09080085 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS: 19940- 19995 BRENDA CT CONTRACTOR:MIRANDA ELECTRICAL PERMIT NO:09080085 SERVICE,INC. OWNER'S NAME: BRENDA COURT HOA I'D BOX 3292 DA"Z"E ISSUED:08/10/2009 OWNER'S PHONE: 4089739256 SAN JOSE,CA 95156-3292 PHONE NO:(408)829-5863 a LICENSED COYrRACFOR'S DECLARA"T"ION BUILDING PERA7IT INFO: BLDG r ELECT r PLUi's IB r License Class C.'1 0 _ I-ic.q—S�—6-02— {— r r r MF,CIi RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Contractor / taH —2C �Date �CQ� I hereby affirm that 1 am licensed under the provisions\of Ch"a��"pterr 99 JOB R ESCRIP7lON:INSTALL NEW PG&E PANEWMETER IN (commencing with Section 7000)of Division 3 of the Business& Professions COURTYARD. Code and/hat my license is in full force and effect. INSTALL FIVE NEW LIGHTING FIXTURES, REPLACING TWO EXISITNG hereby affirm under penally or perjury one of the following two declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for Worker's Compensation,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this Sq.Ft Floor Area: Valuation:$12728 permit is issued. APPLICANTCER"FIFICATION APN Number:36943007.140A Occupancy Type: I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction,and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We)agree to save PERMIT EXPIRES IF WORK IS NOT STARTED indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities,judgments, costs,and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequenceofthe WITHIN 180 DAYS OF PERMIT ISSUANCE OR granting of this permit. Additionally,the applicant understands and will comply 180 DA}'S FROM LAST ALLEWINSPECTION. with all non-point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal Code,Section (/� 9.18. � + Y t Date: Signature_j� , l'>l. i': /�� DatcZ�'L7 Issued br; OWNER-BUILDER DECLAR,%TION RE=ROOFS: 1 hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for one of All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. If a roof is the folloying two reasons: - installed without first obtaining an inspection,1 agree to remove all new materials for I,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, inspection. will do the work,and the structure is not intended or offered for sale(Sec.7044, Business&Professions Code) Signature of Applicant: Date: I,as owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project(Sce.7044,Business&Professions Code). Ah1,ROOF CO\'ERINGS'I'O BE CLASS".\"OR BETTER hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following three declarations: I have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self-insure for Worker's IL\'/„\KDOUS M,\"I'ERh\hS DISCLOSURE Compensation,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the 1 have read the hazardous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the performance of the work for which this permit is issued California health&Sorel) Code,Sections 25505,25533,and 25534. 1 will maintain I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as provided for by compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code.Chapter 9.12 and the Ilealth& Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this Safety Code,Section 25532(x)should I store or handle hazardous material. permit is issued. Additionally,should I use equipment or devices n'hich emit hazardous air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District I will I.cerify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued,I shall maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12 and the not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Worker's Health&Safety Code,Sections 25505,25533,and 25534. Compensation laws of California. If,after making this certificate of exemption,I become subject to the Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor Code.1 must Owne r.authorized agent. forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. - z,> Dote:_ APPLICANT CERTIFICA'T'ION CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of work's correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating for which this permit is issued(Sec.3097,Cir C.) to building construction,and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter Lender's Name upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes.(We)agree to save indemnjfy and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities,judgments, Lender's Address costs,and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the Egranting of this permit.Additionally,the applicant understands and will comply with all non-point source regulations pet the Cupertino Municipal Code,Section ,\KCIIITECf'S DECLARATION 9.18, I understand my plans shall be used as public records. Signat�� ��� Datc_ ±,2 l� 1�0t I Licensed Professional CITY OF CUPERTINO 4 ITEMS OF 4 PERMIT RECEIPT OPERATOR: patg COPY # 1 Sec : Twp: Rng: Sub: Blk: Lot : APN . . . . . . . . . 36943007 .HOA DATE ISSUED. . . . . . . : 08/10/2009 RECEIPT # . . . . . . . . . BS000008399 REFERENCE ID # . . . : 09080085 SITE ADDRESS . . . . . : 19940 - 19995 BRENDA CT SUBDIVISION . . . . . . . CITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . : CUPERTINO IMPACT AREA . . . . . . . OWNER . . . . . . . . . . . . : BRENDA COURT HOA ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . : 19940 - 19995 BRENDA CT CITY/STATE/ZIP . . . : CUPERTINO, CA 95014 RECEIVED FROM . . . . : DAVID A PLETTNER CONTRACTOR . . . . . . . : JOSE ANGEL MIRANDA LIC # 29854 COMPANY . . . . . . . . . . : MIRANDA ELECTRICAL SERVICE, IN ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . : PO BOX 3292 CITY/STATE/ZIP . . . : SAN JOSE, CA 95156-3292 TELEPHONE . . . . . . . . : (408) 829-5863 FEE ID UNIT QUANTITY AMOUNT PD-TO-DT THIS REC NEW BAL ---------- ------------- ---------- - --- ---------- --------- 1BCBSC VALUATION 12, 728 . 00 1 . 00 0 . 00 1 . 00 0 . 00 1BREMFIXT NO. FIXTURES 5 . 00 63 . 00 0 . 00 63 . 00 0 . 00 1BSEISMICR VALUATION 12, 728 . 00 1 . 30 0 . 00 1 . 30 0 .00 1TRAVDOC FLAT RATE 1 . 00 42 . 00 0 . 00 42 . 00 0 . 00 -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL PERMIT 107 . 30 0 . 00 107 . 30 0 . 00 METHOD OF PAYMENT AMOUNT REFERENCE NUMBER ----------------- --------------- -------------------- CREDIT CARD 107 . 30 AMEX --------------- TOTAL RECEIPT 107 . 30 oq o c) g � ;t�X' CITY OF CUPERTINO O CUPERTINO GENERAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FORM APN # 2- 3/ 43Of(OA Date: August 10, 2009 1n o,� �"I Building Address: 19940-19995 Brenda Court, Cupertino, CA 95014-3362 Mailing Address (if different from building address): 19980 Brenda Court Cupertino, CA 95014-3362 Are Hazardous Materials being used as part of this project? Yes No LA IiOA: Exterior work only Yes ❑Q No ❑ If yes, provide letter from FIOA Owner's Name: Phone#: Brenda Court HOA (408) 973-9256 Contractor: Phone: Miranda Electrical Service, Inc . Fax: (650) 676-0100 Contractor License #: C-10 860767 Cu ertino Business License #: 29854 Contact: Phone: Jose Angel Miranda Fa\. (650) 676-0100 Residential IFIZ Commercial Job Description: Install new PG&E panel/meter in courtyard. Install five new lighting fixtures, replacing two existing fixtures . Building Permit Into: Bldg ❑ Elect LTJ Plumb ❑ Mech ❑ Type of Construction (Usage Class): Occupancy Type: I-A, I-13 E] II/Ill/V-A E] 11/111 B, IV-IIT, V-13 Residential Valuation: Square Footage: $2, 000-$3, 000 to PG&E, $3 , 168 for Fixtures, $6, 560 for Contractor Project Size: Express ❑ Standard ❑ Lame ❑ Major ❑ Green Building: Please complete relevant portion of the Green Building/LEED Checklist & attach it to the application or if applicable, include in plan set & the sheet index. Points Achieved: For help, contact Build it Green at wNviv.builditRreen.org Revised 07/14/09 Brenda Court HOA 19980 Brenda Court Cupertino, CA 95014-3362 (408) 973-9256 August 10, 2009 City of Cupertino Building Division Cupertino City Hall 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014-3202 Dear City of Cupertino Building Division, I, David A. Plettner, am the President of the Brenda Court HOA. Our complex consists of 12 units between 19940 and 19995 Brenda Court. Our HOA desires to replace our existing courtyard lighting, and add additional lighting. As President, I authorize this work,and am seeking a General Building Permit. Attached are several Figures, a completed City of Cupertino General Building Permit Application Form, and PG&E specifications for new electrical service. Referring to the Figures, Figure 1 shows an aerial via of our complex from Google Earth, including the courtyard where the lighting will be installed. Figure 2 is an overhead diagram of our courtyard showing where we desire to install five lighting fixtures. Two of the