CC Resolution No. 2031 � 1 . dXPIN l V IM` W CUMOINO .1 RwAotib a Waviding foe the Issuimce of $46° AO-9 Prie.cip2l Amount of City of C� r� 1%0 Waw Revenue Bonds lwd 3AW of Series A Bonds AdepA d December 21, 1959 'i .1� h. r lll� a w ' � i~tQ3�3«r�.ti�r� r i•�� �r �sr�;c �t.:aa�rar� u� �9 ��im' N • ;," N ov� {et �� Fr 1XI Viet 'P Re, c1`+R:C - oe l�w+ #x�if" tq"c 0 !�'�r"� Nix � C " tP 5 .A F?'x'k P'ii4l"tl,* g f,4`44 Q..O'N '' sklluf was? iFY"i+4 +fit S A *4 "P 0':' A4M4*1 r. o Y h*W; 0 �f A's . itW4 •; � ' ,roc. iWr Apr &I S SONW A Rvm� t: -t C wio w9 hw*44s .'�etco�s�ar .4-1 01W qtr t* j 541 -11ni* Affodt r e*'VWftf A PaaW.xftd n for; IrA"iVe ,r te .pi's. Wr IT riFaa, the City C,t•.'r9 a6l, of *.a City of Oapertiw cm. the 17th slay of AAg4;Fst, 1tWW, ty pa**ed pvc! Woplod a Mr,014drin eAlling a R;XVW YOT-MUO bond Okc- !-U ".. to tre held in Me l on (ktober 14 M.W, for the purer of wAinittNg to the queliSie3 eleeto)% of 8ta Laity the ruea nitre (heW h t fortls) to inane $1,000,000 prineipo l aracount of water rownul?� boridn urte, z Ora 'Ili eTe pue Bond law of 1941; nad Wdv. m, ell vequimments of law* bare befit omplied with in ,utlli.tg end holding said aWciul rovenue bond election and the City Cor ec:l did duly and regularly canvass the witurns of said election and di •i by maid cAnvnsn determine and deeitiro, and do hereby �mrtifr, that said :neacure xoeelreA at slid special revenne bowl el, -.diou tle affirma- tive Mutes of a majority of all the vctern voting on 9ald mca6ure at said elootion slid said nic -ar re was thereby curried and adopted by said election and tiro issuunee of gait] water revenue bonds by the City for the purp000 deacrib*d in said measure was drily aatboriacd; and W=tu°-is, the City does not now own or opervta any water syatew: for the supply, trestment, storage, transmission or dirtrbutaion of water and the City Council deems it advisable to acquire, construct, improve and finance the F'nterprise comprising a nioniailmd water system for the City as de,:oribed in said ntemtire; Now, T riampop.:, BE IT R>;soc.t -En by the City Council of the City of CuIK as follows: Sz onou 1. Deflaitiom. The terns hereltxatter in this Beet.ion 1 defined gall, for all purposes o! 'his Resolution, exT gwy resolution pro - viding f or the iusu inoe of Ilorida of any subsequent acmes or of .Addi. tional Bonds herewider, of all such I Iondt, and of any "rtificate, opinion t.r other dw.ument herein mentitmd have the menuings Lerein specified: j 2 '(r,) ' mamn taw ssa i eftso . +aarporat +► i wom wry► tLe 0 0ty of Cuprti*O he ti Qs `ty rA Beta% Clara, St * al O& fomi4 . (h) 'Cwt' VWi *.a City 0-RU 41 Vi the w' IJ or my rithLr gr1Ye'saixg bmW of t it i s ' bexftf tAer pr01T 4W N& purAn= sia i sir. Ca rww 100 WMW' AWSOW azthoriw d. MW at say *M owb4todbS jvnwjwO to #fibs Detra ration (iad*&W Mo SwfW A Do#Js lrhmwafter lrawoke fiver &I, x aII aub"queat *SLIM Of SXWW Ge aatd loom). " *l. F " ratans Additiond .fkWo (M oddOw to Wd #,t10 QM o of ,antomt of the t lov&) iw re a ter andwrimd pursutmt to OW .f.,a W itssd a,t %ay, time outsta"Ag pttri rt to 60 lPkv viaionz and 6ri4jeet to the :limitations of Sectimt 11 h&IWA. "tkrwd Bonds" meatus PPON& 6r ,A.dditional Bonds, faalirg doo by t.b 4r terms in speeitled yewtr , for * +ieh no minitawn► aluking fttad is Kovi"cied. "Term Bonds" Yom= Tams or additional Bonds psyabie a3 or before their spmifled maturity dates from minitmmn sinking fund payments established for that pwrpose and calculated to retire much Bon is on or before their speeMd maturity dates. (e) "Law" meam the Revenue Bond Law of 190, Ming 'Title 5, Division 2, Putt 1, CMpter 6, of the California aovernmttt Coda. (f) "Enterprise" meens the whole and each and trrrery part of the muniei water syAern of the City deseribed in the mesamn set forth in ISMioi► 21 hereof, together with all additions, betterments, extensions and improvements to said municipal water ; ystern or any part thereof now or hereafter made - (g) « grost% Revenuco of the Enterprise ", "Revenues of the Enter- prise" and " Revenitess" inean ell gross revenues of the Enterprise, in- olicling all fees, tolls, rates and other charges Teeeived from, and all other income, remipts and profits derived by the City froze, tho opera- tion of the Enterprise, or arising ont of the Enterprift, or in any wny incidental t(, the ommerrhip of the Enterprise by the City, including interest and innonw from any investment of any of the Fonds provided for in Section 9 hereof, together with all grosq revenues of ail "Utions, betterments, improvements and extensions to the Enterprise hereafter constructed or vzquired, excepting all connection charges and refund- able deposits made to establish credit. (h) 11 3faintemance and Operation Costs" of the EnterpAse means the reasonable and neean my c"Aii o} znaintitiuin6 and operating the ,� N„ �M N. 1 i �1 L 3 Mterpriac-, ea*m7AU ai wand amunting prineiplex, uxelodiAg in &V r aws depreii ation *t all v.4e_w*nce eltarg and anforthation of in(an- gibkt or utter bookk*44seg exitries of n similar natero, but i u&*g lama lamag o1ber t•4i ) r+ie"wia ale ,expenses cif repair, WA otber aalWrwea seWO -.4 ;j `co MfLintain and I►MotVe the "i" in SOM fir surd ant+ t, rxln,in:gtratiarr, m►rr , i wwv* eo torte (if any, tuiW, to tin; extent otherwise prori&d In 9a 7(d) b er*et•) and odw sr.k�.+ ►'+vt rrsba. (1) 4 4lrs01 *W. " victim the r. t iod iA giffixing on July I at "A Y M MWIft Aidith ro Ow ag Jw,.-a M li ossi! rmens all Gram Dwommas at tl w Plakiptut a wr* ate' I+ 4vs IC twsh* sn MGG (MIned w tuft asm er .am of d ( 1) 012 00:reys ttn=fer w hum as lull '!p'al'er 8yok as A**vW,*Yo.IwA Constrntioa F' wd to &e IMP Vatw Kerr ane lhad ptroft.K I'm tie pcmislous of R, wfim 71k *A (H) all proemis .4 irrserxawii di iced in the Rene w :i oad pamnat to Section 10(k) bervot !4A (iaiii) all net prfteeds rmlised by the City from eminent domain IA*oec d and dttxtrniud, to be Roe of the Enterprise punnaawM. to 86dion 13 hereof) after d*thdbg tbtre- f rom all liiaint. -sa am " Olvration Costs of the EaterpA+o d #wing such period. (k) "Mayor" arwans tine Mayor of the City ` Oerlr" maws t1m City Clerk; and "Trowwvr" nwaus the City Treasurer. (1) "Fiscal Agvmt" means Bank of America National Trnst, and Savings Asaociation, beitg the 19M Water Revenue Bond >r mad Agent pro%ided for in Section IG hereof. "faring Agent" means any paying agent for nny Bonda or Additional Bonds a1pointed by the Fiacael Agent purstnant to Section 16 hereof. (m) "Water" means grater furnished by the City thr(mgb the Enterprise. (n) "Atxxin,am Annual Debt Service" means the maximum amount payable on all outalandinr Bonds and Additional Donor in any faecal Yenr (1Kginnin ; ; with tle fiscal year in which snelt calculation is made and ending with the fLscal year in wMeh the last of such Bond!j by thtir terms roahure) on n ecount of (i) interest, plus (ii) serial inaturities of principal of Serial Bonds or mandatory mininnttn annual sinking faced pa yments of Tern Bondi. Sitcnox 2. Due A%I4*riraa6ors and Pwrp of Isoise. (a) The Conneil hrs reviewed nil proceedings herelofero twkeaa relative to Vie nuthorirntion of tho Bonds and has found, as a reoWt IM '1 of muk rlMvin aad %1,4* ills hA &&4 " 04st: al' acts, AbaP4 mi W ti's Y%N4 ' bw so happen rAd bo perfo."r o "d P"Madmt to sW ifi tka NAWNWO ,;::, YMWU have MdA4 UW.W d and )jwu pw 5n AMR wA amakw La r! gidred b' h0j, . . ' inn "W a 0 1* oyi& aat every regatm ? wt .A'ri� V ialrara tit i13m>wl& fs WAMM ! >fonit aI 1a WO JgiLftY: q1►1 '�olirnalrr Aga I)h�t Earth is WAmu (A) : RW ** t 'r.;� imm revr+ Nze bye in (�4sA*t' the � . of s1,04>K?,1 ^ purest to mow) the Swe"ftolk" L&W of 19H to pTOVW r e h for t l► um., lmprovras at,ps�il &&wind of thefir- RawfteeWw*wi#*, to wit: A water rryntm for the mh:ply, treRYssr mO4 a -- - ty � tmawolwion and distribution of watsr, inrlud lams, rim i i, A room water rights, wattrr tanik ►'•; water nutins, . pwarps, pwmping equipment, storagt, trm %tmtnt, tranrrnissioi4 and dieWbution facilities, and otter work% properties or s rarttaares w"ssary or convenient for a municipal venter system for the. City of Cnpertinot (o) It ie twrelr found 9W Wised that the City does not now amini or operate a inunieiptrl vvA*r syzim; that the Eatsrprim and esA and every part thereof, wbm an9dred, m--Wructcd and improved as deacribed in said n►easure, wM oanstiLote a new municipal improv i.trmt anti a satisfart:►ry water g fmm few portions of the City in accordance with law: thnt the City has aradA af3 neima&try arrangvinents for the awl aisition linrinding acqui.sitiata'by ptai^chase), vmntruction, imprtrrnt- rwnt and ftunndn of the Entenvrite from the proceeds of nale of the geries A Roads herei,nafte. prvn &A for; tirxt that the proceeds of We of tlia eri+s A Wnds shall tharr£'o" be applied to the payment of the oasts of the acquisition, reonstmif. m,, improvement anal llnnneing of the Eatorprise. Aemrdingly, it bl Intby fevad ind determined as follows: (i'- the Eoxerpri" can be *YpAt ed, caurtrudW sixi improved as a MUrfactory water system for p"fiaw of the Cit in necordanw mith law from the Amain avaita'lmle arrEl to h. avrailal►lr Io the City f !m the proceeds of sate of the Series A lie: (ii) water rates and charges om l e fixed, levied ail col4wQd stpon the Enter - prise for The twrvitts, r� s t M ALMA . 5 facilities sad Rater furviatwd b3- tkr a'.ntorlwise; (iii) said water rates and oharg". together with aA otkwr Gross *Revennea of the Enterprim (ne said :�?rm is OeRned hr Mediwa 1(g) hereof), shr,ll ooi:atifutt the jWvesrae.% of the Enterpwk�, lg :*d to the payment of the JK+Wipn1 of and iattiorest. on and to A* smovity of the Ron& and Addii Bonds as berei-a prorri&dl sew rkr') the (Irons Rem. ut+e of the ar- p;dre are hereby pledgfsd to *a mwvkge of the Bonds and Additka at Rands ben.inafter aMberind and A Oro" Reyerues hses ing to dw RstrrprLv on or peer tw " eef dk.Uvarr of and pl►yxmO for the +3es A Snails sWU be AWWofted it ward tsd for for w o tip Remwe Fund pray'iti<ed fiff in III IN -� 0 3(b) hereof. No num eOaxW by the Ci r during any Tow star foes for cunlaedow to W FAUrpri" or r+cfuo&4k 410oft MMmk to eetablieh rTrS i MCSSU SOW r'tittete r ro+t+s Btrenaor +� tie ��. ' ' fir . A+,,� of Nowie. "Ita lie iermW and sold as bereivafter mt t ant to the RAW OW,, 8W 16 known as "City of CaPTtho t 'Water fiat:' Bmvhl" Thr aFg Ait- X%je pri,3ripal amount at 1 in is . sr rmy be issued Iry the 2,'i!y and aeearxi'Ly tlAs 11mlution X%A 496MMUHss9 at asnv one HIM In Endrf0d to $1,(►tt W)O. except as be.!'9'l➢i Art I*rovide►3 with respect to the iawn- oxce of JkMtioual Ronda hnvuu6w. Ile Bonds shall be neg;otiaMe in form ands shall contain a rwiW that their are isfint -d Pura mat to the IAA. The Bends shall be divided ixto aeries. An ;«itial eveeries of Bonds, lirnitrA ii as~s~regate prirdpal aaaoant to val exceeding $9Ut"i at any one time ontstaiv lingo. is bmmby rreated.. and sball constifute lgeriea A "; and the rrmnining *XJfn00 principal amount of the hands may be divided into one or more s%vi" as the Council Aall determine by rrrx�- Intion et the time of the isoauxw* of all or any part of said rem kinirog $95,(>illl l'rineilrnl ntriount of ,'fLoru3.ar, subject, however, to the prosisiona and limitations of jmragrrtpha (a), (c) and (e) of .section 11 hereof. Tlie A Rontis sluzll N rM in nwaher, numbered consecutively from A I n> M105. hoth in,Im6i-re, of ''.