CC Ordinance No. 1879 ORDINANCE NO. 1879 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO PREZONING APPROXIMATELY 107 ACRES, DEVELOPED WITH SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED RESIDENCES AND GENERALLY BOUNDED BY GREENLEAF DRIVE, BEARDON DRIVE, ELENDA DRIVE, HAZELBROOK DRIVE, ANN ARBOR AVENUE, GARDENA DRIVE AND STELLING ROAD, COMMONLY KNOWN AS GARDEN GATE, TO PRE-RI-I0 (SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL WITH A MINIMUM LOT SIZE OF 10,000 SQUARE FEET) ZONING DISTRICT WHEREAS, an application was initiated by the City (Application no. 03-Z-01) for the prezoning of property to PRE-RI-IO (Single-family Residential Zoning District); and WHEREAS, the property is unincorporated, within the City's urban service area and has no City prezoning; WHEREAS, the prezoning is consistent with the City's general plan land use map & existing uses; WHEREAS, the prezoning will enable the property owner to develop his property in accordance with City residential development standards; WHEREAS, upon due notice and after one public hearing the Planning Commission recommended to the City Council that the prezoning be approved; and WHEREAS, a map of the subject property is attached hereto as Exhibit B as a proposed amendment to the Master Zoning Map of the City of Cupertino. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED AS FOLLOWS: Section I. That the property described in attached Exhibit A is hereby prezoned to PRE-RI-l 0, Single-family Residential Zoning District; and that Exhibits A & B attached hereto are made part ofthe Master Zoning Map of the City of Cupertino. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage. INTRODUCED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino the 7th day of May, 2001 and ENACTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino the 21st day of May, 2001, by the following vote: Vote Members Qfthe Q!y Council AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Burnett, Chang, Lowenthal, James None None None ATTEST: Cit~~ ~tl APPROVED: ø~~v~~ Mayor, City of Cupe 0 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) ) ) CITY OF CUPERTINO I, KIMBERLY SMITH, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Cupertino, California, do hereby certify the attached to be a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. I ~ 7'1 , which was enacted on ~ J..( ,2..ðol , and that it hm been published or posted pursuant to law (G.C. 40806). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this JDili day of ~ ,2001. .~ KIMB~, City Clerk and Ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Cupertino, California ordmanee eer"fieale CI8n County. C8tIfornIa d8Icribed .. follows: IIEGIIINING lit Ihe South 11 ".ItJ. 0 0 0 C 0 0' Lot 1 51 on the w..t.1y line of North Ste-.1g Roed - 8hown on th8t -- TrIICt -"Ií8.d. "TrIICt No. 882. GARDEN GATE VILLAGE, UNIT No. 7'. tiled for rec:ød on FebruIry"2O;t19!1O In Baok.28.of M8p81t°P8O8l24 8nd 25 S8nI8 CIIr8 County recorda; th8nct °8lonO'." S4MNrtJ line of t8Id trICt 8nd the orIginII .... of illCOrpOI'IItiarI of the City of CuøwtincJNlr52'3O"W 1283.03 feet to the Southw Utlf1r conw of S8Ìd tr8ct; thence IIIong the We$tW'Iy.1inIt Of8llidtrICt NO()8O4'05"W 863.43 feet to the ' Northwe8tertJ comer of 88Id tr8Cti'thencII......... 811id0rigin8l11nes of ùlCCllpotlllio , 8nd ; pnIC88diIlQ along the Northerty line Of88ld trICt 8nd the Southerly line of the ......IIiICIIioc.. to the ,') City of Cupertino dIIìgnIItcI .Hom8It8IdNo.1C~8nd~StIIIIngP8rtc8M.,88I"I7"«r'E S99.OS feet to the NortI\..."lrty-c:íOrnël;,C)fthe:.~*'ttr.theCityofCupewlfto.. 0 '0 0", - GrenoIe Dr. CJO.O2; ""'8IOì'IíJ1'I*~..~ìB~SClutho1~'" b:" point in the NoII'I8rty line 0 filGf'efIdj,ØIwt..ìI'iêIiMr~m8Ø'for, 88IdJ"f8ct.- along 88id line end the SoùtheItýI.~"'" 1ì)â_iæ..íMi7S¡(JC):-,therâ.,..; &s8efty line fil88id 8nn8x8tiOft ~'Þ5.æ! --ítl\1h8SCíûlhMyN.' , 8S Ihown upon thIIt C8I18In"" 0 , RØI\TE '0 . recant on M8y 23. 