fixtures will replace existing fixtures, and three of the fixtures will be in new locations. There is an existing PG&E box in the courtyard, and we desire to have PG&E install a new panel/meter in the courtyard. Figure 3 is an elevation diagram showing how the new fixtures will be positioned and wired. Figure 4 shows the fixtures that we have selected. Best Regards, David A. Plettner ;Ag President, Brenda Court HOA 600a o t 9nh CI=l�g���2� Hyperlinks Are Inactive UG-1: Services Greenbook Prepared by: JBB1 PERMANENT WOOD POST INSTALLATION UNDERGROUND 054712 r ELECTRIC SERVICE Asset Type: Electric Distribution Function: Construction and Design Issued by: Alex Yen (APY1) � Date: 07-15-08 Rev. #06: This document replaces PG&E Document 054712, Rev. #05. For a description of the changes, see Page 4. This document is also included in the following manual: • Electric and Gas Service Requirements Manual(Greenbook) Purpose and Scope This document shows the minimum requirements for a customer-installed wood post for permanent installation of underground electric service. The service installations shown on this document are intended to serve individual customers (not mobile home parks) where PG&E-approved manufactured pedestals are not readily available. (Manufactured pedestals are preferred because they provide easier service installations and better protection of conduit, ground wire and customer's connection facilities.) General Information 1. The customer shall install service conduit in accordance with this document. The customer shall install load side conduit and suitable conductors as required by local or state codes. 2. Local ordinances may include requirements in addition to those shown in this document. Consult local inspection authorities for these requirements. In areas where local ordinances require permits and inspection, these must be obtained before PG&E can establish service. Meters will be installed and energized by PG&E after the customer's metering equipment has been properly installed and after an inspection clearance has been given to PG&E by the appropriate electrical inspection authority. 3. When a service larger than 200 amps is desired, consult PG&E. 4. Service Post Installation A. A permanent service installation is one which will remain for a period longer than one year, as estimated by PG&E (for temporary installations, refer to Document 036670). B. Wood posts used for permanent service shall be pressure-treated for the full length. Any other process which will provide equivalent penetration and retention must be approved by PG&E. Acceptable wood preservatives are water-borne salts and pentachlorophenol. Brush application of wood preservative is ineffective for permanent posts and therefore unacceptable._Minimum dimensions of posts shall be 4"x 6"x 8'-0" long or 6"diameter x 8'-0"long. Depth of setting shall be 3' 0" minimum. A 4-inch-thick concrete pad shall be poured around'the post as shown in Figure 1 on Page 3 and Figure 3 on Page 4. C. Post installations shall be in protected locations, out of the way of vehicular traffic or other hazardous conditions. 5. Service Conduit and Termination A. PG&E will install the underground service in accordance with Electric Rule 16.The underground service lateral will be installed, owned, and maintained by PG&E from PG&E's distribution line to the termination facility, which is normally the meter enclosure. B. The customer shall provide trenching and backfill in accordance with PG&E specifications and pay any costs provided for in Electric Rule 16. C. Residential service will normally be installed in conduit as shown in Figure 1 on Page 3. D. Non-residential service will normally be installed in conduit furnished and installed by the customer as shown in Figure 3 on Page 4. Rnn7 A T nr1H Rev. s06: 07-151-6-MAMOaH 054712 Page 1 of 4 Knc -i. b r Vii. nx �� a.P� 4.ha ak �• +y,A' � � �'�`tr��,m ° 7-'n �.t- w{ ���.. �-. �� 4 ^� 4 e ONE iur tl XT TU PROJEET CQA R SHEET Assessor's Parcel Number: 30 3 R J Co �/, " QA U Name of owner. 4J re r'y 1�C13 / Projectaddress. r./ 0p - 1l( l ��S ney4q I C ,J Contact person. DcAU GC� V— l I.DPhone. 25-6 Fax. APPROVED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF Net square footage of lot. rl iorgTINO CODES AND ORDINANCES DATE Existin s SIGNED__ Square footage: First floor: This_ . ; , Second floor: be kept on the pb at all limes and it is IRftwtW to make any changes w eratwns Garage: on s-4;.. r,. rre ' iES' n f M.