CC Resolution No. 073kI3I1- 'ilDfl0. q A. a? T.13U. CITY CfirUMCIL OF THE CITY OF CLV ERT1UU APP ROVING ;'�„ k`road I ry ► '': X 1960 , SUSDIVIMRS' t.'33 LWU=, AND 01 .1 i` } WIM -'i t1v City Co%u kilo he rotofore instttuted prce e+edings kucv m fv COI( : 3yAL`F.i A 1i1W%: WWfi DUNROVEM - T DIS'TRIC2', end KUORUL -, it 16 the devilm of thg owners of Lots 89 tbmuSh -So of T. NO. lif.0 to make laxpbd ;.,mprovomevzts on the Amw, and WHEREAS, Artitla IV of t Subdivision Ordinaries reguir'vs an e,!;ro.va3nt ' ,. n�. coo'evina r.he z:a,ae, an,. 1'ChEW:�I:, vne - roponed ,Ai;raament dated March 7, 1558,, and klcco=)aryYng »t::'a1 Perform ace Bond and Labor and Itaterial Bond. tre %.und to :e `_ . Order and best nerve the interests at" the :!. ty IT RZ- !.L'VZD: Vint th ttiaid iio nds &nd ,4(;ree - mane dated gar:': ", ly ai ba, and h -6reby trey, approvod. BE IT r :. :; �' :A)1,VED : : "t the Ya o: and City Clerk ,Adminis- r_ vt-:r be, and ar-D, a�.t:.jrized to execute the ACree =ent dated l::a;r rh. 7 1, 1958. 1 A.tir ALWi ? TZD rtt a r. eaal.ar c.eeting of the City Counoil of :.be - r ty of Cu - no on the .17th :: 7th day oARCH, 1958, by the following C o Un C t l W nn 9-v4 Council =en � N Uit:y Clark Xigne and Approved thin x f lazy of 10 —VtCIi. 1950. �r At o.t' 81,11- ortino