CC Resolution No. 111-13QLUTIOH No* ill ISFUNG A hL30LUTION A.Pf` TU ThX CALM,RNIA HIGHW CvX YUR IN3TALLATION OF A TFY-PORARY MUWOAi�i) THAPTIC 31GNAL AT TKE INTMUCTION UF RATE RUM 1114 (SIGN HUM 9) 4TH HOMESTEAD ;iJADo iliERFAS residents In the aroa have petitioned the City Council for the Installation of traffic sJ4rnsils at the intersection of state lioute 114 ( Route 9) with Homestead hoad*, and the Ualirornia Diviolon of J1U,-hw"e has not scheduled the installation of traffic signale and ohannelization or wdd Later- seatio► until late in 1959; and IA3 tl Celkfornia " of Hi ghwiLys has denied the re- quest of the City of Cupertino for permission to Install temporary itandard traffic signals at Said Intersection, the cost of Installa- tion to be paid by said City and the Signals furnished by said Division of highways; and iA.3 It has been determiced, t!At said requested InstallalLon of temnorary Standard. traffic signals would provide for significantly better flow of traffic and significantly de vrest** the number of traf- fic accidents and deaths at said Intersection; NoW IM, 17 Pk; that the denial of the California 4% 7 - Division of HiFhways for the Installation of temporary .3tanda3rd traffic signals at the Intersection or state jioute 114 (3ign Route 9) with Homestead Road, be and hereby Is anpealed to the 'v"alifornia 11ghvay , �,ozr and , IT i >. LVED# th4t the California highway Com"esion be and hereby Is requested to c�,)nsider the installation of vermanent traffic elf. In accordwice vitb Division of Highways IV drawing A 2" File :;CL-114-A-CP0,STNv, 1665, said dravIxW., beinv in accordatice with the City of Cupertinolm adopted master plan for said intersection# and 4 -1- 'U IT that, u.4e city council or v-,.9 Gity or Cupertino hereby respectfully rocues.to the California Highwoy Com- mission sion tee consider the hereeinabc &Dpeal., euid also to expedite the h reinabove signal in tallaa.tion &t. the earliest possible date; and 6?,, Il, WWrl—i s:u that for the purpose of this av >peal and requeast John L, Flowin $ City 4r, ineer, 18 North Bats Pedro street, =3an Jose! lr, California, be and hereby is designated as the author- Iz*d a ert of the City of Cupertino to submit to the California H111-}way Commission this resolution too ether with a. letter of ox- olanatLon of the naest negotiations and Dolicy of the City of Cuper- tino its rerpard, to said appeal YAnC request* sued said authorized agent In further direct teed as representative of the City of Cupertino, to conduct all nevotiations and conclude all a.rraneeemonts necessary for tt* hereeinabovee mentioned arpoal amx request* PA 3 1 AND AEX)FTIED this 22nd, d,sy of Docember 1958• by the fol- loving- vote: AV's 3: COUncllmeer Nathanson, Laxae►nero, Peelosi, Saeich ex }Wilson Councilmen None X iLNTt Councilmen Nome AT T . Is Laurence K. Martin, CitW Clerk or the City of Cuportino, hereby certify that the foregoin ie a trine and correct copy of a. resolution p regular meeutin of the City Council on the 22nd day of o a er, 1958. —2.►