CC Resolution No. 348A XES OLUTION Old TUX 04W VW%C1 r OF M 01Tx OF alTP OU A?- rMM HMW = SMIft ON 1VZ CITY PAM AM RMNXATXQW a voomaer wa 40*0od by the "81944t1*6 o r trtiss Woodru" tz V ow 19U7 i',ark and Recreation COWNSISSICU at the City of Cups rWmao mWil wHh1'Rip.t3, the fajjAraso ewned person is found to be an , elector residing with -ILYt the City and othemlae quali1,';L+ed to "rro, and WIMA 3S, It appows to the be st interests of the City; That H*rokam In& i.s .bsraby appointed to the City Park and Recreation C asaS.sal= *f the City of Cupertino to serve without, co:qenaation for ba remainder of the term at the pleasure of the City Cc"meii or until his successor to appoint- ed, PASSM AND ADOPM at a regular mooting of tho City 'Gounoil off' the City of Ctvpwrtino this _d.�: dcy of 1960, by the following fator: A "S s Counoll"A JISRNT t C ounc i l uewm ,I �t, r �,r • •, , I ►or or M o per no ATTg9T: ,� ,•� /�.✓ .ms �.�G...