CC Resolution No. 289Y' y . ROOdiTI ON 14D. A HVQXKXM= cF to cm f)ptfwil op Tim t.`ltf or GuPARm) DRCIARM ITS UT2WMV ' !W W.L A s LAL ANNUTzOU 1U=N, Alloy T=M A =0 H .t6 PWnM2 BT FROMtTx WAM. IT RVOLV D BY i'lF1R CI'i"'!f c DD*. , OP Ta C= Cr 0jpLRTIWO: 1. flat it la the intaAua o f tYhs City Com* 11 of the City of Cupertino to ca .1 a dal election to , be bold, In owtain irb bLt+ed twritaty contiguoue to said W WO prupoead to be amempsd Own". for real 2t " of o mttt " � electors electors Apo A �8 to .� quala.- ding, in mid territory the quostion of wkaether or not said ter - srl tosry ethall be an ward to tho city of Cupertino. Said territory is doscribed as Pollova t BBDIWM at the interaactien of the southerly live of Homostead Road (40 faot w1do) frith the easterly bins of that certain parcel of lend cnveyed to City I'llle Insurancee Ccwpsz y by deed reeordad. in Book 4480, Official. Facords, Pago 200,, Santa Clara County Records; and rurudng thence southerly along said easterly l.U* of parcel conveyed to City Title Insurance Cowpat. said easterly line being also j a present city limits lima of City of Cupertino to the southeast corner thereoft thence continuing southturly along the easterly line of that vaortain paroaal of lend conveyed to lkuTel Lt,.nard by deeed recorded in Book 4400, Official Records, page 202, Santa Clara County Records. said vastarly line being also a present city lisdu line of City of Cupertino, to the southeast corner thereof; thence continuing southerly slang the easUrly line or that certain parcel of land conveyed to Claule ti. Goings of el tW dsed rercc+rded in Book 3590, Official Records, Page 545, Santa Clara Couh°ty Records, said easterly line being also a present city brats lane of City of Cupertino, to the southeast comr thereof; thence r esurly along the south- erly line of said parcel conrrWed to Claude G. Goings, at al, said a9outhorly line being aRl&.) a present city ].ijaits line of City of Cupertino, to the southwest corner thnroof; theaee westerly in a dirt.at line to the southeasterly corner of that cer- tain parcel of land conveyed to Rabolas J. Nicholas. at ux, by deed recorded in Hook OfTicial Records. Page 527, Santa Clara County Records. acid lino being slso a present city limits liner of City of Cupertino; thence westerly along the Southerly lirxe of said parml eonvVed to Nicholas J. Nicholas, of ux, said south - erly lino Leir4t also a pr+ owl city limits line of City of Cupertino,, to the south- west corner thereof; thence ovatheirly along t1we test4jrly lino of that certain par- cel of lased convoed to L. R, 0oraoi, at ux, by doed recordod in Book 2874, OffieW Records, Page 190p San" Civra Goemty Records, said eersterly line boring alwa a present city WAts 13n+s of City of Cuportim, to the southeast oornor thereof; thence westerly along thae southerly lime of said parcel conmiWad to L. R. Geraci., at ux, anid soutt*rly lino buU4 also a present city leisitse :lime of City of Cujcor- tino, to the southeast corner U*x af; thence northerly along the westerly lino of mid parcel conveyed to L. H. Geraoi, of ux, said westerly lino being also a pro.. scent n1ty liodts line of City of 04xrthio, to the Intersection thereof with the tvuthwiwly line or that co%rtain parcel of lend crnvey+ad to Louis N. Ooraci, at ux, ky dead n:corde d An 8bok 1933, Official Records, Page► 2, Santa Clarn County Ro- eaords; thGxcm wostterly along said southorly lice of last mentioned percel. convoy&I (tp Loma H. t7eraci, at ux, arrd its westerly pruloWtivti, avid southerly ling and Its vPOvW ly prolongation being also a pre ae nt, csity Uaetia Jim of City or L%q*%4Arra, to the intcrae ation of said jcroloagat: on Atli the easterly line of Maxoy Avenue (50 feet wide); thetioce ncru rrly altung snid westerly lin6 of Blaney Avonuo. maid eaestarly line being s lmo n pswsont city limits :lino of City of O`.apertina, to the -I- ikaarbcwwrasec Lion tlolvaf. 