+ TOTAL: the Bulkftrtg Department,city of Cupertkio_ The scan�rg-,—dri.,r:..,,m,.................._.._ SHALL NOT be held to p�e�ramit or to be an Are there at least two 10 foot by 20 foot clear spaces inside the ft'81�eiryt o dlonetio a ,l s prte ovisions Is privacy protection planting required for the project? Y On what floor(s) is work being done? 0 v'i S t Brief description of work. RePLcl.�2_ ZCAJv\ Code editions: 2008 CBC (Y -N)2008 CFC (Y -N)2008 CMC (Y-N) 2008 CPC (Y -N)2008 NEC (Y - N) Effective 1/1/08 ' OFMCE COPY —t1Cg 600101 On QaAIa Daa r ' Plan Review Process Work Book Page-8-Revisedl/1/08 POLES ARE 8 FEET, WITH 3 FEET BELOW GROUND IN CEMENT FOOTINGS. FIXTURES ARE 25.5 INCHES, SO TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GROUND WILL BE 7 FEET, 1.5 INCHES. EACH FIXTURE WILL HAVE A CF NEW METER PANEL 26W BULB AT 120V. I LL- ALL GROUNDING WILL BE L -1 PER NEC ARTICLE 250 Fig. 3 SIDEWALK IVY 4 1 H GRASS Ov H IVY E D D NEW NEW FIXTURES WILL G G FIXTURES REPLACE EXISTING E E FIXTURES NEW METER PANEL EXISTING PG&E BOX Fig . 2 0 r _J �L y "ID 1 , ' 5 �(B �I�W "�" �• •9 A c• 11570 mmitead All Calm Kihbcu ?5S IG r)'Collar I\1V100 IIiP150 1,\151100 Fig . 4 s✓ -r sTr - Sa �.f`aI.@l'iN`:r4'1%•_ � - fiG•�'3oQ1 k` r t',{s� ! d �-1j-��1 41' ri s' , �"', "^ .r e. ��_ �M� �Y�'��Rbtw� _. .. �., f ,i..• rt. ,i:i!!�d S` ., .sr .��a•�%,.,r. 5},�_ Fa .. -+- SRT U �. X .cam- '.��---'"°"`U`", � - '• yg t��a''�-�"'u'„a�.p•��•�a{��'ry/.�,(�� "f��r�� ar:.� � .ic" �y,�„ti�u.,.�.y rt�'1`�,' � • v.. �.""'+�i- �V•�'�.J.r� �_y�q_4 '�;”r ( ¢� 'e• tr 'y". Irrs �F� �. � 1 'n'RUt.. A�)i�� J �:.f\4 "^!7yo h+�� �y� +i'R'•ifL � ' Lt i;' r S � r 1 r .r rs �y�t R�„1• �s7� 7 +a'� �fl� .� ! i i y`�� y ; t s,.�. 3 V 1 ;.'�' Y*-! r���� �.f`+cYw.� f+s � uH�,rt3sy"'_.mi x ", ` ;�k t `' 'YSA �'�` •r{. 'f A i:a� A"' '�'M".r•••�•—n+r 1 S' �II f ''}, { T„�. ..G F IAS SY '...\ tir' 1� S`�=-�� �'xi'gr„�'iJ�f fQ 4 •” z,Y m �'1"" s {5 i Y iii ,gym �". � ' � '�}{ 1. J •,,,, �r� 'E„1( r r E t v. x• Jam, �ky 3 � . }I �'� r v � :Yati Y< <_JSr ?n _ �r .sl.n J � • .` v �:} 4)r+ r r•�' r c t'i, 5 �7 �' � �,., #�s a h•r •'t; i+ ��•"T v jS �• _}.. 4'"'P'pF>^.'T fY ra{� t� rcJ � ... -. t�- I L f, t• rt: .[ �r�� rl. Y }:kt t ,��h� 1 , �,•..�•_S ax t�? � `� ,,r f y 1 ," `, � i� ♦ � .. �. ''u��w ii 1.11 n� J ,yJ, r m� j b 1 f r� �}-'3.l•�-1'31 w. M 1 ^ - r .1F• 1�. 'V �' �rp '^car i•'� Ti "#+ yam. •�•4.`.'A" �4t,. i Hyperlinks Are Inactive UG-1: Services Permanent Wood Post Installation Underground Electric Service Greenbook Residential Service Only, 0-200 Amp Notes 1. Poured concrete pad shall be approximately 4 inches thick. Provide 1/2-inch slope away from post to allow for drainage. 2. Install bend in direction of service trench. To facilitate cable installation, only one 900 bend is permitted in the service riser installation. If trench is shared with gas or other utilities, consult PG&E for required increased trench depth. 3. Meter socket enclosures for residential service (Figure 2) shall not be equipped with any circuit closing device. 4. For services larger than 200 amps, consult PG&E for requirements. 5. Approved meter socket enclosures for non-residential service (Figure 4 on Page 4) shall be equipped with test bypass facilities. 6. Whenever it is necessary to install a service longer than 75 feet,the applicant must contact PG&E before ordering the service riser, conduit or,termination facilities. If the service riser and conduit called for in Table 2 on Page 4 will not accept the cable required to meet the voltage and/or flicker drop requirements, or will cause cable pulling problems, the next larger PG&E standard conduit size must be installed. This may also require a larger service termination enclosure, which must also be installed. (Refer to Document 041543 for flicker and voltage drop requirements and Document 038193 for cable pulling limitations.) 2 1 m m f➢ 91 mm m m Customer's Distribution 4 5 8 36" Min. i Section Conduit Support 3 72" Max. 8" Min. for 0-125 Amp. 11" Min. Poured Concrete Pad 6 Finish for 126-200 Amp.