1849 in Book22¡, \CIIiiWt~, along said SouIherty line N8r54W'9':éiåItter!Ot8ild- Ie8vìng said Southerty line end ~, .'Iine'Of881d:TI8Ct!831~_. Easterty line of said anneøtion SttIIin tP8rk.65.$5i~.50tothe Co 0' ' comer of lot 48 end the S<IuItI....~coinet'7Öf"o_i~'tothf:.CItt~«1 designated as Lavina Ct. 00.11; 1IWICe8lòí'lOtftê\SOu'therIyllneot;t8tdtòtend. Lavina Ct. 00.11 S89"54'E 100,00 f8IIt to. point Onthecul.idH8C~bUltfOfI.8\llNt"CaUrt;' shown on said map for Tract No, 831; thenceetong thebound8ry.Of 88IdcoUlt8nCft nontangent curve to the right with . an Initial tangentb8aring NOO"O8'OO"E; a 0 r8d1uåof<iO:œ feet, an internal angle of 60.09'40. and a length of 42.00 feet; thence leaving said bulb end . proceeoing along the Northeasterly line of 88id lot and annexatiOn N43.03'SO"W 178.24 feet to the Westerly line of said Tract 831 end the Easterly line of said annexation StellIng Park 65-6; thence along said lines NO.O3'55"W 649,78 feet to the Northwesterly comer of 88Id tract and the Southwesterly comer of the annexatlonfo the City of Cupertino designated as Homestead 71.5: thence along the Northerty line of said tract and the Southerly line of said annexation S89°54'SS"E 624 28 feet to the Westerly line of North Stelling Road as shown on said map for Tract 631, thence S89°54'SS"E 10,00 feet to a point in the Westerly line of the annexation to the City of ':upertino deslQnated as Cupertino Stelling 2; thence along said line SOO.10'20"W 649 86 feet to the Northeasterly corner of the annexation to the City of Cupertino designated as N Stelling Road 99-06, thence along the Northerly line of saId annexation S89°54'W 13500 feet to the Northwesterly comer of said annexation; thence along the Westerly hne of said annexation SOoo10'OO'W 77 45 feet. thence along the Southerly line of said annexatIOn N89"54E 13500 feet to the Westerly hne of the aforementioned annexation CupertinO Stelling 2 thence along said Westerly hne SOO'10'20'W 7745 feet to the Northeasterly corner of the """"'.at'on 10 the CIty of CupertinO designated as N Stelling Road 00.12, thence along the I j":'i: NottNrty line fiI 88ICI 8.. MiDI, 00."",110 the ~ comer of said 8I~. ......... the ~ IIVlI .A<J, 8OCr10'00"W 7U5 fMt; thence 8Iong the South8Ity line fillIid ' ,'E '.00 fI8t to the Westerly line of the abemelltiOMcI 81.. 1 tUt.. CUI*1Ino :2;'", ... IIid line SOO.,0'2O"W 110,65 .... to the SouItr ""~COIft8r d '. .... 8Iong the South8I1y line of 88ICI 81."""', HerS1'2O"E 50,00 .. to COIft8r of TrIICt No, 783 .. 8hown upon thIt C8ItIin Tt8c:t .. EftIII8d . .783. GMDIN GATE VILLAGE ADDITION", tiled In 800II 30 fiI ..... .. ØIII8 ' 'C11r8 Caunty Reootda: thence 8Iong the NottNrty line fiI .... tI8c:t end the )lmII8d 1nOOiI~-", of the CIty of Cupertino HerS 1 '2O"E no,80 .. to the Nortf¡. '.IiI't"CCImIr fiI... .y;r. I811øn to the City of Cupertino ........ .. ar.ne.rDr, 88-03: ~;.....~ ... fJf 88Id 8fItIIQtio" SouIh 1 37 ,æ .. to . point on the North8I1y bOurídII ~ of ~ Dr.: ttI8nCe 8IOnO 88Id bouncI8Iy E8st 74.50""" thInc8... the ~lIOwIdIryd 1lid8.--.n North 137.45" to Ihe ..ft8fItio,ltd ~....~tIcundIfy Of,Tf8Ct'78311ftC11h1-- line fJf /nCorporaUon fillIe City fiI Cupertino; theIQ 8Iong '88lidlinft,'N89"S1'2O"E330.3t,. tot the CIII-".. d BeenIon Drive .. shown on 88Id mepO'iTr8d 183i llericeètOnØ IIiId centeítIne SOO"OS'45"W 33202 .... to . point on the proIongatIcnOf1he North8rIr hfil Gre8IIIe8f DrIve.: thence 8Iang , said ~, and S8Ìd NortIIerty IineN8r50'5O"E,328.~.-.to lleNorttl!n'l~ fiI said trICt; lt8tce 8IofIg the ~:IIne,fiI."";tniCt~~'OO"E"800.87¡""to,.; NoItt !I1tHt,- conw fiI.. 8IIn8MtIonto-Otýfil~1IIIiIOodIbd.F"Dri11'8 15; thence 8Iong the Northerly line Of..rct;'8tw.....;~';87,15_'thence~8Icing; Westerly line fiI S8i!' ~ Soutft:1~S.00;;;fèIt",f:;::"'"¡M,,.,II,~, ,c, rtyi~~fiI' annex8tion to the City of Cupertino d8iiØ1lìßd:8" }~~; 97.11;t,thence,8IånD; Westerly line fiI S8Ìd 8W14W1iw.. SoiutW~115.oo'3,.