S2678Sc�2c7g 5-q S. e L4NZ� T � 4-4-� Z,/S,o / I � III 12, TITLE 24 COMPLIANCE LAKE BILTMORE APARTMENTS RECREATION CENTER 20030 RODRIGUES AVENUE CUPERTINO Calculations by MELODY J. PAGEE (650)854-2381 Num 0 8 1998 Energy budgets for this remodel were determined using the MICROPAS 4.51 COMPUTER PROGRAM. (The recreation building is less than 10% of the entire apartment complex). The following criteria must be met for compliance of new construction. GLAZING DOUBLE DOORS DOUBLE CEILING INSULATION R-19 existing WALL INSULATION R-13 FLOOR INSULATION na SLAB R-0 Thermal mass is existing as per the calculations. Use existing air conditioning systems. All work to be completed per the requirements of the manditory features and devices checklist. If these criteria are met then the proposed building remodel will substanbM'y meet the required energy requirements for climate zone four as specified by the California Energy Commission Conservation Division for residential buildings. A ADDITION WORKSHEET Page 1 ADD Project Title.......... Remodeled Bldg Date........ 03/02/99 Project Address........ 20030 Rodriques Avenue ******* ------------ Cupertino, CA *v4.51* Documentation Author... Melody J. Pagee ******* Building Permit # Melody Pagee 339 McKendry Drive Plan Check / Date Menlo Park, CA 94025 415-854-2381 Field Check/ Date Climate zone........... 04 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS4 v4.51 for 1995 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS4 v4.51 File-NBILTMRE Program ADDITIONS User#-MP0874 User -Melody Pagee Run -Lake Biltmore Recreation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDITION WORKSHEET - COMPUTER PERFORMANCE ----------------------------------------- EXISTING File Name .................. NBILTMRE Run Title .................. Lake Biltmore Recreation Conditioned Floor Area..... 2888 sf Standard Design Energy Use. 25.49 kBtu/sf-yr Proposed Design Energy Use. 55.99 kBtu/sf-yr NEW (EXISTING PLUS ADDITION) File Name .................. BILTMORE Run Title .................. Lake Biltmore Recreation Conditioned Floor Area..... 2888 sf Standard Design Energy Use. 25.49 kBtu/sf-yr Proposed Design Energy Use. 47.60 kBtu/sf-yr FLOOR AREA RATIO Floor Existing New Area Floor Area Floor Area Ratio ---------- ------------- ------- 2888 / 2888 = 1.000 ADDITION DESIGN ENERGY USE FOR NEW (EXISTING PLUS ADDITION) Floor New Area Existing Existing Addition Standard Ratio Proposed Standard Design -------------------------------------------- 25.49 + 1.000 x ( 55.99 - 25.49) = 55.99 Note: If (Existing Proposed - Existing Standard) is negative, this difference is set to zero. ADDITION ENERGY USE SUMMARY = Energy Use Addition Proposed Compliance = (kBtu/sf-yr) Design Design Margin = _----------------------- ------------------------------ _ New .................... 55.99 47.60 8.39 = *** Addition complies with Computer Performance *** COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 1 C-2R Project Title.......... Existing Bldg Date........ 03/02/99 Project Address........ 20030 Rodriques Avenue ******* --------------------- Cupertino, CA *v4.51* Documentation Author... Melody J. Pagee ******* Building Permit # Melody Pagee 339 McKendry Drive Plan Check / Date Menlo Park, CA 94025 415-854-2381 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone........... 04 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS4 v4.51 for 1995 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS4 v4 51 File-NBILTMRE Wth-CTZ04S92 Program -FORM C-2R User#-MP0874 User -Melody Pagee Run -Lake Biltmore Recreation I --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICROPAS4 ENERGY USE SUMMARY = Energy Use Standard Proposed Compliance = = (kBtu/sf-yr) - Design -- ---- -- -- - Design --------- Margin = = Space Heating.......... -- 9.63 30.43 ---------- - -20.80 = Space Cooling.......... 