeam Ave Ste.1 Castro Valley, CA 94546-5832 877-607-0527 office 877527-7339 fax 510-214-9005 direct Workers Comp Carrier; California Ins. Co. Policy#46-001546-01-05, Exp 6/01/10. Project Disc: Solar specs: Install a new 7.2 kW PG&E Grid Tied Solar Electric Generator, Roof Mount. Size: Est Annual ElectricityProduced Module Type Inverter # of PV modules PV array square footage Type of mount Location 7,240 watts (PUC) 13,328 kWh (PUC) SunPower Corp. SPR 230-WHT-U SUnPOwer Corp. SPR-4OOOm (24OV) 36 496 Square Feet Roof Mount See Specs. WARNING! ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD DO NOT TOUCH TERMINALS! COAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION. PHOTOVOLTAIC D.C. DISCONNECT OPERATING CURRENT 12 AMPS OPERATING VOLTAGE 369 VOLTS D.C. MAXIMUM SYSTEM VOLTAGE 496 VOLTS D.0 SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT 15 AMPS THE SOLAR COMPANY (877) 607-6527 DUAL POWER SUPPLY PHOTOVOLTAIC AC DISCONNECT OPERATING VOLTAGE 240 SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT 50 OFMCE COPY_ I2ECEIVE:D DEC 2 2009 BY: 6 a/a� 60%7 Sheet List Table Sheet Number Sheet Title 1 Title Page Index Warning Labels 2 Plot Plan 3 Single Line Drawing 4 Engineering. Tile Trac 5 Engineering Tilt -Up 6 Spec Sheet Inverter SPRm 3000-4000 7 Spec Sheet Module SPR-230-WHT-U 8 Spec Sheet Module Grounding 9 Spec Sheet Monitor SunPower 10 PGE No AC Disconnect FP01 Mark Construction DBA The Solar Company 20861 Wilbeam Ave. fil Castro valley CA, 94546 CSLff 596651 Office (510) 888-9488 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andre@TheSolarCo.com TheSolarCo.com nate: December 1, 2009 scale: n/a Drawn y: Andre- Laines Office (510) 888-9488 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andre@TheSOlarCO.Com Tit e: 1 - Title Page Index Warning Labels Sheet: 1 General notes W U z W H CD w aU Ln Z 0 o r - O HzC) H I H r --I Lf -) n Hn W N I 0') w Q0 W ��Ln N U M tJo. Revision/Issue Date nate: December 1, 2009 scale: n/a Drawn y: Andre- Laines Office (510) 888-9488 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andre@TheSOlarCO.Com Tit e: 1 - Title Page Index Warning Labels Sheet: 1 rn LO M N F4 L = 317.4' L = 129.68' 0 L = 170.62' SCALE: 1" = 64' rn Ln M N 2 (E) HOUSE (N) 36 SunPower SPR-230-WHT-U Modules attached to 2 Roof Trac Rails attached to Tiltup brackets attached to Tile Track Feet @ 4' O.C. attached to (E) Trusses 2' O.C. w/ 3 1/2" SS Lag bolt @ 4' O.C. as per manufacturers recommendations. -see Spec & SLD 0 (N) 2 SUNPOWER SPR -4000M INVERTERS (E) THERMAL SOLAR N (E) MAIN PANELBOARD SCALE: 1" = 16 R man' A Nark construction DBA The Solar Company 20861 Wilbeam Ave. #1 Castro Valley CA, 94546 CSL# 596651 office (510) 888-9488 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andre@TheSolarCo.com / General Noces I 6 a O H 0 W Ln z � a U o� H O O a H I P in Ln W I rn w �,Q ,­� D Ln N U (n ,.I Revision/Issue IDe )ate: December 1, 2009 ;cale: )rawn By: Andre' Laines Office (510) 888-9488 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andra@TheSolarCo.com t e: 2 - Plot Plan Sheet: 2 System composed of 2 identical sub arrays, each with 2 strings of 9 SunPower SPR-230-WHT-U Modules connected to 1 SunPower SPR -4000m inverter. 36 modules and 2 inverters total. Array Ratings: DC Values Sub -Array 1 & 2 OPERATING CURRENT 12 AMPS = Module OPERATING CURRENT x # of Strings OPERATING VOLTAGE 369 VOLTS D.C. = Module OPERATING VOLTAGE x # of Modules per string MAXIMUM SYSTEM VOLTAGE 496 VOLTS D.C. = Module MAXIMUM SYSTEM VOLTAGE x # of Modules per string x SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT 15 AMPS = Module SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT x # of Strings x 1.25 AC Values OPERATING CURRENT 34 AMPS OPERATING VOLTAGE 240 VOLTS MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 264 VOLTS SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT 50 AMPS BOTH SUB -ARRAY 1 & SUB -ARRAY 2 ARE IDENTICAL = Inverter OPERATING CURRENT x # of Inverters = Inverter OPERATING VOLTAGE = Inverter MAXIMUM SYSTEM VOLTAGE = Inverter MAXIMUM TOTAL POWER RATING / NOM. Notes: -Inverters ganged together -No utility required AC Disconnect as per PG&E & SMUD code. -All Work to meet NEC 2005 or 2007 CEC -All values subject to be rounded to next easily available trade size. -The highest recorded temperature was 114°F in 1961. -The lowest recorded temperature was 16°F in 1990. -Data provided by www.Weather.com 1.13 -Integral combination AC/DC Disconnect on SPRx & SPRm inverter, therefore it is impossible to have Line and Load hot if disconnect is open. -No AC Disconnect warning Label required. Disconnect is wired so that utility feeds the protected side of the disconnect. -All exposed conductors are #10 AWG USE -2 unless AC VOLTAGE X 1.25 o therwise noted. -Grounded conductors to be white or gray unless USE -2 -All wire specified as."THHN" by The Solar Company is rated: THHN & TWWN-2 & MTW & AWN (N) #12 AWG Bare Copper Ground Modules and equipment enclosures grounded to main panel ground or ground rod. (N) }" EMT w/ #14 AWG THHN/THWN-2 (N) NEMA3R Box containing Conductors and Ground 2 SunPower Dataheel ggers mrWy,�F"I'iING -see spec sheet ts - <(N)�JHIGH (E) 600A Main (N) 34" EMT w/ #6 AWG DC VOLTAGE" Label Panelboard I THHN/THWN-2 Conductors and Ground (N) 50A 2 Pole Circuit Breaker w/ "SOLAR PV SYSTEM" Label (E) Ground System (N) 15A Circuit Breaker (N) 25A 2 Pole Circuit Breakers w/ "INVERTER. 