�% denomination of $1000 ench and are hei -ebb desigznat(A as "Se-lial The :;erica A Bonds shall be dat(A Ft nvwry 1, 1:Mr) (wfiiaij is hertb.y determined to be the (late of the issue of tho :+dries A llomU). The Sonds Fhall t►eur inteYtet from {heir date until haul at the rate or tales desif -mated by tim Cowl at the time of the tale therea-; but not to exceed six per ceo1; (6%) per annum. Said interest on ewh Al , e ' t 1 sn3w ed BMWW 4oll be Avat-MMORy or AMMOY the &14 YvW AW ;3wnwlk r eero r doiS by So (*=W of t� Ow of tar km mw* Md sdi 0 oaf 400a bond& No* i f U oeis = d by ewes. V 16 rrMit soad asrct a& of am - " reprwart ask %"4) OWNWhOMMA ( &VOW the desrt evfs I ew as to wlYk#t WAW Of is papdft MwMll� dim Q..-st yar, vM& a xWowat tvA" (W rn W4W YMliss d) er dW Mind -la VWA it l:MdftdWWL 1"Woot ass the A Dwa& dwR to pay4k =waft r the RWA 1 'ssr and dwnafkr •assriM I M 1 0Y: 7% In 1i, wapow ar the &Aft A Am& tie$ bye paypitr, aemer+ft dw .U*4 yur as F'Wkvary 1, 1t161, MM dwmatkr iC- M so " &Y to FMWMM "" AW the filPat ,day of Aagvet is ewk year mM dw :3wtion J1►1►iosssdo an paid. DO& the pri,s 400 of and k%vs4 *a d* 3**& st 001 be pe7able in lawful =*my of the Ualki lltatn of Amorim at the $aa Rrraeieew !dais OSce of Hank of Awrica. lt'afimal T rwt and Sarisp Anocia- U*v4 is tke Oty and Coeraty of San Finati ao, State of wiforaia, the Fiiaft1 Agent. or, at the option of the boUler, at the obre of the Paying Agent of the City in The Cifyof NewYor14 Wate of New York, or in the Cily of Cisicago, State of sll zo* but only out of the special funds here - fsadter provided for that parpoar The Series A Ron& shad sueM re rW becom payable as set forth in the following aehedule: lewt f�os tom[ men Gain : WIN an bd aft ad h%*d fIflaillr ilrAa M�.t Rlydsei f lrl� WM" h1ft'R - ) Ammwt1 tr�lyeh Y7 taa�e1 F��q r 1- 5 i 5.000 19 141 -2@0 ♦ 1 000 1974 G.15 14(00 190 "I 31,'P! 40,001 1976 I6 Z5 MOOD 1364 621 -W 45,040 1078 26-40 13,000 INS 1Mt6.413 50,(M C 1977 41.65 15,000 1"1 416-M 50 1379 M Iii MMO 136? 4094* 6S OM Illy 76- 26 MW) low 611475 K M10 1"0 96.120 *25,000 I3o 69`6435 6D,000 1991 121 - 145 !3 1970 ewes (0.000 M 146 -175 60.000 1971 ti3B-760 65,000 1900 178 -2m ?'Q000 1972 7914M 70.0k) 1984 2"-2wj :15A00 1978 $314% 75,000 1M Bonds numheredi Al to A575, both indsairr, maturing b; their iswm on or prior to Febn%Lry 1, 19A are not axli t9 eft( and ftwO 0 91 ,.E 11 JIM, — ��N Na'ilalil IarrM� rMi w r Yiwr b r ww.ers� � r e i ,u e CI redemption prior to their f7zw.d n otaar,ty dates. PondA numberW A576 to AM, hath iree trsive, awAitiog an or sM r Wbroary 1, 11181, an are&6ft to tvii amd redeftp6mN st to vp of the City, oia Fobraany I, JVM ki rail prior th v tom, j ad am r*y iaateraat payaawt daft dwrre after prior to maturity as a Via, at ere puO, im frrvaxm aeoraerkW orlv .from higher to lwavr, f'rm ftm* Awtwvd b7 tlo? Clt f frcw my w` es, 4A the prindpal saaaat t t *%4 wnWeW W dp► * of re&mq?- titat~ ON a pt go cant two is 04=0 X WOW ors W : ARLO —WW W IWO M N hr i ' t�ree:sra 19r 1M 1W ! '�► IM M4 4%* ;W IM 1 %% W4 Mc !'1 % 1t» 1a i IM M4 NOS IM no "M 1 1 1t?7 1 A ! `x► D" 1!'"38'!! Whenever fends an ave5WW for the esM sad redeamaptioe of may of the Bonds then subject to eadl rand r&kmWdon, the Fiscal Agent ark" detememe the serial nwnbers cA the Bcra>& to be redeemed Oa dodiag else serial nrmsbers of the Bea & to be ro&emed by kt), and the FistW Agent shall also determiss the dote of rtdvmpUoar of sacks Boa & Notice of any ankh arm airal! be paWs'W by the Plata Agent, as agent of the City, va m a =week• for two eaeeeMTe weeks is as n".- spaper of general eirealrt1wm painted and publieW in the City and Connty of San Frar+icisce, State of Cal €forais -'T'he notice of redemp- tion rbdl set forth the Bond n na and principal amount of the Bonds so to be ralItA and redetrned, the amount of the premium payable thereon at the date of redemption and tho fund or farads fron► which quid principal and premium are to be paid by the Fi"I Agent. A copy of such notice shall be fora to the Clerk by the Fiscal Agent not later than ten days after the 40.* of first publication of said notice. Similar notices shall be moiled at the came time by the Fixtal Agent to the original purchaser of ea& aeries of Ban& or AdditimW Bonds ironed hereunder and also to the respective registered owners of any Bondn called for redemption at their addresses appearing on the regis- tration hock in the office of the Fliftl Agent; provided that such u&U- t` I I t ing shall not Ua a aoralhition par t �6 such redtmptiox and failure to sisal or Mvift airs at 4 a ate: asset t6; yalidity of the 1?M for the r" *ftPrieer of *a& RM4& The firet t%M-t m '1i ram no:� of r!4 wupt Ion abO be Brut tarts thim 90 ds ye aror wro thus Iii Omys priec to 16 auk voJeatptins. Aftw tom► daft A=d der rr * Mjwwo ►caw, if *0 fit, as EAmt for 0a Chy, 1 rA&& d asom at a ve"gWkw onaad the City Owl sod cram usn"t M4010MWbso MM14 isurest can Ml« Dumb WkA gee s& AN D i 6 " =&M*% ed to Ow IPSmW AjpW wA for m"q*w trod M A" al "4w%" pmhmA by t* Phu[ p to ) (3) Wed WWI be OWNWW by to MW Ag eet mW AM tint to abowL ts+►s+ Ota 'Tb* f'ieriaa A. )WAS MA 60VaM a►nd faraae of Y lxadim emdararraent daR ea& W to aatially the Moving r espeo- iafe for_na, s-he blame in i fiae m to be rifled with appropriate woob oar Opree, Rawly: Usum DrAm etc Axxran &AM err CaxMILMA CQUMM car SANTA CLAat CITY OF CUPERTINO 1960 WATER REVENUE BOND MEM r8 A No. AL _ $1 The Crrr of Cui?mw a, a municipal corporation organized and exirtixg under the Coftatitation and laws of th:i State of C'&H- fornia (bereinaft ©r called "ibe City"), for value received, hereby promises to pay, exclusively out of the special fund hereinafter mentionF3. to 1ho bearer (cw if Qia Bond be registered, to the registered owner hereof) on the first day of February, 19 Butr jest to any riglit of prior rrdemprtion hereinafter in this Bond ex- pressly prncided. for, the pfroiprl nm of Oxx Tuovuwa Dotx.,cw .;ether with interest thereon from the date hereof at the M. te of _ ___ ................. -- -- -- ( . .......) per cent,,, pkr annum un:il payinent of said principal sum in full, annually the SrKt your on February 1, L961, and tbereafter semi- annuali;T on 9 i 9 I rwo ")f Thwalv 1) W4*W 17 "W I t Ale 4 1 yea r • Dev —I- TWwwwy I sod AspW 1 ki *** year. TJWm thk Bond be "A Wk*04 PdW to soutwityl W" be PS10 DWY *14 pm"MAN &ad 000"dw of U0 PrVW into becom du& Boa kk r%dPal of OW "Owat so a& used we P► RW ax =fTdY out of add mrwlm f*A is hwid nmw of tie UnW ftsm of Awafi► a *0 9W FMI;W6 VdW MM Of PAWk of Awe" Wadowl TrvA and 301*4 -'1UV0AWhW Is dwtlty and county of &W r� Mle at CAUfornW (beraftdiev ealled the 4 11nel - ASWO) or, -4 the op&m of the bs1Aw,, at the aw of the Paying Apat of t6 Cit.r WMe City of Wier Tat, of' New York, or in Me City of .Rtate Cbk*614 State Of E36milL 11is Bond in mw of a duly authorized issue of Boa& of' ibe Cif:y antegati" Ow Million Dollars (41,000,000) principal otaouxi, all of like tenor and date (except for owh variations, it mun as noy be reqvdred to designate varying series, dates, numhprx, maturities, istereat rates or redemption provisions) &M Is issued under &ad pwmisant to the Constitution wW statutes of the Mate of Californ* including the Herenue Road law of 1 (hereinafter referred to as "the LAw"), and vmder and pnrt to the proece&qp of the City My adopted awl takzn, indading Resolution Ym (herviniti(er call?d "the Rena lution"), adopted by the City Council of the City on December 21, 19W. and & vote sad assent of a majority of the qualified voters ol the City voting at a ep"I election dolt' called and held for that purpooe. Beferewe is heMry trade to the FAsoln- tim all of the provisiam of which m hereby incorporatrA bere" and in the coupons nppwrtemwt bereto, for a spe(i& description of the 3ecacity therein ymvidrA the naturr, extent and wwwar of eafe-rottmM of anch swmity, and a stalemnt of the 160ts of bearew or r*stered wwom of the Bonds, to all of the proyWons of whi-Jt the bearer or rvedesid owner hereof consents and agr*a. Each taker and xubsoqwnt bolder hereof and of ea ld emporia, whether sald coupows me mftw*ed hereto or doftcW herftfrm, shall bavv recourse to, #M of the protisiona of the Law mW th;i ReWiWwn and AhsH � bowd In. all of the terms *ad 000ffitions tbereof. This Bond Is iniod Aw the purpom of tsising nmoy for tbo &0qVASid0*, OOPWMWS, iMPOV .4ii I" as finabing of W � I rwo ")f Thwalv 1) W4*W 17 "W I t Ale 4 1 yea r MW to '.., priewa * npr a :mutic ilwl = %ter system' of the "Ity, and butt, laiuig uwX i * ir , ut ise on c# till Binds o . # . 1 , � �y p � nrir`c . A I W a vdarimd , wW *i LU A'fAl7Liums In7� that x*T N �RVlei A pMMIksut tea the tum►viAWW of the 140autiobil, in Sec ordnsor; with tho %rum rW madtiow 0wmf, w% equagy ewaied (ozegA as to =*WAty t*&%w4A*s provisions * v IinAenest rntoa and y . "' al imeds r *& a[aray akir* f ood soewen o r tee bt od*bUsUd ia aftordwe Mft tbe prulisi of the Sap anfion may Aftrd aM.ticrnatl se rwity for oal series of Bowd s or for a q Additiow l Sea>ds) witboot priotity for number, date of bdaaa'la, of Baia, of melon, or at dWivory, by a Pledge, dwxp and Hea spoil the Bemms of At Waterprise pledged to the paymat of the prin- eip d of and Wared an the Bonds in amordsma Frith the prorx- dous hereof and of khe f,aw' and the Resolution. Both tho pr pal hemIf e►ad interest hereon, aawd of all Bonds j of said authorinsd laws, an payable exrlasai fmw the special ttasd herein after sad is the Resolution referred to, whirl► said fund is hereby pledged for the security of the Bonds of weld authorized Was and all Additional Sonde issned pursuant to tU Resolution. The City hereby amaants and warrants that for the payment of this Bond and all other Bonds of said autborimi is.me and a }1 Additional Bonds issued pursuant to the Resolution and intereet hereon and thereon when dues and for the protection or better tee wring of till orxb Monde, there has been crealed aced will be nabi- taintd a special fund (designated th(-"19.,0W &ter Revenue Fund ") into which all of the Gross Revenues of the E nterpriae shall be deposited, and the City mill promptly pay this Bond and all BorAs of said an!;!orixed loan and s3 Ad&,io nal Bonds issued pursaarat to tb% Resoluiiou are! all interest accruing hereon and thereon and all premiaws (fif &my), when duo or redeemed, out of said apeciaal fwad, all in am rdaxtee with the ttma hereof and tlx: terms W i pro - vialons of the Resolution. This Boni, including interest bereon, is a special obligation of thn City nand it, payable solely from the Reve- nues pledged to the payment hereof and the City in not obligated to pay the same execpt from said Revenues. This Bond in not emrad by the taxing power of the City. The City hereby a venauts raid warrants that it will olsarabe the Enterprine in an efficient and twnorniad manner and will oper- ate, waintain and pr -warre the Enterprise in good trepair aki worlr- 3ah��,�i ',�'� IR ,.' .;,�;• . ..,•� *�'�`'ii.