08110084 CITY OF CUPERTINO `. - 13UILDING DIVIFION PERMIT 9tCOZ R A"TOR N U N�� ' �'', N BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMff NO. 11618 BIRCH SPRING CT CASTILLO' S ROOFING OWNER'S NAME: PERMTI SUE DATE ONE: A O. CONTROL NO. (408) 251-3565 ARCHITECTIENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH 0 0 0 0 �O' LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION lob Description U I Acme,alt rse Nat 1 am licensed under provisions,of Chapter 9(commencing with Section 7(100)Of Division 3ef the,Budrrs•and Professions Cad,aad my license I, RE—RF T/O EXT WDSHK INSTL 30LB FLT NEW COMP n�s in fail forceaMeffm ys� Lieertc Class 5 Lie.. . r Date I y / Coruscmr SHNGLS ARCH=S DECLARA CLS A 19S Ig6 1 maturated ted my plans shall be used as public record 4 s G Licensed Perfessiana 5 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION a� f I hereby from that 1 am exempt from the ConuactoYs license Law far f COO following reason.(Section 7931.5.Business and Professions Code:Any city or county which requites a Permit m construct,neer.improve.demolish,or repair any euummu LZ prior in its issuance,also requires the applicam for such permit to file.signed.1 me mt < that heis licensed pursuant Wfpnevismetofthe Common's LiccnmLaw(Chapter 9 Sq.Ft.Floor Area Valuation at a (commencing with Section 7000)of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code)or 9500 that he u exempt therefrom and f basic for the alleged exemption.Any violation of Section 7071.5 by any applicant fa a permit subjects tiro applicant m•CMI Penalty of APN Number Occupancy Type not fame don five hundred dollers($500). 36654075 . 00 ❑1,u owner of tW property,or my employees with wages as their sole oompensxdon, will de the work and the Sanctum W not intended or Offered for sale(Sec.7061,Business, Required Inspections and pnefesaans code:Tie Contractors License Law des,not appy e an owmmi e of q P Property who build or improves thereon and who does such work himself or toc ugh his owo amplaycs,provided that such impmvemenss are am intended oraffucd for sale.If. however,the building or impmcement is sole wi hie can year of completion.Ne owner, Wilder will base th burden of proving that he did not Wild or improve far purpose of al.j. I.as owner of tie property,w eseluse al,contracift with licensed conuusors W cortsuun due project(Sec.7014,Busine s and Professions Cod:)The Contractor's Li- cense Law dors not apply to an owner of property who Wiles or imposes thereon,and wW contracts far such projects with a conuanar(s)licensed pursuam as de Conucme, License law. ❑IamaemptundrSoc. ,B&PCiends. amn Owner Dam WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under pnWty of perjury am of f following declantiow I Aute and will maintain a co,Iincateaf Conant tosel6insum for Workere.Campm tion,at provided far by Section 5700 of ase Luther Cad,far the performance of the wort for which this permit is issued. ❑1 love and will maintain Worke(a Compensation Insurance,as required by Section 1700 of the Labor Code.far the performance often work far which this permit ulsoed. ' My Wortr s orop�e�s�auen a and policy number art: Grrier r � ��4 PWicy Ha.:�3o � 9� CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE CrnW section need not bucompleeJ if tie permit Is forum hundred dollars($100) or ins) 1 ceNfv that In f performace of the work for which this Permit W issued,l shall not employ any person in my manner se sm to become subject to tW Workers'Compensation Laws of California.Data Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,after making this Certificau of Eicmption,you should become Subject m the Woher's Compensation provision of the labor Code you muss �O forthwith comply with such provisions rev ovisions or this permit mall W doemoked. 