1, INVERTER 2" Labels SPR -4000m 240 VAC Array 2 Array 1 lA 60OVDC (N) 43" EMT w/ #10 AWG THHN/THWN-2 Conductors & Ground (conduit from roof contains wires from both arrays) PECEiVEO (N) Intregal DCDisconnect -see spec sheet L _ , 2 :: j (N) Ground System (to meet'69v0:-9i-) (E) y" EMT w/ #10 AWG THHN/THWN-2 Conductors and Ground (N) 100A Sub Panelboard w/ "PHOTOVOLTAIC LOAD CENTER DO NOT ADD LOADS!" Warning Label rnov Mark Construction DBA The Solar Company 20861 Wilbeam Ave. #1 Castro Valley CA, 94546 CSL# 596651 Office (510) 888-9488 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andre@TheSolarCo.com TheSolarCo.cem General Noces w U Z w +- +- +- +- +- +- +- +- +- (N) #12 AWG Bare Copper Ground Modules and equipment enclosures grounded to main panel ground or ground rod. (N) }" EMT w/ #14 AWG THHN/THWN-2 (N) NEMA3R Box containing Conductors and Ground 2 SunPower Dataheel ggers mrWy,�F"I'iING -see spec sheet ts - <(N)�JHIGH (E) 600A Main (N) 34" EMT w/ #6 AWG DC VOLTAGE" Label Panelboard I THHN/THWN-2 Conductors and Ground (N) 50A 2 Pole Circuit Breaker w/ "SOLAR PV SYSTEM" Label (E) Ground System (N) 15A Circuit Breaker (N) 25A 2 Pole Circuit Breakers w/ "INVERTER. 1, INVERTER 2" Labels SPR -4000m 240 VAC Array 2 Array 1 lA 60OVDC (N) 43" EMT w/ #10 AWG THHN/THWN-2 Conductors & Ground (conduit from roof contains wires from both arrays) PECEiVEO (N) Intregal DCDisconnect -see spec sheet L _ , 2 :: j (N) Ground System (to meet'69v0:-9i-) (E) y" EMT w/ #10 AWG THHN/THWN-2 Conductors and Ground (N) 100A Sub Panelboard w/ "PHOTOVOLTAIC LOAD CENTER DO NOT ADD LOADS!" Warning Label rnov Mark Construction DBA The Solar Company 20861 Wilbeam Ave. #1 Castro Valley CA, 94546 CSL# 596651 Office (510) 888-9488 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andre@TheSolarCo.com TheSolarCo.cem Date: December 1, 2009 Scale: Drawn By: Andre- Laines Office (510) 888-9488 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andre@TheSolarCo.com Title; 3 - Single Line Drawing Sheet: 3 General Noces w U Z w H CD N W zo" W Ln U O Q �� H7171 o O a )--) I Ei Ln Ln P fx W (n N I iW7ri rn w �o Vi NU(n No. Revision/Issue Date Date: December 1, 2009 Scale: Drawn By: Andre- Laines Office (510) 888-9488 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andre@TheSolarCo.com Title; 3 - Single Line Drawing Sheet: 3 CLIENT: PROFESSIONAL SOLAR PRODUCTS, INC. 1551 S. Rosa Avenue Oloeerd, CA 93033 Arm: Kristine Ullman Tost Report No: 1064614 Dam: July 31, 2007 SAMPLE ID: The following lest material was submitted and identified by the Client One -TileTree " test assembly mounted on a simulated roof system. A detailed drawing of the teat assembly is provided in the appendix of this report. DATE OF RECEIPT: The lest material was entered Into the SOS U.S. Testing Company sample tracking system on July 10, 2007 and was assigned Sample Tracking Number 42205. TESTING PERIOD: July 27, 2007. AUTHORIZATION: Full payment In advance. TEST REQUESTED: Perform a pull-to•fe0ure teat on the sultmitled assembly par Clients specified test . procedures. TEST PROCEDURE: The test assembly was placed In an Insbon UTM machine and pulled in tension at a W Z ra content vDsshead speed of 0.05 Wmhl. TEST RESULTS: The pug-to-failtim teat resulted in an ultimate loaf of 1.740 pounds. Fallurs occurred as a result of the ala N 3r lag bolt pulling from Ihe'2 p 4' wood beam. Tested By Signed for and on behalf of SOS U.S. Testing Company Into. ismer Greg rare Project Specialist Manager, Building Materials Page 1 of 2 rW Means It Iben q 546 e.S. Tees a CeneNnr sm. WOW ee Gomm Condlem for Tndlp Senkm Icer AN". upon neeee0. S03 U1 LUIM'a mgaeel ay gnaw IMa npVt to Melia TO Wenn nmllppnw end MII in As men N Noma Wa me enmpt at Im tMnna Mee. Epdme by nNlw annpeneNl, Nawplve W net nTelned IM 605 U.S. TNeln6 for None mm b daps. nIS mutts NaMe an ab Int neem nfw an IV b me Nenpblel oeted MINS AMWWN Wee Mew d Cammene .fined spm. paypnN nNeMe on Nob npM semb unasnun0 e0 b me dete0e of Na nWpmead xemw ma sed, isle. mNue neer teat x of 506 N.S. Testing May used Is all "mr11Jq er prawetbnal mNler" MONA Me p1v wpy dden epu a Safi U.S. Tow". 