02090154 (2) OF TINO M CI eat DING DPv SiONPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: 3 tUTlET"i CENTER LN REINHARDT ROOFING INC 1E1MIT612090154 Q"Rlts'Pt1NDING, LLC C/O HUNTER 8250 ENTERPRISE DR APPLICVTT T_Tn002 I PHONE: 5107137014 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO, O O ARCHI'fEC1YENGINEER: j BUILDING PERMIT INFO - BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH z�y rc LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I heren firm that I am 1, d n d<r rovtsrons steno ler 9(commencing Job Description oz—o ra v c g REROOF F m 1—w with Section 7000)of Division J of me Basi a Professions Code.v,W my license -c�a u«��Ir <an <nee L g j11 f T/O ROOF, REPLACE DRYROT, INSTALL 4 PLY Ddu cammnar CAPSHEET ROOR Is�3 LLI R TTECT•S DusEC cl N 1 V ID g I understand my plans shallbe ed as pub m ords 1 7 �Y w d p O Limnscd Pmfcssional c w a OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I hercbY.(Sect that 1 am1. exempt from she Cessions o License Law fn,the C?< fallowing reason.emit t ]831.5.Business and vet de Professions Code:Any city or county ad s D which requires v permit re canswn,aalter.pplicant improve,demolish,or repair any awment a3� 'Poor mits ixsuance,also requires the licam fur such 'ua BleaeiBnN statement yuou PP Permit that h4i-ssfidnfedpuitidmab'dab pmvisionsofthe Contractor'sLicense Law(Chapter 9 " .((r ,Sq.-.Ft,Floor-Area•Yy r Pi b� uation (commencing with S an,]dadlof Division J of the Buyincesana Pmf<asiona Code) J.,�, t G1ft\...SIS'\ 1:'1i klil •1.'ti 11�I:t: or Thai tie 1:exempt thciefmm and the Wsis for the alleged ex<mpriob.Any vialasion i -of Section 7831.5 by any applicant for v permit subjects the applicant o v civil penally ,ofngtmarcmanrmehuphedaA..(s5Nm. . ,%' Occupancy Type ❑I,as owner of the propenR ar mY employees with wages as their sole compensation, -will did the work,.and she'smucnue-is not intended'or offend for'sale'Sce.70iJ,- ( --- ---- �Busineii oml:Professions Calc:The Commcmr'a License Taw does not apply to en gg aired Inspec[iohs� �` T i - owner of property Who builds or improves thereon,and who does such work himself 307 - INSULAT I O9 or through his own employees.Trashed ma inch Improvements are ern intended ar 'miciredforstil lr.Bawcv<,,the Wilding orimprovvementr.roldwithin oMrearror - ----_---603-'----ROOF--T-EA"R--OFF---'----'-'-------------- --...-----'-- completion,the owner-Wilder will have the Wrelcnofpown,that hedid not Wild or 602 - ROOF PLYWOOD NAIL ♦�) +•.rRl.. .., improve for Purp¢e critic.). L. --- - -- - -- -- - - - ------- -------603-- ROOF—BATTENS.- -'P f9 L av owner of rk pmperi_y, exduxivel mnsmctin lh ncertwd cantn<mn ro .__-'--" "' - - - -- -'—"---._----' -. Y B'es't S.III...:, .' amnseLawani oesnrspplTau+,en.mexaaascityw.hobacaee:Imp<vestmreon, 604 - ROOF IN-PROGRESS :;1 -•.,a v:+."11 i r License law does not apply m an aw,er of pmpcny who builds or improves thereon, r =i' _vtW.who.comracu.far_such.prryass with a.contmemgsl.licensed purvtaos to.the. .. ( _._-.------------_ .___.__.. s .I Licenseee 01 ptdctSa -.-_.. _.-._ • 'BiLpI'llcr tms,reaaan Owne?t .. Dme'n ... .: an WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION '! -1 hertbY afOnn under penalty orperldry,onc of rhe following dalaradonsr Y� r . ❑ 1 have'and'will maintain''a'Certiricaie of Consent to self Insure for Worker's Cornpenmrion.-as,provided for by Section 00 37of the Lahr ar Cale, far the �f - performhnccbfthe work(o rwhichtuspermilisiiwind.l 0 1 haveand will mainunW ka's Crtnipcosamorshisumuse 4 respiinal by Secron Of♦T _5 p o Cg002 3700 f the Labor Cade f m r pert of the ork f h h sh pens t t 11 I« d My W kel.C pe r o In:atone list, �/,r.d Pol cy umbe I V) Cv �QC� ICA NOFEXEMPNOY FROM oI (1 ��(7tJ, •I"'s: E ) .1,..1 1�7\(,f R'`.f'r°Yt4•nlfl lY/C.{' �.a r...i. _ .�.