CC Resolution No. 24� I 30L UTION i►24 'E SFAS ftalflo tams and Slectria Company, a Call•fornia sAtility corporation, has filed with the Counall of the CIty of Cupertino. an application requesting that a franchi be granted to It of the oharacter one. for the purpo ©es mentioned in the form of notl hereinafter set Korth; and WKER AS It the opinion of sold Council the publics good requires that said franchise be granted; NOW, TH REP01S, BE IT hit SOLVED that said Council Intends to grant said franchise, that hearing of objeotloas to the granting thereof will he held at the time an%, nlooe specified in the form of notice hereinafter set forth which the Clerk of said City is hereby dire. ^test to publish at least once within f.fteen clays after the passaVe of this resolution in :. Jose Mercury a newspaper of general circuIRtion within sold City, and that. said notice shell be in the followink: worts and figures: "NOTYCE OF INTENTION TO GRANT !rAAhCHISE NOTICE 13 HIiHLBY G IVEN that Fgclfic Gas and Electric Company, a Callforrila utility corporation, has filed its appli- cation with the Council of the City of Cupertino, requesting sari Council to Errant it a franchlee for an indeterminate period, under the Franchise Act of 1937, to construct, maintain and use poles, wires, c:ondults and appurtenances, Ircluding comuniaation circuits, In, along, across, upon and under the public streets an3 places within vaid City for transmitting and di.stributIN: electricity to the public for any +rid all purposes. If saki franchise shll be granted to It, said Paolfin Gas and Eleotrict Cony, Its successors and assigns, herein- after designated grantee, stall during the life thereof pay to t a, �:i iZ. ; «s• °" "P ". : �! :.. ,,:+rm .,, a .. n "r''; . ... -, .. , . i .... . sold City 'two per aer:t of the gross annual rece 1pts of said gr mtee arising from the use, operation or poseerslon of' said frwsrchi se; provided, howevrer, thast: such payment *hall in no overt be less than one per e4at of the green mamma reeelpts dWW1V0A by granters frtru tlwr w le of a leatrioity wk thlaa► Ww 11ad.ts of sold City. Sold peroentfe will bo paid la wAally fr4w the date u. tar SraatIng of the freaahire appll,4rl for and in the owent, such pay- { moat shrill not be vase #arid franchise shall be fcarfeltod. Sold City Council proposes to grant said franchise for an lade- temInate period. NOTICE IS h"WIRM 1"ATMSR (GIVEN that mW and all per - ana having any objections to the granting of said franohle* way appear brfore said Council at the City 11all, of said City at tht hour of A p.m. an Monday. the 10th day of Septestber, 1956, and be heard thereon; and NOTICE IS HEE.LbY FURTHER uIM4 that at any tinge not Later than the hour so set for nearing objejetions any person interested may make written protest stating objections against tb* granting of said frarchiss which protest must be signed by Um protestant and delivered to the City Clerk of said City, and t". Council shall at the time set for hearing sold ob)entions proceed to hoar and pans upon all protests so grade; and NOTICE IS HEREBY FUHTHi:H UIVF:N that the grantee of said franchise mast within five days afteFr the date of granting srme file with the Council of said City a bond in the perwl sues • of one thousand ($1,000.00) dollarrF running to sold City with r' at least two goad and sufficlent sureties thereto to be approved by said Council conditioned that such prtntae shall well and truly observe, ful.fill and perform each and every term and aon- iition of sold frvrnohloo and that in as&* of mW bresoah of oon+- 4.1tIon oz' sold bond o"ararIng the whole as mint of the peonI Nuts 2 NEI Fri Tbil"Ilk named Shall. b* takM and d"Med to be liquidated 4amage.1 A" shall to recovorable frame the principol &W sarett*x vVq& *&W bid. ?or fu., they partlaw1aris reference 1.9 hereby wde to MWA SM110ation M04 *0 aAf'*VWM$.'& In the offlas of MIA ONUM11, and also to the rwmAnt-len adopted on the 6th 4W at ft&xa• 1946, doolaring Ise l►gmtIon to grant sald. f'rammkiso, Datode. Augwft 13, 1936 By order of UW 0MWMII of the City of CUVeft1W MeR R IE; City of C%opertina The foregoing resclution was duly passed and adopted b► -.hV Council of the City of C at a rex, ,ular meeting of th-e sold Counell held on the 6th day Of August, 1956, by the fa:.- vote: AYIS: CounciliMn: Meyerholz, Satoh, 1411son , counellope=: Nathanson Councllxwz: Lindenseyer §Z Warner W. Wilson. mayor of the %.aty of Cuptrtlno Al".ILM: A r the City 0 pertIno M 3 -