� ����,;:�,�,�'•.� ..,..... ;�,;�:. _ ...�, �" -�;. ,,... `' " � �'b'` "�i ±• .r ' l r . e ., 1t iuS order from the R*venaea iv 7"e dos' and pupoem as pr*,- 1, vidrA in tbA Roftk ioa rr ul twat V •e►iti pose wt Mi" tMi eRaliect s+t A fvei4 , r a of *r charges i t afar t crn�tl sa refill ptWww. maw at leapt uTW 10 do wwwtU tlm-4 IVY* - saitel by to Atoft6ca and miNti4at to Fes;' the Wkw*d an m ad ?��l of t0 1 1c; 1a � `vitYif that �t of tit»4 . ; I�rrtadattlou�. $ >c=Asnwd Al to A575, ice+ is� zAtw� by tWir term on or prior. to P*braa 1 1 �' , S^ an tart oab h) mail and rrexleir� prior to their fixed matuuity ds$m Book ulm- bered A576 to A9 , botL inalasive,, maturing an or sifter Fetbm awry 1, 1081, an ttAJOA to call acid redempUCK, SA the OPOW of the City, on February 1, 1972 but not prior tberoto, croon! o+w sey interest i payment drtte tberftMr prior to maturity as w whole, or in part in inverse na wrind order froin bigher to lower, .hvw tarok derived by the City fro any source, apt the Irdacipod ax mm►nt thereof quad ?, accrued into mat to date of redemption plus a jw*mium at4,set forth in Column 3 below, an follows: C*W 1 C Ams 1 cim 3 C 1 WOM 3 WOM 3 go* tmkkrlw (tow o. W AAa AW bw to a or Mhr AW 14W tr Fdrw 7 i FOWNY 1 h Fi my t F•r6,ry 1 1'rtWO 1972 1973 4y4% 1919 1980 2 1973 1974 4 1980 1981 1% 1 % 1974 1975 3% ;b 1981 1982 1 % 1975 1976 21 %% 1982 1983 �qrb 1976 1977 3Vj %, 1993 1984 1977 1978 3 %o 1984 Maturity %r'o I973 1979 214 Plotire of mny such n+demption shall he published by the Fiscal Agrtat, as agent of the C: once n week for two suceerssive weeks, in a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City and County of lean Francisco, State of California. The :first publica- tion of sueli notice shall he not leas than 30 I +o* more than 60 days prior to the date fixed for such redemption. After the date fixed for such re le»iption, if the Final .!Agent, its agent of the City, shall have duly lmblisheed notice of such redetsptioa nxvd the City shall have provided funds available for lxyment of the principal, pre - ,mium, if any, axid accrued interest on the RorWN so called, interact, on such Bonds shall awe. t � ' t ti w . t *Aga# dwmoc„;WA go Radho0% ma,' bra al��, eei6eraeii W Noew#OW took inWA=W,ts)O'i : md SI 1 ,1WFvd"hiltfft SWAI Amm Arid dd:o #* wdet itu md be p"Moomd, "swami ba is to *W"ft e1 ill l ftA ban ebb* r PaNd WA vim valbrow $4 d1z tom, f"S abed ""W so W d by low and Qm vie swami 09 *" bW4 taknMlrar va A edwr 4800130 0.10 1 oil aal W *Waft. 1' th,+e arair f - OfUMSAW Tile 2"d =or be sjowk"A in the WMW PrWWed is .- . DwAdfift and dwesdAw their pdod.w i be mt wA hommi elirrit be psy" molly ie owk ram ar. awr. Is Wwmm 'MV'gAaln w dw City of Ca peril" BOA ba iear WM*44 tinndllelr Ift 4(941 ON4 edges k lu ){CeaTW Its Ty*w serer md eo #ree aitplrral by its OWL 2ad tare ea umd t iakemt wqvsm ant ee A bm bD to be aW.-d by is Ainva it m9 We Hood to be deltW the 1a't day of Ftbruary, 19Q. Mayor of the City of Cupertnao Trea"rer of the City of tr; ulwrUse City Ckrk of th,r. Vily of Cvperli4vo (vow or oormsr) t f� r OR the flit der of , lA... 9 subject, Co X*-- to any right of prior re4em7Aion reverred in the Bood brrr i"#'bt a mtntiood is whit$ this ompoa apprrtr ins, t!N! City of Cawrtino it (unless the within umm6owd $oad be roegidered) pay to the beavir eaelasiv4y !rasa the special fund referred to rn the bwtiodUr meesd+omed Aosed, at the Son., 4 1 t Of 2%WMW#Wi V40=6W 14 I u i , t r I rf .. '.. t"raaa6w, ab Me at Bar o N. T. N i t's,.W at (to P, .md Agent of add MY) or at tbs ++tai s qt dm 1Wyimg Apst of uO My i The My d Tu*, SW# of New YaoH , or ht r: tike sour of �. ttht.e of XLU0 k i* hrI►aaa� �oerl � iit�rt'ia3 hw.�,�vhehy oS 4J.� �T>si t� ct �thh� �.............-- .�, -.,-, of !leuasi+m, b i t then ' dw on Ufa 190 . '�i start I�ere�raaa �R �ax�.r.� A, . _...........r.....,,........._. �o�. �►- ........�,,., dmW Febnmy I MAX ; Trmsurer'of dde City of Cuperliso (Foam my !>1wL'iumy hi76TD:1 W1Wm '9 `. This P3ond is reeNtere l In tho tam of the reghtered owner. y. Whom came 04 ami-cm ixppftr Idd in tho space below ismd bo¢h the * pnhheipal of awl io: on this BoA are pay" to kWh registered owmr. Rote: There m mt. to no vrtitirng in the spare below wmp4 by the Meml .il,gmnt' ,+• I..�waawrr.at.as•a.e..s�.l�lls t� dt a" d MM 14 M�'r tlrwr 4i1�M �r ' i�lM h� . SW MS 5. E'X&-Sjeaa of BOJUU oWd CoIMpoaa; Xg4frSt"; BMb- s t itrt ion of 8osku; 740sp r"T Dow& (a) Exftw6ou of of aa oc vporha. The Mayor asd the TreMa- nrer are hersby audwised and directed, rtipective'ly, an sv& OM OM to rrucrcta each of the Boo& oa bd Wf of 3fre City, and the Clork, or ems or mote of iris de►pafisv, ie hereby ,outhoilmd shod direddod to e msber- sip each o the Boo& shat io *flit the ogtint mal of tba City thereto. Of 2%WMW#Wi V40=6W 14 I u i , t r I • a - 14 71 Tfe,- �`.:t't ".i° F - , rrhw1 .* d dlrocted to sigai t+A iO t�e Liter" mmy c .1i by trar`aJikd„ MCapg rotp?+cd or ewignrvwi faeei t . Saa.4o. 8:xaa {ux-,r m"OzAgvi:W atxl r i,q,- l:orei -n protkO l sh -Xl s:.��� �a+�ifc►�_n pit' f�4i l!��acrs°� atx :�i r�..�.r,� ?*, a��w . � , s e in :v�!t ;tit,�ks; ; pw Wr ate; 0i'�A Ix WAN qVy +..I aa&* aq w-tk **wv s* *v cr A r aft .'bad& st tbA*WIW *%MbJQWW to i•,e XUM. A`ip►r.�e ...:;�� 4AVwy of asr ftowk ft 00 , WWA �� Ar wradtr- . ,e � �'l�rt��t Tar �. ��s� t�e►wBds. AgW—v Tibt (fty knp at Ow, &w 11tuadow M to 64 AM Muld iqpxt at.rr'?*WS *him &*yof ,mBs26 awe be y� 6 V"bMaing and SOPM4 %W -A Iwr aw rt4utrAka aad tcae. - mire of *a V~r Od on, :40POW boad awly praiws, 04 .% at OU& 01W to tit purw Afft, 4. sm nqRset tip OMMrS&M e''xleCtr .ame we a nwostev*J Dm& IU Ff Ag4at "I ctd of aad osock t*A of any eaaasp-un Boat so rmomisd &XA OAWS +dme ter ba sri is *1 . `w tw bok d aanck wrqpm ikad ee MW.sad a blat wt to � &&4 .3 ter Bad W relisfered i& the ntm (S W arrxer czA tb&t 6Lanw &w- Ms Wamt W- ; VUwq pid of LUs Wad *n Jay" to the ray Mond qrM q*r. stszemer t $bat; bo Wdb84Ati&I1p in the korm baerlelkelp' aysr MA frxl.& After coeb regi #tmtioa and zoUtkm no troy xtetr of my et& coap&A ]Ei*M a1pJ1 be vuH4 vmk*s eTMmwA by m writte m Instrument of t ~,4* r W form a►tirbsclory to *v 1-'jxW Al pmt, duly cmteeuted h;•r tl',-.* vki*d ovuer In ptraon or by Lis �fcly arOmirked a ,enL The FhetJ ApiA rill sep In its c+ a rsgi�#,xwdt m hss5? tit& :RW at all tiuvv daa vW Banda are. registered and tbv ars ww, and addroa" of the r+, *gi 4txed mrnaem Mpec;ive ly. Ills &< eit, - aprming in the regiastreO:41 bmk #loll be clmwd to be for &H pm rpw-q tho addnzAe < ckl th. reSiMend ownem The l?'kml Amt * Ii pay interest to the owner of as r rsVtra- trered Bond Iq clwk mailakd to vurh owner at his addarea zppa"iog ca the iregixttstion book &tad dial pay to tho owner or his 1r 1 av the principal of any rcgUtend Bond upon pmentzdan and aurrewlnr d Boni rigiatared Dmd. The re4jiul t rod owwr o say reg.iaterod S*nd may at way time (prcvn.-NA otwh Goad shad not have been uAW for redemptim) prat sar A Bawd to tho Fiaual Apnt and rarirvst eosaN version of nth Bond into as ;wup on Umd, is whiA vvevtt the FisxW Agent #hull axseel the r 4;isUv6r n of ash Buzd and a&" ett * dwre. to , ; %w"' for W nrs mkot w l 5"Acrmst thr:riV& "d 0, Me, &I ADY mW . nVahe mu& mvuge Aft-4s ir m it pwty gip. b ss*y TkAd ri Sw or of d' P44 a 4h* owwokwl� i �►+; a s+yil l `' �' '� s s� *f be ltd! by do M? Av0 t of *;� ' XWOPAWwow, v th AN try' ki-ar' •, I'A the cmide c t Piw'4 ' , are: Q"R *0 M 4 (A'A' av111" *." o►"k#k'a -'-, ^ r Wtha d WA 6jj 11" tt*V" *4.' *4 'i9'+dVM'04t • YV lee" ,d .Yprin } :! m p f . "P. .4d"A eapmwx hmwn..9 67 460 Oty > tad "IWO As i0a dswMa ttt W ""r at its mm FlJ"i1 +1 O main 06kh In Sam ftmw6w,, # a wrwr or bomb at 6c aii ras wmaturity ed pit° do waft aq wde psi mot, rr is Om ampow, if any, wfVYAm4 -* 0* W% of h aar tome awl d0k var- ths see i wage Limtl wr or vq**wm' wok WlMl& "UP - *A >kn tho My i* w ApTvGvil of t % t nwoA Apwk AUA 4rttrmt*qk.. • ' '�wW 5M sislofituUm for aad erg of 0w , ti a# Uoul ntd Its ccuitmsc, if any, or 3 rml if ". d F,.n Svh *"Uc's test t* SO'A eat its cqmlpavg� if m', so &-c,t.vay*J, sal rv�a � l tk !i' ftuy r.;�r►'dl, vtahz of 1!t+ici VMA a la usc4or04 P6w, rt of the re try +tom thmm r #IY to s by 04 City wn vemipt or like try e"A. "U&I- mity Sind poayeamt• of ezpcww, .'4y wcrh &g4ic%t* Sondes rr eoaponm isfsviol kwo—t r AA be �coti�r.�l ta'eqard maj pr'pwke"6+nmtc, l 4U witk all Ohesr B*m& issued bsr. vmckr. XeiAv dw (,I*) sst+a►r sAv Fea+va d Amt sal be requLted to cc^earot tksth the i" Oa O Umd mW, siy dapfimto Read *a bthW outest u*d- inr for the twil of & haftWog tM prr"p*l ammot vt Bov& v►'r'+ * vmy to is3simil herm4wkc yr °ox cJ4e pia l*. of deteradW ag any iver- ceiitrrgo 0V DG'tImb oq. w" , m iii t.o ru a&r, ki -st btAh tW c rigival send d. piimt* Mai OtAfl b-r U -taivA " urn aA AIM aim&. (d) Tow. parmy $#a&. mutel iW aitiTt. NjAm ai&ll ba prepamd, the (Ity My MM to W 4$*AaeW sad , T*Mc iR IkU Of SUCh clefiRMTn his ><and extbjoz -; fie to st«'tt #j paor'►sicat4 litultati• lux AM aoanditialm ae om �gspl xWs in am 0 dettitkra ftndo, eacr+ pt Ut they rany be in any iVom"aliaw u0mrAnd by the Comad nW dwtft lit ragw t"Nk Az W Wh P%4414 4* bdwst and awy Im SW*" to *� Wma pmogs" *OWN% Book, W* or am w4emy Wash ImAdiod #mOhOW P uslima" 11W M-WiAa in �V~ SWO WNW" 4qW O"Mol Ob me *MANG pa , Imb"I lit 6 ~ Ak� AL- J g a pftk IL 406 *r awx� No so" LOWIVO�k PAWj* tome* WJ& 60 so" 10 4"ft oa "d lfm� AUMA " as ft" to *us #A oo an St *8 FW% A&M wAoig *Wmw im %A&w. Ar %m*wwy Do Oft ar OW *4& Maw bmAl 0 MW We 4.11 V$bNdW 1101m ONO PW40064 4 *0 maw AWW*W *go so" mmmfty as *0 *me ftV bo mt at 60 soft*" AX Wqmwy IN" " be mwm*sd by *W ftmA Ape md vwx dwifte" sr, ft CW. mi*ew NOW""" *ft OW (ANY WN 63""W OW WN fin" S" **jdVV Davis, to U OVA400004 Ott the 14" Mrome� d *&in Offiffe of to FVmA Agmt le Sm V'vm*m% f Ufocu* fcK,• mod tomporwy VQWJS u pm ovm*WW *V ""t to *4 P%WW Agwk TJw &UAfive boo& s%,A be 1i;'AogmOW ev qWm*v4 W wkek *r is prA% exapt OM 6* Wt Of tea BOO& WAY bQ TWW*14 OT NT1*J9CW AYAR " QMP"" smr"r" as sea*. am pnmg&-.O& to mmckO&,* empmat* bm& of ftcm & &h of&undc. TU City Mviby covem"to ad agmm Out it will son md &Bv*r WAA lam on)- subJftA to the emdi• tions herebmMr opt forth is this Heofim 6, rAe City will iukkAy *4 Ow OX"10 priWp*J aawwnt of the Serkii A Reads, wWA will W DAMM W CrAme 40 MY $0 Sequim waWtvad, kapnnv Aed immm the FAU11401, Iathww* P07mad of vXiafttw Oxpmmo, reimterve. mas to d.* City'* (koveud )! aad Aeposits Into the Reamv k)md rod maintie."ance And (*mtima FUFA, ittl as hereluaVer jWQTjd,*d is Section 7 hereof. Bondi of "y othrm striez may t)wre&ft(-r � htsmed mmd sold by the City only pumajot, fio the proviaima owd sabjed to the Ujuitatioca of panWnpW (a). (%,) and (e) of Sod;Alu 1i humt I '�' la , tw'. kt% 7. AppMkatim ef JF r` tpefkr , ,+ 64e of Ro- tea'.^,. Urte Sm J�t?�D 514 Of TAJ'!1Mt t'r:`?." t 4W ANY pert t' T Kf Whit $ht MiWK U Uve fir. dv 17 NOW 10 - td�rr 't~`�9r tlse 'i`rc��urer ��f tamer r" tos7 X16LIJ shot mWe &W ekme.if. &. poer* ;v mvived FMiA svcze aaa "a 1% fAW,%x- bf r""Wfirt ftlkPi tv4 * atlobwrir utnler of pr"errity: ' fa) i°!