CC Resolution No. 20REF40LUTION 1p,�. 20 A "R60LUTION OF THE CITY COUSCIL OF Ti U: ClTY u)i CUPLRTIM0 APPOINTING A CIIIEF OF rl"W.JICS A14L D�-�YJKING- THE DUTIL'�r OF' TIM <JFFIGE L14,; IT fw�ol,Vm) by the City Council of the City of Cupertino: , I�L XTION 1, That -NU) C4 J. NAT HAiSOR be and hereby Is appointed 011jer of poliee or tbz City o Cupertino and shall serve at the pleasure of the Council* 9. That he shall serve without oompensationo -$1 3, That his duty shall consist of administerin6., intorpretine and carryinC; out the terms of that certain contract about to be eatered into with the County of 4,auta Clara providlng, for law enforcement services. i, 4. That he shall report to the Go at each I re6ular meotinL2. and receive fram the Council any inatructions necessary to the performance of i office. 6ECTION 5. That the City Giork shall certify to the adoption of this resolution. I hereby certify that the fora6oin ,resolution was ad>pted by the City Counoll or the City of Cupertino at its meatirk-, bold on the 11th gM of June. 19M. by the following vote: Ayl° -S: Councilman# Wilson, Undonmeyerp Keyerholzi Salah NOLB ; A06MT: ABSTAINED#6 Councilmen, Nathani Vr,/ n V Clark Si 6nad and approved this llth d-ay of June, 1966. Mydr the City of Cupertino