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CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS: 1108 NOVEMBER DR CONTRACTOR: REC SOLAR,INC. PERMIT NO: 10030080 OWNER'S NAME: KEVIN PLOUSE • 775 HERO LN STE 200 DATE ISSUED:03/22/2010 OWNER'S PHONE: 4085645107 SAN LUIS OBISPO,CA 93401 PHONE NO:(888)657-6527 y , LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION C I pC BUILDING PERMIT INFO: BLDG r ELECT r PLUMB 1 License Class ( - I 6 Lic.4 -7/b! b i MECH r RESIDENTIAL r COMMERCIAL r Contractor /6‘----- Date 3-2- Z _7 U I hereby afro that I am licensed under the provisions of Chapter 9 JOB DESCRIPTION:.INSTALL SOLAR P.V.SYSTEM FLUSH TO ROOI',3 (commencing with Section 7000)of Division 3 of the Business&Professions KILOWA"I"I'S,IJ PANELS/UNITS Code and that my license is in full force and effect. I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following two declarations: 1 have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for Worker's Compensation,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this Sq.Ft Floor Area: Valuation:$21000 permit is issued. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION APN Number:36217057.1108 Occupancy Type: 1 certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction,and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We)agree to save PERMIT EXPIRES IF WORK IS NOT STARTED indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities,judgments, costs,and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the WITHIN 180 DAYS OF PERMIT ISSUANCE OR granting of this permit. Additionally,the applicant understands and will comply 180 DAYS FROM LAST CALLED INSPECTION. with all non-point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal Code,Section 9.18. •Q��,,� 7 g . Signature %r' / __ Date r- 2 7—Tb Issued b • Date: 3-,C---.4-3 0 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION RE-ROOFS: I hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for one of All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed.If a roof is the following two reasons: installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove all new materials for I,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, inspection. will do the work,and the structure is not intended or offered for sale(Sec.7044, Business&Professions Code) Signature of Applicant: Date: I,as owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project(Sec.7044,Business&Professions Code). ALL ROOF COVERINGS TO BE CLASS"A"OR BETTER I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following three declarations: I have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self-insure for Worker's HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Compensation,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the I have read the hazardous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. California llealth&Safety Code,Sections 25505,25533,and 25534. I will maintain as provided for by compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12 and the Health& I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance, Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this Safety Code,Section 25532(a)should 1 store or handle hazardous material. permit is issued Additionally,should I use equipment or devices which emit hazardous air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District I will I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued,I shall maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12 and the not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Worker's llealth&Safety Code,Sections 25505,25533.and 25534. Compensation laws of California. If,after making this certificate of exemption,I become subject to the Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor Code,I must Owne/�/pr thorize /axent Z Z -6 43 forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. 'y v— APPLICANT CERTIFICATION CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is I hereby'affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of work's correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating for which this permit is issued(Sec.3097,Civ C.) to building construction,and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter Lender's Name upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes.(We)agree to save indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities.judgments, Lender's Address costs,and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the granting of this permit.Additionally,the applicant understands and will comply with all non-point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal Code,Section ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION 9.18. 144. 