1M bee Amen NAAM m no,"No 1. oA NA to rue, e,neen pd. -ItMn I:a.... ;mw Tn;p, sae w.n...ea,e,M pre+a r,.:.Nw r.+na tnrswa4 Ina dome .e...A. m. "1—"----- --------------'-----......----...-- M..M.ans6s�_, Report No: 1064614 Data: Jury 31, 2007 CLIENT: PROFESSIONAL SOLAR PRODUCTS, INC. Page 2 of 2 Pull -to -Failure Test Setup _._._..T -mss TOeTror L. Uppm Oarrlepe _. TROTraC l41em ams .._.- ............ _. ._ ....._._... - _ Nil I n8• a 7• 5 r ss Lag lien Illustration of TileTrace Device tW'xa'69 thtom4eme 7. wfellm /LSe BBIb NW �_.. rite` � .. —C TmTrer OPN!Y. .._ 1II1''tl_ ^ resalfp �_� End of Report RECFi V Et a._/ BY: mo:., Mark. Construction DBA The Solar Company 20861 Wilbeam Ave. kl Castro Valley CA, 94546 CSLH 596651 Office (510) 888-9488 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andre@TheSolarCo.com Date: December 1, 2009 Sca e: n/a Drawn By: Andre' Laines Office (510) 888-9488 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andre@TheSolarCo.eom Title: 4 - Engineering Tile Trac Sheet: General Motes U z W H CD W Z ra In MU U O0 CN O H a Z H O I H Lr) In P fx W In I N^ rn f`w7r41 V� T� N LJ UM ,L Y / NO. Ravi Sion/Issue Date Date: December 1, 2009 Sca e: n/a Drawn By: Andre' Laines Office (510) 888-9488 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andre@TheSolarCo.eom Title: 4 - Engineering Tile Trac Sheet: TriTek Engineering, Inc. CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING DESIGN 7122112 Topanga Canyon Blvd., Suite, A. Canoga Park, California 81705 Professional Sda products Alb: Stan tames Dab ol oberial n teat f4san 2.2006 1551 S. Rose Ave. Owned, (:A 93M &#Et 501). Paraq. R &mPower m4duh static bed teat uslnp the RoofTm Tt up nwu,th rptem TEST SETUP TILT -UP NOW. F=SunPower 31.4' x 81.4' brg moddesboded W 1S x lS x 131' Roof me vAvm mb ushg a oom6hslm of 10 Ea 5M(r staldess deal both, bm washere and Widely emuded bash. The nwdrg dravml am rias ad 10 ft mod11e mmoEhg w0h a 3R' and ad wsstwr d sh aladimsnt pohm 10 s T1eTrec moult The rear mdetmlon had a medrman ianp d W and was oongdeed of 1 in. x .062 extruded aquae d m horn h0ig. The ooneecOon of the Wine to the Wadae 7 dm ace t Is made by a SHIT eh ied bowead eaodr oorrtbsda). The Spam tested meminWd d e faxdb rearof 4fr. The eche estup was supposed by b far by ate bean® nmlhg on dm mraeW floor The Roof Trac mam0g sysam ws apparl SunPower pIw I I noduhss. TEST PROCEDURE The Inc! sot up was dies loaded using tlhd produced an egdvebd 50flaq.dbat irg. Upon mrQIm of the palxwhed01110 dmmadse, deledlondudoccurred van W.The swdbsgavaraIng: for 30m1 1 w6hreschargebdeddeefione aryodw sign of dues. Ada dm 30 Mmes was mnpbled the fissure was Immersed III dmists the dawmbad omh 01 Thers9ullsoftlmbffie weredrpketed bite upItconihn. Theddedbn was W maximum andthefXtue adored no slpmot 01 dm Is db batt Thin document In ftTUeTmcm*MwdwmffpmfttMupmq=OuWwlhdwabmnaldamdharmatybSulRwermodeles, a 50Iti peaWm tadsb t puee9bA Ods baht/ h erndvainnita a veld spmd of appmdrnddy 125 mph using wed bed erOmua and gust hmormelddbthe 1WBp8CYIDW((;BCI.Dseealdenen9b unit; red an expected Dm* Thlleghnsehg repatyes du TrIskrap6teerhg hespruAdedtMepadadobeavatrhforlmdbftmdatafoedinfl mpmt Theremb ofd)bbad ted reBee s&W dededhn vales and are gwdr* accepted as On Industry dad fatmdthgroodderme I system Trdek rdgbmsthg does mtfisid deck hsWbdmsaweMytlhdtlm mounting system Is Ieslsladmdesm9 bddsen91 1 report.Toeseistde buldhgkspaelm In" IM 9 ofddsmmmWgsysWndhrogdWdudspmrtramnt adhedmhbd i 11 gToviTradbWbepeedand bmtoneof dm mainswert rob. Structural sdadora2 Log boot e0andlnlad W*WbekshbdudMdbproperpddtobforopdman strm 99 Aging a 'dam be � pmpeldmda bbnw mrdaaeabasaelmeroadde rad Log bdWrequdfe Miedplctldesmb odine drstiveskessistedisebw 1. U16'IegbodregdrmWS'pldllob 2. 31S bg bodrequInes a 1C plot hole. dotsandpyashhgbhbend316'bd)mwsa, lISremrmwdee tddmbngabrg&isgsmewbosedWbanenddmmh err 9 gmrad. His Han respmmE6pd9ehataerWknees thdsMotacmadisadeWlheebuc6adrmmbaaide mdFeBoeftDom yaCahbbm lod011AMmay119111bdamgaWOWIg edorpsemd". Rakruckacachapawharegererely aoapWd me%MwoWmdamesmdnmdgwm*donatmgoterodbed ala 19 sehmpopedy Wsialed Hoene,dhinollmdmanotaMmanopWmmWdmbadbeadg udlaalaindce ofdmcaandmftdmrafB mdbad.RodsW exam of 255 depess b pith, wMi smw bed. duM be ravbwed m e ra*d bask WIndimdhgvdmmdaI bydm UBCaerelalbebdebWimdvdmpaeglaefod pebnled inftsta&bwma Shamed alhdered drAme dmf here bees khmeby Watsd fry aveddad 1CC bft Iabaabry and pwhlo d flw i o ", vdaescen be n�ltllbeyE�l 16SIP �9k Cored No. SpmA _TT u.P L Nom: Tide; engineering W not Herded for use In obtaining a permit for systems odw then the above con lguatlmt Unless OMerwh n casted In writing, tide enginceshg shdl notbe pdoOdy Posed or oo uplift 600 Per Sq. Ft Deflection: 314' VM/ sews w9 ,C. tlr. zor sr¢pm raa hkosnam � r.I'.3r9w T,ms lav Tnely" ar.,•,rr �~'e