01060121 (2) CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 19934 WHEATON DR WATER HEATERS ONLY 01060121 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE HUANG CHANG-LUNG 500 AIRPORT BLV 06/21/2001 ,• PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (415) 349-3747 q 0 z0 ARCHIT ICUENGI,NEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO kL"w BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH a Z w LJ I' L__I CI syy z z LICENSED CONTRACTOR dunderp DecuoAT1oN Job Description O ln H G I hereby effinn that 1 am licensed under Provisions of Chapter.t(commencing f_Fm shofllf demodefect. on3ofmrBusinmandRofcssionxCodc.andmyliccnu REPLACE 40 GAL GAS WATER HEATER. as m to< is in full tome and effort. —m m a Licenu Class Lie,x at LL O Dam S DECLARATION ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION �='O� I underhand my plans shall be useJ as public rtcmras s�<E In o O Licensed Yrofexzional oil Oat I am exempt m DECLARATION s I hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from the Contractor License law for the {_?s' following UiMsreason.Pamir 70313,Business and vefdemolsh,or Any city or county $700 8 s❑ which requirex a permit m constmn,ober,improve.demolish,or repair any structure '7 to r- prior to it,'i'viciam.r1o.'e'uniciffic.plifirmn1 rl permit Ifilettaill.rdsmndmit, - ... ..-- - �� maz by Ive 'ptnn,Nt&tlwpn rho . ftI C t for I' U (Chaptar9 I O2 ea I Valuation h.r. Uemmeer g w m smf ann'a the b4.. �IO h fie,•( 0.,..tT:.;,>,,�'(r?'`. or that io is 31.5 b therefrom and or basis for the cts ed exemplar.Beanoto Any violation of Section 7W L5 by any applicant for a permit subjects me applicant m m civil pcmhy of not motrthan file hundred amlat.(SSW). 502AFNP,1�f#jkgr PLUMBIN ENERGY Occupancy Type 01.as owner of the property,or my employees width wag.as But.sole compensation, 506 - GAS TEST will'do the work:mul the structure isnot intended or offered for sale(Sm:9044,- t - - B63indas and Professions Code:The Conmactor's Lice se law does not apply m am 507 - FINAL PLBIAq} 1WCDrlspections- " owner or property who builds or improves thereon.and who does such work himself , or through his own employees.provided that such improvements ue not intended or __._ „ __, _ ., 'offered for kala.If.however,the building or improvement is sold within ooh ycer of - - - - --- - ' - I-.h - completion.me owner-builder will have ate burden of proving that he did not build or improve for purpose of san). - _.._ . ❑1 asmvner ofthe property,am Budavely commangwith licensedd:)Th Contract ro + /� License the prefect(Sm.Ito a oomer oBusinesand PrAproperty w ons Code)The improves trocar a License law does not apply won owner th proPrrty who Wilds o mproves thereon, and who contracts fix such Pralttm wnh a cantractar(s).bcenud.pursuam to the Cmmrocmh License law ❑I am exempt under Sec. B&P C for thisonsun Owl . , Date -........ WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION !• 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perlury,otie f,he following declaretiom: ❑ 1 have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to sd6insum for Worker's _ Compensation. as,provided for by Section 37W-orf the Labor Code. for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued.I . ❑1 have and will himaii in Wbrkcr'a Compencatimn Insurince,at'required by Sietion _ 37W of thc'Whor Code,fur the performance of the work far which this pem+it is issued.My Werkrls Compodulden Insurance darner and Policy number ate: Came s lir . t`+•PoIcy No:.... - + !CERTIFICATION OF.EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS',' ' ... COMPENSATION INSURANCE' _._.._ -------- _._r___..__ .__.. 1 (This action need not be cnmpined d the Fiction is for one hundrtd dollar 151WI let .) 1 cent(,tM1ut in the rforinanc c ••. r... .. y pe epf the work lb cishie ibis permit is tsar id l I` .....y ,;��,4.'C q� s' tCmin nm employ,any penam'in any nunirr w as ab bu'omc wbject lo'thi war ids' Fj Compensation Laws o/Catifomio.Date'' . Applicant.+NOTiCET OAPPLtICANTkc Cn C� 0 h Id fordwith comply w4. ch provisions or this limit shall be clesumdmarked,0 _ rN. 1 - "-,'CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY "'" I hereby uflom thm there 4..s admouniction lending agency for the perfrioniance .I1 of Lir ' W � w«k roeLender's Name# Amice pj fat Lendelaana(ser.e3Wm.7.ec.l - Zis Address t ,. , , . . .'D Ii:'s.!+":1C+I U,C) , s 1mildly that 1 n. d broadly th Application nd ,are v s of isinformation — ' Ira vl 6 to comply,with all city and c myordinancesW.tt laws relating W wWilding' c n w<uon a dl+ him"o p u Tuve of this city to m pan 91t 'he M t oil P nyf speer p R^ . L IWdagree sosavet and expenses Ameph mayinthe City of Cupcnmo against Vi Citie to co ry consequence casts and enpenses whmh may m any way accme against said V z Cityin!ANT UND ofthe grantingml Nis L CON"' SOURCE REOCLTIONSNDSANO WILLCOMTLY WITH ALL NON-POINT SOURCE REcuLAnonsl' Issued by: Date Signaturt orArpficenoconmarmr. ... ,,Data Re-roofs HAZARDOUS SIATERIAL.Si DISCLOSURE , waime anpti2ani a ratan nauaing«cupant score o<n:mdle naratdons matrdal. Type of Roof as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Cal,Chapmr 9.12,mad the Health and Safety _ Code.Smtion 25532U)1, .,. .'" J�,- :.,q:.l'..cf. l . . 1 . . .�, All • if ., „f•, oofs.shallbe.inspected.priorto,any_roofing.materialbeing-installed.._ Will theApplicant farm,building c pam,useeq pm At or tee Ineswhich' If a roof is installed'without first obtaining an inspection,�I agree to remove . e i,h d contaminants as dcfi ed by the Bay Are.A U fry Maoag in n t ict. all new.materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with Oyes - ON. all non-point source regulations; 1 hove uod the haaardlous materials requlrmants under Chapmr 695 ofthe California Health&Safety Coda Smtiuns25505.2553Jand25534.I undrmandthaq if the building does not currently have a tenant that a L my nesponsibility w nsni(y thq; + amupatn bf the requirements which must be met prior to L,uantt cf a Certificate of "pa"`y' Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better Owaer or aummimcl,front, Da :,4 f .;.L. .. . ..._ ., - OFFICE - . . .. . . . . ..