'kith VM MAbAarhy 11M of 1Wd A (50 feet: VIAO i thawo atsterrly aIW said srAdbw1y lip of tacille Avinme && parUAm thereof saw east, 50 f-ovt vUlo and a# p3rttims t1wre tt foraaaAr voi d % Dbat wide. sold t"Ofterly limas also a frerowt. city UVAt s 1U% of MA4 of OkV$rtLW, to 'a;ho dap w 'seation tlw rwf IdAh. tht arwaaaat fly graImption oif the water3y line of that• iftrWa parcel of 1ar ' aaen9sa6 y&al to Jack XuAsml r at Ali by dam recaxrded in Book ;1 R, Offiadal Records, Pa pt 434¢ tttits Clan Cowty Reorudss Un"i aaawtharly .sue sapid natherly proloitp .tt.+ s aaaad aal.ot4 the wesst.aarly :fixes of eta JA parcel con- at a, to tho noY"thue st f wvwr tWrwf; thwis contilaat'lig slimly atlocag ttae axorUwrly pvralaa at&= of said usitarly llnm of parcel c n;d liana Jack Mariani at *I the i K arwetian of asaaLd nort1wr4 prol at Con With the aSapter line of Bmestead H,wt; tbwA9 easterly aal ang the ssaA4 center lin$ of Ham. a*xvd Road to the inters ft&a tha mf, vith the c a st erly Bays of that certain par ml of ].pond ca;a v%pA to Berl M. Siren,+ s. at ux, by aimed recorded In Book 1957, Off'itelal Abmwdu, Pap 41 Santa Clara Coosasty Records; tlhenoe souther Ig along mid eas3t i-rl v ):ise a:' pPrccl oorraW d to Berl K. Sorenam, at tux, to the intsrsaection thereof nth a northerly lint+ of that taftnin parcel of laaurad conveyed to isaMo (inn and metric Catty by doed r oorded. is Book 2630, Offtioial. Reoordv, Page 315, Santa Clara County Hocords; thence easrtarrly elcog said nor Lherly lima of prrcel convcoroi to Pacific Ges and Sleetric Cagt }forth 89 deg. 41 30 East 150 feet to an agile point therein; thence northerly along as westerly line of said p reel. conveyed to Pacific Gays and Electric CoaaaxrW lwrth 0 dog. Olt 30 t;!ast 194.9 feet to the intersection of &-iid weasUrly Zino with the southerly line of Hoaw et6nd RoAd (140 feet wide); thence a "ste -Ili along mid southerly line of Naawstead :toad to the l atersoction thereof with ttic northerly prolongation of this wontc:.rly line of Lot. 21. 1- No. 1352, Saar,. Gardens, Unit Wo. 1, a wap of which Is filgd for record In Book 8, 3 of Xaps, Page 11, Santa Clax-a County Records; Uence southerly along said north - a ray prolongation and the w+eetr rly lino of as.11d Lot 21, to the southwest corner thereof; thence c:ontliuxing aoutherly along the sout!%orly prolongation of the wort erly lint► of said Lot 21 to the northca :st corner of Lot 29 of said Trfiet No. 1852; thence weatcrly along the northerly line of wkid lot 29 to the ihterecction of asa'#A ro :9 line vith tho easterly line of the af"oromentkorwd psrcel of land eonveyod to Pacific ('..s and Electric Coupany; t e.nce voutlaarly along said onotdrly line of paroa conveyed to Pacific Gas and Electric Compra to tho southeast corner tbero.