CC Resolution No. 328RBSIOLUT1W NO. av - )Vg :. R�'6 4�,.�T11 XQN OF THE CXTY L: ?a'if' M L OF TH'B CITY. OF = atfTa"l '1'I i4 TWj , KCF U(W op , CITTY 1 APPLIC�:ION NO. 41.487 y �''8�.j' THN PtIMC UTIWTM 013' KMIW.1 IN THE MAWBEI OF THIS 111 AX AWONIO AYEIIH 0VWAIM wi 5, the City of Capowtino has been named as a party In the above describod prodding® as an affected public agenoy, and 1 MS, the Public Ut ilitlion Cowmisaion, therefore, claims ,jurisdiction to assess part of the costs of the proposed imp provement on the basis of benefit to the oitiaenry within the City, and EAS, the City Coaaacil has investigated and considored the matter; I +OW, Tdbaa:QRE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1, That the City Council hereby finds that the City of Cupertino is in no way affected, directly or indiroctly, by the proposed improvement* 2. ;that the City CouncLI finds that the botindaries of the City are remote froi .ind .1.n no way related to tho propaa ed ,L=pro-rement a;id that, therefore, there can, as a matter of jaw, ;be no public benefit to the City* BE IT RESOLVED That the City Council door, laeroby, proteut its In- elusion in the proceeding and does further protect being, forced to expend public funds few re,prnaentation through extended hoar- inge with which it has iio carssrn or interetit. BE IT F URTHh;R R&SOLVE D: That the City Cc meLl. door hereby ragwst tho Pijblic ftu.1tion co=innion to atrike tho naue of the City from tho Frocetaangis upon rase own smation. a A A r vs - BE IT AMMER R39. 'MR-t the City Mawk be and hereby lo Inatructed to file a certifi6d copy of tbla re►olutio► with tho public Utilition Commissioa forthwith,. D ADOPOYMP by the City Counall of the City of PASS ED IL X v Capertino, We ath day of Juno, 1960, by the following vote AIRS: counalbam NORB t counoilmon ABMT s COU11011men 1,XAtZ mayor or tho Uity of Cupertino 5T or G the GltY 6 art no A I