9909157APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY S CITY OF CUPERTINO Bull - EI,ECrRICAL PERMIT NO,p�� x1ID.DINC, DIVISION APPLICATIONITIERMI'1' PLUMBING -ME...... lcAl. Q6LLll�� OFFICE LA0 3 ST'EU4F)J_!t CaZUIC 9W10 C G 918-Q NES NAME PHONE: CONTRACT OR'S NAME : LIC NO: 2YM/-)Or£ 5� fC111TIiCf/EN NIC ❑ CON(T`•/R/OLtt IS GINBER: PJC NO. ADURS: ( W f YTA(.T: PHO E: 60116 Z101� ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant(Initial) <oTo-2-Lz- 39 X BUILUINC PERMIT INPO BLD ELECT PLUMB MECH Z— fir C3' �Z FCU QUU NQ 6 (_may Z CZ � Z O—� F�F'LLI C C Q CUTU m F u'Oa ��}•] W CO0 5. 6 C wo 20 iS� F W— w t13.. LICENSED CONT'RACTOR'S DECLARATION QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE I hereby from that 1 an Tressed ander provilier, of chapter 9 (commencing with Sard 100)of Division 3ofthe Business and Prnfevvions Code, tool my license is I'Ii12Ml'1' ISSUANCIi in a force anal. License Class _.�—LicaAPPLIANCES—RESIDENTIAL bo, Contra, ^ JOB DESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL' ❑ SFDWL ❑KITCHEN REMODEL []ADDITION❑PLUMBING RE -PIPE ❑ MULTI UNIT ❑STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION ❑INTERIOR [I CHIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENT C]SWIMMING POOLS ❑ BATH REMODEUREPAIR [I DEMOLITION ARCHITECTS DECLARATION`�- pANf71S 1 understood neon plans shall he uWin records UP 10 2g) AMPS L¢cnseJ Professional 201-1000AMPS OWNER-RUILDER DECLARATION OVER 1000AMP5 I hereby afro Thal I am exempt from the Connector's License law for the following mason. (Section 1031.5. Business and Professions Cade: Any city or county SIGNS ELECTRICAL❑OTHER which nquim, u pcnnil to conclmcl, inter, improve, dcmolisb, or repair any simulate panorm its issuance, also requires the applicant fnrsuch lnrmit In file a signed nammenlSI'IiCIAI.CIRCUIT/MISC. mal he is licensed pursuant it) the provisions of the Comecmr's License Law (Chapter 9 of Division 3 of the Business and Proions Cma)or TEMP METER OR POLE INST. (commencing with Sea 70010 fess that he is exempt therefrmn and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 703 1.5 by unY applicant fora pcnnil, subjects the applicant mocivil penalty of POWER DEVICES not more. man five hunted dollars 1)50X). ❑ I, as owner of me progeny. or mY anpinyces with wages as Meir tole compensation. SWIMMING POOL T:LE RIC will Jo the work, and the smeture is not intended ororteed for sale (Sec. Bush... and Pmfessme, Cod,: The Contractors License Law does not apply to an owner of OUf1.ET5—SwITCft[S—FlX'fUHI! who builds or improves themen, and who does such work himselfor through COMMERCIAL: �NF;yG.RLDG/ADDITION ❑ DEMOLITION / NANT ❑ FOOD SERVICE IMPROVEMENT DTHER property his own enployccc, p000red mal such intprovcum,, ore not intended or afford for NEW RESIDER IAL ELECTR sale .11;hisses, IM1e building. improvemmelo urld wahmeary—of completion. the SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA $/SQ. PP. err -builder will have the burden of proving that he did nal build or improve for put " ,pose of ale.). t3,6 -war, of the am a contacting with licensedTTC correct, to TOTAL: the / /} y O i Sec. 704, ,norm( the pnsawt (Sec. oar Business and Py who hu Code:) She Connaccors Li r p irmssv and ee Lnw Atm not apply Iran owneral pral'eny who Fuilds.. thncan.oml QTY. PLU EIiMIT PP.E // one,a) the wM1u enmecla for such projects wim u rnnnunor(,c) limnmd pursuum m the Cnnaaetor'x License law. PERMIT ISSUANCE EJ I um exempt under Sce. . B & P C for his reams VALUATION ALTER — DRAIN&VENT — WATERT A) Date WORKERSCOMPENSATIONDECLARATION BACK hLON'PH61'IiCT DEVICE on hereby afOms under pcnahy n, ofCon one of the fallowing doclaWorket