Trn�u4awr+uq. � m, Tnc e.s Dow load BOD Par Deflecdon:31 R" Mw T24*w sy". usio sh�po. abased Roof Trac Tilt -Up Rev 3Tor SunPower modult3s coma sPmd�Tr n P Static load test illustration OFF�CE Copy R I E(CEIVF,D BY. - morn Mark Construction. DBA The Solar Company 20861 Wilbeam Ave. #1 Castro Valley CA, 94546 CSL# 596651 Office (510) 888-9488 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andre@TheSolarCo.com The SolarCo.com Date: December 1, 2009 Scale: n/a Drawn By: Andre' Laines Office (510) 888-9488 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andre@TheSolarCo.com Title: 5 - Engineering Tilt -Up Sheet: 5 General 1]otes w U z w H H CD W In 2rn a U 0 Q W H 2 CD Ip a H l H Ei In r--1 Inn fx W1 N wW7rg 0) a Q0 V� r --I N D UM In No. Revision/Issue Dare Date: December 1, 2009 Scale: n/a Drawn By: Andre' Laines Office (510) 888-9488 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andre@TheSolarCo.com Title: 5 - Engineering Tilt -Up Sheet: 5 LI LI !1 L1 V 11 li f .. J FROM The Solar Company 20861 Wilbeam Ave. #1 Castro Valley CA, 94546 CSLa 596651 Office (510) 888-9488 Fax (510) 688-9299 Andre@TheSolarCo.com TheSolarCo.com 3000m & 4000m INVERTERS 3000m & 4000m INVERTERS SUNPOWER z SUN. ® EXCEPTIONAL RELIABILITY AND PERFORMANCE EXCEPTIONAL REUABILfTY AND PERFORMANCE BENEFITS Electrical Data SPRm Efficiency Curves H CD IA [4 Ln Z rn y'-�----- " - U SPR-3000rn SPR -4000m Reliable and Robust Design /\ ~ �aI r 0/ _.. Ws :w ver - Proven track record for durability\� longevity y 0 N W H AC Power 3000 W de00 W 0210 Y / WO 310 Va BJ vai � and aHI -- --- _ NH .. _ -. _...._..---....._ .. ----- AC Masdeerm output GnentIS412.SA r) N In W W I 1]A low LE BO 0') High Efficiency Q0 1� 1--I 'M Ir) V% (e zow: UM U Weighted CEC efficiency over 95% _- � n I lost., and peak efficiency over 96% Revision/Issue j `� L- 1Mj AC Nenind Wlbge/Range nb-Z Vl: la ac IS1-210v°hJBw.0 70 211-3aCva240Ac 211-3 VQUOVh ay ,ay WL Jay py Sal M Ars BOL Was loos 4 .. -_ _. __.._.. .. . . ......... . ... - - Raid ovItNtPowern Reduced InstallationCoat - ! Integrated DC disconnect with ;/ y,i,, EOH:/GOAHz- AC rnequnsey/Rang• eoS Hz eos Hz fuses lowers material costs and labor :. - _ \; / 1 i - Mechanical Data u W:H Dine23.IB.v.len NOW1 1 Shipping Dimensions M s• requirementsPews '�Ki\-0JJ. Unlit Dimensions W H D'mclw v. e•, 13. e•, 93 - •AttractiveAesthe6o x x I Attractive AeAeficS _ PcdshnerlerEifidercy 966% odxv tmerkr Weight W16 Integrated disconnect eliminates l .. ..___._....._. __._.._.. _ ... _— __ .. .. .. _.._- _.,. _.._ .._. Freed For visible conduits toinverter9soya:mev «WO E vs5%a209V Slipping Weigh - 9a 1k -- _ (� 9s5%a 2<OV %0%0240V aced/Ssded - - _ _ _ __ _-_.-._- _. ._ - _. Cmrong 11= 11=-End— Ideal Output _ E d e Ideal Ideal for residential applications PC®Input q 300W aBWW Enlassur, NEMA9t - Mounting Vld Mvu &od°Smaed " DChspulValtage,Rmge 200_500 V0206Y' 2S0-t00Va20d%1C 200-S Va21 250-200Va2a0VAc I _ Ambient almperabre Rage -_-1310.1131 _--_---� I The SmPowermverlee1s3000mand 4000mprovide eo)vozmwc 2m-xBevo2cawc: WarmnymdC<rt�imfiarFs M-<eovaznvac exceptional relirbAily combined wills superior )reds Is. Eackusp Whops-JBBvo2nvsc . performance. 'DCM Innovative design and advanced testing have been brought a l AtSvsa d ,]. ISA Cease Q -d a IFEF920,'FEE-I547. UI I7e1-2005, .� together to create a durable inverter that enables oplimd U IWO. ipp Pen 15 A&B __--- -- - -- � ., .._._........- I - system performance over the long tern. Both models come Dc si '� fipple i with a standard 1(}year warranty. No. of Fused st k g InFaft Parer Camnapfi= -r-'� -`"I Feed DC D'eeeneet a.s,ena t -dg•. Nee 9,n5& bb11 6�� � � I a1011ndkg Pa L.. A6wt SunPower ... . Suni` wer designs, rslantadules and delivers 696psr6manm sotnr electric techrwlogy worldwide Our highe8icierxy solar calls generale up n, 50 percent mare power than cornenliand solar calls. Our highperFamanse saiar panels, loaf files and hackers deliver sig.ik.nay more energy than competing systems. - - SPR -3000m and SPR -4000m _ .. www.sunpoweraorp.com _,._ _ -_.--- .----_...... __ ... _- 9s...em..ay.c.P�+aM a• ... +.,....s. ....� aw...9,1�,..