CC Resolution No. 270',err f IIESOI.UTION NO. 270,,, Hosolution of the City Cou"oil of the City of Cupertina allowing certain alalma and demands In the =m of demands No. .. ���r,.......x.�.. thru 12 �.�...,_..........�... -....• Tti� Cit C ouncil of the city of Cure does hereby r e- %61vre, determine and Qrjter Qa 'folloW6. S ct: ap I. That in uoaordanoe with Station 37202 of the 00vernment Code the City Clerk or his dest nated, representative hereby oertifl.es to the mccurhay of the fo loving demands and to the aavallebility of Bands for payment thereof, F eot ,n. Tknif; the following claims and demands have been audited as required by law and that , the ' Brame are hereby allowed in the a,mouwt as hereirnfte set Forth; • A Y • C Warrant Amount Federal dross CIgImant ?lum_, b2r — Paid Tax AASI Amount a= J. Anderson 1255 500.00 ;; - -- -M_ _.. .._.. •; 500.00 John E. Fleming 1266 250.00 - - - - --- ------ 250.00 Edwin J. : 1268 250.00 -- - - - - -- - - - - -- 250.00 Judy Estes 1269 121.77 2x.30 4.4" 14 7.5 0 Barbara VILI ,arreal 1 270 icj.l�j o.?4 5.27 1 75. 00 j L::;rencs X. ::artir 1271 269.24 35.8. 0,00 300.00 Audryy L. Neston 127; 116. 26.30 x.4 147.50 Jour. Busto 1273 279.43' ?7.70 7. 95 5 5.13 + 50 William Be 12 74 2.97.57 3 �. �3 267. + ,50 T Philip :.. Storm 1275 1 448. 55 - 71.00 13.75 458.3 + - 1 5 • A Y • C