CC Resolution No. 093RE SOLITT. ION E:4GI'T\EERI: DIVISION GOVERNOR'S T RAFFIC SAFETY CONFERENCE WHEREAS, community -rowth in California continues to accelerate at a rate amounting to a population increase of revolutiona_^y proportions., WHEREAS, the attendant; explosive increase in the number of motor vehicles is creatin,- problems which demand a review of pr esen t tir of i is safety and hi ;,array proor a:u ., �;O�rJ 1 �iJ REli'OP.E .3 E y`_' RESOLVED, •;,hut street and highway author VlVwj at every level of - rov errz n . ant. be encoui ?a-ed 'Co provide tachnical k owled -e, leader �, and assistance 'Coward the es tabli:;h-nent of a coordinate- city, county, and Jt4 s Lr eat and high. ay transpor t3t:Lon systcr.. With the realization that tr al l is is no t 1i:�a� ted to politci boundary lines, each legislativa body is urged to authorize, and to support tae en -iraer in, a program of cooperative hi -,hway planning with ot:.er jur izdic. ions to the end that each proposed hi,;i imp .0vol - ilenz p r oject becomes, first, a part of a l in* - ,ea r t cd sy "'.1em, and secondly, a part of an over -ail i a, -r a Ucd syate:a. Adopted Oetobor 4, 1957