„.a.. www.wnpowercorp-com FEc ^� rnnn n mm K� N /,ZN ri1C1 fl 1 LI LI !1 L1 V 11 li f .. J FROM The Solar Company 20861 Wilbeam Ave. #1 Castro Valley CA, 94546 CSLa 596651 Office (510) 888-9488 Fax (510) 688-9299 Andre@TheSolarCo.com TheSolarCo.com Date: December 1, 2009 Sca e: 1” _ .1' Drawn By: Andre' Laines Office (510) 888-9488 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andre@TheSolarCo.com Title: 6 - Spec Sheet Inverter SPRm3000-4000 Sheet: 6 General Notes U z W A H CD IA [4 Ln Z rn U 1�1 �aI r 0/ o r- 0 N W H ZO 0 aHI NH Ln r) N In W W I 0') a Q0 g�7r41 1--I 'M Ir) V% N U co lost., NO. Revision/Issue Date: December 1, 2009 Sca e: 1” _ .1' Drawn By: Andre' Laines Office (510) 888-9488 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andre@TheSolarCo.com Title: 6 - Spec Sheet Inverter SPRm3000-4000 Sheet: 6 BENEFITS Highest Efficiency Panel efficiency of 18.5% is higher than any commercially available panel of similar size More Power Delivers up to 50% more power per unit area than conventional solar panels and 100% more than Thin film solar panels Reduces Insidlclion Cast More power per panel means fewer panels per install. This saves both time and money. Reliable and Robed Design Proven matenols, tempered front glass, and a sturdy anodized frame allow panel iooperare reliably in multiple mounting configurations SPR-230-WHT 230 SOLAR PANEL EXCEPT10NAI EFFICIENCY AND PERFORMANCE The SunPower 230 Solar Panel provides laday's highest eHicierryand performance. Utilizing 72 next generation SunPower all -back contact solar cells and an optim ized panel design, the SunPower 230 delivers an unprecedented total panel conversion efficiency of 18.59A. The 230 panel's reduced vollage-lemperature coefficient and exceptional low -light performance attributes provide for higher energy delivery per peak power than conventional panels. StmPower's High Efficiency Adwtdage - Up to Trice the Power Comparable systems cFrcerutg IOW m? / 10,750 flo Thin Rlm canramllaai65 SmPwa 165._. 23D Eilicv cy 90% 120% 18.5% 11 _._.. .._.. 90 W e1 C E 46 230 SOLAR PANEL EXCEPTIONAL EFFICIENCY AND PERFORMANCE j Solo, Cells Electrical Data r Front Glim M.uued °9a.4d ierGN.m lila main. d la]a/.r, came.. 1.5 a aN°d �p.mu.2S C Peak Power (./.5'k) Pmas 230 W Rated Voltage Vmp --- 41.0 V ------- Rated Current Imp 5.61 A Open Circuit Vohuge Voc 48.7 V Short Circuit Current Isc 5.99A Moclrrum System Volbge IK, UL 1000 V, 600 V Ternpmralure CmlBcents_ _Powr 0 � -.0.38% PC Voltage (Voc) -132.5 mW C iCurrent (lsa) 3.5 m4I Swim Fuse Rofing o 20 A Peak P.. per Unit Arm 185 VI 17.2 W/R= CK PIC Rating 0 213.SW j Solo, Cells 723ulio..w aF6od coma wonorysnGine r Front Glim 3.2mm 11/8 hi annpiI - j Junction Box IP45 ebd cosh 3 bypaa died. O."t Cablm 900.. limeh I W'Caaea eon ion, From Arodlnd alumnun alloy rM 6063 Weight 151.. 33 m CAUTION: READ SAFETY AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THE PRODUCT Go:o .vwv..sunpu.•.ererp.co:rr/paae!s Inr aeails A6oul SunPower SunPower desigru, manufactures and deliver highpedormonce solar electric technology woddwide. Our highef idency solar cells generate up to 50 percent more polder Ikon conventional solar calls. Our hig6performance solar ponds, roof film and booker, deliver significantly more energy than competing systems. emm. rwr sr—c.' w q.— s� 10o+nev t- on -w nc3d'd wP' www.sunpow p pIVED FMCS COPY BY:._-----� 'no., !dark. Construction DBA The Solar Company 20861 Wilbeam Ave. #1 Castro Valley CA, 94546 CSL# 596651 Office (510) 888-9468 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andre@TheSolarCo.com The SolarCo.com 7.0 Unipwalure 6.0 Max load 5.0 lW0Wymr 4.0 sun v,y. e 3.0 Wwronly 25 yew Iimad power vana:vy a3 20 sca w/m• i 1.0 0.0 cr,m/•aw. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Voltage M arc°aa°es, .nn 6,c.d.naa � .°as�.e m.sa. .w.a+. CAUTION: READ SAFETY AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THE PRODUCT Go:o .vwv..sunpu.•.ererp.co:rr/paae!s Inr aeails A6oul SunPower SunPower desigru, manufactures and deliver highpedormonce solar electric technology woddwide. Our highef idency solar cells generate up to 50 percent more polder Ikon conventional solar calls. Our hig6performance solar ponds, roof film and booker, deliver significantly more energy than competing systems. emm. rwr sr—c.' w q.— s� 10o+nev t- on -w nc3d'd wP' www.sunpow p pIVED FMCS COPY BY:._-----� 'no., !dark. Construction DBA The Solar Company 20861 Wilbeam Ave. #1 Castro Valley CA, 94546 CSL# 596651 Office (510) 888-9468 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andre@TheSolarCo.com The SolarCo.com Tested OpeFaRng Conditions Unipwalure 40• C I .a5' C 1-40' F..1 BS' F) Max load 50 psl 12400 Panmkt ham and bud Impact Rwolonce .. _ Hal -25.m (1 n) a 23./4(52 mph) Warranty and cer ifica6ons Wwronly 25 yew Iimad power vana:vy 5 yew fanned product wmwEy CarsBcafions IEC 61215. 5aldy bdW IEC 61730: U. IWd JUL 17031, awn c Fee Rafsy CAUTION: READ SAFETY AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THE PRODUCT Go:o .vwv..sunpu.•.ererp.co:rr/paae!s Inr aeails A6oul SunPower SunPower desigru, manufactures and deliver highpedormonce solar electric technology woddwide. Our highef idency solar cells generate up to 50 percent more polder Ikon conventional solar calls. Our hig6performance solar ponds, roof film and booker, deliver significantly more energy than competing systems. emm. rwr sr—c.' w q.