2078 (2) tFk .LOT No:- NO. STREET -T.e/k��g N Q w z RPL C TING RMIT Tt• a�u3NO ,� r' °y�CnpSanitary No. O: e"c�3'1 IDEG 6�JJSJiPermitLL N�. � ° ilk hh r�hMr9r s, r, r - i. O Q M�r Ic'ttii.is, ki pertiltt[o`. . ,Q/ti-� z a stpry,Type 13uilding . a w ,;Ls•n'ya ��'q,„�r,y i.'r{S r' *V �'t(br'' 'ie l:i'. !i"''.r.'{.-,:,. � � Cn be oaupted only as r - 0 o td,4,accordance vAih Plans, Specifications an Plot-Plan fid herewith. }r- E imated'Value of Improvements,.$ I 006 Feet i z J 'yLttiist-hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zotiing.0rdiliailces'and ' J z alllaws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings ;sithin.the City of,,', d o Cup6tino will be complied with. a�,;7'J"."•... ?s:�": _ m Owner e `ygO- to Address G'9 <Z 0t-': •t' rc By Address Approved 'r State Licens , ��� + BUILDING INSP a RECORD OF INSPECTIONAPPROVALS FOUNDATION, ��-3 DATE INSPECTOR UNDERFLOOR � _ DATE INSPECTOR FRAME �3'.� DATEi INSPECTOR LATH ,PLASTER _ �} DATE INSPECTOR!:, e. FINAL BLDG. DATE INSPECTOR :fq .. FINA4,TLEC. 9' 3 ^ DATEINSPIjCTOA ePINAL'PLRG. . DATE INSPECTOR NAL DATE I� I DATRr` DATR INSPP CTOR CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Date .......... .�....'...........•�........ 1 ..._^"j.... Build Permit No .. ....i. J r The BuildingLocatedla . Owned by............. ,. .. ....�..! ......''........-J°..../`t ...�.. ...f-�!�._............... Has Been," apl For Use As: ..I'....; ... � 4 ered) ....................................... V . ........:............. ..............................................�.........�...,.�... ........................................... ...........:....................................... 4 , s ti BUILDING INSPECTOR e�iV63-500