1 understand my plans shall be used as public records. Signature /� Date Z O Licensed Professional li 1 • 0`J\�, . � N \�/ CITY OF CUPERTINO I SOLAR PANEL • rar 4s f PERMIT APPLICATION FORM CUPERTINO APN # ate: 3402_— ' / - OS .7 „ 41 01 DT'IS-i3 Building Address: h o I AFau bier- Dr- 6ti(Pig l\it) ) 5-6/4/ Owner's Name: Phone#: . L 3-7 loos �J��'(o f 51 Contractor: Phone#: (1 7 a g- t' 7-zyte Contractor License#: 1< SD/et r . Fax #: tog- 7 fl -.Too l 5 b I rf Contact: if, Phone #: 44---147-7,cl b ro Cupertino Business License#: kierri . Fax #: ko(-pi10-?ref0 Job Description: Zn SJ (i 5 b�e r. /,(Jr SyrkGM -E'1a f 4 it rv-rv° Residential Commercial ❑ -1- Number of Panels/Units: I _ Kilowatts: 5 Valuation(cost of project): 2 (1600 Project Size: Express- Standird ❑ Large ❑ Major ❑ Green Points: 1.2 KW-6 Points ❑ 2.4 KW- 12 Points 0 3.6 KW- 18 Points 0 Quantity Fee ID Fee Description Fee Permit Type Group - 1SOLARPANL Commercial Solar Panel E SOLAR-COMM 1PHOTOVCOM Photovoltaic System E . Commercial/Multi-family 1BSEISMICO • Seismic Commercial E ( l ELCPLNCK Plan Check Fee .. E -• • / 1BCBSC Cal Bldg Standards B ALL PERMIT TYPES t Commission Fee Comm & RESID / 1SOLARRES Residential Solar Panel E SOLAR-RES / Revised OS/20/2009 CITY OF CUPERTINO 3 ITEMS OF 3 PERMIT RECEIPT OPERATOR: patg COPY # : 1 Sec : Twp: Rng: Sub: Blk: Lot : APN • 36217057 . 1108 DATE ISSUED • 03/15/2010 RECEIPT # BS000009.937 REFERENCE ID # . . . : 10030080 SITE ADDRESS 1108 NOVEMBER DR SUBDIVISION CITY CUPERTINO IMPACT AREA OWNER • KEVIN PLOUSE ADDRESS • 1108 NOVEMBER DR CITY/STATE/ZIP . . . : CUPERTINO, CA 95014 RECEIVED FROM • REC SOLALR, INC CONTRACTOR • ANGIOLO LAVIZIANO LIC # 27932 COMPANY • REC SOLAR, INC. ADDRESS • 775 FIERO LN STE 200 CITY/STATE/ZIP . . . : SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401 TELEPHONE (888) 657-6527 FEE ID UNIT QUANTITY AMOUNT PD-TO-DT THIS REC NEW BAL 1BCBSC VALUATION 21, 000 . 00 1 . 00 0 . 00 1 . 00 0. 00 1BSEISMICR VALUATION 21, 000 . 00 2 . 10 0 . 00 2 . 10 0. 00 1SOLARRES FLAT RATE 1. 00 207 . 00 0 . 00 207 . 00 0. 00 TOTAL PERMIT : 210 . 10 0 . 00 210 . 10 0. 00 METHOD OF PAYMENT AMOUNT REFERENCE NUMBER CHECK 210 . 10 41020031 TOTAL RECEIPT : 210 . 10 VOICE ID DESCRIPTION VOICE ID DESCRIPTION 301 ROUGH PLUMBING 303 ROUGH MECHANICAL 304 ROUGH ELECTRICAL 313 ROOF NAIL 505 FINAL ELECTRICAL 507 FINAL PLUMBING 508 FINAL MECHANICAL Community Development riet 10300 Torte Avenue Cupertino CA 95014 Telephone(408) 777-3228 CITY OF Fax(408) 777-3333 CUPERJINO • Building Department JOB ADDRESS: ' � v �J�b� � � PERMIT # IC j00 Soo a2z OWNER'S NAME: !loose. PHONE # 40s-741— ZK rG GENERAL CONTRACTOR 10EG SAar 1-b--C.• FAX # '(p g- 1 t•(o —3 fl I am not using any,subcontractors: le- 7-11-to G2V Signature Date Please check applicable subcontractors and complete the following information: El SUBCONTRACTOR BUSINESS NAME BUSINESS LICENSE # Cabinets& Millwork Cement Finishing Electrical Excavation Fencing Flooring:CCarpeting • Linoleum/ Wood Glass / Glazing Heating Insulation • Landscaping - Lathing Masonry , Ornamental Sheet Metal Painting/ Wallpaper Paving Plastering Plumbing, Roofing Septic Tank • Sheet Metal Sheet Rock Tile Owner/Contractor Signature Date COMMUNITYPLUS V8 . 1 PAGE NUMBER: 1 DATE: 03/18/2010 CITY OF CUPERTINO MODULE pinrvrpt : TIME: 09 : 22 : 32 PLAN REVIEW STOP REPORT SELECTION CRITERIA: BLDG PERMIT NUMBER: 10030080 - KEVIN PLOUSE TYPE : SOLAR-RES PARCEL ID : 36217057 . 1108 PARCEL ADDRS : 1108 NOVEMBER DR CUPERTINO, CA 95014 APPLY DATE : 03/15/10 ISSUE DATE C/O DATE REVIEW STOP: BLDG - BUILDING DEPARTMENT REVIEW REV NO: 1 STATUS : A DATE: 03/18/10 CONT ID: REVIEW SENT BY: DATE: 03/18/10 DUE: 03/22/10 TIME SPENT: 0 . 00 REV RECEIVD BY: LARRY DATE: 03/15/10 SENT TO: REVIEW NOTES : 03/15/2010 EXPRESS INSTALL SOLAR PANEL AT EX. SFDWL ROOFTOP • 't ` COMMUNITYPLUS V8. 1 PAGE NUMBER: 1 DATE: 03/15/2010 CITY OF CUPERTINO _ MODULE pinrvrpt : TIME: 11:27: 58 PLAN REVIEW STOP REPORT SELECTION CRITERIA: PERMIT NUMBER: 10030080 - KEVIN PLOUSE TYPE: SOLAR-RES PARCEL ID : 36217057 .1108 PARCEL ADDRS : 1108 NOVEMBER DR CUPERTINO, CA 95014 APPLY DATE . : 01/15/10 ISSUE DATE C/O DATE REVIEW STOP: ASSESS - REV NO: 1 STATUS: DATE: CONT ID: REVIEW SENT BY: DATE: DUE: TIME SPENT: REV RECEIVD BY: DATE: SENT TO: REVIEW NOTES: ***NONE*** REVIEW STOP: BLDG - BUILDING DEPARTMENT REVIEW REV NO: 1 STATUS : DATE: CONT ID: REVIEW SENT BY: DATE: DUE: 03/22/10 TIME SPENT: 0 .00 REV RECEIVD BY: LARRY DATE: 03/15/10 SENT TO: REVIEW NOTES: 03/15/2010 EXPRESS INSTALL SOLAR PANEL AT EX. SFDWL ROOFTOP REVIEW STOP: PLANNING - PLANNING DEPARTMENT REVIEW REV NO: 1 STATUS: DATE: CONT ID: REVIEW SENT'. BY: DATE: DUE: 03/22/10 TIME SPENT: 0 .00 REV RECEIVD BY: GEORGE DATE: 03/15/10 ( SENT TO: REVIEW NOTES: /� vApnr-0rt 03/15/2010 EXPRESS INSTALL SOLAR PANEL AT EX. SFDWL ROOFTOP EXP4QE SS Think GAZA /oe3aa8a For Life and the Earth SAPhr0 HIT Photovoltaic Module . ` - se 11, 11-. 11171 SANYO HIT°Solar Cell Structure ' r i p-type/i-type ( � � f^�. . (Ultra-thin amorphous silicon lay erJ Power 215 R "'F , 11 ( �� �I �1_l Front-side .� L�cI -�A�, ctryslal�ne Photovoltaic Module _�•!1 .1.1 i electrode q ;silicon water ,'I . � _� - I ( ' Rear-side n i"'" 'tl r r # -1 : l electrode—' —aril % I Q , , LJ/ �) i-type/n-type Module Efficiency: 17.1% l i �, (Ultra-thin amorphous silicon layer) t ti •Cell Efficiency: 19.3% } L- SANYO'S Proprietary Technology Power Output - 215 Watts _......HIT solar cells are hybrids of mono crystalline silicon 1 • surrounded by ultra-thin �amorphous �sililiicoonn layers, and '� C% are av It-C r'1. rqY V 3�' vu^UUr�U MAR 15 2010 v. cessary SUsc'tibn-Wtren't:s -y' NYO High Efficiency 1 HIP Power solar panels are leaders in sunlight conversion efficiency. Obtain ��, .,( .