'Z Di CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY F+� IWrebyaffum that Jere isacmad tsuunn lending.gmcY for Jeperfmmancoof CC .�-, Ne wart for which this permit is iamd(Sce.3097.Civ.C) 0 Lemes' Name =,z Landeh Address U Q I ramify Na I have mad Nu application and sum than the above OfermaWn W tf.!' comm I signs to comply with all city and county ordinances and sure laws relating te .O Wilding con LIOCEmn,and Wreby induction representatives of this city to enter upon the W above-mendoxd property for impaction purposes. gy (We)agme to ave.indemnify and keep homeless the City of Cupertino against ti rq liabilities,judgmcnb,costs and expenses which may in any my amore againsImid City f,// U Z in consequence of the granting of this permit. APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date SOUR R UL Ns, Re-roofs ow,u of AFit II=dContacwr Data HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof B tie applicant or furore Wilding occupant score or Media haardous materia as dclined by the Cupertino Municipal Code.Chapter 9.13,and f Ha1N and Safety Cede.Section 25532(a)7 All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑Yes N" veil the applicant or future Wilding acmpanl um equipment or devices which If a roof is installed without firs[obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove it hvvdnns air mn.m.nu ode toad by due Bay Ata Air ouaby Management all new materials for inspection. u ct7 Ayes I have mad Lou haamrars materials requirements andcrchapmr6.95 ofthe Califor_ /� nia Health&Saety Code.Seedoms2550.5,25533 and 75534.I understand matiftite baarag / D does not currently haw a tenant.that it is my responsibility to notify f=want of ihc7 reyulrementsw' m met pier toe' vancc oft Certifmae of cu $I nater Of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class'A"or better et utherimdagent Dam CITY OF CUPERTINO • 2 ITEMS OF 2 PERMIT RECEIPT OPERATOR: pdtg COPY # 1 Sec : Twp: Rng: Sub: Blk: Lot: APN . . . . . . . . . 36654075 . 00 DATE ISSUED. . . . . . . : 11/21/2008 RECEIPT # . . . . . . . . . : BS000006673 REFERENCE ID # . . . : 08110084 SITE ADDRESS . . . . . : 11618 BIRCH SPRING CT SUBDIVISION . . . . . . . CITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . : CUPERTINO IMPACT AREA . . . . . . . OWNER POON KA L AND VIVIENNE W ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . : 11618 BIRCH SPRING CT CITY/STATE/ZIP . . . : CUPERTINO CA, 95014-5138 RECEIVED FROM . . . . : CASTILO' S ROOFING CONTRACTOR . . . . . . . : JOSE CASTILLO LIC # 25850 COMPANY . . . . . . . . . . : CASTILLO' S ROOFING ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . : 1703 CATHAY DR CITY/STATE/ZIP . . . : SAN JOSE, CA 95122 TELEPHONE . . . . . . . . : (408) 251-3565 • FEE ID UNIT QUANTITY AMOUNT PD-TO-DT THIS REC NEW BAL ---------- --- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 1BSEISMICR VALUATION 9, 500 . 00 1 . 00 0 . 00 1 . 00 0 . 00 1REROOFRES SQ FEET 19 . 00 247 . 00 0 . 00 247 . 00 0 . 00 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- TOTAL PERMIT 248 . 00 0 . 00 248 . 00 0 . 00 METHOD OF PAYMENT AMOUNT REFERENCE NUMBER -- --- -- --------------- ------------ CHECK 248. 00 #15504 --------------- TOTAL RECEIPT 248. 