CC Resolution No. 29APPIAln"iNG L Yl'. A: I .L - , *' I CT NO • C1 u4 CUilihTIXO TJ fUie'LACL AND THL d;�Ikl Nlo� I. C A CLL the city e,. cvportlno on the loth o &*ptem4er 1956 paused Its L'oso.Lution o.�� iLitontion No. - r l i dealarir*; ti* 1,atentlaa of uw Cl,')4wiell to i` oru a City 14,,liti% et ,istrict er th titre re , 1 to rai)laoe the prior exiati%" C ':'J,.-triet of '�-Anta Clars C::) tmty . and tile did on t1w clay of 1.eptemabor, 11;1 b0 reviaw wad considor tlhe re.. - , ;rt o.l.' It"ho C"Ay Uerk dated 'optimber 10, Prow id4n,, for the of tio City iAutriot 1'or tlia prior exlstin& County ."'IttrIet, and w1V-'J'kuk!; the Council provld d thato tho arnzr, to be served wuld be taxed In the ;3arae ma.:uwr et Arior Count �'-Iatrict A , and 1 -4 LA;� tix) itXorawl5ion dpi-,)vided waa In due and for and t1w cow1011 10ad za"'o r is 1)y tl -044 G-.)'Lulcil Of t city of Okpertlno that �ziday - 43�.otam)*r lvb6. iii ti io meetin: ; plaoo of U Wity co�llacll CQ11illu ctw"tina, io liereby i aal as ti m time and Piacc for hear1% protauts lin relation to tlio al%)rezald wntioned 4 roVeaDn 17 1 -, T 7 41" i' > H tlla Uw City Clork is iie.reby directed to Ave notice of aald hoar 'b'j arid prosoribed by t1w Street 4 ::ct of LU15, 4aid publicatioa allall be in the 'S i Morcury Voice succusbiwly and to be co loto t le at to (10) clays before the data set fo:n lhaar4z),6, I certify that the fore,6oln6- !-.osolution was a by tbo City Cow —Wit of the City �)r Ctkportino at its meatir4L hold ox: t1w - L of lt'450,, by tile vote: ..1— AYB "S 2 Wilacn, Lindenmayer Nathanson Meyerho1z, Saich NUS *0 Counoilmen, (None) Councilmen, (None) - /S/ 14. gal C.Lty Olork Si�,ned and approved t.Us 'intjj I % of "eptember, 1956. I'sl earner A. Wilson ,a or o.t uie, city or Cupertino -2-