� maximum power within a fixed amount of space. Save money using fewer �.L,,/ ` "� r system attachments and racking materials, and reduce costs by spending t _ . 4'. less time installing per watt. HIT Power models are ideal for grid-connected - solar systems, areas with performance based incentives, and renewable en- ergy credits. ,11,1�..W .1 a : fiiiM tt�,p lfi ;i _ Power Guarantee 11 ��,, �4 I -'r or • -.'. SANYO's power ratings for HIT Power panels guarantee customers receNe: .,'°, ,.I� io100% of the nameplate rated power(or more) at the time of purchask'ins -abling owners to generate more kWh per rated watt, quiok 9 ipy (irit i � I. ;r avjl-1l uu'I t returns,and help realize complete customer satisfaction. ' . r Temperature Performance As temperatures rise, HIT Power solar panels produce 10% or more elec- tricity (kWh) than conventional crystalline silicon solar panels at the same temperature. Increased Performance with SANYO Valuable Features -(— I —L I Modula lcmp.�5 The packing density of the panels reduces transportation, fuel, and storage lc costs per installed watt. °.a Apptdx. �-� m 19%Up HIT Quality Products Made in USA a lc 7 SANYO silicon wafers located inside HIT solar panels are made in California a I and Oregon (from October 2009), and the panels are assembled in an ISO o 0.5 .— 9001 (quality), 14001 (environment), and 18001 (safety) certified factory. d 1 Unique eco-packing minimizes cardboard waste at the job site. The pan- - els have a Limited 20-Year Power Output and 5-Year Product Workmanship ca' 'Kobe(Japan).July 24,2007, Warranty. a t F Iced due South!Tilt angle 30' Sam )am 9a nam rpm Som spm 7P Time HST :ow,er215'N . :. . .,,..4.7..4.. dY?`-4, , :Ii ;mki 5s. ...1.4..1 ala.o sc.li4. . :t ail. .) h�.,.Yz�'5'2k 7.2it iA..1. .. r X` c .. Electrical Specifications Dependence on Temperature Model HIT Power 215N or HIP-215HKHA6 aau Rated Power(Pmax), 215 W _ _ Maximum Power Voltage(Vpm) 42.0 V ? s t Maximum Paver Current(Ipm) 5.13A 6th ? _-_ __.oat_ nCircuit Open CirVoltage(WO 51.6 V , sst Short Circuit Current(lac) 5.61 A 4.00 Temperature CoefBdent(Pmax) -0.338%7 t Q of Temperature Coefficient(Voc) -0.143 V/'C Temperature Coefficient(Iso) 1.96 mA/'C y 300 i N -__- ._ ........._. NOCT - • 114.8'F(46'C) j CEC PTC Rating 199.6 W U Cell Efficiency 19.3% 2.00 Module Efficiency 17.1% • Watts per Ft/ 15.85 W too Maximum System Voltage 600 V Series Fuse Rating 15 A Warranted Tolerance(-/+) -0%1+10% 0.00 a 10 20 .ao 40 50 m Mechanical Specifications Internal Bypass Diodes 3 Bypass Diodes Voltage(V) . Module Area 13.56 Ft'(Lzsm=) Dependence on Irradiance Weight 35.3 Lbs.(16kg) Dimensions LxWkH 62.2z31.4x1.e in;(1580x798x46 mm) aoa Cable Length+Male/-Female - 40.55/34.6 in.(*030/880 nun) 1000W6n' Cable Size I Connecta Type . No.12 AWG/MC4'v Locking Connectors - 50a Static W nit/Snow Load 60PSF(2880Pa)/39PSF(1867Pa) • e00Whn' Pallet Dimensions LxVVxH 63.2x32x72.8 in.(1607x815x1850 nun) Quantity per Pellet I Pallet Weight 34 pcs./1234.5 Lbs(560 kg) _ 4.00 Quantity per.53'Trailer .952 pcs. Q movma' Operating-Conditions 8 Safety Ratings u 3.00 Ambient Operating Temperature -4'F to 115'F(-20T to 46'C)' j 400Wtm' Hail Salety Impact Velocity 1'hailstone(25mm)at 52 mph(23m/s) U 2.00 Fire Safety Classification Class C • Safety&Rating Certifications UL 1703.cUL,CEC i.00 2005vhn' Limited Warranty 5 Years Workmanship.20 Years Power Output 'STC:Cell temp.25'C.AM1.5.1000W/m' Montly overage low end high of the installation site. ---N\ 0 re Note:Specifications and informatics'above may change without notice. 0 ho 20 30 40 so ea Dimensions _ SectionA-A• Voltage(V) Unit: inches (mm) a zt_c 1.e 4s / '•-\CAUTION! . T-31.4(798) - -1 I ) r 15.47 393) 131371 Read the operating lnstracdons carefully before use of these products ��. ( � if . $ I 81051511 0.165(42I r 1` I•i 0276(71 ^ II 0276171 SA�9I (� T ko II .n _ • le mrW.ti holm ' (-4 SANYO Energy(U.S.A.)Corp. 1 C4 i A Division of SANYO North America Corporation ' 0.776171 o 0.77617) 550 S.Winchester Blvd.,Suite 510 Ir.- ° I San Jose,CA 95128,U.S.A. ! Ground(4 Wacal W W Wsanya.COm/solar , solar@sec.sanyo.coma I■ ., 9,0.1651421 0.2051521---.-..uI O SANYO Energy(U.S.A.)Com. All Rights Reserved.9/1/2009 Front Side Back „,,,nr, r SIB 3000US / SB4000US nav a • >:Cer•tified'to the new ' 'UC1741/IEEE.1547 - • .> 10 yr. standard warranty > Improved CEC efficiency • , ' >.Integrated load-break • rated DC'disconnect t1 switch °•`, � .' • > Integrated;fused series string combiner • • 4:b � t > Sealed electronics • • • enclosure&Opticool : , J >•Comprehensive SMAii. .D �y - ,communicatrons and •• b. , �' . data collection options ” k \ > Ideal for residential or 1 r i _ - light commercial •• , 1 • applications1 l Rugged cast'aluminum . 4,outdoor rated enclosure - _ 1 Sunny Boy 3000 % 4000 - The-best -their' class ',SMA is proud to;intrroduce our new line of inverters updated with our latest technology and designed specifically to meet the new.IEEE 1547 requirements.Compact design makes them ideal for residential • Ilse and the integrated DC disconnect makes installation more cost effective. They are fieldconfigu- ' ' - rable for positive ground systems making them more versatile than ever..Increased efficiency means c ' Vi US • - better performance and shorter payback periods. With over 500,000 fielded units, Sunny Boy has become the benchmark for PV inverter performance'and reliability throughout the world. • Technical Data • • Sunny Boy 3000 / 4000 J- SB 3000US SB 4000US `' InputData(DC) _ .. ., • Mox.Recommended Array Input Power(DC U STC) ,, 3750 W 5000 W Max.DC Voltage 500 V l 600 V _ Peak Power Tracking Voltage 180-400 V@ 208 V 220-480 V@ 208 V t ' 200-400 V0240V 250-480V0240V DC Mox.Input Current 17 A 18 A DC Voltage Ripple <5% <5% - 1 Number of Fused String Inputs 4 i 4 s PV Start Voltage adjustable) 228 V _ 285 V ' 3 ' Output Data(AC) - - - AC Nominal Power 3000 W 3500 Wit 208V/4000 W44 240V . . 