2294 (2) LOT, NO. NO �ST:ItC 1': S AppLICATION ,OR PLUMBING PERMIT JUL 10 195 '' h,; .2 .ti r --3 o?� ' A...._.,....., r• Permit No. ........ Date _. ,.., ' ... .(: ' --•............. i U P,,,;��;: �;;5t', ;}, Feel$ �. .� 8i"" pplicato '�,ixl7ereby made to the City of Santa Clara for a permrt"sto install plumbing b ,pip&i nd/o #f Qres listed on the reverse side hereof, and agree;W;install said pipes qd%ortK{iii'e§`in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing•Qpde-of the City of :�anta Qlaha`,:ind alt other laws applicable thereto. .WA� [3 �'a`sPremises ._ 40..Gl..�.`.. .....— ............ . .. .. ... s 's r . Owned . Address xEN'S SOFTgAIER INSTALLATION CO. Add r $ ....................... ............................. 202 ANSON AURA y� ACTOR, AGENT LOS OATOkAA�I6...................._..._.318_90606 Approved .. ......_. . a{ wf.C.etYv "' """""""""- I PLU ING INSPECPOR � /\ } \ I $ ~ ; —=----- —\- ----------- -- ° \\ § � ƒ 00 3J \ B ® \ tri def` `23e� � o9 ° wE $ Ek o @ /� \/ ( ' K ) 7> EE � / 2 ` / k\_ )-- k------ ;—a--�---- [ . e . . ;