00 VOICE ID DESCRIPTION VOICE ID DESCRIPTION -------- ---------- -- -------- ---------------------------- 601 ROOF TEAR OFF 602 ROOF PLYWOOD NAIL 604 ROOF IN-PROGRESS 605 FINAL REROOF • Ism Community Development 10300 Torre Avenue i' Cupertino CA 95014 Telephone(408) 777-3228 CITY OF Fax(408)777-3333 .4UPEkTINO Building De artment JOB ADDRESS: PERMIT# I - tr r 'n C . OWNER'S NAME: ("I PHONE # - 251-3 oS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 0— -h (js ii FAX # I am not using any subcontractor; \' Signature Date Please check applicable subcontractors and complete the following information: SUBCONTRACTOR BUSINESS NAME BUSINESS LICENSE # Cabinets &Millwork Cement Finishing Electrical Excavation Fencing Flooring: Carpeting Linoleum/ Wood • Glass / Glazing Heating Insulation Landscaping Lathing Masonry Ornamental Sheet Metal Painting/ Wallpaper Paving Plastering Plumbing Roofing Septic Tank Sheet Metal Sheet Rock Tile Owner/Contractor Signature Date Community Development Department Building Division City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue • - Telephone: (408)777-3228 Fax: (408)777-3333 ]building Department Subject: Re-roofing policy for the City of Cupertino 1. Prior to permit issuance,you must agree to comply with 2007 IBC Standards and manufacturers specifications on re-roofing.All roofs are Class "A"per Cupertino municipal code 16.04.080. 2. New roof coverings shall not be applied without first obtaining all inspection and written approval from the building inspector. A final inspection and approval shall be obtained from the building inspector when the re-roofing is completed. 3. All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing installation. . 4. To receive a final sign off from the City, the following steps are required: 1) Pre-inspection and/or tear off approval. 2) In-progress inspection approval. 3) Final inspection approval. a) Spark arrester installation. • 5. If plywood is installed,a plywood nail inspection is required. 6. Any roofing which is applied without first obtaining an inspection, will require the removal of all new material down to the sheathing, so a proper City inspection can be performed. 7. NOTE: If you call for a plywood nail inspection and the job is not ready, you will be charged a re-inspection fee of$176.18. The re-inspection fee must be paid before another inspection can be scheduled. IMPORTANT: 1. Flat roofs must have a minimum of 1/4 "per foot slope and demonstrate that there is no ponding. 2. An I.C.B.O. report is required to be on the job site at the time on inspection. I understand and will comply with the above stated policy /on re-roofing. Homeowner's Name: Job Site Address: Roofing Company Name: C/S g ` 4 S �� Applicant's Signature 4_-21 Date: /a • Greg Casteel Building Official Revised 07/30/08 CITY OF CUPERTINO o of q Jaw REROOF Of :CUPERTINO PERMIT APPLICATION APN # _ / 6' / 0� U Date: / Building Address: "� i rC 'llolivC' Owner's Name: Phone #: Contractor: Phone #: �Zsi-3s�s 0 ASTI I I0 Fax #: S 2. Cupertino Business License #: Contract q�License Type of Roof Covering: L� Existing: Proposed: o Built-Up Roof ❑ Built-Up roof ❑ *phalt Shingles a--?Vsphalt Shingles Wood Shakes ❑ Wood Shakes ❑ Wood Shingles ❑ Wood Shingles ❑ Other (Specify) o Other (Specify) Nuryber of existing coverings o Provide I.C.B.O. Report # er To be Removed ❑ Provide Mfgr. Installation Specs. Job Description: TeAr d f rac,�Fi Wood S ha►ce b( ft it 36 1 b. NeU,3 Cowl Sh, Residential Commercial Green Building: Please complete relevant portion of the Confirmed with Planning Dept. if Green Building Checklist & attach it to the application or if there are any restrictions: ❑ applicable, include in plan set & the sheet index. Valuation: 506 -tel I Have Rea , Understand and Will Comply with Cupertino's Tear-Off Policy: Signature Revised 6/16/08 am? CITY OF CUPERTINO REROOF CUPEkTINO FEE SCHEDULE Number of Fee ID Fee Description Fee Permit Type Squares Group 1REROOFCOM Re-roof Commercial B 1COMMLROOF 1BSEISMICO Seismic Commercial B 1REROOFRES Re-roof Residential B 1SFDWLR00F / 1BSEISMICRE Seismic Residential B 1REROOFMRES Re-roof Multi-Family B 1MFDWLROOF 1BSEISMICRE Seismic Residential B 1BUSLIC Business License B Revised 6/16/08 •