► ' tanrtgr itl�ia , f wa'the provje& tl We of m' st tht. !.oxiik PUml Apof (to bar ' 10 .4 a" FW" ?YW for iri tia:mia" ikA) cat' titio` PWr&jLft '� • ,: .,•. �*�'�k `etc • 'Is tt�±�f. , • • . , + tWv A Wadi). wi6l MMW ..4-mt (to iA deposited by ft.ht' wt01bY' z ice. bereiu f l'`.W. iu R - On 9(f) herd %Y� 1k :s . - of araci ' rst�rJi ate' 4h"" 'k mm the ��COC rcta at tasty :r ;s ' U Am of tp *; attbao4wm!ri '=16 ancth 001)'i M] Agent (to Ut cDpmjww4 u � in fire a ce�ra F> j 1C"* �At 't nqF by ilw pr•orisioss of � �:. 'A a) T4M 7C►zirnr abaltl sue: a aattl clepersi;, from the pr4wvmU @f rate of the Series 1!» , im &v .r etY'1'nasarp in the mod Qpeextkin Fand hereii C'm fttrarridmd for in Set.�tion 9(g) Aawif the sum of ir.'.,tft (d) Ile i•enaaimler of tSee mo6 receivet. from the tale of our of 6o B mils ( including any profai n, but creluJing accrued MerW t nm the elate of the Tlomk,vo to 'the dut'e of jmt meat of the gar tc Amm price thermf) shall 1e- kK-t wide and depflaited by The Treosmier in a Rtparste furtd in the (:ity'TreiLs to l,e known no the 11 19COW ater Ryattm An and CausfrwOrm Fund ", which said ft-' 3 the City br..reby earemamte anti agrees to e:rtaisl-,fish and maintain. The momi) the 1901 Water System 9opisitiorrr and Con5tnution P and shfal be m-ed in the mnnnx r provided by Jzw for the purpwm of The rs�rai�itirra�, eonatrurtiom, impruvement and fixaxccing of the Enterprise desex' in 3ald ttmas m, including rat mrrt of all taxer, levied dr ►ring the natal 'leer I.T&IfQ) on all pnrtiom of the Enterpri:;e nequired by the City darinir static! Fiscal Year prre xt to any contract snd re- tuirred by avth contrtM 0 be paid by the City szkd also including Impnent of atnil ".trt of said fl'<ecial revemm bond o rtlion anti oil coato of the ice uinte eg tkie Sonds, and n:l enginwring, apprsaim], inspection, legal and fit•►s.;rl aprmt's fees inr!L*�mt thereto, and rvimbum men! to the City for all Brix- a+► mieed I,r the City from its Gemwral Fund for the ne- quiaition, em. struction, Improvement or i'ct;,ttw -hW of the enterprise. bum WA Aay Ww" m .-andac 1 04 OW twi VOUP SPAM A"d"M A" f - "%arWAiISh- F=A ' aftw 446jeftion of 4"6"4% so TMUMW ria tw vivo, Aawmt,ht i* BVI46A 9 (b) WNW OWTW3( PVT "Rim Ail km finj t To"~ "r fA L low WM*r a �: WO, ANSM W th" or 4SMWI 4"PWft ka &m'y !*A or irmt omtow wA*wi*W to ampt tDopodta e�- p6l:* Awiv xW Aall im ('jmrvd Pi ** Uvos by woh oW*aO*w aM ft Ow at cvhmt requiWA LY INW WI W %mvi in mM Fund xmi %waWk*6* nquireA to be ftp&%&d.mvr be iuvested IT the City im 4b wet.4"W" PbUgoliam of do UWMW Ili WA of -Uwrim or is WAWkIs eWg&ticm My gmnw" so ft both pchod;wl mid intwA b.,v Jk%A IU*%W ftatov d Ammia !i+ iTilalk ukature pirior to t1w &te on �7A ik Tressmef • e@tix=vm that saw% moneys vLkI be rk�uirfA for espm4ts" by tL* City a ba cay *Mt not more UlAn 3 ) frcm tike date of pwiwe by tIA City. AB bAaa . coat anti pt\Zt Y� by the Mty an any woneya so inmt-,d &WI be d in and for than pitrT,Ames of mid F M. Smrw S. 1 ri!p cf Rvftb. (a) 1 1%a 1 oad AAtNWmd Bowls sh&U be revenue beer &i pa, extiluiivtly front the Rfir"Ma of the Fctm am in Wa ReeAktion provid2d, PM an not to be sevu.ml by the taxing lwwtv of the City. No i"-aum shall he W for the paym-rat of any such •anea or .Additional Hondas, or )Atermt th or any part thereof, against the general fuz-d of the City, nor thr"I the csvdit or taxing pomw of the City be deemt-4 to be p&eW Wvreto, "I the isolders of all ond6 bonds or Additional Dmads,'or tim voijpona ifi appertaining, aMI ar".r havc 1he rigtt to ompd tin ez*rciae of the taxing xy)wer by Ike City or th,) forfeiLum nt any prcq erty of V;e City. The princilal of and interest on 0 iva-,h Bowls mad Additional Bonds and any Imtmiman upon th.r redemption cf aa► thereof slall not bo a debt. of &*. City viv a legal or equitable P.edgti, cbmgp, lien, or enennibm.nm tqmm any property of th City or upon mq income, or revenuee of the Oity exoept the Revenue of the Enterprise to the Mymmt thereof as in tIdj Rwolution ]prw!-' Vida M I M u. N • M T%b l bWAF aolbarL-ad W be Wood awl 84 A4*dftg 91- Wkv at & aty gas d" 1* U*Md by a pbWWb d md to mm md d" bo POPOOK n to � Skr V , ft POWER" *W"04 mod aw pmhmw *4 ndwap. so of Mr aw"41� *Am AW wo" by & SWO046 At Orm SWUrdwMar w"MaL %0 Mr Ww*y T A G 4W Wa u-1640 don 4d at OW -raftsvimp, bw"a so wvft.%" V� I 860.1; 0 04 16101dMIN AGOA9 W� im ew*bn� Or ***M& "M 6=0 *DOWMA to TrAM *0 PaYMMINA Of bAROA 40 OW FAR401 of on MA Iwo& "d YAr PMWhM v= ftervaunpuka of my A*wW W" biaiamwmod by an wwhwlvo 'An" up" an e. *0 Gron *a j - miles of *a IN"rive MAM er MA mm. amen, %gqt**r w1ift nw bdm - sot sat*W sW as ftAs bwW*. after prvrkkd for fin "Goo 9 bond md *" air #*a& &M inay UrAfter be are ft" add Dweems for flo "roast of p%d* or interest or the 1*44at iuxuring of the ray t of pewpd of or interest on ffuch Dands, sty 1 constitute a trust fivad for the w4wrify &A jwjwnt of the %ftrwt on and principal of all of so & Ikeda avd� extept as Mhertrist speddeeNly authorized by this Pomohffion, shW1 *d to v%wA 'ror any other pwT*Pe so long an such Bonds or my of thm or ..e inver"t thereon ftm finding or unpaid; exeW uat out of mad Revenues there may be appoi•oned, so long &a the interest on and principal of all of vv& Dmda vi paid as the same bewma doe &W payable, togvther with A Wier charges required for the protection or better securing of su& Don&, aidi sums for such purposes and in the order of priority " we authArized and provided for in Swtkma 9(s) and (h) hereof. (c) All of the Bomb hwtbry authorized to be isivied and all Addl- tiorwal Roads which may be issued in amordanim wiih the terms and conditionst hereof aluM be eqwdly secured (except an to matujity and redempflon provisions nad except insofar as any sinking fund or funds establisbed in accordance with the provisions of this Woolution. muy Pfford additional amity for any series of Bonds or for any Additional Bonds), without priority for number, dAte of Bonds or of Additious! Bonds, of sale, of exaeafiw4 or of dclivery, by said pledge, clmrge and Hen upon the Revmuft of trio Enterpriae pursuant to the Law and 4 , 1 1a u. N r ^ Y� Y r�wk' w Fw.► Ni1 w.{�.....� !M' w W �f k ;A M +r pS, a \ 20 BV►slatieere. Odd piaiM dmM acrd lift &fall ere prior nM pemaat ter ap AM OIrl SOW +danms card O U .tions that my arise or be abwwTw awkst solid 86"ASOL & &VAMN Pie. �w t' '.#i' � ad �i .Ban& prert�cl tear is d' 4 Se ft w l a+* and *gnmr *0 fiM ,, %*�m 0 do' r� ;�rnorrid tbil 9"m 01) V AMW V , AN hm, Us* armor+ md d6w c ulm &M AWm vW* ' "y4A* 9muhwAAdUoW Bm% an oubtaaftS = *Whmm AVN A q ibr "a rem, terms, rates sasd odor mss, fW tics WRk6 OAVO4 fre a deem -a" ward a ddlageoudy t t*nr eseit Wk aw for - 1 ON � of wme W"him a 1Z'wommak f M&A (at in aaefae/e a t 16 it erlt0er Nwh aakwPa y 496& () no 11 AV .lfimewae P404 Atl 4 G* arm Sarre of the mmmrpiom� iswl eat f+erm„ *AK ndes steed sarrrr Aran" "d A O&W "NOW14 io wa t "A predllar of may Mud bmw"W dwhvd tkm tie 1t0 Kira (erartwq * eyem ectioer ebwgsa avd xrel4r &hk 4"m- its =a& to *@6A" ems), t gather with am intexet esr*sd decreer, Walk as Ow AW. bmshmm day of e+sek mmtL next socomdbg the akm- dsar in wbkb amb Reve+nwe have been oalk+e6A begWming with the Re m am toNeded it the month daring which the Swiss A Rawb slmll be d&UY* d to the posr *r theirof sod prAd for, be d"r Wted by ties Trmmum with the nwal A mt aml aboU be deposited by the F fecal Agent in a spee -W fvM to be designated on the "19M Water Remade T mr (U rein walled the "Revesive Framed "), which seld fact the City hereby e+ammts and agrees to cause to he eatabliehed and xnaiataimd ands which. WWI he held in trnst by the Fiscal AEznt. (c) Depot of Recewacs. All moneys in the Bevmne Fund s3>a►11 be PK aside and deposited by the Fiscel Agent in the followirW order of priority in tLe► foUowimg respective special fwWs, enre+hh of which the City bereby esrrrmsatts and r4Tees to came to be eo;abiisbed *zd main- tained, sad absM he heid in trust by the Rarest Agent in auk fmWx and shall be tp;diecl, used and withdmw•n only for the pvrpoms he rein- after authorized. (d) s,t*so Wafer Revenue Bowl It- terest Fund. Tho Fiscal Agent shall set aside out of the Revenue Fund in the 1900 Water Revenue Band Interest Faned (which is hereby crested sued is herein celled the o". 7(g.) Mt•I) is mmtkly in7taffism* ea or Wew nk MUk iminm &W of MA xmm* bc%*mizg In ApA IWA ass-bam of on """0* MWWA 4e M*001t booed" due "d Par- IM, %qOI to MOMM" 0 Vah btof4t b M *400 % M* FWA dwd 6v Owd to 44041" of do "WM9WW bow 60 tawkm* %"oft *0 aw pw.A4 so an *A aftoftia 16wis wd A4&&wg Was* *wt* &a sped **m*W aft W.tu &e MIWSW It rj"ft " w at WW&A (M an of the Yo PA)Wftt 'Wd to VM& We Vk* %kwod FMd It ** ate OVA Org tok"d vweiv k at WVA O"W (W 60 Ww4wt to W&a9M *" OM 1 49 *ad *wftwK%!j%g %ftrwt f* 4aft tw Mes on &H ed the Boo& mid AAIL d" Ban& thm eAftnOW. AN naaysj in At l*Wrw4 Vvmd xW be *vW &W vi*&*wx by deer PS" Agnt m"y tw Ow pwpm at "Y* tie brknwt an 0% iii m& and A"VmW Ill %o& as it "U bo. amm &w awl pa."Wi (hw6WbW amrmd hvbwat as say bandl@ or AddlUorW Dom% putykawd or vWkd md redeewd prior to waterfty purstant to this 2tmw4vtfim). (,!-) IM FV'ai'er Bevt%mc Nottd Retirc-xeW Psind. 7%e Mwol Agent shall sk-t wide out of the Remue Fund in the 19M Woter Reve- one Mod R*tir*tmmt l twhith Is hereby ertated mA In herein eallod the 'Retirtment MnAft) Ir approximately equal mwnthTy in.• stallnientn, on or before the fifth )jnsiness (toy of e�eh month, Neginuing in February. HIM, an amount equal to one-eltrenth of thf, aggrepto ytnfly amount of prineilml due and payahle on all tmtstamiingSerieii A )!Tondo (ard also (in all outstandinge Bouds of submMnent mries and all Additional Bonds that are Serial Howls) (Turing the next ensuing twelve months until there Plia be accumulated in the Retirement Fund on or befory each current wafttity date of all such Serial Fk)wls, tin amount sufficient to Imy the priwilml amount of all Pitch Serial Bon.1a vmturinz by their termn on an& corrent waturit.y (late. No payment need be mule into the Retirement Fund go long as there shall be in said Fund mone�-.A sufficient to pay the princilml of all such Serial Bonds then ontstanding ninturing by' their terms in the next ensuing twelve monthA. All such moneys in the Retimrnmt Fund shall he used and withdrawn by the Fiscal Agent solely for the purpose of paying the principal of all such Serial Rants than outstanding as they Atall become dtle and Payable. VA V1 , 1f 22 If aawd who any Torm I''taatriaa A,idl be isoved% the `.'isesl Agat sit '"t ajar 04t 0: the Rama* rabd Md t�l!posit in a SiAMAN rMbd ..daw-most (Vvwh tdaalt he ONOW) witaa the R tiaxment FUW'4 0& or +k4fty tine AM buiasm &W A" aaar& wnth, an aasac ant ogwd to wt im titan Mft4hW"* 4 OU NOWRA 1"4dred to "HOM t M* 'IOiae \ WOOMOM Pdoe, imbobw p'.Vx*M �bft . of (f) "OR 1 dIW lAanatw W #Ad ^Uin+a F aL TM Via# AN AmIl +fit arse *cat of the 14vOMMANA In the I9i*`!1"aater beam Mow" FwA (wUA raw b w4p ► awabod avA is bwtk mrxd Vn - Sam 1 '") (do i t V180Mt Me tariai& is pnrrkW for In be. Gm 9'(b) twod) as or brdbrrep d* M boOmn day of ear* si* ao is *r tea A►pa% tiwe xam of SM until the amwmk im the Rmn a t?