— s� 10o+nev t- on -w nc3d'd wP' www.sunpow p pIVED FMCS COPY BY:._-----� 'no., !dark. Construction DBA The Solar Company 20861 Wilbeam Ave. #1 Castro Valley CA, 94546 CSL# 596651 Office (510) 888-9468 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andre@TheSolarCo.com The SolarCo.com General Noree W U ZAK Z W IA � H o zin a 0 � p o (� CAUTION: READ SAFETY AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THE PRODUCT Go:o .vwv..sunpu.•.ererp.co:rr/paae!s Inr aeails A6oul SunPower SunPower desigru, manufactures and deliver highpedormonce solar electric technology woddwide. Our highef idency solar cells generate up to 50 percent more polder Ikon conventional solar calls. Our hig6performance solar ponds, roof film and booker, deliver significantly more energy than competing systems. emm. rwr sr—c.' w q.— s� 10o+nev t- on -w nc3d'd wP' www.sunpow p pIVED FMCS COPY BY:._-----� 'no., !dark. Construction DBA The Solar Company 20861 Wilbeam Ave. #1 Castro Valley CA, 94546 CSL# 596651 Office (510) 888-9468 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andre@TheSolarCo.com The SolarCo.com Date: December 1, 2009 Scale: n/a Drawn y: Andre- Laines Office (510) 888-9488 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andre@TheSolarCo.com Title: 7 - Spec Sheet Module SPR-230-WHT-U Sheet: 7 General Noree W U Z W IA � H o zin a 0 � p o (� H 0 a CD Ip a H E r -I L.n Ei � W in N I rn 04 tQ VI N U M I No. I Revision/Issue Date Date: December 1, 2009 Scale: n/a Drawn y: Andre- Laines Office (510) 888-9488 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andre@TheSolarCo.com Title: 7 - Spec Sheet Module SPR-230-WHT-U Sheet: 7 4.1 Equipment Grounding To reduce the possibility of electrical shock, ground the frame of the module or array before wiring the circuit using a grounding method that meets NEC requirements for grounding solar electrical systems. In order to install in accordance with the UL listing of this product, SunPower modules shall be grounded using grounding hardware that have been UL certified to meet requirements for grounding systems in UL467, UL1703, or UL1741 on anodized aluminum frames. SunPower recommends the following two methods of grounding the module frame. In addition, as in the grounding methods mentioned below, avoid corrosion due to the use of dissimilar metals. 1) Attach a ground conductor to a grounding lay -in lug mounted at one of the four designated 0.17" grounding holes on the module frame. Alternatively, any unused mounting hole can be used to mount the lug. Use a grounding lug such as Ilsco GBL-4DBT or Burndy CL50-DB-T, and stainless steel hardware (bolt, washers, and nut). A star washer should be used between the grounding lug and the module frame in order to break through the anodizing and establish electrical contact with the aluminum. The assembly must end with a nut and be torqued between 20 inch -pound to 25 inch -pound for a #10-32 bolt. A lock washer or other locking mechanism is needed to maintain tension between the bolt and the assembly. The copper conductor must be attached to the ground lug using the stainless steel set screw provided by the manufacturer.. Please refer to NEC Article 690 on grounding PV arrays for specific requirements. 2) SunPower systems may also be grounded through the use of SunPower supplied "IFF clips" which are UL Listed (1703 and 1741). A minimum torque of 10 in -lbs is required for grounding, however higher torque values will be required to ensure structural integrity. General torque values are 35 to 45 in -lbs for a 1/-20 bolt, but may be higher in specific applications. To ensure system safety and structural integrity, strict adherence to application-specific SunPower documentation is required. H 0AA _ (GROUND) OAA - (GROUND) OAA (GROUND) G RECEIVED BY: *R'PAPJY e� HK Mark Construction DBA The Solar Company 20861 Wilbeam Ave. 91 Castro Valley CA, 94546 CSL# 596651 Office (510) 8BB-9488 Fax (510) 888-9299 And re' The SclarCo.com The SolarC0.ccm General Note Dace: December 1, 2009 Sca e: n/a Drawn By: Andre' Laines Office (510) 888-9488 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andre@TheSolarCo.com Title: 8 - Spec Sheet Module Grounding Sheet: ^ s W U Z W H o [r7 u� U zrn � r O o � la H � o p aHl H H Lf) nW I r -I � N NUM G) 1214 No. �o � D Ln Revision/Issue Date 6 BENEFITS Two Ways to Yew Data System includes a wireless LCD display and Welabosed monitoring. Flexible Installation System information is transmitted from the solar inverter to the homeowner's network router via a wireless or wired connection. Inverter Compatibility System works with all residential SPRx and SPRm inverters. SUNPOWER MONITORING SYSTEM FOR EXISTING AND CUSTOM HOMES The SunPower Monitoring System enables SunPower Dealers to reduce maintenance expenses and exceed homeowner service expectations by diagnosing issues quickly through remote