02020107 (2) OF CI sun DUNE.DIVIiSiO NO PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 20870 TULA CT 02020107 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE till YUEN JOHN K AND YUN W 02/27/2002 luPHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHITEC(ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH sc. 6 L'J L-J L._7 �w= LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description Z=O 1herebytiff the.Iain licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing m l_W warn se<dnn]trod)a,rDivi,nn3axnne Ruxinexxanarrorexxmmx Code,and ntrlicense REPLACE WINDOWS & ADD 2 WINDOWS . Cm2 is in full tutee and effect. z u License Clnss Cotr �IfI�,297d+n W. IIF'9 o Dine S DECLARATION S a O ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION 1 understand my plain shall be used as public rccmrds �; MAY 2 s 2002 .Cc..p O Licensed Professional OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby.Tann that 1 am exempt from the m,im s Code: s License Law for the hZ< is hichinga ermitt ]1131s, t.aincsiandove.deinli Co at:Anycityoraunty BUILDING $9000 I s O whirhitsasrequires n permit to rims the ,plic improve,demolish,or repair any swnutt I� VI a.32 ,pox t d I- y Pr is�f and for suchpermittt is greedatammcm. ----- - ata- -- - - (codesh ctrlccnsN pun a u theProvisions rexof the Ce Sistine,Cs Lse PrU (n,Coo 9 _ _ _ t mntn with Seu ]m ad he sis a he.1l geld and im. n vi GtA<) ` r . .Ase .( .,, Valuation or Sectio is 31.5 b therefrom and the barn for the subjects th h i6raapplicant to Any violation of Section]1131-.5 by any vppllcam torn pnmit auhjcas the nPPlicam to.civil penalty .ofnot room than five hundred dollars(55W). 1OlAPN ��ATION 1 ' " Occupancy Type 01,as owner of the property,ur my employms with wages as their sole compensation, A 02 _ RTRRS -will do the work,and the structure isnot intended or offered for sale(sec.TIW , Required Int 1i Baiincs:'and Profession:Code:The Camraao:s License Law docs not apply to an 103 - UFE R 9 Inspections - owner of property Who builds or improves themon.and who does such work himself or through his own cmpinyees.provided drat such improvcmems rte rear(mended or 104 _- RE BAR , offered fm s,e.IL however,the building Lir impmvcniao is.old withinoneYmr of --`-'- -- - -- dmpletion,the owmcrbuiMer wall have the burden of proving that he did not Wild or 105 - ANCHOR BOLTS improve for paPo,eofxale')' 106 - SEWER & WATER --- 1 : - -nhcpmpt Held. .,iac,s r C mnstaeanmduseretn 202 - UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING _..... .. on.t t o project(Sm )to a Bus nes and Professions Code)The improves trector'a License Low apex nm apply man owner of property who bale,or mpruvex mcrean 203 — UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL ' and-who contracts for.such projects with.a.<otmmchods)licensed pursuant to the -..____. . ' CommttnrsLiemseLaw., 204 - UNDERFLOOR FRAME _..._ — ---- ❑LmeaemPAtunds see. :B&Pcfar his m... 205 - UNDERFLOOR' INSULATION owpe. � nN ' a-TI(5N 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING Y\ g K EN ON DF.CLARATI N I hereby affirm underpenult °r' rjryOOeOu fine following dechratmns: 302 - TUB & OR SHOWER ° 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL ❑ 1 have and will maintain a Certificate of Comers tin self-immm firer worker's 3 04 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL Compensation, as provided for by Section 37M of the Labor Code, for the permimmu<e of the work for which this pemou i:issued. 305 - FRAME ❑1 have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as Scquircd by Section 3 06 — HOLDOWNS 370 of the Labor Code,for due perforn tr m of the work for which this permit is issued.My Workers Compensation lnsurancecarrier and Policy`number are: 307 - INSULATION _. . Came,: '. ` t te' Policy Nn ,, .a , 308.; „SHEETRQ•CKy:,r CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROKWORKERS•'' °�` " f t '3Oa9''�L COMPENSATIONINSURANCE " t ` '`EXTERTOR'aLATH' y ' ; _._ _3T0' " ;INTERIOR'-LATH •' (Ten sect on need not be,completed if the Permit is for ons hundred dollar, ^ ' alao)mless.) 311 - SCRATCH COAT I cemry that the pert tuna<e or tot wok fur wbien�h�:pcnnn is L�xued I -, .. - ''3 13 -...ROOF NAIL:'. ` .. `•"_ - . `- . dean t play any pr 'n any manner so as to become subject to the Workers 501 — FINAL ELECTRI CAL; -ENERGY Compensation Laws of California,Date' Appicant ' provisions -'502 "- -FINAL PLUMBING 'ENERGY--- - -- .NOTICE TO to the Workers oCompensation omthis C<nd<me of Labor Code, youshould ' Z bcmmithiio cnntht suchprvompcnmthis commit 503 FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY Z C rrnhwimenmplywimxaenprovcmnsnrtmxP ,hall ba,dmmedrevoked . 504 -.— -FINAL BUILDING .ENERGY CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY' 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL ; "I hemb fbnn that them is a conewctmn lending - for the Performance 506 — GAS TEST wQoftheworkfrwhiehthis rvi isi...cd(Scc.3097.Civ C,)y . .. _.._...... _ _ ._ .. _- .. -Lenders Nemc. ' ""- L; k k _ _... ...__ ._ �.z UnderaAddress 507 - FINAL PLUMBING - U'O5 0 8 - FINAL MECHANICAL• I certify that l have react this application and state that the above information is come.I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating 509 — FINAL GRADE . Q V to building construction,and hereby auteadre representatives of this city to enter upon w, the doeve-mentionselproperty far inspection purposes. 510 - FINAL PLANNING (We)quic tb save.indemnify and keep haitnless the City of Cupertino against M liabilities.judgments.costs and expenses which may in any way accrrue op'. said 514 — FINAL PU I C WORKS V.Z Chy in consequence of the granting of this permit ""'1 APPLICANr 'N ;RSTANDSANDWILLCOMPLYWITHALLNO POINT'• Issuedby: Date t/ (/ URCE R TIONS% a-2-yL 2. . . - Signature yYnc for, .. ,Dai. Ke roofs HA OUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will th ppl c in tut budding occupant store or handle-haurdous material , ,,Type Of ROOF .. .-..- ..•. -..er- ... oadefitand,by th<C pen M c pal Codc.Chapter 932.and the Health and Safety Code Sen ors 2553207 a"^ j a a` ,y .r 'rZ h" OY �t '.I:�:_j.-' a'' _ _ _ All roofs shallbe ms acted rior'to,an roofin material,bein installed. P P Y g_ g _--.. . . W 11th .pplicmt f t m buildi g rc pot asccqu p ent a vires which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection; I agree to-remove cm t ha ado 'r cont t as defined by the Bay Aria Air Quality Management Orlin all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with 01 oYe, all non-point source regulations. 1 have Hread ealth &Se hazardous Sn tions s req.25533 a under Chaper understand of the California Heahh&of cur Code.Sectionant.tet itis and25534.sponsi1understand that iftne bunt of gdocs not mems.w have h most tenant.that itis myresponsibilityoility Sonority the - oceupanS of the requirements which must be met prior m issuance or o CeniOiate of ccupa cYJ � �-D7— JY Signature of Applicant Date C,v2y.ammanizvo,sh,'; Dmc All roof coverings to be Class "B"or better . OFFICE - . . ..