6.81 16.51 -9.70 = = Water Heating.......... 9.05 9.05 0.00 = = Total 25.49 55.99 -30.50 = _ *** Building does not comply with Computer Performance GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor Area..... 2887.5 sf Building Type .............. Single Family Detached Construction Type ......... Existing Building Front Orientation. Front Facing 0 deg (N) Number of Dwelling Units... 1 Number of Building Stories. 1 Weather Data Type.......... ReducedYear Floor Construction Type.... Number of Building Zones... Conditioned Volume......... Footprint Area ............. Ground Floor Area.......... Slab -On -Grade Area......... Glazing Percentage......... Average Glazing U-value.... Average Ceiling Height..... Slab On Grade 1 30319 cf 2888 sf 2888 sf 2888 sf 18.3 % of floor area 1.19 Btu/hr-sf-F 10.5 ft COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 2 C-2R ------------------------ ----------- Project Title.......... Existing Bldg Date........ 03/02/99 MICROPAS4 v4 51 File-NBILTMRE Wth-CTZ04S92 Program -FORM C-2R User#-MP0874 User -Melody Pagee Run -Lake Biltmore Recreation --------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor Area Zone Type (sf) LIVING Living 2888 Area Surface (sf) LIVING - Existing 1 Wall 427 2 Wall 255 3 Wall 431 4 Wall 427 5 Wall 546 6 Roof 2888 BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION ------------------------- # of Vent Special Volume Dwell Cond- Thermostat Height Vent Area (cf) Units itioned Type (ft) (sf) 30319 1.00 Yes Setback OPAQUE SURFACES --------------- U- Insul Act Solar value R-val Azm Tilt Gains 2.0 n/a Form 3 Location/ Reference Comments 0.386 0 0 90 Yes W.0.2X4.16 0.386 0 270 90 Yes W.0.2X4.16 0.386 0 180 90 Yes W.0.2X4.16 0.386 0 90 90 Yes W.0.2X4.16 0.386 0 0 90 No W.0.2X4.16 0.051 19 n/a 0 Yes R.19.2X8.16 PERIMETER LOSSES Length ---------------- F2 Insul Solar Surface (ft) Factor R-val Gains Location/Comments LIVING - Existing 7 S1abEdge 197 0.720 R-0 No FENESTRATION SURFACES # of --------------------- Vent SC SC Interior Area Pan- Frame Open U- Act Glass Int Shading/ Surface (sf) es Type Type value Azm Tlt Only Shade Description LIVING - Existing 1 Window 32.0 1 Metal Slider 1.190 0 90 1.00 0.78 Drapes.Std 2 Window 13.5 1 Metal Slider 1.190 0 90 1.00 0.78 Drapes.Std 3 Window 54.0 1 Metal Slider 1.190 0 90 1.00 0.78 Drapes.Std •4 Window 13.5 1 Metal Slider 1.190 0 90 1.00 0.78 Drapes.Std 5 Window 32.0 1 Metal Slider 1.190 0 90 1.00 0.78 Drapes.Std 6 Window 38.7 1 Metal Slider 1.190 270 90 1.00 0.78 Drapes.Std •7 Window 38.7 1 Metal Slider 1.190 270 90 1.00 0.78 Drapes.Std 8 Window 38.7 1 Metal Slider 1.190 270 90 1.00 0.78 Drapes.Std 9'Window 38.7 1 Metal Slider 1.190 270 90 1.00 0.78 Drapes.Std 10 Window 43.5 1 Metal Slider 1.190 180 90 1.00 0.78 Drapes.Std 11 Window 54.0 1 Metal Slider 1.190 180 90 1.00 0.78 Drapes.Std 12 Window 43.5 1 Metal Slider 1.190 180 90 1.00 0.78 Drapes.Std 13 Window 38.7 1 Metal Slider 1.190 90 90 1.00 0.78 Drapes.Std 14 Window 38.7 1 Metal Slider 1.190 90 90 1.00 0.78 Drapes.Std 15 Window 10.8 1 Metal Slider 1.190 90 90 1.00 0.78 Drapes.Std COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 3 C-2R ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Title.......... Existing Bldg Date........ 03/02/99 MICROPAS4 v4.51 File-NBILTMRE Wth-CTZ04S92 Program -FORM -C-2R I User#-MP0874 User -Melody Pagee Run -Lake Biltmore Recreation THERMAL MASS ------------ Area Thick Heat Conduct- Surface Mass Type (sf) (in) Cap ivity R-value Location/Comments LIVING - Existing 1 S1abOnGrade 2888 3.5 28.0 0.98 R-2.0 Slab floor HVAC SYSTEMS ------------ Minimum Duct Duct Duct System Type Efficiency Location R-value Efficiency LIVING Furnace 0.750 AFUE Attic R-2.1 0.780 ACSplit 8.00 SEER Attic R-2.1 0.740 WATER HEATING SYSTEMS --------------------- Number Tank External in Energy Size Insulation Tank Type Heater Type Distribution Type System Factor (gal) R-value - ---------- --- - --- -- -- - --- ----- -- -- --- ------ Water Heater to meet minimum CEC Standards SPECIAL FEATURES/REMARKS ------------------------ This building incorporates a Zonally Controlled HVAC System. HVAC SIZING Page 1 HVAC Project Title.... .. .. Existing Bldg Date ........ 03/02/99 Project Address........ 20030 Rodrigues Avenue ******* --------------------- Cupertino, CA *v4.51* Documentation Author... Melody J. Pagee ******* Building Permit # Melody Pagee 339 McKendry Drive Plan Check / Date Menlo Park, CA 94025 415-854-2381 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone.. ..... 04 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS4 v4.51 for 1995 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS4 v4.51 File-NBILTMRE Wth-CTZ04S92� Program-HVAC SIZING User#-MP0874 User -Melody Pagee Run -Lake Biltmore Recreation GENERAL INFORMATION Floor Area ................. 2887.5 sf volume.. ........... 30319 cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 0 deg (N) Sizing Location............ CUPERTINO Latitude.. ... ....... 37.3 degrees Winter Outside Design...... 33 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 88 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range. .... ..... 30 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Heating Cooling Description (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 40544 9407 Glazing Conduction ............... 23292 6295 Glazing Solar .................... n/a 20719 Infiltration ..................... 15407 1937 Internal Gain .................... n/a 10200 Ducts ............................ 7924 4856 Sensible Load .................... 87167 53415 Latent Load ...................... n/a 10683 Minimum Total Load 87167 64098 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of 'equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 1 CF-1R ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Title.......... Remodeled Bldg Date........ 03/02/99 Project Address........ 20030 Rodriques Avenue ******* --------------------- Cupertino, CA *v4.51* Documentation Author... Melody J. Pagee ******* Building Permit # Melody Pagee 339 MCKendry Drive Plan Check / Date Menlo Park, CA 94025 415-854-2381 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone........... 04 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS4 v4.51 for 1995 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS4 v4.51 File-BILTMORE Wth-CTZ04S92 Program -FORM CF-iR User#-MP0874 User -Melody Pagee Run -Lake Biltmore Recreation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Conditioned Floor Area..... 2887.5 sf Building Type .............. Single Family Detached Construction Type ......... New Building Front Orientation. Front Facing 0 deg (N) Number of Dwelling Units... 1 Number of Stories.......... 1 Floor Construction Type.... Slab On Grade Glazing Percentage......... 18.3 W of floor area Average Glazing U-value.... 