4 AC Maximum Output Power v 3000 W 4000 W 1 AC Maximum Output Current 15 A•208 V, 12.5 A•240 V 17 A•208 V 16.6 A•240 V AC Nominal Voltage/Range t 183-229 V•208 V 183-229 V 0 208 V 211 -264V®240V ; 211 -264V0240V 3 AC Frequency/Range k 60 Hz/59.3 Hz-60.5 Hz 60 Hz /59.3 Hz-60.5 Hz • ' $ - - Power Factor I I e Efficiency' - ' ' Peak Inverter Efficiency _ ° 96.6% _ 96.8% t CEC weighted Efficiency 95.0% 208 V 95.5%•208 V 95.5%0240V 96.0%•240V Mechanical Data - - Dimensions W x H x Din inches Thr--117.8 x 13.8 x 9.3 17.8 x 13.8 x 9.3 r . Weight/Shipping Weight 88 lbs /94 lbs i 88 lbs /94 lbs - if Ambient temperature range -13 to+113°F -13 to+113°F , L Power Consumption:standby/nighttime <7 W/0.1 W <7 W/0.1 W Topology PWM,true sinewove, PWM,true sinewove, - { current source current source Cooling Concept Convection,regulated fan cooling Convection,regulated fan cooling Mounting Location Indoor/Outdoor(NEMA 3R) •/• •/• 2 'Features - _ 11 LCD Display • • • . lid Color:aluminum/red/blue/yellow •/O/O/O •/O/O/O Communication:RS485/Wireless _ 0/0 O%O . Warranty: 10-year Y • • - 4 Compliance:IEEE-929,IEEE-1547,UL 1741,IA 1998,FCC Pan 15 A&B • • 1 - Specifications for nominal conditions •Included 0 Option - Nat available 4 Efficiency Curves _ - # 0-.....4.--/F— F —w,-ssovoc —`—L o v 6 �a_r —. _ u,,.-novec •_-__- - 4K' `� £ - / —u„-uovoc ° • 1 • r IL64.el ===. ... '. aarry6 , __, rr.,. __. so 9.59s tom , 3003 40,3 5000 ram ram ��R�r.- 1 — PC M'1 7 a www.sma-america.com • Phone 530-273-4895 Toll Free 888-45MAUSA SMA America, Inc. t ��T rPLAN 1/161 = l1 PAGE #TABLE OF CONTENTS .1q8^ _ DESCRIPTION . 1Z •I) PV-01 SITE PLAN - ... Q/Q (E) PROPERTY LINE ------..............a. PV-02 MODULE LAYOUT • „ \ PV-03 MOUNTTING DETAIL A P P ROVEDTHE ITN/ PV-04 ELECTRICAL DETAIL • E RESIDENCE iNACCORDANCE I DORDINAI CES �� ( ) CUPERTINO CODES��'`p SYSTEM INFORMATION uJ DATE ARRAY PITCH MAGNETIC TRUE Q., SIGN „taNSL__ ORIENTATION ORIENTATION O This plans and t al tlmes and it a r ) lob at al AR-01 23° 231° 245° V, era on the k make any chah9es a°err°1:1:09. x+s (N) ARRAY AR 01 °" "/1111° -bout written c. r°1i o AR-01 23° 231° 245° ;i.. on same rtmem.0 of Cupert (N) CONDUIT IN ATTIC t % the BuBdfng De tan and sP� catic is ”`€p 4 -�� The stamPth9 0i`his P ;•o ;-.-�: SHALL NOT be held to Pe.an or to be a .-. .... V g$_ lation of any Provisiore C7 § g Oval 01 the Vi0 —�'; U 'es r.:n Q I tr.„u IDr000.o Deem* S approval C Orr or state taw. (N) ARRAY AR 02 FT; c ;l�1�U p 1 r j� --i-rs `�ePlat”, M of any City _ YSh7- h LI IJ 11 R0Tri—vin-96..�.aa.,..�F sof...° Ce (N) CONDUIT DOWN EXTERIOR —'�F, G �Cre' �L `' g - �_ �. ��II rwa rn r tn= FE QL.WALL BEHIND RAIN GUTTER crs 44�.�•, '��, Rt 'g 1�" GDOWNSPOUT otora 1,1 ,i.„1 a�� � �1; -v D- s r`•"'"_amu• z_ (~ W d ¢ z rwr o-� ' n g,ll ' °iCrb QrL� C ` I�rwm. h 33 1 ° I I II"lc:: �tsq� '_ G l ��U 0 - ,, �l -o'A<t_..il gE ISI i� ii ti kEdrde. 1\ SiprAt4, (N) INVERTER WITH M -I ° °uwmp of F€ <`sa,_ , J INTEGRATED DC DISCONNECT "_. a��w 'r` " `^��c I�—¢ sJ s=€E`Eg`° � , / N� (EXTERIOR WALL) ��; d'� r =(r r,� °� I � ,- igo7ss3 . .J �- U i/J i � b� LI �3 WSoeo $°. . ek � R v«n..�e \°� r �� k1 (.fsuaanj� Sj lf:%n'4 1 Ea H°;e1, (e\ � t.1l iwNRl �'�\�.\� I, 1 �e II ffR.W�9fN� pl (fN wn�IJINort� :N SUN RUN q J'�•: •••r)S . g , uM VOA �qt% \\ F Rno-��l �� C .�''r''litiiiik;`i , ,:. METER(EXTERIOR WALL) II II 70 -3 �t `1 •k-a ,_ ,,„ 11 U w i•P• • , s'aKve p.. �` ,e.aw..y� 1 , / 0au`♦ -. I � �� =uwop kswo.n_ici= I JIB to Niz. tbw.0 DrtCCC0.....raa...v2 w u Q .^ O (E) SERVICE ENTRANCE . . ° « ILSj°»51:= °�,1u.°„p� tom °z N 1 Ii•I� _Jy-II 11 - 91 �vu"rna�,n w ee�_se. •� W J G *ill.� �,_R.n.p. P `. • (EXTERIOR WALL) , —i�---R_ p s�®' ._ • w M COCi- •Y i �Q�lr 9' • �, n II '—}151' Y d/, •— H 2 $ WVICINITY MAP O.• •ifea,:;, ,t>,- 1 �. . J+ (E) DRIVEWAY 'S C Ld ;TOS i co U C • • adept). Stipa , W. v�%it J ��a,• re) - vHce l ept) • 1„:�^u ter� . • •.� l• PROJECT NOTES: J 50% A•ll „F rtea:�a _ w0., 4� SET N ,1 ;04 , t o 1) 3.01 KW SOLAR SYSTEM INSTALLED BY REC SOLAR CA CL# 750184. �•`a'`-� .�,`�'� ��•��. p �.. • • 2) SOLAR MODULES MOUNTED FLUSH TO ROOF USING REC SOLAR ALUMINUM RACKING SYSTEM. PHOTOVOLTAIC iii• �!:�'s•':� I7101.4 • a'ad < SYSTEM WEIGHT: 3 LB/FT^2. SYSTEM r-1 IQ.:6 • qty 0 eiri i 11 .of%) < . ^.R,�.r...a jai . Ie 3) TWO STORY, CONCRETE S-TILE ROOF AT 23° PITCH. e ,o w ':ab)4b% % b 14. w ec 1 4) INVERTER LOCATED ON EXTERIOR WALL NEXT TO MAIN PANEL. ��r...,. e'er' -40 CP firs”: �O� 5) CONNECT SYSTEM TO MAIN PANEL VIA 240V CIRCUIT BREAKER. Cr) itiVelfi ';11-'4 - -a !_ 1��� 6) RUN CONDUIT IN ATTIC SPACE AND EXTERIOR WALL. ELECTRICAL D LEGEND ONA 7) ROOF STRUCTURE: 2X8 RAFTERS 24" OC WITH 9.5' MAX SPAN. SHEET 0 8) SOLAR ARRAYS WILL BE VISIBLE FROM NEIGHBORING HOUSES. (N) - NEW CONSTRUCTION ` / i . (E) - EXISTING CONSTRUCTION e PV-O 1 a. /UO.36OSO • MODULE LAYOUT SCALE: 1/4"= 1' — 5'-4" — 111--- 4'-2" 1' . 