(See Note 1) Grade R=24" Min 7 Sealable Cover 18" Min. Min. (See (See Figure 2 Note 2) Note 2) Typical Residential Combination Service 36" Min. Termination Enclosure and Meter 4 Socket Panel, 200 Amp Max., 120/240 V 3 Figure 1 Residential Service Rev. 1106: '07-15-08 054712 Page 3 of 4 UG-1: Services Hyperlinks Are Inactive Greenbook Permanent Wood Post Installation Underground Electric Service Residential and Non-Residential Service 0-200 Amp Installed in Conduit 2 1 Main Disconnect Concrete Pad O Compartment (See Note 1 q 5 8 Barrier on Page 3) 36" Min. ❑ 12" 3 72" Max. 24" Min. Radius Bend Min. Conduit (See Note 2 on Page.3) (1 Support Finish Grade � Typical Test = Bypass 18" Min. 7 Facilities (See Note 2 on Page 3) 36" Min. 4 3 Incoming UG Service Service Cable 1 v\-- To Load Cable Installed Figure 4 by PG&E Typical Service Termination Enclosure for Non-Residential 3-Wire or 4-Wire Service Figure 3 0-200 Amp Maximum 0-600 V Non-Residential Service (see Note 6 on Page 3) (or residential service installed in conduit) (see Figure 2 on Page 3 for typical residential enclosure) Table 2 Cable and Conduit Requirements Conduit Number and Size Aluminum Cable Number and Main Service Switch (see Note 6 on Page 3) Size AWG or kcmil Rating - Amps 3-Wire 4-Wire Per Phase Neutral 0-125 1-2" 1-2" 1-1/0 1-1/0 126-200 1-3" 1-3" 1-4/0 1-1/0 Revision Notes Revision 06 has the following changes: 1. Revised meter maximum height in Figure 1 on Page 3 and Figure 3 on Page 4. 054712 Page 4 of 4 Rev. #06: 07-15-08 Community Development YryL 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino CA 95014 Telephone(408)777-3228 CITY OF Fax(408)777-3333 CUPEkTiNO Building Department All Cupertino building permits must meet certain conditions related to maintaining environmental quality and public peace and safety. The two most common conditions are described below. STORMWATER POLLUTION CONTROL State law requires that Cupertino, 12 other Silicon Valley cities, Santa Clara County and the Santa Clara.Valley Water District control stormwater,pollution. Educating local residents and businesses and enforcing stormwater pollution control laws are key parts of the City's compliance efforts. Stormwater pollution prevention: It's up to us In northern Santa Clara Valley, storm drains flow directly to local creeks and San Francisco Bay, with no treatment. Stormwater pollution is a serious problem for wildlife dependent on our waterways, for people living near streams and baylands, and for the local water supply. Common sources of stormwater pollution include: • Dripped oil, fuel, and antifreeze from vehicles and heavy equipment; • Construction debris, including dirt, concrete and paint; • Landscaping runoff containing pesticides or weed killers;.and • Any material dumped or spilled into streets or storm drains The property owner and the contractor share ultimate responsibility for activities occurring at a construction site and will be held responsible for any environmental damage caused by subcontractors or employees. For more information on construction-related stormwater requirements, see the Stormwater Quality Regulations section of the City of Cupertino web site at: htto://www.cupertino.org/city government/departments and offices/ environmental services COMMUNITY NOISE CONTROL The basic noise control requirements for construction sites are as follows: • Typical construction work hours are: - Weekdays - 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. - Weekends - 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. • Construction other than street construction is prohibited on holidays. Residential daytime noise levels from complaint site - 60 dBA • Nonresidential daytime noise levels from complaint site - 65 dBA For more information on noise control, please see Chapter 10.48 of the Cupertino Municipal Code, which can be accessed at http://www.amlegal.com/cupertino ca/ Greg Casteel Building Official General "mrrar..`a Earth-Moving Dewatering Y ^- ••- b--r.. Landscaping, Heav di they toords,Clue ur 1 clbY,storm on tom flow ry �r rw p ! Storm DnlnpingaPollution E q u i p m e n t Francisco, oell.vdlcheers,end onto Sen Construction n..rwnmm,.bmmarrmw.anedr Gardenia from Lentleupinp entl Ftandeco 8•y,wltno asericrdt nr.mtremrer,rrm, 91 Swimming Pool MWlnlbnenu Activities Operations and Site DT�m-prha r^-�pr- and Pool Operation Ston•water pollution Is a variola problem for .m.rma eP-r..re.a "r,a•n•^r`ed`o`trot`m°"°e, Storm Dnln Pollution Porro•aT.en W. bo l-cri e-rM m pard.