CC Resolution No. 37RESOLUTION NO. 37 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THL CITY OF CUPERTINO DECLARING IT3 INT.,NTION TO CA.%L A SFECIAL ELECTION IN CERTAIN INH.yBITr'D TERRITORY COI \TIGUOUS TO SAID CITY PROPOSED TO BE :i'NE, ',E'D THERETO, FOR THE PURPOSL OF SUBMITTING TO THE UALIF IED ELECTORS RESIDING IN SAID TERRITORY THE C WHETHER OR NOT SAID TERRITORY SHALL BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF CUPERTINO, l'ND FLING A TIME AND PL!�CE WHEN AND WHERE ANY PERSON OIINING R AL P ROPERTY WITHIN SUCH TERRITORY MAY tiir EAR BEFORE SAID CITY COUNCIL AND SHOW CAUSE WHY SUCH TERRITORY SHOULD NOT BE SO ANT ?EY.ED BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Cupertino: SECTION 1. That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Cupertino to call a special election to be held on the 6th day of May, 1957 in certain inhabited territory contiguous to said city, proposed to be annexed thereto, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors residing in said territory the question whether or not said territory shall be annexed to the City of Cupertino and the property in the territory subjected to taxation after annexation equally with property within the City o:f Cupertino. Said territory is described in Exhibit " A " and attached hereto and made part hereof as though fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. That said territory hereby is designated and identified for such election purposes and for use upon the ballots at such election as Stellin€ 1 -C Revised. SECTION 3. Notice hereby is given that on the 4th day of March 1957 at the hour of 8 o'clocl, in the Teachers Lounge of the Collins School any person owning real property within said territory so proposed to be annexed and h ^ving any objection to the proposed annexation may appear before said City Council and show cause why such territory should not be so annexed. Such protest must be in writing and shall state the name or names of the owner or owners of the property affected by such annexation and the location and area of such property in c,eneral -•1- terms. If it be found that protest is not made by owners of a majority of the separate parcels of property within the territory proposed to be annexed, further proceedings shall be taken in accordance with the law for the holding of such special election. SECTION 4. That the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and cause the same to be published In The Cupertino Courier and once a week for the two weeks prior to the said hearing. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted by the City Council of the City of Cupertino at its meeting held on the 4th day of February, 1957, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen, Lindenmeyer, Meyerholz, Nathanson, Saich, Wilson NOES: (None) ABSENT: (None) City Clerk Signed and approved this 4th day of February, 1957 L zl Warner M. ?; ilson Mayor of the City of Cupertino -2 -- hw .1 ¢ at • poi !rp elteM3y 3.�' at 9%4 3Ko+xd ftc tZ ) as tba norftms "Aqi 0r tat tba% earUds trao t. o i' ?M4 eftlem to RivbWd S 0*rLVA rs et UZ 1W doed roe*~ U1 3900: 149q�►, a["tbariel 4lsaord�o, nm a 342, &6;iat 4 �a qty ! 'der, said 4 tal lut, bed a uo a sa U;r. bMartalat use of City at enue"i:ac • mr OW&JbW17 &UUW S4ja%W.*p l"W of "Id e. —clLue 3!h*WX 1 40 tarot Wl4ft) to its Inter"oticent Wlth \tbe emtbwtzly wwt *r ttat evr— tort tr"% of Inad Gonreyal - to fti1 Aboji Ajor3l, et al %I reed re- conGe in Rook 1205, ,orrialfAl h9cords, vs►6e 64d, b.jta Camr•a Cscunty Aa dr; thence easterly o1ong this southerly 2l.no of gild treat: 4;f 0;� veyed to Phil Chotl Ajaurl, at all,, to the aftthMFJter34 001-- xmr tboreof; thence northerly wLxW the easterly line of meld tract of Iaad oonveyed to Phil Chojl Ajarl, of rl, the sasterly lino of 'Chat oertoln treat of land eonMod to JM1e9 It* Crtro, jet uu, by regj rseorded in am* ;)1153, offiolal Reccr4s, vog* 42, Santa Clare Cara %y 1Moorda, tbq emot erly Line of that cartel* tricot of land con- Voy+sd to la mbort' D. mares, et ux, by Owed recoraedl in 6": 2946, Offialal Records, tms 335. Santa Clara Ccmmty R*30rds, the eseterl Y; 21ne of ttdat certelr., traot of l.ani conveyed to Demord J. Ceugh Ott uz by Deed reaur�4ed in DoWx 2205, Offici fteords, vmq,a 5. ftnt+a Clara County Atoords, 'w the northeastorly comer of sold land conveyed to Bernard J. Cmugh *y, et ux; thtdfle r+ester3.y •fig the *Qrthtrly line of said trwot of 'land oonveyed to Dermrd J. Couthey, e nx, to a joint uhlah is ZW teat easterly !`rote that *aid 4►asteirly 11as of Stelling Road, said point being also the most owtheasterly comer of that oertol treat of land ocavey°ed to H*Iko Boek1uAd by Deed rewarded In Boos 03, offici R*cards, 10mem 525, Banta 01ars Vo,mty Awcords; thiance northesrt_7 along noutbw►wstorly Dine of cold treat conveyed to 'Metko 17oekhold to an am point welch 36 74 feet sou'tharly front the north*oolterly corner ut' sold treat of It conveyed to Heiko liaekhold; thence northerly clung %?W easterly !•1no t of sold lanl conveyed to Hoiko boekho>ld to the rwrtheesterly oorner r' thereof; thence westerly along the northerly line of said teal6 of land conveyed to Ralko Boekholct to its xnterecatlon with the east- erly li of that oe rtein 3.0 aare tract of land ooaveyed to V. S. VILdfleld, of ux. by Deed retortled in book 16SI, Offl.olatl Reoarla, Y�► k* 16, Santa Clara Coun" R000rdo• thenas northerly along tke esstarly Line o f mM1 3.0 more Great of land to the no rthsastorl y corner thrrear, said rorn.er tearing also on the southerly line of dolt oertain 3.2 acre trsot of land conveyed to Hugh L, Phillit a, et ux. her Deed record'.ed in Book 1 Official Records, Poo 213, e rY 6, r S. a� k: &mtrl Ours 'Ooo.aty lM ; thence eesltry. -I allaw 010 tvau +mIs Um* DI" iatei .8 aia•w %me# so kjo amvswoe ris sera rwr"r; e Nerttwi ly awlmg aw Srllrterll► LUM or 4WAil a &Ore trI4% to aw "0aseterly corner rl, sold a mmer WU IC A" O n Oto mouft- T ' Orly l.w or thmt et+wlaIn 1 4"at of 7AvA as red► to 11hillp x, 1*14 *t slu, by beiA re -owd" to. )"loot 25446 Off'lata : 11weryke, We 299 r Santa Clam Ceunty ,We"r4oi; them* wwater7yr W%mg t ho southerly i'toe ct "Id lfrci,d conveyed to I&llie X. Zelly, et us, to the Boutheamt- Orly *a n a therMef; th arae northerly sic" 100 east -trly lint of said land oonveyeCl to Ph!l,lip If. 1CeUr et ux. and th* easterly line jr wl4 1=4 eon• oyetl to Rtd ftnevento, at ux, to tho north#ast -» e'-Iy comer theretif, call corner b elttg oleo on a Oamthorly boundary .o=ne of City of Cut- ar'Ano; thence westerly alaag tho northerly line mat scald lord conveye to Rich-,rd Henewento, et Aux, Bald line 'I©ing rtieo a southerly i:ouniotry Sine of City or CnvBrtinc, to fcixa ooint or �g ina'Lng . n