08100089 CITY OF CUPERTINOP.4 , BUILDING DIVISION PERMITCORACO,Ii INF,OI2MATION ,; BUT IT ESS: PERMIT NO. �227�1U CRICKET HILL RD ARGONAUT WINDOW & DOOR, INC 08100089 NER'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE LYNELLE D LEWIS—RAYMOND TRUST 1901 S BASCOM AVE STE 800 10/16/2008 PHONE: - SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408) 378-4018 ARCHriECnENGiNEER: BUILDING PERMITINFO BLDGELECT PLUMB MECH I! 3o p LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Descrl tion U 1 Wrtby affirm that 1 am ftheed under provisom of Chapter 9(commencing t,..1. p ^z1 with Secres70l8Bect. sonlafthcBusmssaMPrm(ctsomCade.aedmylicenms RPLCMNT WNDWS LIKE4LIKE, BURNS TO MEET EGRESS m full force.ed eRecL j i License Clan Dam Connector RQURMNTS o F q e 7W ARCHITECTS DFCL DECLARATION ?-U [understand my pons still be used as public records 9. O� Licensed Pmfcssional 3OWNER"BUILDER DECLARATION iE 1 berehy my.Not 1 am exempt from the Contractors License Law far Lie cc following reason.(Section 7011.5.Business aad Pmftedons Cade:Any city or county i U F which rectums,a permit m conmrtet,alcor.improve.&.NW,m mi air any structure _iEprim,m its issuances.9.requires tic applicant for such permit to file a signed summent < that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's Licenm Law(Chapter 9 Sq.Ft. FIOOL Area Valuation Y�G (commencing with Section 70M)of Division i at the Business and Professions Code)or $19747 It $ that he is eaempt them(sur,and the bass for the allegcA exemption Any violation of Section 7071.5 by arty applicant for a Permit subjects tic applicvn W a civil penalty ofNumber Occupancy T e Our mots Nen five hundred dollars(SSWI. 34235012 ! ( p y YP ❑1,u awnv of dm property.m my employee wIN wags ss Heir role compenadon, MR da the wmk,and the a Com semes Livens ora o,do far apply as Lot ow.of and arty wh ons Cade:The Conuanor. std who Isw does art apply lf rt owner mf Required Inspections property play b,pmAdtice impmve.chimprve who..amhwork himselfarulwuLb hs own play=,the bs,provided than such improvements au not ino:ofs oro@sed fmal.IC badder,,the Wilding m impmrproAn4 cold within mm Wild of Improv for the owner- budder will live ties burden M pmNne Net be tlitl not ddW m improve Ito purpose of yyl/.u owrcr of the Property.am exclusively comMial,with liccnmd con,acme in construct use project(Sec.7044.Business and Professors Cade:)The Cobacmes U. came Lew dee notayyply to an owner of property who Wilds or improves Nemon,and who conwe�miue/b projects viNacon o,(s)I`nmd pursmm toNeC toh ❑I am elemys.m(u Sec k P C fm y 7e J� WORKER' 4011 PENSATION DEO ION 1 hereby aQum under pemltY of perjury uric air Ne allaxing dr<laaamtc ❑1 htve ted will malnssin a Cenificam ofConum m self-imam Ito Wortcfa Compen- union,as provided fm by Section 1700 of Ne Lobar Code,far the perfmmenee of the wort fm which this permit is leaned. 0 1 have and will m.inuin Wortres Compensation Insurance.m rryuired by Sectio - 37W of the LaUOr Code,fm tic performanecof the work for which N4 permit is issue My Workers Compensation Tmmmna carrier anal Policy number are: Cartier. Policy No.: CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE Ohssectio need not be completed if Ne permit Is fmone hundred daRan(SIM) or less) I certify t N performance a the work for which this permits' .I snail nm cmploYI inanym rm o comes lac Ih Worker mpemaa bows of C p W� / .,d\ Applica LIK NOTIt PUCANT:If.. aWag ths Cern c e of Exemption. tt��shOn" become subject m the,Workers Compemasan pmvisom of Ne Lobos Cod.yoolnuu .J O forthwith comply with such Provision.m thisPermit shall be d emed revoked. 'Z y CONSTRUC`nONLENDINGAGENCY ' [-a I Mrshy IM.Net Nero I..c..do.lending agency far tic perfarm.of LYi Um wart far which this Permit s issued(Sec 3097,Civ.C.) Q Leaders Name z Leaders Address . U Q I testify that T have mad thisapplicdion and cute that the above information is It, P correct.T aLme to comply with all city and county on Inman and ram laws relating in V Wilding comtnxtian,and hereby.uthosixe representatives of Ns city to cmvupon tic W above-mentioru l property for impeaio purposes C (We)agree to ave,indemnify and trop harmlea the City of Cupertino agalem ^ In liabilities,Judgments.crtramd capenw which ma y way..against said City V z in ca ear Ne Lranting ofthis permit ^ PP A UNDERSTAND ND WI OMP W ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date v Re-roofs Si oaf Appli on sur Dam A]A OUSMATi;o DISCLOSURE Type of Roof Will tic applicant.,Cupirem future Municipal Co eauPantmre m ands hamNomd Safer l de0ned by 25 32(.)? MuniciW 1 Code.chapter 9.11,and Ibe Health and Safety . 0 en zss7z(.)7 All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑Ye �J No Will IW applicant or future boldin,aecupam use ectipmcnl Or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove emit h.rsrdnm air conuminants u defined by tic Bay Area Air Quality Mamgcmcnt all new materials for inspection. Osselet? 0 y No lb—mal the haavtlr mmderials n:quirommusunhr Chapter G95afNe Calif.,. , out Health k Safety Code.S,.+'—.755115.25577 Lod 25534,1 understand thmifde building dos cot currently have.Ian.L that It s my reapomib"ty an notify tic occupant of the requirements which must be met prior an issuance of fiewe araapmry. ft Signature of Applicant Date !� 11_ l.(� D4-3 -4 All roof coverings to be Class'A¢'or better DWner.mramthorifad cm Data