1 6.L . — voc © 10'-5" WA 9'-100" o —o— ECO 41-6" ' C5) 3=� . 7.. — --o — —O .T illi q iy . —.0 3Jgl 51-4" -M p O .o— — —o e• -5 . O m tn2 O- — — 0 9" i :.Li ° C - d 5'-11" • I O °pTh ; ar go = - 11'-1" n : i= aog o- a • - - — 13' 2" - - e— � W ^ 1 - — 15'-7" u W O U _ _ i_ O — ACEI," r � OJ MAR 15 21 iW > M 00 • — _ _ _ _t cJ �Yz- --_. 0 Z O a ,-1 - -0- - - - -OO "0- - 50% SET (N • PHOTOVOLTAIC O / SYSTE 1� d� mne W in 71-11" • MODULE NOTES: RACKING NOTES: ' SANYO HIP-215NKHA6 USE REC SOLAR RACKING SYSTEM STANDARD ELECTRICAL 11'-9" — 11:4" 215 W MODULES MAX 8' SPAN, MAX OVERHANG 2'-6" SHEET 0 62.2" X31.4" X1.8" PV-02 a MOUNTING DETAIL SCALE: NTS - (2) 5/16"-18 x 2-1/2" SS HCS11- (2) 5/16" SS SPLIT LOCK WASHER REC MODULE MID CLAMP RAIL SPLICE INSERT Li Q REC MODULE END CLAMP a �� NOTES: WJ REC CHANNEL NUT IQ _ _ ism% • LAG BOLTS MUST EMBED IN ROOF in EC UJ RAIL SPLICE TOP STRUCTURAL MEMBERS/RAFTERS REC STANDARD RAIL TORQUE ALL 5/16" HARDWARE TO 10 FT-LBS �/:� i�/ ) (2) 5/16" SS SPLIT (120 IN-LBS) TORQUE 6E� , lO I� LOCK WASHER • RAIL CAN MOUNT TO EITHER SIDE OF POST 'iMaa // i ®� (UPSLOPE VS. DOWNSLOPE) 3tg- REC RAIL SPLICE , — — 5/16"-18 x 1" SS HCS FOR UNEVEN ROOFS, USE 1" STANDOFF SHAFT Z : a ASSEMBLY z C:11_ isc REC STANDOFF CLAMP c= -r�l 0 o REC CHANNEL NUT U©W U ' 5/16" SS SPLIT CD w LOCK WASHER REC RUBBER RAIN COLLAR ( et5 5/16"-18 x 2" SS HCS la INSTALL OVER FLASHING REC RESIDENTIAL U w " a �w?:��PE_§ � STANDOFF KIT SIZE a °=ot u— 5/16':-18 x 3" SS HLS REC STANDOFF SHAFT 1 g1_p_E, osE (MIN 2" EMBEDMENT INTO RAFTER) & SKU VARIES) !AVM'. REC STANDOFF BASE \ O eaa p sfl- 5/16" SS FLAT WASHER A SEAL PENETRATION AND UNDER \ 0 BASE WITH RAINBUSTER (OR w EQUIVALENT) Y \! 11%\ z 0 FLASH POST WITH w o u O STANDARD ROOF 4-� w w O FLASHING FOR 1" 1pN G m m z ,�., N J DIAMETER VENT PIPE ) S.�PN ll`1Q� w > w o m a (E) ROOF DECKING GpMP1�1'CN��,SN1 MAN ) 5 ��I'D a a CO p�N B': rl (E) RAFTER \ l5N "�^ca Ce 50% SET N PHOTOVOLTAIC 0 REC SOLAR SERIES 100 : SYSTEM ,- STANDOFF MOUNTING DETAIL — L d ,,, LU U7 ELECTRICAL SHEET O PV-03 a ELECTRICAL D ETAI L • 120/240 VAC NOTES TO INSTALLER: SINGLE PHASE SERVICE METER a: POSE 1006094823 AT MAIN PANEL, INSTALL MAW PANELsfe(AI: 200AMPS 3/4" EMT OR EQUIVALENT L 20A "CUTLER HAMMER MAW Baena sae(A): 200AMPS (2)'10' AWG THHN/THWN-2 CONDUCTORS BR220" PV BREAKER (i)'8 AWG THHN/THWN-2 GROUND (1)'10' AWG THHN/THWN-2 NEUTRAL • UTILITY ET 3/4" EMT EQUIVALENT (4) (4)'10' AWG THHN/THWN-2 CONDUCTORS SMA AMERICA : SB3000US(240V) (1)'10' AWG THHN/THWN-2 GROUND O 3000 WATT INVERTER& 6 o FUSED DISCONNECT ASSEMBLY rn SUN RUN METER NOTES: SME ERN UJ 200A MAIN N 4 METER INVERTE - "ATTACH THE INVERTER TO THE TOP LUGS OF BREAKER d o 0 AC OUT — — — 7 „E d THE SUN RUN METER BASE" 20APV ' ' (14) SANYO HIP-215NKHA6 MODULES 9Vf BREAKER I IN (2) STRINGS OF(7)MODULES EACH .•y - "REMEMBER TO LEAVE UTILITY-SIDE POWER ON DC IN 361.2 VDC EXPECTED OPEN CIRCUIT STRING VOLTAGE _ u eN $ TO THE SUN RUN METER WHEN YOU LEAVE THE I �J Z SITE (THE RED "POWER ON" LIGHT ON THE NEUTRAL ~ COMMUNICATION COLLAR WILL REMAIN ON BUS ] I '" e CONSTANTLY)" I —LI U 5 e GROUND I FUSED, 4-STRING COMBINER Solar Disconnect= O o - "CALL SUNRUN AT (415) 982-9000 OR (415) BUS AND LOAD RATED -)l n 254-7804 (BACK UP NUMBER) FOR A METER TEST WIRELESS DC DISCONNECTCONNECTION • " U 11 WHEN INSTALLING THE SUNRUN METER." FACILITY GROUND / U U U re s • I WARNING - Electrica Shock Hazard ELECTRICAL NOTES: Module Characteristics DO NOT TOTERMINAL'S $F$€"' `° I)JC OALnYci 1. GROUNDING WIRE WILL BE BONDED DIRECTLY TO FACILITY GROUND r�1� gw_VE, Na, 2. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM GROUNDING WILL COMPLY WITH 2005 NEC 250 Sanyo HIP-215NKHA6 215 Watts WARNING Terminals on b Lyle and Load:sides -a=>;3 , 05i: 3. MODULE INTERCONNECTIONS WILL BE MADE WITH 10 AWG RHW/USE-2 Open Circuit Voltage 51.6 V INVERTER OUTPUT CONNECTION �� -sr c. � ., .. WIRE. DO NOT RELOCATE THIS may be energ ed in the Open Position. Open Circuit Voltage: (NEC 690.7) 58.3 V OVERCURRENT DEVICE / �� 4. ARRAY CONDUCTORS ARE SIZED FOR DERATED CURRENT PER STRING Max Power Voltage 42 V 5.61 AMPS SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT -- _. LABEL PLACEMENT LABEL PLACEMENT 'el� � 125% DERATING FOR EXTREME IRRADIANCE CONDITIONS Short Circuit Current 5.61 Amps AC IDE KRRFRONT OF PANEL) AC DISCONNECT,NEAR BREAKER ` -tl N Short Circuit Current: (FRONT OF PANEL/DEAD FRONT) MAR5 2010 Z K C o (NEC 690-8 (a)) 7.1 Amps ] u C u 0 125% DERATING, CONTINUOUS PHOTOVOLTAIC SOURCE CURRENT (NEC690.8(A)(1)) w(NECO 690-8 (b)) Er ' in m z 5- A 156% TOTAL DERATING (COMBINATION OF ABOVE) System Characteristics Sticker R ECr DC Discon ee —W 5 w rn m a 8.77 AMPS TOTAL CAPACITY System She 3.01 kW 1/1 O •• • (AMPS TOTAL CAPACITY = STRING SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT System Open Circuit Voltage 408.2 V SOLAR ' 7 Z u Z co MULTIPLIED BY TWO ABOVE DERATES, 1.25 X 1.25 X SHORT System Operating Voltage 294 V (8U)6574327TOFrn n^^^°"^.m'^ 0J o o. 0 •DO NOT OPERATE SOLAR SYSTEM BEFORE p .0i Q • CIRCUIT CURRENT) Max Allowable DC Voltage , 500 V INSPECTION BY YOUR UTILITY • System Operating Current 10.26 Amps •NO NET ENERGY