0.52 Btu/hr-sf-F BUILDING SHELL INSULATION Component Frame Cavity Sheathing Insul Assembly Type Type R-value R-value R-value U-value Location/Comments Wall - -- Wood -- - R-0 R-0 - ---- R-0 --------------------------- - 0.386 Roof Wood R-19 R-0 R-19 0.051 S1abEdge n/a R-0 R-n/a R-0 0.720 FENESTRATION # of Interior Over - Area U- Pan- Shading/ Exterior hang/ Framing Orientation (sf) value es Description Shading Fins Type ------------------- Window Front (N) ---- 32.0 - 0.520 2 -------------- Drapes.Std ----------- None ---- None --------- Wood Window Front (N) 13.5 0.520 2 Drapes.Std None None Wood Door Front (N) 54.0 0.510 2 Drapes.Std None None Wood Window Front (N) 13.5 0.520 2 Drapes.Std None None Wood Window Front (N) 32.0 0.520 2 Drapes.Std None None Wood Window Right (W) 38.7 0.520 2 Drapes.Std None None Wood Window Right (W) 38.7 0.520 2 Drapes.Std None None Wood Window Right (W) 38.7 0.520 2 Drapes.Std None None Wood Window Right (W) 38.7 0.520 2 Drapes.Std None None Wood Window Back (S) 43.5 0.520 2 Drapes.Std None None Wood Window Back (S) 54.0 0.520 2 Drapes.Std None None Wood Window Back (S) 43.5 0.520 2 Drapes.Std None None Wood Window Left (E) 38.7 0.520 2 Drapes.Std None None Wood Window Left (E) 38.7 0.520 2 Drapes.Std None None Wood Window Left (E) 10.8 0.520 2 Drapes.Std None None Wood CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 2 CF-1R Project Title .......... Remodeled Bldg - Date ..... . 03/02/99 MICROPAS4 v4 51 File-BILTMORE Wth-CTZ04S92 Program -FORM CF-1R User#-MP0874 User -Melody Pagee Run -Lake Biltmore Recreation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- THERMAL MASS ------------ Area Thickness Type Exposed (sf) (in) Location/Comments -------------------------- --------------- ----- S1abOnGrade No 2888 3.5 Slab floor HVAC SYSTEMS ------------ Minimum Duct Duct Thermostat Equipment Type Efficiency Location R-value Type --------------- ------------ ------------- ------- -------- Furnace 0.750 AFUE Attic R-2.1 Setback ACSplit 8.00 SEER Attic R-2.1 Setback WATER HEATING SYSTEMS --------------------- Number Tank External in Energy Size Insulation Tank Type Heater Type Distribution Type System Factor (gal) R-value ------------------------------------------ - Water Heater to meet minimum CEC Standards SPECIAL FEATURES/REMARKS ------------------------ This building incorporates a Zonally Controlled HVAC System. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 3 CF-SR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Title.......... Remodeled Bldg Date........ 03/02/99 MICROPAS4 v4.51 File-BILTMORE-Wth-CTZ04S92 Program -FORM CF71R User#-MP0874 User -Melody Pagee Run -Lake Biltmore Recreation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title-24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. When this certificate of compliance is submitted for a single building plan to be built in multipl:.! orientations, any shading feature that is varied is indicated in the Special Features/ Remarks section. DESIGNER or OWNER Name.... ,PyfYl u mkyA u Company. Sinclair As ociates Address. 15 N. Ellsworth San Mateo CA 94401 Phone... (6 0 3 -6865 License. Signed.. '2 (date) ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Name.... Title... Agency.. Phone... Signed.. (date) DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR Name.... Melody J. Pagee Company. Melody Pagee Address. 339 McKendry Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025 Phone... 415-854-2381 MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST: RESIDENTIAL Page 1 MF-1R Project Title.......... Remodeled Bldg Date ... 03/02/99 Project Address........ 20030 Rodriques Avenue ******* ------------------- Cupertino, CA *v4.51* Documentation Author... Melody J. Pagee ******* Building Permit # Melody Pagee 339 McKendry Drive Plan Check / Date Menlo Park, CA 94025 415-854-2381 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone........... 04 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS4 v4.51 for 1995 Standards by Enercamp, Inc. MICROPAS4 v4.51 File-BILTMORE Wth-CTZ04S92 Program -FORM MF71R User#-MP0874 User -Melody Pagee Run -Lake Biltmore Recreation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (*) may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as binding minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. BUILDING ENVELOPE MEASURES -------------------------- Design- Enforce- er ment *-150(a): Minimum R-19 ceiling insulation. E966pz_ 150(b): Loose fill insulation manufacturers labeled R-Value. *150(c): Minimum R-13 wall insulation in framed walls (does not apply to exterior mass walls). *150(d): Minimum R-13 raised floor insulation in framed floors; minimum R-8 in concrete raised floors. 