• wildlife dependent on our waterways and for Supervision t-^r••a^amsw.mma•raume From Dsweterinp Activities ;'l the people who live near polluted generate or P D"-o-m^`"•'^•ro`•^a'-Promote Maintenance aor"`^""'•In Stoml Drain Pollution i Stormwater P ollution enter-.r-ue.�m.•mm•^P`-a e^nmm•Pam..mrmnrr"via•'.-e °°m'°"'w°Pm°mvaar l.'m°m"P°or'nm .,from Heavy Equipment on laaylarMe. Storm Dnln Pollution hem .daarehm.ar..Peadc mbeen va.ree.d.mo]w rain rush from FaMJAovIng ACWltlea 6w elm ver.oaPabroa.N rflrr Y .moms meet .rr..,...o.ra here. uneaclpinpewen Maintenance e.m.p.em.lmn m...,lm.arn.a.. m n'.Pma••mr o-.np.v.an epravmr Construction Sites Proper management of construction vitae ConstructionAettelBee mruavn.umu.l,uaanm.mnaw. D Pr, rr b¢bmrc eek m.m•rroarm.mm-mimmlmrraw Poetry maintained vanlclaa and haery dru.ad-.v. mcda ae.cr.e mweb SN a ren arm p.wY F.dma bent wP .gown w w.r .m rm.m.MY a nor mduws pollution Significantly. emaleer.e...am"-•.m.h.•mm hmeeC.b nm q.wry men anger empee a d Oram roe vent.em mm oaaenb m lane.ruse h a.r..a ear.a em.lpmenl mal may mel.on,enunetae or .. ..Pro u.rb.um our wleo.ar .p a�-P PPanrm rrt•w-.d.urmrr.pbrrn ante. Pond vlmcW.bq. oW other, end SaM1rrb nvdl MMnem .w.rpurwMa.abrt other fluid.on me con.uuu,tam add are Ptitan. r m.wemarr.�eneea hr. rroomeerorr..u•mMmb Pm1lFeunalNsp YelnNnenn .rrrw.N. Thbeheat summarttea the"Beat Yarmgemam as acrd-ler e..., M. re+s r, o arr.l.me.ew®..on prm.b or Pty emu e....ones qsv•.,N o.ee.yr rrevmma- wow ra cammon.ou i PraNaef'iBMPel far storm easter pollution a•.srw•mm.a muprace.°•^•rat eery an.a.m•r. •^I^mveaob orapu e�rq rYtab m erne N ma lin.ESamr rw.mrmp . ra ear ..r ar m, oma all. nuv.nl.pllb and maye by bolannp D crone w.errr-.Pa .d�m.6 Prdar nmoramm.dn.vn rbnea,errm to Phr•ba. llIpmen l hrom m non the nnel.,end by -gore m,r-M rrwmmr •a'•'wr O use rrkamarare-m enc•^••m^'ba'r'•Prol•Peam'w't wmnln mrlsaka and riner malntrnance provorelon. .n.r.a.rr.rar a...a-rr thus �a err m�namun.r.a>om.b.urm green rnwi...r rmn.vrnwr. - teeth era.re..nth..r emnm, m^ro•m.++.m.e.lsead.md.0 a -.M1r tree r••m..n p Problem..Romero conaouctbn eoulpment nm�"-e perm"rmr- nom,m..M...hon a prum4. .Pe.aevewraP.rw. meant rrwrare..eraa rrmrwr, a Phera.r.ay..ebea ,. ° ' nrw.rwaero..airm.r. bwipr...l. nn.rem.1uttewrm.mr.a.m.ra Dmeelneremyla are.p.,.b....vr.vee eaarnra IelWeeolruayew l.mera D errh m.Paenread". ma,ar.s Pq O cw..b.rMr-Pm..Pb4nPv. mbd.. .earmadrpbood" tlr..dbea ler .rwaonPmm.H. O nae-ard.rmm naboad n.ba ."noe aero mwce•ne er Mlhh pa.bY areeneprennue. Phecacr Otslrp Canebation SIN Plannlnp and Preventive P.Slcl. ORDINANCE OF hrr..re pr.dr.mrr. .rare sae.agreed.carr.x... D Re.yrbn.r.mwnbmarrbr nawna.nr merrprolw.r errmr ❑ •e parerdbv bmaw.nMena raannanea D m.mmr.wm.n.w-n. u.,m.arnmwglr.•v.metre amdbmr.b, wa.rw. ° rvrPare rr.er.rr onlyp0iin0m•mr m.armma. D o..m..,..n..n.ate.wn.wamn.m...h ' THE CITY OF CUPERTINO rPaemn m. Dew.pradde,rem.raw D oUneadmvyrdepewar.ve.m.m. D .......tr...ca'soceeale ..]ren.n..m..r.mm mem nun,mr.ru FOR NONPOINT SOURCE POLLUTION D coormrrw.emrrrrrrbw. °Y.mp,,,,,,r,a.-tontw„•„•,,,,,, damrerebnmaam..boad de np .errmaama;aeua.rp.m. •rp"�te•-s1eii cOn°'+r"rye"p b WATERCOURSE PROTECTION. D nromsa....r s.a..a.mm wem.e..r maPm.wo.e..or ..enwearre'too. -••^w•^eme Pon mrmmery. ...a ......reamer t.o.n.... ..m. v v.rw +^.e mVvmarY m mnmly dearer .n.m.na rummy,tend ......c..tenon eWandoedge. .weYb We D lr ❑ pePrMmpmm.bmrwub,lw meth u....r ado term.,erne e.v...,am.r P•m.mr.wrMmosoomeb ,Praia entrant ❑ pemcl dwrump a.lrup. moat, .m.eme.wm.rommemiomeem) Che ter 9.18 m.mumrralaNl.Rem ma ° a.r.ad ppe.ra Prh'r m..mr anenhemnmer Pr.m,r P D'eraa.m,w.ru.wrmeutrnm. YanrmNM'.m N.nml/np mmu.r•...emna...u.e Pmn o.pmb.ra-a.r.rbad .mann,.m.t.mmW.rwonor re une.n...er.."',"Um. a.uremmm moo. ruXr•ue..rgembaor.aa.q mrrW.Ydru.P.ura lir dmu d.nev rN reeu.eam a ".mum.n..rr....a north.r•br..nr. a,BAse Dmche Imo are amrm grain Orrin ea...n.arm..-meea..s.lrm been a.a..nm ml..r.bm. o .mre...r.d.r... am�mArwl ru.eah.germ mrebw. w.u..arw Pmo.a veu.e•.mrm.a. .n ova,n.....I Pato..ape r.... rP AahldW AMn[ePWnmO Tp Parma Pollutlm FuaO.mmr.FannsaM. e••n.