CREDITS WILL BE EARNED WARNING - Electrical ock Hazard 1 5. INVERTER PROVIDES NECESSARY GROUND FAULT PROTECTION AS •A FINE CAN BE LEVIED BY YOUR UTILITY REQUIRED BY 2005 NEC 690.5 GROUND FAULT PROTECTION. System Short Circuli Current 14.03 Amps •THIS TAG MAY BE REMOVED WHEN SOLARec 6. PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM HAS CONDUCTOR BONDED TO GROUND IN SYSTEM PASSES UTILITY INSPECTION DO NOT TO6 ERMINALS 50% SET N INVERTER AS REQUIRED BY 2005 NEC 690.41 SYSTEM GROUNDING, AND LABEL: DC DISCONNECT OR INVERTER LABEL PLACEMENT Terminals on qgt 'ne and Load sides -PHOTOVOLTAIC CD 690.42 POINT OF SYSTEM GROUNDING CONNECTION. AC DISCONNECT Td� SYSTEM rI 7. WHERE DC PHOTOVOLTAIC OUTPUT CIRCUITS ARE RUN INSIDE A may be ener ed in the Open Position. va~ BUILDING THEY SHALL BE CONTAINED IN A METALLIC RACEWAY OR e WARNING - Electric Shock Hazard \ ",,,,:. w WARNING - Dual Power Sources ENCLOSURE FROM THE POINT OF PENETRATION TO THE FIRST READILY No user serviceable parts inside _, , ACCESSIBLE DISCONNECTING MEANS - 2005 NEC 690.31 (E) Contact authorized servicer for assistance Second source is photovoltaic system DC VOLTAGE IS ALWAYS PRESENT WHEN • 8. USE UL APPROVED BONDING FITTINGS AT ALL CONDUIT/BOX x ' " " SOLAR MODULES ARE EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT ELECTRICAL JUNCTIONS. LABEL PLACEMENT LABEL PLACEMENT SHEET 0 • AC DISCONNECT, MAIN PANEL NEAR METER 9. MODULES CONFORM TO AND ARE LISTED UNDER UL 1703 COMBINER BOX, LABEL PLACEMENT n /w • 10. INVERTER CONFORMS TO AND IS LISTED UNDER UL 1741 INVERTER DC DISCONNECT, "V-04 COMBINER BOX a • • • General CI Dissinew cedi wee des sa•OrGeed"°m'aa"n°"`°`" Landscaping, Earth-Moving Dewatering Heavy In the Santa Clara Valley,etortn drains flow wap,ria.tame • tll�DtlytDmllocamaewrandonmsa Construction madden °x°m°n• w ° r Storm DnlnPollWon Operations Equipment Francisco Bay,with no treatment randy two dna anonOda in t.nw• Gardening; from Landscaping end Swimming Pool Maintenance Activities and Site ❑ Topp dna-mse[...ranwm a •�r.a.ersobsn Storm water pollution S a serious problem for aanewsee,me eaa�n nieces or and Pool •o aab"m`•°au° es s w cordon Storm Drain Pollution ' wildlife dependent an our WntelwaysaM for Supervision nomad id meet dein Sons dram Sag From Dewatsring Activities ;1 the people who live near polluted streams or P ❑Mnarwwmraab-e.n.mmwnd Maintenance npemodde.m. Storm Drain Pollution Storm water Pollution sandanwar.t.mr..mm.e ave erhmw peal row.mrwp Winn r Ceavaw maa.WS amnmal wedeln _from HeavyEquipment on baylande. • Storm Drain Pollution from a a mmVmrmernn Ue pest winos aeira..e tions Samm�o from EeM•Movlrlg Activities a.saes err v.or.Den.mbnadeer Construction Activities -monrbm.Banl'a`,'••'°"°n'•'• Landscaping/Garden Y.Imamc• d•m5p•d ban,ens.Inn M+n'ow a Me hoary,pmunede a pane ion=main Construction Sites Proper management of construction sleet nano ede wren•Ma dram b am eau, ❑ pabn lar o xem m. •n•ax mmwnw•e en bra Cloth n me . Po maintained vehicles one heavy Catrin on Wm deelvvws. sac4ar r Knepp mWsw Sal•oval im Orae operations tar One scone)vsaw w month equipment thirtieth mel,op,antifreeze or reduces pollution significantly. rhos lora.m rad by Mona Dram uan .Ism d d ed on ew a Clow Sb mm Kamm n hen.me n bra vee any es. 8 ntly. odd pmmn.bore C Int nos .❑ pedants en en. thena a mm eat.mW,w ma nor• .sena nand nigma.Ws Ms ilia the arD•vrv.a pr¢a�vq. arra Sea than ary'vpsf.,.y6lwp r.n.Mll em,re at e'm.n"ervnws pro m..em. Diver nubs ones canon drat site are w.drabrsros we/r Wb PeobFounblMmYamManp gam drift.neer ie N>W D common°°renes of.tonn train pollution. This sheet summarizes the"Best Management Ms mown low<wen ave en. nhnh ori.. ❑ masher ammo noatheon them of obi Emapwg ..een.maer wow a. Practices"(BMPs)for storm water pollution rr••-'-'•bre ant•me•4on•. nor. hero an�.r. peny e a. "nth/pool...psi d•oen meth Sib pray r a .Moth .run .a bra .n ..ram. lou Pnvam.oma and reel.by isolating °P.'-'rr,v�n•'••.yes-^r-m„rw.m•r°r ❑cm.m woo memo spot m'o'th, ❑ ervr,k.mmbr mrxam'waemrb • von I's One le&am•wet xe et l°wmtt. cavi iced Karrota°a wan of node Kirin Menet"Y ameba, equipment hom humeri•Diannin•,•nD ny nv b•sun •✓r N ono e.Dime me.Odd dorn w .•CnFp for lea and Dino m•Nbnmu prevention. ,�m,w�e,-m„w,�. nw r`r°mrxm.satheca v-m,� wadcariandynt s ""O"'"^°en®"1 Seas. - DY°�o osepsIs roe..'b,Iyl me,mrmhhm =dew p:a more e.mr 1.coma rot].[b rewm.n problem 6..Remove con.onown equipment • ;thew f rec meed.inn ❑ mono.mm arum.®mention,gen.. Dm rad rxevm..none.Dw.rmwm.nehtm.Ne sive as soon••possible. • nes reap b r ate met. aged rya.aria,nether.weer manna ameb special won tooth as scd • Cenral Principles ❑cwwww•bewe,meW.Pwmamsmm view. vent orn•ge°Na est a Smobra.b" ❑ Cavae m pmdawM,ididde'V•••ar•meYl o M vast m ern esus Kea roes men vin a bo o Pinto h.rdp ❑ se.eneaor en.aim am a smith —MM that moth•pion%o.. Pnacdcei During Cpmtuctlar ❑ w rod mYag mmmbr.sier t r..Pian to ane Pnrenur•Vehicle ORDINANCE OF Imaerp/wean a dad sawn nand in man rmeoa.r.e4.• Xaa la ti mei be Doeltex nm THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ❑ month seventh sten. �a�•dr.ma.nleryem.hma control mn.ht.. ❑ rdatinsidy .on eopwt n try with pwrK..urmaasrd. ❑ Odle•ad a n••re•al me ron.,wcmn dd..d • no ❑ Ston Peados..aria,r ver ❑ boom awing,pow r ip war Si hopes r ❑ nmemw.by•wmidden.lend tore m. enmm•o.