- o f; thence continuing southerly along the southerly prolongation of said easterly 11m of parcel conveyed to Paacifte Gas and Flsctric Ccaapny to the northeast cxx mr of the lent mmantioned parcel of land conveyed to Lotdc H. Gur;aci, at ux; tboxce crntinu3.aag southerly alarrg the easterly line of said parcel convoyW to Loul s E. Goraci, at ux, to the intazrsection thereof with the swrthorly line of tho afore- mentioned tarred of land osanvayod. to Hicholess J. Nicholas, et ux; thenou easterly along aeaid northerly line of yercol convayod to Nicholas J. Nicholas, of ux, to the northeast corner thereof; tbonao continuing easUrly along the onsterly prolong - atSran of mid northerly line of percel conveyed to Hicholaas J. Nicholas. cat urc, to the intersection of ascid taoterly prolongation with the easterly lino of bunt cwrtaSn land (30 feet wide) described in deed cony cad to Walter A. Gardner, of al, reaordod in Bock 275 of Do*da, Pago 208, 5antn Clara Cowrty Records; thonco northerly along said esrata.-�,y lino of said lama dencribrei in dead convaea ed to W41ter A.o at al to the U twoection of said eeaastarly lima with the soula3erly 11ae o l the aforearientiomid ltam stead Road (40 fact % da); tbenase e- att►rly along *o& routherly line of Hcowsteed Road to a point therein diwftnt therasan 4+47.02 foist aaoro or lepas, westerly of the intearasectiou of the southerly prolav gaati.on of waasterly line at Wolfe Pcx r#d (40 feet wide) with flip said southerly lino of Woeast4wd Komi. asAd point{ Unxtg also this intersection of said voutlxe.V lime of Uvaaatead Road with the soo* prolongation of tho easterly line of that aewaasCl ain p. -wnwl of Und coampA to Adolph N. Bannon, at ux, by de*d reo rdod in 004* f�( a Offiatial. Hecotdsa #"a 92, eta Claara CcAnty Rwvrds; thence asorthwrly 034ft southerly proltmOt.itat 0 , a mid aeasUrly line of said paxr,, l ow)vgmt1 to Wolph I r. I e i R to the tntarmetion of ��'rld itst�r3* prolotVati , nth e t AVF imld Jet 4wd wed t tam *Avt *r1jr almW W-d C+RMMJr O trim off' Som" t"d rii 'dirk ird"na;tim theretAt tbs wutsherly y=lot19� -im 41C U wily of t Ui a.f�tirermd to of fm 1o.s tbmm aa�w' rly aloe, ; mrlr yWAarVALan of the nst wly LUm at WWLfe+ Aced to the InUrrowiloo tb+ft"WW 'With lAw mwdbwl,y Une of the arose l xWad Road; them sastror2y BUM mabd g'1,v l.im raf Pmextud Ooad to the point of begiru U*6 .„ 7Aert Said tcsrritary tleMiay Is dwlV&W and idmtifibd as v HcS*s t(xA « 3 3 MaVlos MrreIrl fa gi:nm that an ads 26th diyt' of key 1960, at the twoixr of 9:10 P.1,, in the C* ndl Chaubnr of th* City Hall of the City a4' C-O,Ertinu, MY pwrmm acwAmg mal pyvperty within. sold torritory so propoead to bP 4=1Md OW hvwlwg juAr obj ctLm to the proposcd saasas3x -tdeon may vppoor rr3fore and CIV CCoomall and abow causa Qp such territoaT mbiRld not be ate, &Adi p:vtcvt rxmt be in writing and ell Watts t2vo ramp or name of the * .icr ors mmrs of tom: property affectal by such arawamtl,an "m the location anes area of awh property Im Cc o1 term. if it be found that V =n+A►et in not iaade by public and private ommwe equal to one of tho vsl.ue of tho territory furthar 'nocoadiW.' chall. 'trey Ukm in ,tccordame with the lvv for Ux holding of such special eloction. 4. lUt this City Cork droll certify to Vie adoption of thin Poeolution aml cause tlo mw to be publishmd in the Cupertino Courier onm a mck for th6 two wushs pv to the terming. PASSSD AND AM ;iA^ this ..� ...._. ct; of ,.� ,d.! 1 9 ( G , '�tv the ioZlcnt.. Ir4r, Grote: A AfS: CounciJmn ���►�'�"�:tC � /`F.L�G�a.� .rY t. ��~�.r�� 1�. xs +.��l t!C.r,. J+i,•f�SIL EKES: Coun ii lymn• AUMC?': Councilnw,. Y . °•� �- J"Pf1OM: of e�irn A,?7JW: 4'eme �. .-:I" .., 11 'm ., ..