•qu.amruW P.r>J' rr Rater in W Wpr P. Wdopu.lrmepoamb D rl.I..na.a•Pn.nr..nMl sn�.0... .. nr VYeMrdmmealYpe,acouen,a4.v,apemRm °ed.ermr. °not e.0 roan. Do.wu..vnPv.rr.e.me.vm-. onPat guar Cwod mm+r. .. vreaeW Door, Cmua.y...mdM1.r.mr BwS.Tro®'r sen sedhsa.Ca'OrI Fd1 eedeUm at age tweet RlWme WMMor mrerwa-paAm.ionaemwr.b♦ ,yyy.gemaat Mena. ❑ ber.ber.b.na.mwm.r node0 mmdlr-..mreeemr banbe. MpryYlbpM1{w wrlTl.m.rlvn..moon LLMeI M1rIMYe,me � rrnue^...lar. Wend all wase.,iretludmp bn rmtreddaeE W.sewepe p.nrov.r .ree..areww.wmn .one .dared rep�e`ry Per.mam en m.d.eo..y.nrbewemm.e. D nm..rnrerea.r,ve omo-geerare D mu.,ar.er.nor Pmee mour eanaermr ' industril!abou ,petroleum Promrda,mal to a MY mina nae.orator.Nor,V-nr w merle .ueeu.e> and4 e.e.a.ee.aNmrua nrtr n..nma r�rr der'.. you •r am.rerb....u.. wmlmlrm arvlrp ham aw mmNamin doge hem omla a•pi-m L.e°ra'v'•"•Ytl'.°'"e' .r®a.a,rwrlr.ww_�Ym Bottom ra"ryaaM"Ye ❑ R.r.r vle..lpl.rmma were rr. ❑ came .aeelCer am a� •d ^m emu mmbm..mrremy va.pPor" a ev rsm.ue.un anP.....ren..coa.r RgmaewbouYr LuOa9ace. corm .mrye mmua•, rn anm.Rwu rb rmaml tepee daeC mFrae. rag M/rbpacmr,puma o-.b.aem ...P.m Mtl...ur.In..P.r.0 ennm.r...ne pmdmm,drenJse,detapee...ahe,ta,pvM, aero, nnder....sm-.w.r.ar. b• '°•'v m.nP ear.,m me are. ngone Pana,a.Po..m.n...n.u. e.o.n..... °�r.1.s RMeYYrrN pMYm.Yul/eae.eMr e^m.uru.arm mm orb.Moe.. mrhmrmomda MbnMed aWmnlry pPPl.yW, acerae. common m.M.Parr,roue ler roYPnrer n......... r.r r......l pdseraeds Irmeeds and tMYlmn n•..mpwm. r-]d.e arra-m-war anmr. ° nm.P.he......I ..he ae.vum (ro•umaM uu.rrnquae amen mnmemaepo•aa-Immo hexer. a.m^abmmn con p.m.pe .sa m.for nabrmrm..nvdod ooh Doa saeu..e...rsnu rudmm rumm.n, a.laepa Violation dent odame amen be to, ackets �rmrrmltrwammae Y..e ° l•^a••aP•mmema a^•ntl D Mmnea m.a4bm M.r.m Cw.ran 9.Mn.il1]a]1.b Wbm. aralYge.ab-'eaere .pr entad m, aaPW.mmary.Yw ..m,.r w...euemenL V.•anl]..erme _ rmm..bregmavv .ermmmr mnPra Y.m da•^^°•ae.rbmmeevr D nme..a..yr cry,roue maur nr Pn.r w.nmv. Ynrm'Pe.arr wtrP vbatas any pmmebnMme dnpmra ripv.rym.maevar are Pumlb Yore xomby mlrm a.Mrp.e sun ra.-nwmr.rb n-.a r.ante me gwmoed rare Daoj e.or.....nlm. 1do-,to. Pcrr mmy of a medYnaamr arm upon Convblm a Mall •aaald.. prrrmm cans Ra.mndemmirMrl. ••^mM1"-••. Park Poor re aoN.ea. • urea wulemanP auml..m errnu. ee nhiredds it Che 0.r.er.rmP .epenm..w pat pmvded one nein Mtldl rade O TNnrarva,mrwr.raw.dr.. rmrmmo>oarear .reams D oombm.er.urrrbir w._ amhberrM req.' SPIIICh.nup lrmPmoda..rdlaa Pmee ern an.P.mPnM om••rmk ❑Cl..nrren.r...mmm. p.,g.tm Clellpm"n,ler vloetbn �bww.`amb-a.ar..va. wrmmma,. 1eaP.er.a ba. . . .mmw.nmr.m. r.r..emsrrrcwr Penn. o.n.eree.m.hWm.r.a m-a Myperem aro vblotds tnm'pmraion ergo!mega ante mm.w rush-rrmer om.r.mn r navbwws - Pm,.en oth'....ra ❑ aorto... Un v.who,..me,to, Pr Yry Gori.ion al any Peme lowed lRRYha m me .au..r Shelter...err MZ�.Jnr.erarwriu.m . .w...l u.noawm.r.a.Pomo: r^P.drr l....I to...n.r.... n..m.ouma. u.r a 6d..eP..mer l.e.eem, Shared Wilrvrilry Noble maim Grymaaun norm m-sono. ma m - emP.prauonor.or aelu.Pn mem .r race,amrr...l-n..no- SectionmSYnatdlpmvidstll[UP cichchhaht WSnageFCoat ,ps...mermer+c P.ormw. .meammo ra pate code r•..w....rr.m e.P•..er.e.opem .rr.00r.M1aq.mrmrner rr. ..ma. Vietnam]. ].rod, ddbay]e0.6 tteen t y I]SAOo Fear day pus D w.narn.n.1 u.raualm.Pard D • 1 old..an mama ore.dat.lr. raesonJ•Pre Cay Prey petrlbn aim SuperbrCam v»din armor arms r rater,ra.had .�.�.namrPm•...nu.m...i Pn„mmmcp as m canasa epnsa„om mpa.e, The property owner and the contractor share ultimate responsibility for .-Ione ;~< •-rmnm•m. Woods,ad miner min emu.Pm due Penny pnoMad areen.hPwr.e..emma.duq.. D Poe..mm.ru...P...laerrar.rwnceL mmoladlmeapanY amdna.�Y„a,.dWeeW the activities that occur on a construction site. You may be held responsible .^•.r•- "••rd••• areas..to.mm or.... "emPonmWosw meddle alndemmeCry ada for any environmental damage caused by your subcontractors or employees. D org.;•p•onto•ndl^area•.r aeeavUPare Stem and Feeerellew vin bel ordbrenoee. Food. mlbcted peva®rndimrrint Aa enol eb Paidm Cllya ]ameP.mp er.•eair. ' D cornuPe.enlm.a ren. MS"B0°"'"a"�V° - Painting and During CNYeudbn Fresh Concrete ° xa• ame.a Ion kPro arty ram s.,AM onCron pmeromenlxnm,es.inV. •• Roadwork storm Drain Pollution numrn neenn.na..r.n.pmpem or ma - Ahm'peDm mato aernergds poaPmrm,amdplipnd Application of D ea,.a a.r rr rmr..om-a .nor nem,.oro m.e m.