•ms or slam n inlets.Mudd.b FOR NONPOINT SOURCE POLLUTION ❑ Cone m•r4Y eine Mann nom n. ' D Pte palatal.sea.n•ammoa...Mee cheniw'Wenn or b•shad v Mann mrwdon ara;art.m.m. stevog.ICadaralan some K•bpav ..srswdby.r mmeEanvy. end.°vom.mp.nbp.xm.lmo..na ewes. • &WATERCOURSE PROTECTION: ❑ t apmnta•w•rnee.e.a.an •o•Deane nam loo nim*oneon.mod 00A'L roan....rib.net. .rho.awhammEla mmsmayDlam. ❑ dnwymwrn.va.yovmnx u.:nb..n.:.r°nm.::e..e:::•.er:u..un Cha r9.78 ends r arrow.arae. order a baa ❑ Or pseuds..spender.s alp b ❑ v moth.-nndedr.b•ori w loan U mart doei lope sew ca.s. Winn b awwr°•war prwnaeae Si border. .. Chapter ❑ [nr an mere one mom e• n naw Y.Mabw•ae Hendlrp mmvdM oethith on he ISI-meme amply [benne men.nudes.w.l•-to w mea .awn and°ane errs mel oath v mew n tom n...acne then.. mmtpe lo Orem 6555_ mlctheur-.I.r el er•lerpayrmu'ar ta{v.r avyeean Use this arta nr-er.011.mumnmrwuMMb Dtnnaln Mlrnl[b.ra hrrl.eubmnl. OYpp••emW.a mm•anmw enact ab maul pumped prumefa onto. Inspectaquenhr lerend reit 4•Ih. 9.1&040 DscN Into the storm drain ❑ninths term Roisce s manta r dhn bath D Sr •Eridem d Dim. Jmhx m abed note rood intoe. . • ePprohibited Advance panning ro Pnwl PoOudon ren Vee runnel.ashen.a.ntr. talc d tem x.wYree Rre totla RNler War mush Cwtrtl beermmltm adpptlevapmmb ❑ r•nen.mwlmr•andnanee.rnprdw.end Ills unlawful to discharge,or muse,allow Cr pemlmm .irate etb. ❑ wen ux mpp•r-0x.p'l1I•maapxlm.m nett vet kW and.dulpm•n1-.hnnp•nwa,entre ❑adedrr rt...em.m grading sondem ❑s `dew nen"' Conlan wag mane ams •ave Emvl ad s•mav Coed Fel be discharged into am storm dram or natural outlet or a elm omen Deas To nee ad•anent. ❑ mcv.aa.nwm.do woos acrdrhv amnwn.a,son.•odium avow. Masud DOD,wmah.a xavrve mod 2. ecru&tanrsdL...r. clamp dove.,. Gown.. to end 4m:pas.aid u..mxnm ❑ Nyou m°non arm end,pmt motor oil.mato, GMrrlelWMame,'trading hut not restrictedto.sewage, pin hmpvay rpWaaOen wwoolen opm...dhm rpwmn,DM.ma,r awa mea.a. 0 Il m.inter w ober.awminp ori•44r industrial warm,pebobum products.mei Mr or any refuse spot tan ran sow.use Iv amnia aid latenbrhm.m map*Voll le ends r•m.sw men.Yarded-to d•peaawa UMeyMew cleaning, mon 24 noun.end m.m.n%ty f. Men 20 eaednt..Drier ma.en eke.use veep alone es s.mma Gdd ism*wooed•s vee beat n.wam. and nil,.ad ibis 0 caw • pe • troleum. d IflS teen the manufacture of horn mala s.gtrwwWo elm Rxaav•n ❑ ay.rcwn.na.e me moot mouses M a sal •tai ears per mm�l..'nM ending drop theme to die drips sped.culled petroleum berths ,detergent•,meths,mints, worn. tar coop mw.sa aria. month onset-nhan.°.vor.Orem Mem mmmlrrtdat chlorinated swimming pool water. ant.sln.m%aww ••moarpvel.ec ahnap. Into pumping Shine yes morpe•a.mm VOWS.noe••`1e ln•.p•rn.mnvorn.ema ❑mama t t undo DePon.MY4n m man,b•rim dyne dab aawn•[.m•..rm Nm mb•aa.m. Pond r Iw'bnn ane. D....bperrnrndor-rnlnpr[d ❑Cwepai anent d rune eche rata Wes-sa node roe.b nwmre mode. am span Ne mind Md til ether d 0 ems pumping lime Y mon men:[noun °n re ••t pesticides,homicides end fertilizers. Immesh cloth p.y mmvaanbe usnd booth • rimer amends nae�=e nae Maser •Den Cavo....rug b We seen.. ' 0 °n not dl...r.Il to luene.m edul mtrvpennw.m°ony.Wnb ❑ r..rntonmmw..Idea actus .rupn.I.rm.mxe arm.COem.m nein melee* In 0 nark maumtl.etnde.d cw.mm scan.mo-]an,le Widest.' Sone,or tido sou am enr.U.only odd ler oar wind alb.Remo .creel or t°. doe dWmp.•n Duty and Minim then a aWtmem 9.te.wo Violation any omen aiming• My baron who vbs,nof is noon h.Iwr.n=.mmtrx Prnrm :.•warm thin mn°o.w rim 0 nm...rhee%mar,.een.mull b. ....a ens n m ail n Ile h we•nd on sr arty Provision chapter timpani"nod don.v been.anon lan•w.by draw d.om.g.a radea...nvm...Wb0 cen.r.. DeYydemisdemeanorand upon mmimon thereof shag mamba. Isar Rd.End"En l:m.reo. at unary•a•er. . Id .sailed h:wv.r venni na..mmp oar of an..r•nelem.m arm be quay of a as in ❑m•a d bxaD•avav mama pe�mb.w e..m•.aria. . provided pier 1.12 of the mode ' CI net naeeeee ridthe •them. G nrdloObt tonna a.ao°renv O d net woe w nnwow the G map ,ys - oDmmaNeme odd•. Spill C4muP • To din pont eta maw tor Gadd Co.man Addy ermmr noddle die audit - pumping mann pw.w 9.19.100 Clivi comity far vidneon cononmen�. neaten ay ,wamnnv?he•he •ea sa , laws `�aa on vrrns.ad se sod site met ❑ cl..n.°.°IMV immediately. Ary iron Mem vNots.sly PhDdsbn dais Gpepter taawnw thorn p'w.m..r�wr nbmmeuo dreamed n.ga.Iwo Odd! _•Panne _ .I - pumping lam a be..'rata tae ❑ N nor hoe.de..',Mr s.n.m.nl ver Or Bay phonon d my pens)issued Kearns to tis own.rpow.am.Um riven Ste Caen Card om°.nn plan mg Mame le wag. busy.wbm•new ova: Mperm..eb.un•c.•ohne nae more spend. t Chapter that be tlWylsdetots Clymawmin to en.a=`a"®"°-I weee"av math rpkn.soni.l - Pon,s„°vwgh•Ming••.k.mum Use 0rien.rat•e:r.anew r:p.ls.n...m.r eceed to amanN provided M m Gontrullenl Cade •pW e•rhnv etre oat.our. rip and tae Kion rw po..b4end wiped,dkpese al•b.m.n •rami oma ed arae do Pet dw•nde, Sectionri). pardor 54740.5(up tofzp.000 per dry per ❑ wenawhuabpa•won da.,Sand D ,-eep up seed enmadawa i n . Nalatbn].The Coy may;then the Superior taut ennn,map•ewera dao am fan • Nod and ashen DsatloGovernmentcadesa Section s.]mmbema. The property owner and the contractor share ultimate responsibility for on md.rOast Olelln penprsna sr burl mem m'-" assets end remover altl ems.The Gni •rmrwa war a pnb.OR pump odd beady Dawab °twph•gra)ma.gnat le abWrp. ❑ V..a.atm hath e.p•••Ibis for duel unmL mm;.