monitoring. Homeowners can enjoy access to the performance of their home's solar system from any high-speed Internet - connected computer and from a wireless, wall -mounted display installed of a convenient location in the home. Wireless connectivity between components enables a simple installation with clean aesthetics. A backup connection option allows installation via a network cable to ensure data transmission when components are beyond [he wireless reception range. sunpowercorp.com SUNPOWER MONITORING SYSTEM FLEXIBLE SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONS Technical Specirxations- DOW Logger b Gateway Insereer Cnrrpotibny - — sPR. er SPRm Inners Nunbr d InvaM swpaM up I.3 sy'lern Cennec ien Type Wind. a Hr".d Wirdes. ewllg nan. 70 b (22 Fill• Fron Dino Logger to Garoway 2AGk1. W.dms Fran Gateway b Resler/Sr ixh: E]hear Hwd.Wed Cadlguvn. Eaernl AC S. (I 10VAC. <5W) (a5arsmiro mnrcann R hod) 60 Day; F. Dole Logger in Rata/Swkil: Eih. Tmerruion Range Mmhanlcal Data V. W.I. eonhg.rou.: 70 b (22 Fill• Via Hardwire Cod'gaollon: 300 b 1100 ml P. Seurce SPR. In.w Invabr4l red SPRrR Ill~ Eaernl AC S. (I 10VAC. <5W) _ - Dat sbroge 60 Day; Upgradilaklgily A.bnalkF4nwaaUpgndm Wireless Display Gubwoy Canvwdbn Type — Gaerwy b WiFul Dbp6y 24GHr (Poim Parr) Powe swan 4AAA Ralerie,k kdodl Web Support - ---- greesms Mke sail INmsd 6p6ra 6.0, 7.0 Movio Findo. 20, 3.0, Sdart 3.1.1 - Site Requirements to • 5%a SPRn hnerbr -- . AC wful (6' Gbasway) • Curl. highspeed lnleml axe. •AC cow ria mNtre pawl. • Aars4ble Wier a m.lth AC aures(6• SRtnbosl Dssa Loggers) About SonPewa designs. naw6eures, and ddheas helspelamannm sdan decic telnology worldwide. Oa h®hti icgmq sola cls gm cr up ro 50 F.— esae power Alms anyen" sate cells. Our hi*,pedarnsase set. poneb, rod ulcer, el traders d.&. signtrmtly nae energy Arias cane rnmg syve-• o,Peer. sem see.,.. caws u.dm..�..a sT6,m...dad..e. a>er,m...yab4mu..wr.m.. DorurlI 6001 45617 R- -A Q% Pelned en rrxydd P.P. FZJunp w�oip abmaCOPY 13y: - R FROV Al Mark Construction DBA The Solar Company 20861 wilbeam Ave. 41 Castro Valley CA, 94546 CSLN 596651 Office (510) 888-9488 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andre@TheSolarCo.com TheSolarCo.com Mmhanlcal Data Hard.. Dara Logge 4.4- s 3.5• a 1.2' DmMn seo Geicwuy AA' a 3.5' . 1.2• WxHoD(ndml Deploy 50•.7.0-:1.0• Wight / Dole Logger 0.35 lbs / 0.95 Ill, Pod.d Wight Gubwoy 0.4016r / 1.55 lb, Di,., 0.7016. / 1.30 lbs Esdesure Ruling Dd. logger NEM 1 H Eeernd Encb.us NEMA 311 Geuwoy NEW I to D'uplvy NEMA 1 Mamfng Sni.a..d Dora tagger Mounud in SPR. Wring go. //A Culq.m� dwesb SC •rv..0 rm �.�e pLm. Mouewd m ExlerM Ealome r,l.btiv eeYBfn mmol Gobwoy Local Noor Ney,ak WO�weMe� About SonPewa designs. naw6eures, and ddheas helspelamannm sdan decic telnology worldwide. Oa h®hti icgmq sola cls gm cr up ro 50 F.— esae power Alms anyen" sate cells. Our hi*,pedarnsase set. poneb, rod ulcer, el traders d.&. signtrmtly nae energy Arias cane rnmg syve-• o,Peer. sem see.,.. caws u.dm..�..a sT6,m...dad..e. a>er,m...yab4mu..wr.m.. DorurlI 6001 45617 R- -A Q% Pelned en rrxydd P.P. FZJunp w�oip abmaCOPY 13y: - R FROV Al Mark Construction DBA The Solar Company 20861 wilbeam Ave. 41 Castro Valley CA, 94546 CSLN 596651 Office (510) 888-9488 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andre@TheSolarCo.com TheSolarCo.com Mmhanlcal Data Hard.. Dara Logge 4.4- s 3.5• a 1.2' DmMn seo Geicwuy AA' a 3.5' . 1.2• WxHoD(ndml Deploy 50•.7.0-:1.0• Wight / Dole Logger 0.35 lbs / 0.95 Ill, Pod.d Wight Gubwoy 0.4016r / 1.55 lb, Di,., 0.7016. / 1.30 lbs Esdesure Ruling Dd. logger NEM 1 H Eeernd Encb.us NEMA 311 Geuwoy NEW I to D'uplvy NEMA 1 Mamfng Sni.a..d Dora tagger Mounud in SPR. Wring go. //A SPRrn a Don togW Mouewd m ExlerM Ealome Gobwoy Local Noor Ney,ak Rwe/Swill �-I Dbpby WdM4aa stadwere Included O �err 721 b 121/O•C C lTurnp�a GGn 321 b 1221/OC to 50-C 0 Z Diap6y 71: b 1111 / OY ro SOY a H I H Warranty and Certifications wen" Iby.v Rmed wam.ry ler Due 1,W and Go . ].yens rmld wamry ler y6mlm. d,PM R.gdmay G>.oyuu'6idb U6W50,Dwo lv�m;r aCldb x1741 Dob I^9Rer. Gae.my. ad" W. Du,6, m. a RX Pm 15. Chu I C"lice, V� r -A N At Lr) M About SonPewa designs. naw6eures, and ddheas helspelamannm sdan decic telnology worldwide. Oa h®hti icgmq sola cls gm cr up ro 50 F.— esae power Alms anyen" sate cells. Our hi*,pedarnsase set. poneb, rod ulcer, el traders d.&. signtrmtly nae energy Arias cane rnmg syve-• o,Peer. sem see.,.. caws u.dm..