�..._-,.._... F1) COMPENSATIONtl­ INSURANCE "'L'L'u 4 - ' P r"I 'Rhls secs an tiad nmhmmplereJ ifthc permris far ane hundred dollars ''�- •tri^'>s" ^r ,+ li,,;tl,^ II , Ib�W I nr�css.l , it .m 1 cemd)that in the pert int cc f rho n Atf rhm Permit is(sued t I - Otemploy'ny p :n any it Lcmehien m,tic N'orken C Ga isnotionIA i al G 111 i Dale,IC. sn '-N(YfICETOAPPLICA NT Taft ani o, C r(I cine of Labor pi y"Wrimlrl - 012 li2c wah mblAy' it WOA .'C p or p � '!ofth Cnl.ydu usr f-- ❑ .- ---with such sot@ -- '1 h -bed d ked. H i , ,+! d_I ,'CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY in-1 1 herchy'Olen ism th fe Is a sanctions lending agency forthe perfdmi ince 4d+ - In r ohne Afa ,hehthis pe s ...ed(See 309]Cis.C.) Z Inde Adtl e + . . . . p, 1 eanify ma I have read this application and sar<that the above infonnvtion is w'(~ cor r&1.agree ry comply,wim all city and county mn mance,and slate laws telming <�TJ m Wilding corwhaehm.said hereby am6odaerep se moves of this City to enter upon rhe W c sic r ed p pony f sties purPo .. ,_ . {,. M1i (W16 ems cl tndemndy andA eph le's sheC ty.fCperfnoagiriv L h lieb 1 )dg en sr d pen s h h y any y g ins(said U;z APPLICAN`wl'l ER51«' N ! ILis L COMPLY WITHALT.M1yf qP)IN,T� UgCE " ro s�7 u,:: Issued by Date /tore of APPeohaCommemr " .. :6 Re-roofs HA ZA RDOUS'MATERIALS DISCLOSURE - ,. . Wil de applb 1 fr Wldng onupant store o,.handle hawdo 'mammal - Type Of Roof- .,. ...__. a<a rrca b)th Cupm no hlumc Code Ch pie 9 li a d the HeaIN and Softy .l' F F s s sl,'s -a•., J: i 11? '> . C 53 ❑Yei2$ 2(a111 , I 1 �.( s[ I'- 7 '� ilr,h J/ . I •rf}•i,•+.rl \ s 5t r, Q All roofs.shall be inspected prior.to any roofing material being installed.- Mql rhP_nplc r rano r hp'Idingaacupam us«qu Pme s reed«a wm<n If a roof is installed'without first obtaining aii'inspeetiori 'I'agier'to remove emrh dsusa rconr nn¢as defined by the Bay Area At,Quality Managemenr, ucurwt? .. . . a e e ales t s ction. Applicant and p y _ _ __II n ri _ for;n a he understands and will cont I _with _ t.r �Y` �'' `' . ,, an on- oint our r UPatlon_s - - - P r'i.'. " i t t rr.`t. g y thug M1e to t n toys.Jc Ch pr 6 95 T N culdcarearis Safety Cod Sectionsm 25505]5533 d 8516'1 ndersnd that '.if sheb In does tcu d m trh olt m po blrymnor lyre - -""' - - ' -"' - -- - --- - 'ace pan of,hrcr grM1reh nN u c ¢ri 1 P a u e of C i0s r f ,' ' ature_of Applicant__ C ' tgQ All roof coverings to be Class `B" or,better' Y. • ...OFFICE- .- Y Building Division 10300 Toren Avenue Y Cupertino,CA 95014-3255 Telephone: (408)777-3228 &CITYO Fax: (408)7773333 CUPEkTINO Building Department Subject: Reroofing policy for the City of Cupertino. 1. Prior to permit issuance,you must agree to comply with 1997 UBC Standards and manufactures specifications on reroofing. 2. New roof coverings shall not be applied without first obtaining all inspection and written approval from the building inspector.A final inspection and approval shall be obtained from the building inspector when the reroofing is completed. 3. All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing installation. 4. To receive a final sign off from the City the following steps are required. 1) Preinspection and/or tear off approval. 2) In progress inspection approval 3) Final inspection approval a) Spark arrester installation. • 5. If plywood is installed,a plywood nail inspection is required. . 6. Any roofing which is applied without first obtaining an inspection,will require the removal of all new material down to the sheathing so that the proper City inspection can be performed. IMPORTANT: 1. Flat roofs must have a minimum of IK"per foot slope and demonstrate that there is no ponding. 2. An I.C.B.O.report is required to be on the job site at the time of inspection. We understand the above policy on reroofing and will comply with this policy. Homeowners Name: / ' 2�Ll 6h(17e6 f— Addre*: 2036 `1 Uva e i9✓` Reroofing Company Nam e ,In pA,t Applicants Si e: Joe Antonucci (Chief Building Official) 6/25101