=d rialll be *qW to Maaimma Aa asa<l DAA SatsP ko, w d therafter &V a ww" dk t doR be regtiutid to maaiaaWn tars Xwrw I�wd in an a to 1MCskim naa Aanrael DmM Ow4w sWe May : nim A .l'tON& don be as Makling and *spea & If MW 10m ods d sane mot aaao ks or my .Adffitloraal Roads smell be lmwwril bwemoaff. live Muaaiaatcaat aaYelirrit "qwrw to 1* teraiatawi>red in the 14 scam Ftima to be the woomM wed W the rcvrcedit p for do hoes w* d vxh Be a& of su& oWbo ;ve9at neries or au& Ad3itAaaal Dord& b= not lees Mm an sawm equal to :Maximum Aumal Service nbi?e any Series A llkv& an outstanding Lereunder. No pay- meat zte i t* mantle into the Xeaem llad so long as there stall be iu the ItAernr Fund a own equal to said rjuirtNi arsount or, whin nazi if the ano►.ats contained t1w eiv sad alto in the Interest Fund sad isa the Retiremext Fund Provided for in Sections 9(d) &LA (e) hereof at* at least cq=l to the .tggregstt6 prisrarpal amount o!; t x'vther with interetrt Mon clue r•r thereafter to breeww due on, all of the Bonds and Addi- tional B=15 then outstawfiv& AU moneys in the Reserve Fund "Il be wed and withdrawn tsok4y fir the purpoee of baying the prtbeipei of and im - imet on the Bon& sand Additional Iicuds in the event asst no other f mis of the City am avaibJAe therefor, or for the retirezent of -all of d* Bonds ani Additional Bonds then outstanding. (g) Weler MaMeAmoce and Dpetvfioa Fw%J. ':'lea Fiwal Aunt tall eatt wide monthly out of rise Revenue Ftmd and transfer to do Treasurer. a.+ hemafter _pre vi&A, for deposit in the Water M" e- I K7R namm imh Orwtvfiom Flamd tabkk is beniby tre&W. and is lw;m mled "x2im"Umm MA 5!tfa1 d") wi "awyll iA 0 10 rued wUch mW be 1" *# Awmw 014mmit - 60 1 * *0 Imm 0- at " ww"6w 40ft ft 4NM jw& bal"iftl4d ow *"dw *us i1a 0*56" to 4 1 1 0ft - be imwaft• ft :.W I ww� at' *40 Im TI* aty v� Agmt a N4pvt - - A aftmobd :- 6 a A0C"CV&*= "ms of to lkt*Mpdft *w .&* Perw owwwwava V46 06 #040 at *""sm at ft xvwwrw IT ft c5ft "d "law Aft 3% mmk fariber Vft a 0"UN" me -fow TMUN;w as m dw Aw er "a amp&wm Thm City Shom Ake 0, vith Ow *Uml A@" bftm So #aid day of e" FIwA Tow, oxv, Most* witit tb* Vk"m Tow %momsbc.141Y 1, log a h -41 awwar%C do "Ifimaw � w MA spwA;m cob of to VMwpr6w (&r ty" wit "Undag fteffig 14 mm rm FmW A@mt " dekt*Nme up= Ow bule of "Lit so& bWw% the wwwft of mame to be trnidt.-red to the MainUmam aswi Op*r►tiom Fie& MW 75mg /fit mW be en titled to Tel? upon owlt nrk budget wA abd not be required to dttenni" or verity tho wmnwy thareof. Ths P%mwIAgmt shall pay v; the Treasurer ftm the amut of the Mahriemaw aW Operation Fowl, on the bmix of raid Brat beset, the wramd required for maintenvAce and operatim onto du•ump -wd period eading Zwae 30, 1M), in three approximately equal Twnt!.:Y i"taumexits, da so Am business day of each month, em- menrlxx in April, 19M 1 FUml Agent AmIl pay to the Treasurer of ti* City on the fifth boa lwc: day of cacti month, Ixeginving in the mont! of July, I%A an amomt eqwl to one•eleventh of said amount budg 'by the 01ty for and olvm' ion mats of the Enter- prise f, such rarrest FivW Ytor, until there Lsball have l"a paid over to the • veasnrer for the aememit of the Maintenance siml (hw!mtioji Fund in amount eqns! to titre toW (if said budgeted amouat for said curavm% Fiseal AU - mmeys in the 'Maintenance and Operation Fund sball be used to pay am*aary and reasonable operation and nuameamice mats of the Enterprise. (k) Water &cftw J4%4 Stfrplws Rcremwe Ftsxd. All moneya remaiming in the Pmmmw F l on the fifth business day of each montX after settink &4& aced trAnsferring all of Cho stuns nqulr6d 7. a _Y I K7R namm imh Orwtvfiom Flamd tabkk is beniby tre&W. and is lw;m mled "x2im"Umm MA 5!tfa1 d") wi "awyll iA 0 10 rued wUch mW be 1" *# Awmw 014mmit - 60 1 * *0 Imm 0- at " ww"6w 40ft ft 4NM jw& bal"iftl4d ow *"dw *us i1a 0*56" to 4 1 1 0ft - be imwaft• ft :.W I ww� at' *40 Im TI* aty v� Agmt a N4pvt - - A aftmobd :- 6 a A0C"CV&*= "ms of to lkt*Mpdft *w .&* Perw owwwwava V46 06 #040 at *""sm at ft xvwwrw IT ft c5ft "d "law Aft 3% mmk fariber Vft a 0"UN" me -fow TMUN;w as m dw Aw er "a amp&wm Thm City Shom Ake 0, vith Ow *Uml A@" bftm So #aid day of e" FIwA Tow, oxv, Most* witit tb* Vk"m Tow %momsbc.141Y 1, log a h -41 awwar%C do "Ifimaw � w MA spwA;m cob of to VMwpr6w (&r ty" wit "Undag fteffig 14 mm rm FmW A@mt " dekt*Nme up= Ow bule of "Lit so& bWw% the wwwft of mame to be trnidt.-red to the MainUmam aswi Op*r►tiom Fie& MW 75mg /fit mW be en titled to Tel? upon owlt nrk budget wA abd not be required to dttenni" or verity tho wmnwy thareof. Ths P%mwIAgmt shall pay v; the Treasurer ftm the amut of the Mahriemaw aW Operation Fowl, on the bmix of raid Brat beset, the wramd required for maintenvAce and operatim onto du•ump -wd period eading Zwae 30, 1M), in three approximately equal Twnt!.:Y i"taumexits, da so Am business day of each month, em- menrlxx in April, 19M 1 FUml Agent AmIl pay to the Treasurer of ti* City on the fifth boa lwc: day of cacti month, Ixeginving in the mont! of July, I%A an amomt eqwl to one•eleventh of said amount budg 'by the 01ty for and olvm' ion mats of the Enter- prise f, such rarrest FivW Ytor, until there Lsball have l"a paid over to the • veasnrer for the aememit of the Maintenance siml (hw!mtioji Fund in amount eqns! to titre toW (if said budgeted amouat for said curavm% Fiseal AU - mmeys in the 'Maintenance and Operation Fund sball be used to pay am*aary and reasonable operation and nuameamice mats of the Enterprise. (k) Water &cftw J4%4 Stfrplws Rcremwe Ftsxd. All moneya remaiming in the Pmmmw F l on the fifth business day of each montX after settink &4& aced trAnsferring all of Cho stuns nqulr6d 7. a ti 1 ( � t .4 „r • �, qy . f .o I 1 A. y ,,, .1 24 b bs iot &&k or tr x*dmvd the F'irw:eal Agent by Se partiskm a of -diorw 9(d), (e), ( ijK1 (g) hereof, shall be set ui& by the. F'iow Agvmt ix t1* Wa'iv.w Baran** Bond Surp)lua 1 A -vivam ft" (which :4, bsnOzy egemkd and is havin rAHeA flit "SurpW ax l "). AD rwnryv. f� gist Sophs r vw A 40 be wntWrava a xd and by Ups .Ned Arant, eat tie by dw T'rme+axer�r, + elirwe�rrd- btr er oa ; of 0"", f6r Aar cc a eat the rosewil t' pWpwreer, OM&W : . (1) --mom Ski erQert ra +9AS4'iMrti.� • ti A tar flt' w eesrr or lt ononkta I* tM sp a or e! wkhe wW amwomw onwas6on 69 tb* Ente mrlw (3) `N be (i) AvVe Sled by the rsvA Asak is any &WAac hod womirA or nrevauts Wrestler erwAv l by rwaludon of the Gom� for Tema Seeds of any other sorie►s or for any A itivrl Do%& wbk* an Term Me & ea»f used coil tviVMmwx by the Mal Ageat ee#lerly far the pnrpeoe of prom or aedliat , m4 n6puthw diet or A Bonds for eerhiait xv& orb k iaag fwA errwute t dwV lwm bms created, parAwuat to boor PMvi+sions of even reaaluticn:; (ii) wx4 and wit1w3rava by the Meal AS"t for the purpose of pv.rrl^ming %ads or AdditiovW Rkmoua at pvjo- Do or Frimte ems, as and when and St such PriCeV (incleeding hrok- erago and other charges, but excludivg actrixcl isterek) ere it may In its dieeretio,m determine, but not to eveed the par vrdue thercvf, or, in the mee of Bonds o, AA(Mional Bonds winch by their terms tire subject to call and rMemption, the highest redemption price (excluding accrued interest) or the then current redeniption prig (excluding wcrt*d interest), whichever is lower; (iii) used and witi :drawn by Oie Fiscal Agent on and after February 1, 1972, for the pur}xas..� of roiling atnd sr teeming St�riea A Honds pursuant to the panvision s of Section 3 hereof; or (iv) used and withdrawn by the Fieml Agent for the lwrpose of calling and redeeming Bonds of nay other zer" o r Additional Honda, pursmxt to the provi- sions of the resolution authorizing the &arse; or (4) For any lawful puriv. se of the ' Lly. (i) Tho F`isW Amt A-ill not permit any withdrawal to be maul© ty the (pity of any moneys held by the Macai Agent if and when, to � 1 r r , i ,i I t ., 25 met bmwFrAlye d the O-s) City ia in d4vili a.w. il* Otj- 4A "t PtrMFA% ON to M 00&'67 *0 T VMWVT a( Wfy nww�" W by dw TWMAWM �t fl�a? Maistumm" OW Itro"Wim ,rftd it $)Md Sj" do CRY j& if WWL4tWe&r. W JA woo M. MM by do JM-W�4 Atwt Md rAWS" br so VhVA APIA W SK ad as 6066 Gone *am ; i * ftlorA " PO4 *An be Uk k VOW W MA dAM 100 **AXMVd 04 OM OWM IPY mwih 46UMA" and to the fWb*t wMat wq%fr&1 by low &A *0 be uvw*J, wmrt fbtsva *vWlt wmasp brAd by Ow r^lva ANN* &Sk Sy7Om writ!" 11W40PAiam trVAR ibe Ciky, be iuvp�nfbw ift 04 *t seg6fi" ~W&A 10 Ow UnfiNd ght"O J�Amrk% or iit negob AM OW406 MY 9§W*W *0 to W PtilKiPftl Old WeWA IVY * VaWd Staits of Anwim *s4m. prior to the delta as WN& 0" WA"Yq 0XV T"W►irw to iW rjeW owit 1p► the FIvAl Aseut intern ar. Wvmp %UvmW to the Revwft Fwd Miall 1w k*M in bmw or dwamA dv#o@r6 oftwW so ►bin , settrred *% *%%Vt that, apas wrMm indrus- dws hm the Qty, tho PI*W Agmt &W1 i*vwt imy cm *11 of do ummeys is the Raerro Vu4 set tbm required to be arphi A to * r4emptic a of Bonds or AaffifiouW Bow* in direct negofiaMo *W*v, tiona of the Vnite4l Statto of ADWAM or in negintiahl's OvAiS&fi*W MY guamteed as to both prinvil*1 vM interest by the United Statto of America ruturing not tnore th" twtfve years from the date of pur- e bum by the F`iiml Agent For the purpose of determining the atwuRt of money in the Rwwrve nvAJ, all investments of moneys therein olwAl be valattl tit their current utarket values as of the next prkx*Aing January I or My 1. All intervst h-, the Fiscal Agent on any moneyr no invested shall be deposited by it in and for the purposes of the Rertnue FuntL Samov 10. Oovexaxts of the City. In order tlmt tho payx;. of the Bonds and intereaf therorm shall be w1equately rt-TenamtA rM agrees with the holders of the Road, as ioiluwa: Is) The City will par or canse to be paid panctiAlly the ptinciped of ewr.v Bond, and the interest thereoN on the date or dates and at the p1r" or pfams and in the manner nwnthmed in the Bonds and in the roupow there, appertaining arA in wordance vrith this ResskAntion. M The City will acquire th-e Fitterpetse described in vaid measure with a practicaMe dispatth, P; in a sound and economical manner; will operate the Enterpvil� in &a effident , iad economical mamer; will ol*r&4%e, maintain and prtsettre the U.nOrprise !n good repair .., .1 M -5 Y r yy 1 4i now �r c; �t W Aft I 04 wcAlm on'Jer thxmi Ibt P z\+ail Me for svek pwpwv m Dauv a wrl s%IJ pm"Wbit, sr"m amd MkK rnv+alt famst ftft erfsr dMaw in avabow&s dwsvwitlr tbau do an dm sv *0 webs 4 to MMUMadew ae*. k'sm�Aeoc W i 21111116 of ethw +raan *-k So hoamd 1pwrr W a amd&at <*WA u�IL grad 00 "00* am 6"6 to yimU I, *Mswr s,- * 04 OGNW* w141't rt PKt b 00 tea, r alkwowm for matopmba et+rW armn kar tlat cetinrrOok% its VW e aH of tea tter bW *Am"* brr a* nap"" " llrurkky a" *MW bdM set for* so (i) The ir►tte "ve *a mA W d the Ykv& = ter btlreor„ ree An and Pam (H) AN V"vwwk wqdmd iw ee pU*w* is *H nrp ub dk* teat Of two+ AW44544 UAUdiNg p*rtieuiarl'1r dW prrwr sdwrua at &C6f +rr 4 besr*4 - (iii) All f+a;;;"s to meet awy other oblit of idles My w A are charges►, lies► or f*ew al+raaees ujo2, or pty&W f xn, tk Be enacts of iho Xrrk ►: and (iv) AEI ca, raatt erg of rmwA#- arnent, inakiterAate� oper+- &'#ion aa3 repair of tke E Vaioa; provided that such feeft, Wis. rates sari other c harges ulu ll at all tsaa" lbo at lwt strident to evil!Ar Aw City to pay to tho ViseW Aprt !a the next sm-vvding tmeIvt- i**WJA ;m.,riod Annual'Net Revenues eimj to VA le"t 1l1ti times the algrrgxte nnxmnt of the principM of unit inw.est ex the Bonds aad minimum ssiz .axag fzmd 1my tnents of any), m Asa #+rx+am dut and Iv abie within ram neat suc, vding tworie - vi wdt period, t4af tmty nts required too ire wuk into the liem rve I'`ud *w- ing said next auatNling trrel - trFawmth period. (d) The City will prrA*rve and protect the wurity of the fWAs gad the rithta Mr the holders Unreaaf, aatd will "rmnt and defend vv& rf*hIR a*wit all claims and ids of all persons. From and after &a male and delivery of aal of Ux- $cmde by the City, the T *&& sad weapons „pfvil.aininn tbere to %Aeg be intenteMable br the CRY. (e) The City will pay and Ns —large, or cause to bo *d or dis- +s rp any and All latmi'mxl t§6� for labor, mterWs, &M isappOsip , j w/ � s�::; d! 1' t �� , .„:� . + �,. ' • "+fines r_ y +y� which if usrpaid ro i&+s irg hw Wmw a Hea or ch use upcii the Revrimv& of tint Enterprise or any 1 O 4 tame d RevtnueLl, or any fundr. iu tM liver cd dw, a 1 hgm* ew to r�.r, p,i$r to or perior to tad AW of dw , tsar VWA XOW haral tie fmmitv of stirs lkw&, to do std ttarat tie Prkaw I" aataft of tha shall ba foy PM ►ttrad t� (1) C r vW *4b* ,ttttt UM In trW the Xrmvnm tee *Ow to ft, WWNW W an tvbpd�wl ,d k4woot on tl DOW6 few tk* Mt"ft at ve boam of OW D*40 Md wO Pq 9 0) l *"r to the Mad AS"t w Swela prov Wd PA vM y ym* Now . rims or edwr k . Av Only #0 by this 144watkv, or, if OA Ar . 166M bald k� k* ew In summer rCWT �, 00 an Provided ilk " rNAROWWW'R' *A (s) Tim City vW lt" i%vV.w b*Am of record &a d &Axvmta ref ll«e itM nM (satpsraU fro* Wii edwcrr Barris awl amemts of tl* ) in w+4k$ cewq&ft and awm a *wbioa 444 be �'e ot s�! : Tel Aktime to the I� or a" PM-4 MW *bi* to"ther Wfa *2 o6er be *i ad rw*Wk ot tlllwt My, gill at all dws 4kvWW bwAwwki h"n be wilily to to bwpoWies at (i) the Fl" Agent " ( 4) tM )widkr or boWleft of amd 14mmsmc Nwa 10% of Me principal samaraast of dw Be*& thm oraUteadbm, or W or twir reptemtatins duty avMw) rhwd in w•rwag. (h) The City will prcpwv k ad file with the Fiscal Aput annumally within, HO days after the v4we *► emb Fiscal Year (commencing with the f ynd gear ending dttr w , 19W) so long rs any of the Bonds ears outstl t"bag: (1) a detmited strut for the premling Fismi Year show- in; the swount of 0* Grow, Revenues of the Enterprise, all dis- bursements from enA. V---*zues anti nit exicnditurea applicable to th En i -:�r. toges,P��r vritt� n cletniic +l t►alnnctie sheet reA��cti ng the tiwamcimal coWition of +tl a Enterprise, including the balaaetess in an fmwb held by the F"iaal Agent anti the Tteasurer as of the tend of inch F'iwW Year, aerompanied by a certificate or opinion in writing of a.a iadepeedent certifie Public amounta seleded by the City and satbdvctory to the Fiscal went; (2) a gem-raal es:zlema"t showing the rrheduie of Mtes charged for each class of e-ater eavaections, the number of users in each separate elmsificatias of r7 tea, all as of the close of nuch Fiscal U e� 1 i �(i low °„ W 28 'dear,d gltr f;e ours s+eirl in such ci.ill:a #aa of taten dari , &m& f a tap Year; taod �€e*aptana�. (i) 9iU MW -4A tea , sue► tho 3 uml mart md wM WWMMY (&A so t(ty NJ pad *I ti@ OW of "w - ad OPMW. of Go BWMW#sbz) MrA WON am IM SAW im 4WO of each rmw: Y mr,, ai& at ,attar pAtixJreel in t4e CMaofiy of Blatt CW.f, SUN cif rA & k-Puary of tho O.&teiRmt rvetcired to bo prepeaml t►r• tk Od y+arvi is to C.,&AAW 10(h)(1) l Wsl" 2A& WW fw. zioh to tiz'a 1 k A #co. nwh nswor -t-Ut uutalnr of o. r :,as flatreof (asoo e►xe Miia14 we aaaay lzn re"imi trf the Ti"I oat, far distribution to - ,*&xwa#wn:a°arrtt Yaasfb:m, security "ers &Ad o4hors inter - e @W in the BmU awl 9aj dKi hoWer.a ct Hondx rcgafttir g onpka fNere f. but the Ii *Wl not I* required to iasrm:s° any aerai- rribhtuaaable a °r t -Awe la vmhbW such distributie w (2) Ie City wN not z r*pWe or otherwiae obtuakv, ple 4M or plam any eUrp vp4 w do 3 L*nprim or any of the F eavcs thereof, xM witl not w1l, how or otbrr wUe dispose of the Enterprise or smy part tl em4 aimW to fat gwrataaea or ntmarry to the maivte -oL ee of the Fermi er ewOr into say kale or agreem mi which tmWra or impOis the op,>eriWom of the Enterprise or #my part thereof neoe s- earary to ewm adopts ]li nva ms for the .payment of the print ipuil of and interest on the Bcm& sa, or which otherwise would iwpair the rights of the holders of th Dnsui* -sith raajKxA to ench Revenues or the opera tion of tt o Emterpriz e ; praxbtl4 however, that aany real or personal property whicIs has hwc=.i scan- operative or which is not needed for the 01fident and propox opgrstion of the Ente -prise, or "y material or equipment whiert l aw+ worn out, shay be mold at not lean than the market value theml s* shout the aonaent of the holders of the Dondn if such Ndo will *ut redow tl, Plownuee of the Entetprise grid if all of the nrt proceeds of areal aaalo are deposited in tha ilevezue Fund and used for any purpose or p rpoe" thereof relating to the Enterprise. (k) The City vW ed &H times maintain x:1 reWnidble insurers for the brnetit of the holders of the Do -,2 &, insurance on the Enterprise, which ball be ad- equste in amount and as to the risks hunt-00 asgai s;t, ine.luiling insurance agxirwt .st6deut to or destruction of 'the EKferpsrise or any bast than. -of, ag%Wt mub rides as are usually Insurable its oon- 2 1J� -, -Ath sLmIlav Any prneeedi of arty buch kwuravoe oallwkd by the City is W t-vmt of any lean or &wagp. AwR to appliod. Wqto rvptir or vi"�axrawlkfsa or other wiprov6mmt of Owl �Ultezplim 5 city atAl T04)i'n AV-.* 'wO.A 01 Iq!a'jr 1 0'.r ICIAH'MW. to ': rlao� am Ovi of gttzh iWM=*(^ 1 ?Iva a e. IWr uv;'*U* MP*,, am Otsh. W1 WXPOMW I* vith xia tvq ,W 80 ChAl AW CkdW 1113 wa-kAtAnd U�.at' AVo z 41 Lo froo vAd civx * =T; '6"A xzA , 6, r, If tke -,s4k rwAivixi m9w of my &"& haft OW1 *Xft .1 th � e.*A of r s i r , tewfAftwdon or improvea"I, OW e akAl * &p"M kv *we CUT *ith the Mrad AswA Ja 11* Awww " wA "D The'sai tor 'say purMse or purpopes tf-cwof reladog is Ow Unterptioc IU My vM sho carry for tWe beimfit of ti's t4 hw - bukien Mefity Wmartute with rosW.t to*&U Otit► sArers avid cm0oytnai who rwpMmily ov!imt, or have In their care or cv%tady, any Wreum or (nnibi of C-o-- R'asgerpifiiN anal iwiumnte to to imir-n awuant or amomb at 1 iTW J• the aggrWta to the mwrinum svivmt of mh Revvuvez ar CwU M axq ome time in ( ( ao care or custody of all Wh OISM'Is or empkYea& (1) M* Oitr wift pay aad diwIvArge or cause to bo Irald xrol diet. chw7"I all tans rod aw.vements aM other governmental &arges vddc4i may hereaff Ii► bmfu)]T imp med upon the Enterprise or upon any part thaml or alwa my Stvmues thtrefrom, whtu tha savae zWI become due; and the City will duly olmse.rvo and conforin to all YaH mquirements of &ny gwormnental anthwity relative to the Enterprise or any ;edit theroot (m) The City will have in effect at all tunes an ordinevep of the City requiring the owner of any premises located within or without the limits of the City and comtcted with the Enterprise to pay the fees, toll, rates and other chargoo applicable to such o and for water furnished by the Enterprise. (a) The City wW not aotyaire, ronstruct, operate or ntfiii aa will not within ibe scope of its powers perniit tiny other publie or pr►ldlate uerp3ratioa, poUtical wbdivisio%, district or agency or may person what- A soover to acquire, construct, olvrnte or ninin, n, v;ithiu rin• ar•.-I of ilia City serml by eny part of the Enterprise on Ow (late of acquisi- tion thereof by div City, say system or utility eamjvtitive with the El An JU Enterprise. The City ha heiiatoforo by ordimmms Ensured f ai" ive s to' tvm pilvufte water vh c *Gm' lian to nerve apecifrad areas of the City not hi.-TO serV44 by the Mif erpri ae, Tho City em mrssat.a tbtA it uill not rpui - ter pt.r is . the exte:rslon of 'MMe+r of mid fm.rt6,'.. or Oje mrvh" A: of Aitkoo of at it prirate fttcr utility mi}ic"iev Wo stray area of , 'GUy i or a t Qo time d. any a lirtaeimi. far aay rods extmAm ammmi ,.tky the Eatorprim.% (c►) Tb* O,ry f,,r:k t aQny )' -U4 of t%* fMtpeA*, Or O' fWalty tlnawmf or OW VS46r C a'CVh& i theme, to bra , owd or grit wbr&* M of, htiis ef OmuV by "y pw - mfar ftm or ee l,,, err eery ,p � ,' O *#&vim cog the Stato. of 0441&m* dw Uukmd WA Joe of Amwk*. e*r paUla eapomt;vs, poAUW *WkUv fbw 's e betty, dleAio stet *SOW of 0317 * %Va aid the 0 7 or O' SWOW oC the City).''exeept in the extant nnuinsd by or pwrorAmt ties *my mlmet uader whi& that City acqui:rect bsy puree auy paean rA to Ewteepriset. None of tho fotrigmUW, emjve write, speemmlta or denies shO be camtrued to require the expmffiture in any manner or for asy pmpom by th* City of any f o0wr than Reverm racmeived or ready" fromm the Kmterp rfi w $avrm x 11. f al�cli-Seval 13o o& The City cowwtats atad agr m with the holders of the Boadn that Borida of any aeries in ndditiow to the Seritm A Bonds may be issued and sole] by the City at any tintrw, eu'b- ject ortly to must up oij empliance by tho City with the conditions net forth in the foil-rairig paragraplts (a), (c) and (e), and that Additional Do!ids lust hig m Lien upon putt payable [rota flit Revenues of the banter - r: ire ( including all R+sas>p mea from any extensions, additions or bet6er- rmntr thert -to) tray be issued upon a l -26ty with the Bonds iermtd here- under, but only on or after February 1, 1961 (but not porior thereto), and only for the purpose of improi dag the intertwine or for the purpose of acquiring, constructing or im- provinr extensions, ,additions or L,etter- mentts to the Enterprise or for the purpose of refunding any entaiand. ing Bonds, or for any roinUivation of such purpone!s, omit only subjc44 to and upe» compliauee by tire: City with the conditions :set forth in the followint, 1arxKraphs (a), (h)+ (c), (d) and (a) : (Li) I'lie City shall twat at the time of the issue of much Bonds or Adiifional Bonds he in default heretinder; (0 The issuance of the .Adilitionml liorsdr Khsll have been daly authorized at an election prurartwnt to the I.aw; i. i t i; �•:� OMB istiawri of 0'-,% Awi ft or AUMorAl Tiotdo 1v pro~ V YW fsr by a -f � AtOw ao y *.Ivjv:it 3 1- flwi t''onaracil ; ft!u . 4wt " of am Dost!"i (w ;1 #'tali tart l4 earlior t tke la" Awl &k r dwo untaataw ; quith vmd..