•ma saprmwaMdnde�a„a,.eeM,De the activities that occur on a construction site. You may be held responsible ;n•,•••erde••e••n•b•r••al•r In menthe to mom dee. edemo'toFederal wn"Maiesodpa"°tom°Gtyuder for anyenvironmental damage caused by your subcontractors or employees. ❑ pn•.updins.•din.r.•.byCagan ea•na State and Federal law and bol ordinances. Funds collected pursuant to this sector anal be and m Ctya .m sheaths of mmdim.4a..n Fm'vwvmragl WdpmmN Asitia. —S ❑ Cell ler snewlw••Lrm. Painting and ,mg LanVtcdon ❑Ir m.ad/anon o of .nl bond b 9.,9.,g, Civil mdMt Ig4ndtGnp.. ` �. Roadwork Storm Fresh Concrete mem::„.,u moat oho 7srm. Arty Pawn Mn discharges mesons n vldxtiond Application of - ❑ r,WaMnbWlbbaamde .n. t�GMpw,bythe use GSkilsm dtsthat beGNmy fromDadwoet and Mortar w -�-n. °� .td ,4ddnt.eiEmm.ndrs.ra... liable to to Ciy n•stem dt t exceed twenyJye Solvents and P•ana®•r and ❑ gp r maeayd down Pw deY Pw NGatlon fa eerN dayin ❑nxdp•wetsae•shat• pen m madder stow sprue Mang rrN eatrednt mor Application "x" „pam,w"p,„a„ whiN such violation agna.me LM may semen me metpam�h,xabwara PavingAWpm reae.ndewMao. D kW..Adhesives a Superior Coon Pneltantb Government Code Sactm ^'ode-Iarwn Spehmtdar vmurtrra wee Namara mammas don&demo dirt won,nee 54740 to impose,assess and recover slallaaag. The cid o'r'°"t°dom>l•vv'"a-b anon vrarlwnp ms.mrvmm • pe,aypTwidedmme radion isannlaatve and na O a�l°a_u.is r"".ni4 dp' b°t,h,,e"°•'4'dpp'°ee�t Storm Drain Pollution from p+e ' Storm Dram Potwmn from Paint, lose Mm..e..h.v rano •Glens SUSAN*paint_ randy.damid 4eptand exdwew,and then be n addition b all other remedies •ks.ea r deer ebannh... amdakaww.ae.mr Fresh Concrete and Mortar ❑ mid mrao.abrsbrr avellaae to me Cly lade Set eM FeOstel bw ahs YICY Sdswlb,eM AmW1ae b.r�ar%mm.�Ire O ohdt.axmru.h soSsak%r mar rrm robed na lobe mea , adwnma. Find.CoewzeeP dFedto ul&SiWis an .nm es°-r r:h m„�-'ta'enw-.`-"`° a`°"h-tr't°'•r e"-°`da Application• Mani Ideate. Small Business be paid to cd Ys Fnntronmemal Sinn Mmepemem d.°�•Sen'sr Bey.a a tut Dont ❑eterormh.vgrdna[mR • ❑ wana.n Kavas month moth fd mm•b n m-nobs.mei ❑wdaemp.o..yw.am..o. .,aa.. DrpevCtakbtadon Fmhmnwabmeovmm sower wbdunIanon nlltm-wr• Hazardous Waste • Aselli. —mad�.�°r.uarea°deiu r'weel ❑pratrvaws+h+ua v4oaa ORr oruoram/tvpbr Mat wash ilm sea,wean,a estuaries anon mdrdewh•bawd wins uta awnb.eq a—path,agera at Crowe moo Deena earn 0 Pommes.envaned sw•a wisher,a den res t ns a poet mmdebi,. the emeses sonnt it n h tkprremma r Many newer' mannanaey Nmb.d=,e d nmdedeh mWW.vena ohne a tr ret vnvartdoepmiedDM.e wisteria Dm.,.empersnraDa.petrel Disposal Prgm no rrrderee.rney dn..thwa.hr.ArDweadp runt notary rift mom dniraway can need by bsdtadsmmmde.a" Businesses that generate less ride �eaars•da del.dear ten.anal nor din%•moony bah mmmx _s neo mann ❑Ce..car Wtlr..ahe•ew storm dress,causes problems,rd Make an omens m ism suns . than 27 gallons or 220 pounds I ciap.mno ❑.YSr.sard.aweea o wanrnre odh•h ndvamdt mie,a ir°rKaamnatp net •DphmaddMbw, oa ea. of hazardous waste,per month. Banding ospn who bine "h+'-hnw.au.mem°4e. *Tar mint D when pe • ra.l)l.11xr Haling fllYdppsm wag•- ran bbTmgbm nomad.N and wYdtytPy^wLLbmnbp.Y Peelle Wort'D.pl: D Moodbold wlnese -et puntadnewnen did°hits ❑Pe rota s-dsehs W&Lad wen a mill die word ❑e nveat a ate mdmb e.nus Geund�Ina„�, td°ruls.ae deaot ta,. are eligible to use this program: ae1.11 y-xxea idde.R wait Penn veno atm to no pee Mn, syr-• re OW neat dwmWtbealy De RIM,..1191 dhaluds d not di m.Y.gx .. 9•ntt Clara County Soto wmen ba"nt odd lcdini rte_ 0 aadrt , eaWn.dt ❑ Kona�r. „rine .roma ❑ rMrmbtdryu... Call 408-299-7300 R Ile Hotline: • Ronde nail Qmvq bdnat•( O Nan tan s iaS Nn vena ennui ern , Re lxld�ra aodm.lendb•ennlal -s..,.pow*o bmindPmsb. wspsMad dadawKmam cab aswareryt.taeenKangrat aromaee¢eaWY"""ries,pod;,' for a quote. Oriall lal a/ nctaa a et•newer est K m•dm rod La .nm h Pe trash We w.ndunwxt•erg p ,rrbrwswmrpt 0 e tonna pmmneekpw[n fin) �p Own boo vee Crate sed �,aa,=odes d drr4aam.atan yr iv o r.[y[I.a1Ve tate min e•h *odd.pealed nine On sen ❑Cow mgrsddmn at.'--e llsthe be ❑ dery dtnndwMpaeb Ow meet. Smell Bu.In.o N.aueeu.Wub: Mnelad.a dist pear•' den don. J .lan.11a ett.sr em to Shyats Baan moa ms eaamm�nae Oh bead, ❑,Fs ' r+n.•wn.mtrn ate.ne.ryr seor taeap.m Acoh•IVOOc+/irwaw "Mn aria. ci non=d.unapont naatm cap.nlne e.nlu rl•over bud _ian si,,•m„e man drbae.n-Komar. ❑�Mdaergvmr.N%Iruoew asa Ind rnmbrroi•n Swmd r ea lank ❑ win mthan tho arm •4�d s.:9,,60 ' 1G tilt; ,. ..cc.,. 1 Os now... waren ❑Pel{sine nonacid dpw•a MseyeSae lo nth Sento c4r.van.]dream Resort 0 NrerYma carnal utns eh Pane Drmard maim rOarlm 0 ,bayprpdfinei-(barb ✓°b•tnmdlddloa�t.slalom 0 aim ave tem ayrrs.r44 a T•s" '^.pix . 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WY Co=Olive_ rel yd nem ' J��� cJ verb .:.:Y_: .,r&i -• e., -' jittbctt; R a'o ik m • APPROVED BY: • Ucu -c44 x•(4.03 CONSTRUCTION BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ` � � r J --N RALPH QUALLS,JR.RCE 22046 9-3Y5 DATE DIRECTOR OF Pl10WC WORKS • DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS - 1