150(i): Slab edge insulation - water absorption rate no greater than 0.31, water vapor transmission rate no greater than 2.0 perm/inch. 118: Insulation specified or installed meets CEC quality standards. Indicate type and form. 116-17: Fenestration Products, Exterior Doors and Infiltration/ exfiltration controls a. Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage- b. Manufactured fenestration products have label with certified U-value, and infiltration certification. c. Exterior doors and windows weatherstripped; all joints and penetrations caulked and sealed. 150(g): Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate Zones 14 and 16 only. 150(f): Special infiltration barrier installed to comply with Sec. 151 meets CEC quality standards. 150(e): Installation of Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and gas logs 1. Masonry and factory -built fireplaces have: a. Closeable metal or glass door b. Outside air intake with damper and control c. Flue damper and control 2. No continuous burning gas pilots: allowed. R&ZLID COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 1 C-2R Project Title.......... Remodeled Bldg Date........ 03/02/99 Project Address........ 20030 Rodriques Avenue ******* --------------------- Cupertino, CA *v4.51* Documentation Author... Melody J. Pagee ******* Building Permit # Melody Pages 339 McKendry Drive Plan Check / Date Menlo Park, CA 94025 415-854-2381 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone........... 04 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS4 v4.51 for 1995 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS4 v4.51 File-BILTMORE Wth-CTZ04S92 Program -FORM C-2R User#-MP0874 User -Melody Pages Run -Lake Biltmore Recreation --------------------------------------------------------------------- = MICROPAS4 ENERGY USE SUMMARY = = Energy Use - Standard Proposed Compliance = = (kBtu/sf-yr) Design Design Margin = - = Space Heating.......... - --- 9.63 - - --- 24.14 -------- - -14.51 = = Space Cooling.......... 6.81 14.41 -7.60 = = Water Heating.......... 9.05 9.05 0.00 = _ = -------- Total 25.49 -------- 47.60 -------- _ -22.11 = _ *** Building does not comply with Computer Performance *** GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor Area..... 2887.5 sf Building Type.............. Single Family Detached Construction Type ......... New Building Front Orientation. Front Facing 0 deg (N) Number of Dwelling Units... 1 Number of Building Stories. 1 Weather Data Type.......... ReducedYear Floor Construction Type.... Number of Building Zones... Conditioned volume......... Footprint Area............. Ground Floor Area.......... Slab -On -Grade Area......... Glazing Percentage......... Average Glazing U-value.... Average Ceiling Height..... Slab On Grade 1 30319 cf 2888 sf 2888 sf 2888 sf 18.3 W of floor area 0.52 Btu/hr-sf-F 10.5 ft COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 2 C-2R Project Title.......... Remodeled Bldg Date........ 03/02/99 MICROPAS4 v4 51 File-BILTMORE Wth-CTZ04S92 Program -FORM C-2R User#-MP0874 User -Melody Pagee Run -Lake Biltmore Recreation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zone Type -------------- LIVING Living BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION ------------------------- Floor # of Vent Special Area Volume Dwell Cond- Thermostat Height Vent Area (sf) (cf) Units itioned Type (ft) (sf) 2888 30319 1.00 Yes Setback 2.0 n/a OPAQUE SURFACES Area U- Insul Act Solar Form 3 Location/ Surface (sf) value R-val Azm Tilt Gains Reference Comments -------------- ------ ----- ----- --- ---- ----------------- ---------------- LIVING 1 Wall 427 0.386 0 0 90 Yes W.0.2X4.16 2 Wall 255 0.386 0 270 90 Yes W.0.2X4.16 3 Wall 431 0.386 0 180 90 Yes W.0.2X4.16 4 Wall 427 0.386 0 90 90 Yes W.0.2X4.16 5 Wall 546 0.386 0 0 90 No W.0.2X4.16 6 Roof 2888 0.051 19 n/a 0 Yes R.19.2X8.16 PERIMETER LOSSES ---------------- Length F2 Insul Solar Surface (ft) Factor R-val Gains Location/Comments ---- ------------ LIVING 7 S1abEdge 197 0.720 R-0 No FENESTRATION SURFACES --------------------- # of Vent SC SC Interior Area Pan- Frame Open U- Act Glass Int Shading/ Surface (sf) es Type Type value Azm Tlt Only Shade Description - - - ---- ---- --------------- LIVING 1 Window 32.0 2 Wood Slider 0.520 0 90 0.88 0.78 Drapes.Std 2 Window 13.5 2 Wood Fixed 0.520 0 90 0.88 0.78 Drapes.Std 3 Door 54.0 2 Wood Slider 0.510 0 90 0.88 0.78 Drapes.Std •4 Window 13.5 2 Wood Fixed 0.520 0 90 0.88 0.78 Drapes.Std 5 Window 32.0 2 Wood Slider 0.520 0 90 0.88 0.78 Drapes.Std 6 Window 38.7 2 Wood Fixed 0.520 270 90 0.88 0.78 Drapes.Std 7 Window 38.7 2 Wood Slider 0.520 270 90 0.88 0.78 Drapes.Std B.Window 38.7 2 Wood Fixed 0.520 270 90 0.88 0.78 Drapes.Std 9 Window 38.7 2 Wood Slider 0.520 270 90 0.88 0.78 Drapes.Std 10 Window 43.5 2 Wood Fixed 0.520 180 90 0.88 0.78 Drapes.Std 13. Window 54.0 2 Wood Slider 0.520 180 90 0.88 0.78 Drapes.Std 12 Window 43.5 2 Wood Fixed 0.520 180 90 0.88 0.78 Drapes.Std 13 Window 38.7 2 Wood Slider 0.520 90 90 0.88 0.78 Drapes.Std 14 Window 38.7 2 Wood Fixed 0.520 90 90 0.88 0.78 Drapes.Std 15 Window 10.8 2 Wood Slider 0.520 90 90 0.88 0.78 Drapes.Std COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 3 C-2R Project Title.......... Remodeled Bldg Date........ 03/02/99 MICROPAS4 v4.51 File-BILTMORE Wth-CTZ04S92 Program -FORM C-2R User#-MP0874 User -Melody Pagee Run -Lake Biltmore Recreation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THERMAL MASS ------------ Area Thick Heat Conduct- Surface 14ass Type (sf) (in) Cap ivity R-value Location/Comments -------------------------- LIVING •1 S1abOnGrade 2888 3.5 28.0 0.98 R-2.0 Slab floor HVAC SYSTEMS ------------ Minimum Duct Duct Duct System Type Efficiency Location R-value ----- Efficiency ---------- LIVING Furnace 0.750 AFUE Attic R-2.1 0.780 ACSplit 8.00 SEER Attic R-2.1 0.740 WATER HEATING SYSTEMS --------------------- Number Tank External in Energy Size Insulation "Tank Type Heater Type Distribution Type System Factor (gal) R-value ----------------------- Water Heater to meet minimum ------------------- ------ CEC Standards -------- ------ ---------- SPECIAL FEATURES/REMARKS ------------------------ This building incorporates a Zonally Controlled HVAC System. MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST: RESIDENTIAL Page 2 MF-1R Project Title.......... Remodeled Bldg Date........ 03/02/99 MICROPAS4 v4.51 File-BILTMORE Wth-CTZ04S92 Program -FORM MF71R User#-MP0874 User -Melody Pagee Run -Lake Biltmore Recreation - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPACE CONDITIONING, WATER HEATING AND PLUMBING SYSTEM MEASURES -------------------------------------------------------------- Design- Enforce- er ment •110-13: HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads and faucets certified by the CEC. R6ZL7 150(h): Heating and/or cooling loads calculated in accordance with ASHRAE, SMACNA or ACCA. EY:577/Uf� 150(i): Setback thermostat on all applicable heating systems. •' 150(j): Pipe and Tank insulation 1. Indirect hot water tanks (e.g., unfired storage tanks or backup solar hot water tanks) have insulation blanket (R-12 or greater) or combined interior/exterior insulation (R-16 or greater). 