� ear Ater t ia+seal oa r wry 1; wzd fW reaW swap 6 or xnwjmtxrr7 vhowmv. * :fend PayzVotr, crt` tars fit` , x; MWAI 1* 064"6 U C., 011 to &VAWMt to przo wr f'r.v tho Fapwaawt &A d nd*vmm* of M tsA lox& or AA&UomW RaWs an or oar Gx& sv_* ►,;awd ww r Adba; and tho ]I "M ftaed sha 10 wmamW to rya w6b*m a ow mt areal to M=hww Amwel DdA Sea, w In ark► lip' *Ow do iwomm of ax& —%a& ar JVA§ikwl E3ar & trok1 sly k*l tax U amt intstined in SM arntount wqw at tiny Ow 'arbitn any of 11it f4w& or A4FkiitioW Don& are outstan aag to rant lend Own W.Aswu ,1L.a -:xO ltbebt &er vice; aaW (d) 'IU metul Ajos Wet Remm of the EnterrAn for the V uvefis e,►diwag So qmkwAw > h as nt preoed1mg the &A# of alap- tion by the Crate! +ed a weekti4m anthoriAng +the ira osm of xv& Addit. msl Rededm as man by an audit certifimte or opWion of an :adere1j nt ftd-. rod Yam aKVeo+ utw it emplay d by the Cit7 and aaaa ci fwterc to At Flan ARowt, ply+ lfi of thr, wk6rticmQ Annual Net Nercnu es (o;; er sad arllra m maid swonat of said ar toaal .Awnwl Net le>mum for Paid vrtmftc 12 »mtW period) eethsat+ed to be paa- dwW by the Enterrpriew is noel 12 months' penod out vt the 24 moths rerxt suovtw —ding the dw6e *a whkh eneh Additional Bowls will 1 wonve entr:sa ding, am No wx by wa c ertifkeate or opinion of a qualified independ- ent ekKri eer emlAngrrd by the City and asatir story to the 'Fiwal Agent t<hnll have pmd1c&*d a som erbual to at leac►t IM times (I) Ifto nverr M. =uaavl warraount of the prindpal of w wd Inter - est on tho BOIWIP awl : iflowl BOWS the :a Oul."anding hem =der paybWe dwixg the thin canrnt fism) yraar eun3. in eah ftaml ;rear tbexe*Mr tw W g ma any of each Boa& and Addition.3l Bomfs iaa+ *W he►r x *se by t4eir terms outstanding, computed as the o w maption thM all of sop Muds and A(b itioaal BoWs then ont- eta"ng am WmV retirod on the bane of aapproxirWely Mud wu nnaaal prindpa►,l tud fisd*"vt payments darir►g tho period of tWr fixed =turity dataa caUmlatad in aoeeon1tw:e with standard an- nuity taliza; P1vv% (11) ` e averftv smud aver wnowit of prineipnl awl intareat ca tlra Additimmt lklcaaab -proposed to be issue payaallo daring each fjwf of'OhatriA4. Dk*mbv 17, IKO ' , ; , • ,�; �:, • ^,; �, %wi, � i ,. , .. - r..,,, "aft � ��: , , ,. , �+ � , 'Ifs:..,. � .. .. �. p. .. p,,• ,.p'..� '�y;' '.^r�''1, a � S'•y: ff sal !Nrac so long as any at *&A Adrl;tionarl nmb aihatll b7 their tetmt be tarnding conqmakd on the axariet►It1012 that sJI of awards .kcid Bowl Boads will he mC&W ea the basis o.° approxlalaWly ORW awl priadpa surd XONM* paF7le U daring; tCe perw of i.Wr fixed ueatttrity d0w eat b a rd'stew with sibaAwd rimnigy tLxkz and YAM iw6ws* orgwitesd i(w not kww t`' tl i owrap inkmi: Batts on a0 Z#w& ate AdciMmW Bm& Qm sat. 3� ors a :ate � t1� �{.'+i�'�►i� �M' alas+ taxi ftw for tdw por"O ert 1014wmp a" nthime. ;q am& atr . A066afand DIMS thft ow .bwgwAkw, them, for 60 pwpoft at .00 adaaiialioa rayed mar an lid (ii ), tI* artrintw ate raW t of priasdi W et aid Won* ear m& A &Mda v aft Ma& pw "ad to P* imW mW k e Oft* +raalriir>I�etisaa ady its my "as yerai^ is wltirt: any of As 3" 41 AMU" Dm& Wald kmv=As vafl advo be es tszasding after toles i lax n of a!7ecla Aeidii#+wA 19maa 1 grrssi d ed ton aotb.* in this Xetrol a&m tvatuhwd "I Iia I or m wlrrd the iSasMIM* of awq .!i ttor W NO R &I it antes the iraaewe MA ddk rery of swit Additionsf fkmdw (w%#*tr for reft W larptow or odwmEse) tam— 0 the Bowls andwrioW bm will be ostaftOMW. (e) All of ,tho pr&vislans of Hattlew 10 asid of 1WHo w 12 to td, U*h tem'I shall be Mppl�tAMV t o naa+ Boards or AddiWreatl }ll wid -), which shitll ba iattetd as & to taw protw w =4 Ktaihtdow of axial pectins aa�i eatitkd to tb* Some* lad rtecari:;r thereof. weed t4 tam w. Umb" as nwed in mid me kwaa s hIM Lama and inrle& Ad itdowl vkw�& 4t4wrtox 1 rwriAo ,d,emr wftw '.fU City will frm HM 10 thm snort >`ach furow rem and wanly, ewteafe, a %Tw ad record rstwh further intfraaira maa sated *wwrawtata ass foxy now or bmw enar hs anthori3ed by law. or lot sally reasonably be required to comply taW; tht. temts a:sd provisions of this desolation in order to ammm to the holders of t,1e Ponds tho rights lead benefits hetrein pririded for 1s+a iL Srrrwx 13. Ewitaral Domdia Proftedikgs. It all or any paint of Ow Emlerpew sball he takes by ant slomaitn pno-reea no or etdwr prs*vo dings svibm6ml by Tow, #lee taut proceeds rteliwd by do City ttbuwnttraas skTJ be dopmfkd by Oe My with the A aal Agmt is -a I i 33 spusact ftt4 in try for 64 awbui'Pe besialk of Gale heirle,ra of the DMAN iheau *aWMA'VS mad suhjwt t o the follow l OM (14) if bob aft s t to pP"riWe for gale SAyae+wrr# Of am $e in awavat of VdaQW, dace or to bwmw due up m i:l 0 the 1t na *W� *itk &me= $ranee the dste at rtwio of t"wh VOW& to t& N*Um* a fA the Bob* ! W SkA be 4c iaa�@loet ioal fif �r (b) if mob joeseaAs an hwaficiest to proYUIb awasys for t* ptli�- Pmes in (et) of this 8"00 13 PrOW664 tim the own as be ty tlYo Clity with the Fisae+ael Atmak io rr spwW ftW is treat floe tip beene of the howlers of Ali tho Bomb OM """ds44 v w '� be br she" In M& PnMeeds Ofwft seed a!ra►4abiy to fire W"W" w" throe prriWpal aaa mt of ftsdu own" by easels hokkr bears % th* toW principal ama nt of all nor! tp Beach tboa arnt- saWbzg, without purl' muwe or priority of any one Bread +agar saeay otber ]Road, anti iri speadve of array registration of tniah Bond for son - payme st or otbera fi n sio pro riled by low, and wit wet pareferan" or prrie4ty of e y bond registered se to both pritw ipal aed iertrrost is the some o[ the r*Si*%wW awser over soy Bo d pay" to bearer, so that AU of the Bonds sled be dewmd under avA eaireorofteees to be on a parity and ea fftted to slwe in aaeh proceeds as the irons of absolute eagrwlity. No muob paw mates auariag WWI in"ir the riot of the bolder of any Bond, which is alWate, to receive pa'rsaent in frill of they prin. t4pal of *W interest ow cell of the Donds h&., by him from any sonree of payment or frees any fonds which may then or tbervafter be available for sear pays at by Ow City. Notwithstanding ssaything herein conte'ined, if such a wintnt domain proceedings do iot wdwia ntioily impair or affect the Seven" of the Nntegn7iwe or the apamtion of the Enterprise or the ability of the City to vwd all of its obligstiow hereunder with rtajxvd to tho p yzaaent of the Bonds outstan&ng berearxler, and interest tleereow, all na shown by a reertifiate of an independent engincet employod by the City sM sat - issfectary to the Racal Agent, then the Council n Len by rewlution so determine aard dedarss and nwh net pro"Is realm by the City shall be roasidsred to berg, and Aall he treated as, Revences of the Enterprise. go& deftnainatian of such fact by the Counei! in any aaach resolati( a *W1 be thwl mA coodat«ii e. I ;t •k 34 &CO 14.1 .PWteA lfe°9 idk* w 6f ,1 ORAf daTeWa. (a) If an or MM Of 00 tONVO WIN% (}'AMU MU4d' Of a An 9602 hq k. *A .) v Aefto dan to MWAS is us a" t °k"ONd lrs'mst ({ to pda*4 at estp wbm =1 SIN mm AO homm 4w aad vbo&w At um as avlawsmA by ]p�af ' P by 4 or f of at &dam* on &T A.Ad V60 Sad as MA oradd*Ame oIlAW%bg pmp=W * be wA sw MmIk ah*ft f ad I - 3 � I ` & t DOWN do ad pod" as ice" w Am "h e6w Daabr me r dAnk Oka !cabs O"dWW4 for a Pw$ed of 30 da7s i (4) U dat"aat #UU be mAds by the Cirly is Ow Aserrum of my of &a armn sgrees+ae+bu OT e0edit£oea on its pant in this lkmkdm or is any resdud" of tore f °. re&tbg• to any swism of 2 - I altar tm dlwr flrrIse A Ham& or to my Addiflem el W is my DOM embd*4 AM ssak athelt s1s;?I be" con - WmW !wr a trial of DD &ys ; or (5) If do City dmlt file a petifies or smcwtr seekfsS m arganimtka or stmt mWIer tb* Fe&ral lUnkreptcy Laws or Ray adwr applimMe I%w or stataie of tke United F tatm of .c Ark , or it K ecart of oampeteat j~erioiCtiow sh al2 atrpme a p~.., tiled with or without the comoeaet of the City, #"Mug rya. eiggesivation m&v tim FWeml TImakniptk= lAwis or any o#ker aeppliawbk law or twtntutae of the Unitad States of Ame►iries, or it under the provisions of any otlw r taw for the YAW or aid of debtors any wart of eoeuptte A jmisdidicm shall aarnam castody or oontrol of the City or of the vibole or any vubebtatial part of its property; am awl in a*& nreci a iy Much eme tine bnkUre of not Im thsa as smajority in ag VVW a lrriveipal Aran UNt of the POMO I at the time OVA - stoWhi ; shalt be em itI4 %vm in writes to the City, t* dedmm 35 the priAripsl of all of t6m Romeo theca outsntwTmg herew - kUr alai tm iantermt awroad ther+earsii to is aim and pay&W inunedWy any rmck declarst -in Ow • AmP_ boon, is arml email bi iiaaiedu r care ash Payable, avyGing is ' Ra %flon or in the Bien► OvAtahwl to fire e=trary u AD of the tlrou Revown of the Enterprise, i iaag Mi voom to atl of the Fw*b V"O&d for in Nedon 9 hereof, and al i cisa me is tI* Fcaad pro sr ia' PAttioz 7 lwreal, , upon the &to of the de4bratitv of i "'Vil" r sat bif &e hog ers of the N-m& as pfC- may 1rMA of aeftwt, MW ail arreeit UW8W%W #W tie CMY dr dpi AP* Umwk&r dog be � by tip � .meant inn tm anirr � pxwa�s Ot da 09M.1 s &"*" %(tbePftYNWKfdFQWbr Imo' pAWor ern As anim6w dwsed if My per: I�irat, to t3rsn pit nas ,aE is.. la &"be* "A sweat at roeMt"s asrin:�� to tlriir mpgft, Ou"Inie r a wi oata�se ; ward to' des pr rt at tlpiia e" acid � oaf do �rraand ,gaift it atary*g oat that pxvwWan of tMs sate, iairsla Has reMrorsrbb arnapiwacuUM to its 'miff"rie, at, tor"rya and am"d; iff&va, to the paynraart of do vilMe cvataoat these owing pad rtcnpeg vpm the Bon& for ptirve ipd sad iatt►red, with intend on tbe aveWue priwi* wed inistdl 1 1 11 of ka a st at the rate of 6% ptr arnarsa (to gees extant that eavrh brbttest aria onwrdrne iwAathnenta of interest *W ha►re bma coUeded), and is eon reach nitrenreyA shall be irw>iffideu•t to Pay in fail the whole wee na t so owing Pad unpaid upon the Bonds, then to the pa swat of tin& pr iadVal acid ink-rest without preference or priority of principal erta. irttiemt, or of interM orr7t priwiT*4 or of any isstaltmenat of interest urer any other inetallnwnt of interact, ratdAy to the aggrepte of aactch principal and interoM. (b) Subject to any oontraittual limitation binding upon the holdtrs of any of the Bands iirndvWj , Imt not limited to, any limitations wpaa the exercise of say rcrnedy to bordholdem liol(ling a speeine percentage of such Mends), tiny holder of Bonds rihnll have the right, for the equal benefit and protection of all holders of Donds similarly situated: (1) By mandiuuusi or other suit or proceMing at law or in equity to enforce his riisrhts against the City, the Council, aml any oQievra, agents rand e+mplayew of the City, and to require aad aom- prl the City, the Coil or any such of vri% agenta or emV40yeee,, 1 36 to Perform and eras Y aaart fir duties under the law and tip W'T1tWWMUwA �a as provided i s this Rt�ots> a; (2) I3y tx�.t is *Idly to r 4uire the City and thi Car to at meal as it t ► to trwtee of tae ems. - v a irmt; or (d By OU0 10 OW00* to wajvin tow aets or thing; whiob ado* bi Wswflri or vkAvafc IU vNgkta of the lmudholderas, � � twM�`t�,1� boareof,esaa� is �� . ear v► ur +� � enwataiased a afl� ear � �r tW � of ! M Mi is aaboolste &ad wKxm atioss�al,, to : ths p4 ' ,,aa of am ivkW4 do tlbe ]E OD& to Ake respewave qtr of the Pools sod rogm wt id tw Mini dates of 3mataarity, or wpm al tw nedetsap o v, " A 11 11 pmwidod and out of the Re v pihd�rd for seu& Vamp tk sr or iarepair the not of aetieasa, wbii i* else ibootssei sped (e ZOW era provOM in Sedim 15 he"00% of Glob b*Mm U WwVAx ► suit to enforce suds psarrmwt by virtoo of tM ceutmet awlb6AWA I'm the Bonds and coupons. 