2734 (2) �.' ��I�G� �h P,a/�•T'Z.[A` LOT NO. I S • O. ii � . .. - p .r AjPj PLICATIaT� FOR PLUMBING PERMIT z Q IhTY OF CUPERTINO Ear.8Y 7. 1964 r o Sanitary No. — 0 U Date 196_ Permit No — W CITY, OF CUt', 1190 FeeWinmstafIll0Application is herebymadetothe City of Cupertino for a permmbing o a pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices i m and/or fixtures m accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of a w Cupertino, and all of laws applicab a thereto. Use of Premises 00 > m o a Owner Address zJ z B Address p coNTRACLO ,AG NT 3 � — m Phon w z w w 02 State Licens Approved , _U PLUMBING INSPECTOR r•� UNITS FEES UNITS FEES `Water Heare Size To V er C osets Materi ✓� Ba 'Tubs To Cur S—fivers - To Prop. Line La atories To Existing Kitc en Si s Not Conn. Dis 1. Washers Sewer Boxes Waste Disposa s ash Trays STORM DRAINAGE Was g-Machines Size ater Softeners Mater at at Sinks To Main Drain om . Sink s rays To Curb Dental Units _ Drinking Fountains F our Drains WATER SYSTEM _ Hoppers ize 0 d Restaurant Sinks Materia San raps OTAL PEES rinals Fixture Fee . Q ren rains Main Drain Fee .0 0 ZT/ater Leaders Storm Drain Fee --v- Water Sys. Fee 106 Permit Fee TOTAL d0 TOTAL FEE 79, co RECORD OF INSPECTION Underground Rough., Partial Rough.. Rbugh. Complete.. 14ain Drain rimll... y— -