�..a sT6,m...dad..e. a>er,m...yab4mu..wr.m.. DorurlI 6001 45617 R- -A Q% Pelned en rrxydd P.P. FZJunp w�oip abmaCOPY 13y: - R FROV Al Mark Construction DBA The Solar Company 20861 wilbeam Ave. 41 Castro Valley CA, 94546 CSLN 596651 Office (510) 888-9488 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andre@TheSolarCo.com TheSolarCo.com Date: December 1, 2009 Scale: 1" = .1' Drawn By: Andre' Laines Office (510) 888-9488 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andre@TheSolarCo.com Title; 9 - Spec Sheet Monitor SunPONer Sheet: 9 General notes W U z W A � H o W to //A �-I O Q 'r- O H 0 Z N O a H I H EA fx Ln N Ln In W I rnaQo V� r -A N =) U Lr) M No. I Revision/Issue Date Date: December 1, 2009 Scale: 1" = .1' Drawn By: Andre' Laines Office (510) 888-9488 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andre@TheSolarCo.com Title; 9 - Spec Sheet Monitor SunPONer Sheet: 9 MAJOR CHANGE TO AC DISCONNECT SWITCH POLICY FOR INVERTER -BASED GENERATION Page I of 2 Eric Piekarczyk From: Rachelle Piekarczyk [Rachelle@TheSolarCo.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 100 PM To: epiekarc@yahoo.00m Subject: FW: MAJOR CHANGE TO AC DISCONNECT SWITCH POLICY FOR INVERTER-BASEDGENERATION From: Turner, David L [maifto:DLTktlpge.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 7:08 PM Cc: McAuley, Arthur K (ET); O'Leary, Mark (ET); Skillman, Fred R (ET); Aldridge, Madeleine (ET); Wilhelm, Mark (EI) Subject: MAJOR CHANGE TO AC DISCONNECT SWITCH POLICY FOR INVERTER-BASEDGENERATION Vendors, Below is an important announcement regarding changes to PGS,Es policy on AC disconnect switches for inverter -based generators, Please read immediately. Dave Turner Project Manager, Net -Metering Program Pacific Gas and Electric Company p.s. Happy Thanksgiving as well[ For Immediate Release — AC Disconnect Switches for Inverter -Based Generation In response to your requests and in support of the California Solar Initiative, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) has modified its policy regarding the Installation of an AC disconnect switch on inverter -based generation systems. This includes photovoltaic (PV), feel -cell, and inverter -based rotating machine technologies. Effective November 21, 2006, customers installing Inverter -based systems will no longer be required to include an AC disconnect switch when the facility has a self-contained electric revenue meter (Le. 0J20 amp socket -based meter or 400 amp K -based meters} This type of meter is used by 98% all PG&E customers. To accommodate this change while maintaining utility operating needs, the revenue meter, when appropriate, may be temporarily removed by PG&E to isolate the customer's generator from the electric distribution system. Removal of the revenue meter (due to an emergency or maintenance on PG&E's system) will result in loss of electrical service to the customer's facility or residence. PG&E recommends that customers Instadling an Inverter -based generator consider also installing an AC disconnect switch to facilitate maintenance of the customer's equipment (i.e. inverter, PV arrays, etc). The AC disconnect switch provides the additional benefit of allowing PG&E to isolate the customer's generator from the utility's distribution system without having to Interrupt service to the customer's facility or residence. PG&E's AC disconnect requirement for Distributed Energy Resources (Distributed Generation) will continue to apply to: 12/5/2006 MAJOR CHANGE TO AC DISCONNECT SWITCH POLICY FOR INVERTER -BASED GENERATION Page 2 of 2 1) Inverter -based interconnections having a transformer -rated meter (Le. all meter panels or switchboards employing the use of potential and current transformers) 2) Non-tnverter based generators, including rotating or machine -based generators - regardless of whether the service meter configuration is transformer -rated or self-contained. 3) Special situations where generators may be impacting PG&E's service to its customers. Please note: PG&E requires that access to the meter area not be impeded by animals, locked gates, or other obstacles and that the meter remain accessible at all times. Special arrangements can be made to provide secure access by PG&E personnel, as required. Contact PG&E for information. If you have any questions about the new policy or Its implementation, please contact Dave Turner at 415973-2213 or Mark O'Leary at 415972-5265. 126t2006 10MCF-1 COPY pEcEIVED morn Mark Construction DBA The Solar Company 20861 Wilbeam Ave. #1 Castro Valley CA, 94546 CSLfi 596651 Office (510) 888-9488 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andre@TheSolarCo.com TheSolarCo.com Date: December 1, 2009 Sca e: n/a Drawn By: Andre'Laines office (510) BBB -9488 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andre@TheSolarCo.com Title: 10 - PGE No AC Disconnect Sheet: 10 General Notes W U z W A H H CD [r7 zC', a� Ln O Q H O G4 CD O AHI H Ln Ln E --i 0. W Ln I rn a t10 Vi r -A NUm Ln No. Revision/IssueDate Date: December 1, 2009 Sca e: n/a Drawn By: Andre'Laines office (510) BBB -9488 Fax (510) 888-9299 Andre@TheSolarCo.com Title: 10 - PGE No AC Disconnect Sheet: 10