7%e remedies eronsf rani Eby and by the TAw upon any W &T of Boob do not,erx: any other remedy', but eaelt such rem is cumulsthv and in rddWwo lo arr+retry other reuwdy and may be ezereis+rd without exhs vw6vyr and vftmd regard to any other remedy coefe°nmd hereby or bT the Y,uw or IT aeesy other law. A wnlrer of any default or bmeh of duty or eoestraet W every bon(Mokier shall not c-dead to at san'eiet W sub"vent dwelt cc br+e*A of duty or eontraet or hwpoir say rights or reme&s on sassy sslalemluent defatult or hrtacEt. The dAzy or ominion of &Ay► !,wAhvoWer to exercise any right or power ammIng upon any default rrIO mot Umpair sway such right or power &*d aleatl not )m a w zlivr of any sao& ellrrf'sa t or s equieso..ace therein. Every mb- stantire right asKl m-m7 ifte dy woterred upon the bo%dho)ders nosy he a ntoYrKt "d exercised ass eafUm as is dt*ntrrl a "lient. If an vWt, action, or promdiog to eneform any right or exercise any renvedyr eUH be aban toned or determined sadverecly to the tKindholdern, then, owl in every such raxo, the City &M wadi bondholders rhasll tn! restored to their forme-&- positions, viOU eased remedies ns if each snit, aejoae, or pr(w* inl bjul w-A beta b root or taken. Any trait, artiom or p►roce"Ung which t,ny homer or Bernie saheb haavr the riot ter bn*vpr to esef+orm an) right or rorrctdy heneumIer may he broncbt by the Fiscal Agent for the equal lMnrfit And protedicna eat all hollers of Ronda g.oeihufy &4ftaated and the Fiscal Agewat is hereby r 1 37 aarrpa>iand End tlae reacp ;sae halre r *_:; ^ 9araesatt of the Maas w.%d iuter+wot tsxApors iasmwd Ntreunder, �by t r .T nskd 14009 Use Vow, AA be wadmiy dy downed oo to ha" sppo,h►+ W t #) iha ir» aaact ;ttsfaai -sus ieeot of t reepro•., � Md registered owmrs of the Sm Is orate; int re3t wuponi for tales TpftQ Ge hriag* any mx6 ate„ or piooeediasg vaa d. to tins amt i & ataxy aaawd a auartl;tlRe *w ! iR Z14aI! A ttra � � .. • . . arraa�f � sveas+r�ta �`. s �� sa et elyd�ar t� �, wr may ie uemimary sore AtoSsaMs In the ov of the romd A"* w WA a arsegyn- [acre#. Sw-To r A .dam of Do a "d E.;ow .df h at fusee PMvisi" of A&V C" itty% aat aaarai"kd beEsasaa M As My and tyre hddW War Ira t of tin Bosch harely aaftw6m4 rind • from aataW &her tare ask an# do*ver'y of my ct the wade so aaaaaM� aaalteraastift or aaoodi:icratia of ter Bonds or of flans cou"s thereto or of this Iker4nti= aaJhaald be rnadre =hieh shall in r air impair, impeded or leap the rights of the holders of the Bob or tllta coupons appertaining theytto, then outaatawliag, without the ptio r writ- On ron.'te>'at of the holders of at least GG? y;b of the agg Vate p6a dpaal amount of Ronde then ovistaMing. Any such amt.udment, theraatiaan or modification which shall have received the written olnrswsatet of the hollers of -aid pereentaslge of said outstanding Bonds as pmsa7rTr3ed is this Section shall be bindixg upon the holders of all of the Beattie and conyxms appertaining thexetay neither atturhed to or detrteW from said Boutin. If, in that opinicm of the Council, any proposed amembnriit subutauitiallr anti aadveredy a!f'erts the rights of the electors of the City, the Council mss sulwnit aus* aunendment ,tor the approval of the electors at an election called strait held for that purpose. £3w+ election nay !x traded and held as now or hereafter may be provided by law, or, in tlae akteuc* of any expTeu proviaion of laze, be called Und W in substantially the Pismo nxenner ne provido.] by Inw for the holding of an election for. the iss ua noe of revenue bonds under the Law; provided :bat only a majority vote of the voters voting ul»n the measure at such election need to r"eir+ed acrd the measure to bo submitted at such eleo- tion ehall tv Fteneraally to the effect of NvIiether or not the prarixmod atameattmtnt rhaall be a ;pprarsresl and a.lohtecl. Srenov 16 Fiscal Agent and Poyitty Agenda. The City hereby appoints lank of Amerim -National Trutt anti S avir.gs Auwiation in .ale �i,y6i 4a��� "'" 1 M� .� ". ... .• f i .w r , City wed tbua:Ay of SM PMWZ: 06a Swte of Y 08 tM 1V) WSAV AWMISMO ItOW VLftil -AV . for tau' po wee► of ,MiW tke Pr!A- dVA sad bkkaot,AO nrary cl tw Roaft prawWA !bear p3powt i3k thee Cry aaasad l`,++ar y t �eari, sate o � read for to per POM of pwMr #armiaw am t* *r dam sw*ped to w bq*W affirm the F" .l Vmt so% is &k l 6wokSon pw&vak,diR TU F'fasW Agett doi P*y l A#wU of the City for in 1 Oty of N*W T'errlr, 13LVW at New Tod Md in the Cfty .ad aw "M Stato of Miaoin Bred awke Wo o" aMmwowts 4 a P&y Aga ant as shall be raetioas■r►ary and aiiarlrn" in aralar to sera & Paylag Aged to carry out the dutit s 4 its otlf+ee. TSe 1`�i>rasl Alpttat fAltrat'ty.slrptointed and any aneflc wow them( nay be r mo-wA by the City and a aue- cessor or vuemesere appolzataed; provitUd that tath nueb eamessor.• shall Le a bank or truant tawl=y doiug bulaatsa and having on office in the City crawl Casa of Sav Frwwit+ro, State of CfalifacmhL Any such Fiscal Agent desigmated by the City 4w11 eoaatfaaw to be the Fiscal Agent of the City for &H of nil paarpoceas until the designation of a sueoessor as am+ Final Agaart, wW the City aagrem that it will waint*io a Fiscal Agent In said City aid Coaaaty of San FrwWwo so long an any of the Bonds are orthtaaa ng wad vatpaid. The Moaaal Agent is hereby authorized and directei to with mw from the limb and in the manner provided in Section 9 term all mamas rerluiretl for ties payment of the princil al of and Intetast on tht: Bun+ls and roupons presented for pay- ment in Man Francisco or in New York or in Chicago at aaturity, or on call and redemption or on pni•chase by the F'`iecal Agent prior to waturity. The Fiscal Agent and the Paying Aggecats are hereby author - ived to rt-Aeem the Bonds and ilia interest coupons appertaining there. to when duly presented for payment at maturity, or on sell and reclrmlition or on purchase by the Fiseaal Agent prior to maturity, anal to cancel all Bonds awned coupons capon pey>ment thereoc►f and to rehire the same so ca►noelleA to ties Treasurer. The Fiacal Agenat AMI keep accurate record of uq fends administered by it autd of all Bonds and eonpons paid and discharged. The Council is hereby authoria l to c►:wm. pennate the Fiw.sl Agent anti the Paying Agents for the services of the Fiscal Agent anti the Paying Agents rendeml pureauant to the provi- tdons of this Jlesolutior_. The recitals of feet and all promim, corer ants and agreements herein and is the Bonds of jaid aautborit+ed iecaue ,00raWred shall be t.aalcen as a3tatecxtents, promises, covenants and, aogrements of the City of of `ftadv, DwoWW 17,1190 1 Md G* nml Aowt md ta Noft Agwe samm uo rwp=mMMjy f er the mrotteen of OW OVOOJ�-#" row we In"O"Arti:00 as *0 OW VWk1tY or WFA&MY of Q0a'V*6*dkK or 49 JIS WW 4& or &A"W, No" VIA OW INN' 4Ay vfth rexped to t#oae As ji GW V*Wk fW,V*Ift X~ Ski r1 R1 Agmat w* &� 1'%Vbo Asa" daw be N" In mill Oda via of its Min *Mwhr. ne q t for iu 0" WROSOM or do(►%& 7%* TmW Aaftt Or MYP*ft Agmt dot be pi ird *dWW M-P►U any notice, reseweal, MwWok me" Order, wrdfida% r"Wett or other paper or doeownit Wod by It to be gvw"s sad to ba" been signed or preanW Wy ft proW party or partimL Tin Fiwd Agent or any NyivW Agoot nW eemWt with eomod, wbe noy or my not be of counsel to the City, wft repard to kSW qw*Uon and the opinion of such cow AM be ftW and eowpkU e iaetOaae ati sod protection In respect of any *Am tahn or nNered by the FUnd Agent or sueh Paying Agmt bwvwA*r in good Wth and in oewrAmm therewith. I'he Fiscal AS"t or my Paying Agftt *W met bo low to recognize any person as Ow bold" of a Hood mkvs and mdJ wa& Bond is sub. for inapection, if nquired, &M his title thereto "*- foAorily eijtablishc•3, if dispvlo& Whmerer the FieW Ag"t or ca.1 Prying Agent shall dem it %scenery or "rokk that a wAgUr be }gave.] or established prior to taki*g or suftring any action herowWler, auch matter (tikiless other evidence in respect thereof be herein specig- cally lirvacribed) inny be deeraed to be eonriusivAy provtd and estab- liehed by a certificate of the City, signed in ito name by an t4&*r of the City, and such certificate Alban be full 'warrant for any action taken or suffered uniler the provimkos of this Resoln(ion or any nvolvike imp - plemental hereto; but in its d1wretion the Fiaml Agent or any Paying Agent may, in lieu thereof, sooqvt other evideace cl sua fact or matter or my require much fordwr or additional evidemv as to it may som reasonable. The Final Agent or auj Paying Agent, *ding - ;A good faith, auty v-onelugively rely, " to the Ruth of t)* statenhents and oor- Tx-etness of VLO opinions expresewd there ic, upon any lialKir or dommwt believed by it to Im genifine and to have been slg�ftl preoen ed b,y the prorer party or parWs a*A AWI Ito fidly'protMed in toUng My M 4*600 e w3da UP Aff *0 U"QU0 is to lit tR& "A by Amiabmww Amy ftFW MAP &' aw *m UPW. on or other nor psi, A� f**a UUM Omolut z now MOW u4m of eaq MAW I ' 4 *M& nzy VA 1.11m Ag-ok do * mahing from dwAi reorg*W- &OMN IT. Dimb"W1 w7howbohm Wbonoer an Of thft Book sat A mkwwt tba ammA limam dog bav* bey My. VWd mA &rAwrSvA flue agtsomosft ft 66 lkosWom contained shall omwe mW -acb.rmim coh the City " bw -m&w no fnKhov obligation to Opiply the Flava*m of the VM*,rp%* **.bwv4a r&jWmd, or otborwiae to do or lvrfwm sm�y of the orowvm64 ins or agm-ements in this lkfio- lotion emtabwd, aad 0 mmm Am Wd by the Fiwl Agent herewxUr WWI fortkvith be immalw2mA by it t the Treasurer. Snmtw 18. Pwtial 1*PWidW.p, If any %edion, pttragm* sub- divisiom, mtem&j, alsww w *Am of this Resolution shall for fmy reasm be adjudged by any es,-at of tvwpetent jurisdiction to be unwn- stitntiomsJ, mentomemble Ow" izw*IK *a* judgmaut shitll not z0mt the validity of the remaining portWm of this Resolution. The ConneW heretic drAares that it wand bavv 94WW this Resolution and eso* ond every other owl Ion, panmgm* subdivislou, sentence, clause and phmev hemr,( and would Ummr xvCh►rised the issuance of the Bonds puriscant bmto irrespective of fhe fact ftt any one or (nnre sectionx, par"mpL suWivisiomR, ventm"s, eJanses or phrases of this Resolvi. fion or the application tberv%W to "y person or elmunifitanw, may be bold to be uw.onsfitutionA mmmforomblo or invalid. swrmx 19. Effee4ke 1 of Ra'altdiom Thiel Resolution aba We eff4d from and after iU peopap and approval. t t� 41 Pmm am) Anopatnaa "a %let da of Dwmber, IM5pj'.Iff. ILIA {ti owing TCAO: ,. '•fit Aims: IL �a3o3em �3c7titi�9 N�t<hE�ii�on, P�ic)v �. 6t'fl6oii ascc: 'pane 14, J. trethanoon I tcyor of sk MY of +I?+w4rNWO; • } `'`/`ors dt#tA Cft P're sited to and approved by me this 21st dry of Demviber, IMS. . MY ISf . of exp ediao, CaUforxia . 42 fomia, do heMvy oeTtily thv'41A �*t A Agk' kctux oqvy of tj r&Aft*m &kVC-te. zi a Y*gv"r w*vti#W of fb* 040 09moil of laid City daly " rNW*`,Aj iwxi kgiA7 b 4 at f1w m*WIxr plAoe thoxof or I.Se Pq I*y of ]M*, 01 of the UMIIWM ct JWW cmme'i! W (;IA Wt6-'kJ At -'AFAA i's majority therapf wno prAvmt; QAt at seid ivv&dk\g mM iw-A,-Oudm wkw inizoslamd by aved vw tbereopm Oecoar - b - dir av WtI son -'amd msow ipy am , following vote: Ay=• , Council, Izzaneo,, )lathanaon, Pe2oal I Salch, Mlsan No Vone — Amy None , That I taro tareluily tmp&M the sawn© with the crismil iWantes of raid meeting on Me and of rmord in my o&e and EW mW recw1g. Lion is a full, true and omed copy of the origiml mwlud" z&,pted at said mmfitig and entered la said minutes and that mid rewlatiom lass not been amended, modjOed or reccindeo islace the date of its adoplion and is now in ftdi force mod effect. Witnesm my hajd aod the seal of said 'ity of Cuperinto th- 21st day of Demniber, 190. said 8 -11 • etc)* of the Ci(v of Cupertino, California [seal of tho City of C'Uperu00]