2. First 5 feet of pipes closest to water heater tank, non - recirculating systems, insulated (R-4 or greater). 3. All buried or exposed piping insulated in recirculating sections of hot water system. 4. Cooling system piping below 55 degrees insulated. 5. Piping insulated between heating source and indirect hot water tank. *150(m): Ducts and Fans 1. Ducts constructed, installed and sealed to comply with UMC sections 601 and 603; ducts insulated to a minimum installed value of R-4.2 or ducts enclosed entirely within conditioned space. 2. Exhaust fan systems have backdraft or automatic dampers. 3. Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned space have either automatic or readily accessible, manually operated dampers. 114: Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment 1. System is certified with 78% thermal efficiency, on -off switch, weatherproof operating instructions, no electric resistance heating and no pilot light. 2. System installed with: a. At least 36 inches pipe between filter and heater for future solar heating. b. Cover for outdoor pools or outdoor spa. 3. Pool system has directional inlets and a circulation pump time switch. NA '115: Gas -fired central furnace, pool heater, spa heater or household cooking appliance have no continuously burning pilot light (Exception: Non -electrical cooking appliance REDO with pilot < 150 Btu/hr.) . LIGHTING MEASURES ----------------- Design- Enforce- er ment 150(k): 40 lumens/watt or greater for general lighting in kitchens and rooms with water closets; and recessed ceiling fixtures IC (insulation cover) approved. RtP D HVAC SIZING Page 1 HVAC Project Title.......... Remodeled Bldg Date........ 03/02/99 Project Address........ 20030 Rodriques Avenue ******* --------------------- Cupertino, CA *v4.51* Documentation Author... Melody J. Pagee ******* Building Permit # Melody Pagee 339 McKendry Drive Plan Check / Date Menlo Park, CA 94025 415-854-2381 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone......_.... 04 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS4 v4.51 for 1995 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS4 v4.51 File-BILTMORS Wth-CTZ04S92 Program-HVAC SIZING User#-MP0874 User -Melody Pagee Run -Lake Biltmore Recreation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION Floor Area ................. 2887.5 sf Volume.. ... ........... 30319 cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 0 deg (N) Sizing Location............ CUPERTINO Latitude.. .._ ....... 37.3 degrees Winter Outside Design...... 33 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 88 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range.. ... ..... 30 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Heating Cooling Description - ---- ------------ ------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 40544 ----------- 9407 Glazing Conduction ............... 10158 2745 Glazing Solar .................... n/a 15805 Infiltration ..................... 15407 1937 Internal Gain .................... n/a 10200 Ducts ............................ 6611 4010 Sensible Load .................... 72720 44105 Latent Load ...................... n/a 8821 ----------- Minimum Total Load 72720 ----------- 52926 t4ote: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of %equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designers responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment.