CC Resolution No. 098S t � ' r 1 12 REMMM10 alp 9l"ttty. COM118 or Tug CITY OF GtlM1WU, 'tk" BAN ,row WATitit Womb a calltadrniAt aerpomtion, hews M+sA atth this Caww1l, the Cowiell of ttre City *r OMMty o f 3"ta Clara, !stat of Culi.!'ornia, os'i the day of . . ®M t 19'"s esrittars application for a franohIse to lay, canst1...ct, maintain,, repalx► wA gmr*to a system of water pipelines and other apparatus in, oven, along, across, under, through and upm the public strea:ts, roads, alleys and highways of the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California for the t•.raanspoptatton ..nd distribu- tion of enter for sale and distribution for domestic, agrtaultural, industrial, cotmereial and other lawful uses and purposes; and MBRAS, said applications have been made under and in conformity with the laws of the Stage of California pertaining to the XrantAng of frannhines by city Author - itiest, Statutes 1905, page 777 as amended, and under the provisloass of Chapter 1, Division 3 of the Public Utilities Code of the State of Collf9rn1ai and WNBMS, this Council in the exercise of its discretion has found, and does hereby find, that it will be and is ror the beat Interest and advantage of the said Cliq of Cupertino, and the inhabltanto thereof that said fv.anohlae be granted sM this Couna ll, in the ex6roiee of si,wsh diseretlon, prgpovas to grunt vaid frauaahise to the hith*xt bidder therefor, in a000nUrfee w:Ltn the terms and 10 samu risaafts of the kawa► ea'a' the state o f wifdr'nia a - tepee , A10 U1tfLlitisa C d* rae erred to above; Nil, . IT in W.J W MMM tbat- imIIdA1e Coaeaall will rsoerly* sea &vd bids for said �pbilaa ea !ring with the prveAsieran at the lam of the aft" of cauTornia mW the IPubIles UtIlI tIve Cede, rveferrred 'to esftawe, said bide to be daedlwored to the Clerk or thu . f tiea11 wis., the City Clark of "1d City of Culrsrtino, a& his office In the Crnrthow w of said City of Cuwrtieao, mp to the _ IS&& day of S+rZL* er , 195$ at the laawr wart OsO o'clock P-M. of Fetid day, and that thereupan mt sold t1m, and at the regular m o►erting of this Couna.il In weld Courthouse in said City of Cupertino, rjald bids will be opened and said franchise struck off, sold and ~*H5 by this Council to the pemon, firm or corporation who whaal make the highest clash bird therefor,, In the Banner provided by the authorities sect out above IT IS FURTHER W.UAMKD that the mccesaeful bidder eeDr said fx^e►nchiso shall, within five (5) days from the ftto of awarding the ss+rre, file with this Council a bond r. xming to Bald City of Cupertino oonditionod acoorditS to the provialons of the laws of the State of California w1.d the Public Utilities Code, with suoh surety or ou"ties as sane reyuiiwd by law, to be approved by thia Covnall., in goat ponal semr of Cue Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), arA that Win the filing of said bond tad itn approval by thilw CAmnall the saai.d f-ra chimer obD12 by this Council be meted, bry kwdiAmmies, to the parsw,, firm or corporation to wtwm At Iwo brren struck voff, noM sword warded. a R# IT IS RMA'Ot CRERM AND i)IRRCIM that there be publishod in the _... _jUj...aWj"ij%_ .A a. daily newspaper of gimovaal oi.arculation of, and pub- 11shed in, said City or CWA rtino, once a day for ten (la) amceeaive dt &, commnaing on the day of _ j7 A&Wt , 195p, or macs often during aaid period as said jwper In pub11* *Op a !notice that this said appli- cation hsus been filled, togethor with our intention that the said franchise bo granted to the highest bidder therefor, Bald publleatVxi to be completed not Lees than twenty (20) days nor a,. zv than thirty (30) days before any further action on aaeaW franchise shall be talon by this Council. IT IS FURTHER ORDgRE D that the Clerk: of this Council be, and he is hereby, d1reoted to oaune said notice to be published in a000rdaa►noe with this resolu- tion. PASSED AND ADO'! M by the Council of the City or Cupertino, County or 3antrL Clara, state of Calllfornla,, at a regular meeting thsareof held on the _L.tIa-. day or -AUa 1956 by the t ..11owing votes AYES, aml in favor of the paa neaage of eaid resolution: Councillmen t ,3 9 F OW anJ against the pixe "o of s ai d resolu- tion: ............ * to _... Counai / Leon: NOT VOTMO: Couno�ibwn: Approved and attested this day of L L7 A.D. 1357 Chialrman or Tfie Vouna`3"1 or " Cit ► or Cuperti Co unty o San�.a Clarap :hate or California ATUST i -r AJI— ex orricio Clark oar said Comoil 4.