~8Itèi~;fÓÞl'n8r;Of 81" I8IC8tiuó Me! . point in lie North8rIy tinlOf: " ' , '~the""i~': thence IIIong said lines E8st 40. 121111t; . , '1C):1tfe_-~' 170.00 feet. ... ìntemeI angle fil1S.09'8tICf:et"'- ;tt~'þoIntUt:N¡~ said tract and the orìgineIlimits of the'CIty4tIf ,,' "'aIOI'Ig,'U!d;I,tInø.. 18671 feet to the Nori:1e8sterIycomerofthei~t , 'CIty'ofCupertinó. Garden Gate Drive 199-02; thence 8IongtheNòìtrlerttW~~lWtšt;a7:$1l thence along the Westerty tine of said ånt'î8xation'SoúIbjff20.oofeetctoffiie':' " comer of said annexation and a point in the Northerty line OfGerd8n Gate DriaS'Shown¡on map for Tract 783: thence along said lines E88t 87.72 feet to. póint ontheWesterlyIihe said tract and the original limits of the City of Cupertino: thenCe8long said linesS00"04'E 60.00 feet to the Northeasteffy comer of the annexation to the City Of CupertinO de8ignøI8d., Garden Gate Drive #98-07: thence atonq the Northerly line of said 8ftnexatiol1 West 74.70 1IIIt;;' thence along the Westerly line of said annexation. SoutfH34-,15 feet to the 'SouthwesteIty ,'. , comer of said annexation and a point to a point on the Southerty tine of said tract and the onglnal limits of incorporation to the City of Cupertino; thence along said lines 589.56'55"W 91389 feet, thence leaving said Southerty line and proceeding along the original limits of Incorporation to the City of Cupertino Soo.01'SO"E 334,15 feet; thence 589.SS'05"W 640,08 feet to the Easterty boundary of Stelling Road; thence along said boundary North 660,15 feet to the Southwesterly comer of the annexation to the City of Cupertino designated as N, Stelling Road 1100-01, thence along the Southerty boundary of said annexation East 125,00 feet; thence along the Easterly boundary of said annexation North 7500 feet; thence along the Northerty hounr1ary of saId annexation West 125 00 feet to the Easterty boundary of North Stelling Road, ItI8nca 8IDng 88id bourIdIry NofI\ ,.. to . ØOinI in the Southerty line of the annexatIOn to the City fiI CU8*IInOik 88IIing Ro8d 888-03: thence along the Southerly bowIcI8y fillIId .......Jto., E8It ,00 flit Ih8nc8 along the E8Iterty boundery of said ~.o.t Nofth 17124 - ttI8ri~I_1O the ~ boundary or 88id anneXlltJon West 1M 00 '-t. Ih8nce along the ~ boundery fill8Id 8fWI8x8tion South 190 , 61 feet to a POInt in the orìgineI Iimit8 of ~MIuo\ to the CIty fiI Cupertino and to the øomt of 8EGItIt1NG. T 0Q8Ih8r with the P8C8I fillIInd ~ - fGIowa: IIEGIIiNNG at the North~ comer of the ..........., to the City fiI CUI*tino ...~ - N. StIItIing ROIId Ø99-08: thence 8Iong the Nor1herIy line filUIid 8I'In8Ic8tion S8rs..W 10.00 .... to the Westerly bouncIery of Nofth &eq Roed: Ihenca along Mid boundery SOO"10'2O"W 77,45 feet; thence 889854W 10.00 feet to the w.sterty line fiI the 8fo1eme1ftiOoll8d 8.""', Cuøertino Stelling 2: thence along S8Id line N008'O.20"E 77.45 feet to the point of BEGN8tG. Exœøting therefrom the P8fC8I of land detcribed .. follows: BEGINNING at the Souhi--..ty comer of the 8III'IeXIItiOn to the City of Cupertino d81igf~ 81 N. Stelling Roed f98.03; thence 8Iong the Westerty bound8rY of North Stelling Roed North 300.00 feet; thence East 60.00 feet to the NooII....,...erty comer of lot 99.. shown on the afoIeol...n1iOo18d map fiI Tra::t 183; thence along the Nor1herIy bound8ry of 88Id lot East 125.00 feet; thence along Ihe Eesterly bound8ry filUIid lot South 75.00 feet; thence along the Southerty boundary of said lot West 125.00 .... to. point in the E88tefty boundary of North Stelling Roed; thence along said bound8ry South 225,00 feet; thence West 60,00 feet to the point of BEGINNING" Being pot1ic~ of the afoIe.'nentioned Tract numbefs 682, 631 and 783 and a portion of North Stelling Road &Int. Clara County, California and COI.tai,¡jng 106,86 acres more or less, Date March 16, 2001 " " - '" 'S 0 II.. Q) u c: Ot t3 :ö '€~:E'" Q. 8.~"", ~ 8 ~ ~ ::; ~~ ~ 'ð¡s -~-~ ~$~i"~~ °è3z eel::;) ..I' 0 20 ~, N Q: 1.1. .... , , i ;. ~ tit z t 'I ¡. ,~ :;;::