-Pa.nm mm me chamber,by me use of sot awredbm Wlbe emery flan Roadwork and Mortar mabmc pea yeru`an..rem..o.nq gene... hada m me City m a gum not m aaceed tw dy-0 Solvents and Pees a.ahw and D Srhre,rde.vearmaa ore mahaM rough Per eeY pa NOl.tlan b eeM cry rr Dor ar.auem o abusee eblaee abp ra-a.am. Irwr eaeeaoamu Mtlfm Y.dr rCaba,pOap,,Pm Cdyram'pYmmtlw Adhesives °'mee°rmaPrr-y^r PavingAtea^ne.htor..w.r.^^.a-.r^.rm Application D w,m moue int lerararwaa.r 5upebr CormmauWnt SM RCone SWceen baa d hew awamm.r m.mae..do-.umm.. panaD mhydeaeeSmdsche maws vanwndnot drd Dawkw� .ase. . one. to +..r�mor.d Storm Dmin Pollution flight �m pmetry parNeeapde eeemavanWxre and not Seam Drain Penuem sem Pehrb, sew y-.y- 'laraiBMb�AwLw arv..0ama.er.mm a]auaelderdtlolbnmemamal Pohl reradbeareewe tood'.rbalrr. conat amnerra�e.rueocal",r rrsd Fresh Concrete and Mortar ° oma ae.ramrm evMaMemme Gry Pada Seasonal Federalyudloml wsO"1ewsiib:..n Yea e�m,.,e,' �a,,,dd °ur�wal donecandr choor� Applications w Irnrum o ra` Small Business Promotion, Feedy collated punched m the ancient"I a..w r.a .... D�mr�r � Ce bond to eEmimmYSM Slam aa.een.®en..nre.... pdv unto - D wrnm.neoomewe•,ace ..e A YR MOfbp°n'"'n Tm c.m.n.rw M�rd.m n�amoerwa..er.r, day., D,ey mpa„ayPr Fondant mvem me mrmm,mm women err r„m„rlranln r.mE. Hazardous Waste �°°°e..mer-.°r�O •r4,.n rmvwrr�,m wa..e owl wdritlo bRb. awradw.aW coned.w.s].-.mm D a.d br ed nv+m+eyn4moa D arm a.ey.dr ler y,W rosbc n's se.amarnamee.me.u d m+y letbmcmeMwme•won� wm.rnNamedrer.ed Disposal'Prgm pP.bP. tonned.ea^asm.,.emraa •^ o,aa wm...e.er D v.bmever gdaaa gree r-^•r'^'-m'wb.ats•raw urea or amdm•dmm men re,n Businesses that generate less .� len aero abbmab...purnaum..na eyPwaron...-cl,.rq eoron't bbn raOormYb DYmYlpaeb.b memlba P4.Ir.val Nr.vnW ave.tenth mePwar..rmr d-.dwcas.ara paanec orae mom ammo anb.aPadsya mneloa 9 '�'� r:ge'm e.memarwr.rn- naa.mm.+m,mmmrr O ra..raraaSereed..r.r pmm,eh:o,mla.rade aoblena aM iPak.�rm'hrm.mram"w'"YPs.sr" than 27 gallons or 220 pounds c.P.M . D orb yr °„""�'r""°'r"•""'�'a'-a "pdi°red pl'e" mm"r r'a"e of hazardous waste r month. heart m-'wneraarrr.ces a.rare Pool: aa.er. ayes aarr�wr oke pe ....]],i D. IY.6q Pr.Aomaw -a.dleomom.ar de A comm wremcmawsa.r °nraa.r4ar•quraanm. ° mme�Fwd aP�P:m. are eligible to use this program. vuene wen.DePl: O l aboarwa.rar-.. awe emeprra.mvw. ❑armorybumbe rN�a.ba. ade ,Unda aewbm-Iv.q Omerai Brvh.va PaaeDm R Mrww+.a.rr err sr e e..nrq].a err..aeaw,ryre. a�°a arvnereewroode, pe.tanwP.a .mareen veno Clara eeunry "-- woar..woe°laalmr�rsgr. ❑Rgwradd.nmrummr.d.a• O«.r..rPrsnwrem.eee ° .rP,mth.mr�my ren;;,rte° D `'.0ab't"". Call 408-299-7300 R..Ycllnp xellme: yrs�m.owad ern.w pmbdvogmdpapem. �•Iymmm.aiY wMab.b erre err .mem m.war a6sdma aero>..r,a PaweynwM weer, N-.r.ya.eemnb ra Sao maum.ma.n vra.d ea•m.rw.a..mram. dace ormmm.prwt.d for a quote.leagd r.ymv ren.mm.m.wrb.Mena lr mar gee am ..r.n[.[r...n.... 0..a.bawrr aowm) eaabrl.a .rw..ma.or"wra.. .�arord mea D .rwa.rrr cob ve mea r D�raaa-entre mam.ae armor omen eu.m..�N.:..aru.w..N: .terra ere.e.a+a .wart ri�o�Sam-vr0am ❑Le...mupwlwPc ad cl.a vdra vPmeb.runored e] a+..ary dxm..vm.mc >� es..a..-repo Prararrre.r wwrar.w� Aa➢IrYamnaeb lifprJ aaem�awl.gltw. .wmd.a p.h.em rwm.brar_ . . ca..mne•.."a e....Plan ❑ne .aawf•rr..-Pre-a nrwr�.e.y..-ad. r•:)�: 1.' green-]el _ a-maur. D wa intra Nmm.n.d rn. ❑ ern m•nur comm,aeermrr w herb M1Pa-Iman.r. bnaray Dar ,arenbgp.pr •enter . •ea.'rw.. ar ❑ Pierce .9a.er.r1elc.a-a.aa! r YlRah Pe .rwvm T.v Santa Clara Valley Urban fvty .gem -ae mrptlaanb m .Romyqr4clmmaMrab].wm.ry rPnreeY..dwr eeuaon Prenl..Pro. kereaead ver :TsaFieeir-lwe.Ner-e O . rer.neaaoraer Pa'ardveaftee .1 aardarhn. adoorah. . care, sue.Omc.of Emergency a. mr rreorerw r.R. q %�y-!'• .4`r 'AN, xwm.blwamnmwannWwoeurma - Mwnergadbeara.e°eareomWmar.earae—sad � l ,. lan.anane r^,erro.ae D ler- �pyeaarms�w.derwe .ernn.nhl np.mmaaaab D oer.. eaaNma.d . D bNm.-.Crwrmmr-.hbw .orsOareartemmre. PurGev.m�`Yeion,.ewermbarru.ae. Reporeolith gtt .arrerreaabay Saamrs wa0boarurearbi enPehatc. ws `Nr . wm . m . B4 • ❑..... rr.a ocuum vent! mu.m ben.. . •-� - r.rlen trem.•evvw..n .:- . =mrdm.rD'c.mtllaumann s," s{'hr4fF Rsm.ItaboavmM1pn APPROVED BY: u���p I o OG�-1 SHEEP: u�'"`�� i.�q• CONSTRUCTION BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ® be RALPH QUALIS,IR RCE 22(Hb 9-3 5 DATE DItMMR OF PUBLIC WORICS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS h.a cq �44 :I