01070004 (2) <' CI aur DI,, DIVISIONNOPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: + BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO, 10272 TERRY WY 01070004 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE GERALD MOK 07/02/2001 • PHONE: SANITARY NO, CONTROL NO. O ARCHITECDENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO w BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION z N' I herebyarm that 1 am licensed under f chit t 9(crmmenem Job Description O Z N O a provisions o p cr g w With Section]000)ofDivisionJafthcBuzinecsandProfessionsCole.andmylicense REROOF. Is In full force and effect as ce< License Class L� u<.a 1 l l 1 34 2 REPLACE COMP.TO COMP. n D i U Date Comracmr ut 30 a.� �_a �I ARCHITECTS DECLARATION FINALED y,u.O S 1 understand my plans shall be uutl vs public records ce S p O Licensed Professional LRS Oat I am BUILDER DECLARATION ION J U L 3 1 20 01 so 1 hereby affirm the 1 am exempt from the Commemr's License Law for the following reams.(Section 7031.5.Business and Profession,Code:Any city m cam, Ei0 which requimix Permit tcomoract.adtprove.droodish,or remiram,structure �3z rul 1 sic of qu t5lh '(!IL tl I tt 1 E d.l-Icncn - — dwhe it1 I, Ipf,warttttl flu,C im,luf,L L' '(Chpur9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area n BUILOWuation (w ncng with Sect„7001)j ,f Division3of the Bonne and Prufessonc Cute) !� 1: , '+.:i .�•+ ur in.,he is exempt therefrom and the W,ix Sonic allegedexempoin.Any violation - of Section 7031.5 by any applicant fora permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty Occupancy Type of not moo:than five hundred dollars IS5W1. umber t °Lax owner of the propcng m my employees with wages as their sole compensation. will Jo the work.and the structum is not intended'or offered for sale Sec.JOlI. -- 'Business and Professions Cole:The Cndmnor's License Law dal nor apply ro an 307 - INSULAT IEZ$*ired Inspections ` owner of property Who builds or improves thereon,and who does such work himself or erect for his awn employees. building mm such improvements is sola are not intender it 601 - ROOF TEAR OFF offered for sale:vi however the buildin - - tis sold within one f - -- _. - ga,imvmv=m=n re4ri 602 - ROOF PLYWOOD NAIL'" ' 'completion,me owannaim=,tutu have m=nam=n or proving mat he ata not Wild it ' impfnverorparpasenn:de')' 603 — ROOF BATTENS .. : , ❑Lax ownerof rep penv '+.m exew<i+ely mmmmingwml'enn=d ramrn<tomm -' 604 - ROOF IN PROGRESS ,,. construct the project(Sec.7(N4,Business and Professions Code:)The Cuntromm's License law docs not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon. - -and who contracts for.such.projects with a contractors)licensed pursuant to the .. —------- .__. _. _ - ... ._.... . .. . .... .... ...._ ..-___.__ . Contractors License Law. . O 1 am exempt under Sce .B&P C for this Owner `Damn ''' --WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm under pcnvlty of perjury one of the following Jeclamiums: ❑ 1 have and will'maintain it Cenilicote'ol'C(m.sent to self-imam for Worker's Compensation: as provided for by Section 37W of the Labor Code, for the Fed.donne of the work for which this permit is issued. °1 have ant will miin do ntaimil by Section 37W of me Lida CMB.for the'performance or the'v ork for which Nis permit is issued.My Worker i Compcmution Insurance cattier and Policy number an: Carrier:. It• r 1'f,:.. Policy No.: - " 's i:. "s.'t ✓a+�s_.d . ll.d."; .t. .. . } CERTIFICATION Op EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS'. - n COMPENSATION INSURANCE` " (Thsscctonri .J nn be etnplefetlf the perms in fir ,c hundred drllan Similar lens.) 1 n fy t n th po f y T of dl rk f "ich th pe 1': tied.1 .• • sM1411 t plo y ps - as a.to be-oat bl= to the Workers 1 - ' co ve' 'torcilA'_t -7z44.;f 02- J1go'� na NOTIC PLI'AN F It.afterryntifingth. ore ofExemption.you should bee a the W k C pe :t p - of th LaborCoc , d,you muni Q lonh t c mp)y w nh h prov.inns of th pert,t shall be Joe sed o k=J CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY .s 1 hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the perfu,mmiee � W r of the work or which thispermit is issued(Sec 31an-Civ,C.) _. .. .. . . .... .. .... ..... ..__, . L0 ' CcnJcr':Name.. .. .....R. s...: .:. :..-. .:-. a. .. ... .. .... . _. ... Lender's Address V 0 . 1 certify that 1 have read this application and store that the above information is 1 agree to comply with all city and county oNinancee and side at renting to building construction.and hereby authorize represeatatives of this city to enter upon y ] the bo' d Iumport,for im,wrims I rpa .. F.rL IPIV - ndp1my andkp h,mle'.the City of Cupertino agai nst N liub'litm J m n¢ t d e which y,n ImY Y cane again,said V,Z City. q cetfd ran yofth P t APPI IC TUNOCII F, DWILL G0 IPL\WITH ALL NON-POINT Issue by: Date SOUR",\ N f ' •„ QO2-O sig Lo,.rAppl&WCrmrxxm1 Date Re-roofs HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will thicap'lplicant or future Wildintiocstipium incrocialWirdlehiscomfout,material Type of Roof r JeOned by the Culsenion Municipal CWc.Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safra L Code.Section Z533264"..' OYe` -'. r All roofs.shall be.inspected prior to-any.roofing material being installed.- ' W II the opplic to b future re IIJi g p tae eq p t a cos which If a roof is installed'without first obtaining an inspection,�I agfee.to''remove emir h J air c t: Jefin J by theB y'Are.A Q 1'ty Management ITstrit. all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with all non-point source regulations'. eildin the hazu+dou-moment),requirements under Chapter 6.95 if the cad &Safety 'e turns 25505.25533 and 25534.1 understand her .. _ if thnota ca tenant:met itis my nepinsibility to ready the acequire a must he met prior to issuance ofa Certificate of °" Signature of Applicant Date 02—d oor authorized agent Date All roof coverings to be Class."B" or better • ' „ . . . . . .' , { OFFICE'