Coo have and will maintaina Cenihca0 of Ce Labor Ced, for the Workers Compcn- DRAINS—FLOOR. R(wF. AREA. GOND. workas provided for by Section PINI of the Labor Ctde, for the performance of IM1e It,, which this permit is issued. FIX TURFS —PER TRAP gTQ S 'TYPE CONSTRUCTION I Ilam to d will nmintoin Winkel, Contpcnsatlon Insurance ux rcynin•J by Section Our o1 the labor Cale, lot The perfom+ant, of me work for which this pknon is issued. GAS—EA. SYSTEM -I INCA DOMETS OCC. GROUP APN My Workers Compensation Brarence carrier and Policy number arc: Camey. Policy No.: GAS — EA. SYSTEM OVER 4 (EA) CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' GREASE%INDUSTHf. WASTE IN'I'IiRCIiPI'OR COMPENSAfI(lN INSl1RANCE BUILDING DIVISION FRES (I his section need not be completed lithe pennh is lis one hundred dollars 611X) GREASETRAP or Icss.l PLANCHIiCK FEE 0Z, z C) = >Tonne Q Oz U 0 F-' 0 U } y �rncorrect. U,Z, I cenify lcac imhe performancesf the work for which This permit is issued, Isha11 SEWER—SANITARY—STORM EA. 201 FT. not employ any person in any manner sat as nr become subject to the Workers' Campeau station Laws of Californlu Date WATER BEATER W/VEN'VELFCTR Applicant ENERGY FEE GRADING FEE NDDCE TO APPLICANT': If, utter making Ibis Cenilic:ne of Exemption. You .should WATER S1'STENVI'BEATING subject to the Workers Compensation provisions of she LaMn Core. you must fonhwich comply with such previsions or this pcnnil shall be deemed revoked. WATER SERVICE CONSTRUC'T'ION ection [i AGENCY NEW HIiSIDENI'IALI'LMN. SQ Ell thereby oflirm thanhere is ueonawninn landing agency for the perfiirmonee nl the work for which this Mrmit is issued (Sm. 3091, Civ. C.) I Lendef,Name SOILS PEE: .. til to � p PAIDIl Dam �—'Receiptp n j I I / I„ ;.1 Lender's Adireo TOTAL: B DING FEE I certify that I hall, mail this appliralion and state that he shove informaunn is I agree to canPly with an chynnil «ncryonrmraces and sum Inw, rdadng w QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE is city toenter upon e baildingcousaucdon, and hereby mahorim representatives ofthh aMvonmmiottW pmpeny for im,rl a Purposes. PERMIT' ISSUANCE (We) agree m save, indemnify, and keep harmless the City of Cupcnirm against S ISMIC PEE _ PLUMBING PEE liabilities ,judgments.mats and espunacs which may i puny way accuse against said City ALI17R OR ADDI0 MECH. in r,equcnce of Ora granting ofthis lannut. APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT AIR HANDLING LINECIO 10,000 CFM) MECHANICAL FEE SOURCE REGULIU IONS. CONSTRUCTION TAX AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER I it" CFM) 'ane nrApplicunt/Conteear Date EXIIAUSTHOOD(W/i HOUSING MITIGATION PEE HAZARDOUS MAIERIALS DISCLOSURE 8511 the applirae «(umre building «rupml one or handle harardous material IIEAI ING UNIT (10 1(0.10X1 BE U) as defined by the Capenino Municipal Code. Chapter 9.12, and the Hwlth and Safety Cole. Section 255320d? — HEATING UNIT'(OVF,R 100.000 B' TO) ❑Yes ❑Nu VENTILATION PAN (SINGLE RISID) PAID Datc Receipts Will the applicant or future building «sopor um equiploa t or devices which riders air mnemalso,, as defined by the Bay Arca Air Quality Management BOILER —COME' (3HP OR 100,000 BTU) TOTAL: ^+ t I BOILER — COMP (OVER 100.010 TITLE t Yes ❑ 'No I lam rend he hamdous eternal, re is under Chu ncr 0,95 of the Cali- AIN CONDITI(INITN forma M533; 8534. I remmrh that if the NEW RIiSIDEMIAI, h11iCH. SQ. PT. Seciinns 25505, ,toy rr Safra ou ISSUANCE DATE — 8undindisei l It in. to buildingoin, urentlyh nuns. mac it ism. 1-2-o0 ce If. entytonotifylhaoccy. of cite rc9uirc ca whi ton 'nnuissunnce olaCenificam of(kcup:I«y. ISSUED BY: \C or uuthaneNag� Date TOTAL: OFFICE APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY S CITY OF CUPERTINO Bull - EI,ECrRICAL PERMIT NO,p�� x1ID.DINC, DIVISION APPLICATIONITIERMI'1' PLUMBING -ME...... lcAl. Q6LLll�� OFFICE LA0 3 ST'EU4F)J_!t CaZUIC 9W10 C G 918-Q NES NAME PHONE: CONTRACT OR'S NAME : LIC NO: 2YM/-)Or£ 5� fC111TIiCf/EN NIC ❑ CON(T`•/R/OLtt IS GINBER: PJC NO. ADURS: ( W f YTA(.T: PHO E: 60116 Z101� ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant(Initial) <oTo-2-Lz- 39 X BUILUINC PERMIT INPO BLD ELECT PLUMB MECH Z— fir C3' xZ � QUU NQ 6 (_may Z CZ � Z O—� F�F'LLI C C Q CUTU m F u'Oa ��}•] W CO0 5. 6 C wo 20 iS� F W— w t13.. LICENSED CONT'RACTOR'S DECLARATION QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE I hereby from that 1 an Tressed ander provilier, of chapter 9 (commencing with Sard 1)of Division 3ofthe Business and Prnfevvions Code, tool my license is I'Ii12Ml'1' ISISSUANCEFU00 infullanal. License Class _.�—Lica APPLIANCES—RESIDENTIAL bo, Contra, ^ JOB DESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL' ❑SFDWL ❑KITCHEN REMODEL []ADDITION❑PLUMBING RE -PIPE ❑ MULTI UNIT ❑STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION ❑INTERIOR [I CHIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENT C]SWIMMING POOLS ❑ BATH REMODEUREPAIR [I DEMOLITION ARCHITECTS DECLARATION`�- pANf71S 1 understood neon plans shall he uWin records UP 10 2g) AMPS L¢cnseJ Professional 201-1000AMPS OWNER-RUILDER DECLARATION OVER 1000AMP5 I hereby afro Thal I am exempt from the Connector's License law for the following mason. (Section 1031.5. Business and Professions Cade: Any city or county SIGNS ELECTRICAL❑OTHER which nquim, u pcnnil to conclmcl, inter, improve, dcmolisb, or repair any simulate panorm its issuance, also requires the applicant fnrsuch lnrmit In file a signed nammenlSI'IiCIAI.CIRCUIT/MISC. mal he is licensed pursuant it) the provisions of the Comecmr's License Law (Chapter 9 of Division 3 of the Business and Proions Cma)or TEMP METER OR POLE INST. (commencing with Sea 70010 fess that he is exempt therefrmn and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 703 1.5 by unY applicant fora pcnnil, subjects the applicant mocivil penalty of POWER DEVICES not more. man five hunted dollars 1)50X). ❑ I, as owner of me progeny. or mY anpinyces with wages as Meir tole compensation. SWIMMING POOL T:LE RIC will Jo the work, and the smeture is not intended ororteed for sale (Sec. Bush... and Pmfessme, Cod,: The Contractors License Law does not apply to an owner of OUf1.ET5—SwITCft[S—FlX'fUHI! who builds or improves themen, and who does such work himselfor through COMMERCIAL: �NF;yG.RLDG/ADDITION ❑ DEMOLITION / NANT ❑ FOOD SERVICE IMPROVEMENT DTHER property his own enployccc, p000red mal such intprovcum,, ore not intended or afford for NEW RESIDER IAL ELECTR sale .11;hisses, IM1e building. improvemmelo urld wahmeary—of completion. the SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA $/SQ. PP. err -builder will have the burden of proving that he did nal build or improve for put " ,pose of ale.). t3,6 -war, of the am a contacting with licensedTTC correct, to TOTAL: the / /} y O i Sec. 704, ,norm( the pnsawt (Sec. oar Business and Py who hu Code:) She Connaccors Li r p irmssv and ee Lnw Atm not apply Iran owneral pral'eny who Fuilds.. thncan.oml QTY. PLU EIiMIT PP.E // one,a) the wM1u enmecla for such projects wim u rnnnunor(,c) limnmd pursuum m the Cnnaaetor'x License law. PERMIT ISSUANCE EJ I um exempt under Sce. . B & P C for his reams VALUATION ALTER — DRAIN&VENT — WATERT A) Date WORKERSCOMPENSATIONDECLARATION BACK hLON'PH61'IiCT DEVICE on hereby afOms under pcnahy n, ofCon one of the fallowing doclaWorket Coo have and will maintaina Cenihca0 of Ce Labor Ced, for the Workers Compcn- DRAINS—FLOOR. R(wF. AREA. GOND. workas provided for by Section PINI of the Labor Ctde, for the performance of IM1e It,, which this permit is issued. FIX TURFS —PER TRAP gTQ S 'TYPE CONSTRUCTION I Ilam to d will nmintoin Winkel, Contpcnsatlon Insurance ux rcynin•J by Section Our o1 the labor Cale, lot The perfom+ant, of me work for which this pknon is issued. GAS—EA. SYSTEM -I INCA DOMETS OCC. GROUP APN My Workers Compensation Brarence carrier and Policy number arc: Camey. Policy No.: GAS — EA. SYSTEM OVER 4 (EA) CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' GREASE%INDUSTHf. WASTE IN'I'IiRCIiPI'OR COMPENSAfI(lN INSl1RANCE BUILDING DIVISION FRES (I his section need not be completed lithe pennh is lis one hundred dollars 611X) GREASETRAP or Icss.l PLANCHIiCK FEE 0Z, z C) = >Tonne Q Oz U 0 F-' 0 U } y �rncorrect. U,Z, I cenify lcac imhe performancesf the work for which This permit is issued, Isha11 SEWER—SANITARY—STORM EA. 201 FT. not employ any person in any manner sat as nr become subject to the Workers' Campeau station Laws of Californlu Date WATER BEATER W/VEN'VELFCTR Applicant ENERGY FEE GRADING FEE NDDCE TO APPLICANT': If, utter making Ibis Cenilic:ne of Exemption. You .should WATER S1'STENVI'BEATING subject to the Workers Compensation provisions of she LaMn Core. you must fonhwich comply with such previsions or this pcnnil shall be deemed revoked. WATER SERVICE CONSTRUC'T'ION ection [i AGENCY NEW HIiSIDENI'IALI'LMN. SQ Ell thereby oflirm thanhere is ueonawninn landing agency for the perfiirmonee nl the work for which this Mrmit is issued (Sm. 3091, Civ. C.) I Lendef,Name SOILS PEE: .. til to � p PAIDIl Dam �—'Receiptp n j I I / I„ ;.1 Lender's Adireo TOTAL: B DING FEE I certify that I hall, mail this appliralion and state that he shove informaunn is I agree to canPly with an chynnil «ncryonrmraces and sum Inw, rdadng w QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE is city toenter upon e baildingcousaucdon, and hereby mahorim representatives ofthh aMvonmmiottW pmpeny for im,rl a Purposes. PERMIT' ISSUANCE (We) agree m save, indemnify, and keep harmless the City of Cupcnirm against S ISMIC PEE _ PLUMBING PEE liabilities ,judgments.mats and espunacs which may i puny way accuse against said City ALI17R OR ADDI0 MECH. in r,equcnce of Ora granting ofthis lannut. APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT AIR HANDLING LINECIO 10,000 CFM) MECHANICAL FEE SOURCE REGULIU IONS. CONSTRUCTION TAX AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER I it" CFM) 'ane nrApplicunt/Conteear Date EXIIAUSTHOOD(W/i HOUSING MITIGATION PEE HAZARDOUS MAIERIALS DISCLOSURE 8511 the applirae «(umre building «rupml one or handle harardous material IIEAI ING UNIT (10 1(0.10X1 BE U) as defined by the Capenino Municipal Code. Chapter 9.12, and the Hwlth and Safety Cole. Section 255320d? — HEATING UNIT'(OVF,R 100.000 B' TO) ❑Yes ❑Nu VENTILATION PAN (SINGLE RISID) PAID Datc Receipt if Will the applicant or future building «sopor um equiploa t or devices which riders air mnemalso,, as defined by the Bay Arca Air Quality Management BOILER —COME' (3HP OR 100,000 BTU) TOTAL: ^+ t I BOILER — COMP (OVER 100.010 TITLE t Yes ❑ 'No I lam rend he hamdous eternal, re is under Chu ncr 0,95 of the Cali- AIN CONDITI(INITN forma M533; 8534. I remmrh that if the NEW RIiSIDEMIAI, h11iCH. SQ. PT. Seciinns 25505, ,toy rr Safra ou ISSUANCE DATE — 8undindisei l It in. to buildingoin, urentlyh nuns. mac it ism. 1-2-o0 ce If. entytonotifylhaoccy. of cite rc9uirc ca whi ton 'nnuissunnce olaCenificam of(kcup:I«y. ISSUED BY: \C or uuthaneNag� Date TOTAL: OFFICE