CC Resolution No. 0972„f.
BBUV A lti,U ” ION OF' TR9 012Y OF CUPW',nNO
45 JO H A€IOIO and SSA KAG010, huaband aetnd teri,'Na j aeond
V180W, XW010 sz v" .TVA X10, husband and wife, have "routed
as o which is In Ind and aufflaient form gr4VAIng to the
,A$r '4f Ocp4b - tino. 04unty, of its Ol ara, State of Gad ifoinx A the
f ep fttltl to oerV4 ll n i'eml PrKv arty r'c>r roadway gu,rpos►e actuate in
tfts *Uyv:r do ari.bed an follovs r
SIMM at aaa polftt la the center line of Wamy Avodue
ati tuvi tbarem i r+b<a 00 r t 8p. eq freest fom a
Q,t,x utAnumont of tt ssmQhorteterly corner of" beetion
' 7 Swfto Raft* p Wait, Mount Mablo furs
e" �d � 11 rth 0). Meat 30,00 root to
fts Maness p lot of be gliaaaaing of pareeel or I" t6 be
4o"ribe d; U e 'Aloof; .4 curve to tin!
xtrt frds C taw�;t tea, ?A A fro ffo -' a O 59 , Rwtj
Ih yf.r ;- a raadlus Of ZOAV ra ot, it contral aapau or 9ca
00 00 an am Vl etaji t ;v of 31. feet, them North
05 01 We!at .00 foot; 4.tvaaxa aouthuaestorl ed.o g a curve to the left, VgptiA to the last dexerlbed 00(A r"
hav %�a� r&Uus of i2o co r t a3 ar centrza use or o rr
J 2 , an ara Aluton00 of 27.8'
R feet to a point at
Lvver," curvej tS° c: ,co vili) a ourve to the r1ght, taa mIng
o radius of 31.00 f cot rtonIeacawt.. to the procedUV cseu,►e,
o central etrtlee of 2 6 v6 W" an are longth of 227.22
feet to ate paint of corpou o rry of thence eeaatitarly along
as carves to the rlghtp t: av>ua a radius or m.00 feat
toosent to the prtm'.4 "Uns curve a central +> le or 24
43 47 ", an oarc dJletea - i. see of 155.17 feat; theme South
' 01 East 30.00 feet; the - nee northeasterl along ae<
exo rve to flit lef t tongent to the lost dons r.ibe d cougs*,
haa`vUg a radlou of 20.00 resat ac central fae fee of 90-
00% an are la tisth of al. 412 toot; th ence South 0
59 Reset 72 .00 foot to the 'truss poUst of b g j con -
talyd g 0.11518 or an acre, more or laegi.
WJW T=VM = IT 4=jV1W), that the City of Csupartino
*opt said pmt so tendered; slid
XV IS FUMM =MVID, that 14V City Cleft ba WW ho io
Eby authorised to iveard else +,old, de4:lcrlation urt this Resolution.
PAS,UD AND ADOPM this .,�, ..,,, ,. da W of
19" by the follouing votes:
AUS Counailtaans spst4",, tjoc'., -'t akasp ]PIA011
Win S 00=012MOnt i"iltat,@un.fd
aim PiRwIrs Counalloon: Ncvw
�� el" it3 y+or.