2130 (2) NO. S HeT A;PiIC�TION FOR GAS PERMIT W'= TY OF CUPERTINO Yin,: +SJAN.3° X863 LL3 ew Ul O 3 u""`Date• r ': .'rA'(�,196 �,,�P.e�t Now°�-x O C! TY OrR1AtitY1�— " __ Fe $t' °" - .Application u hereby,made:to the C+tyrioF Cupeihino:for T permit to install gas pipes o-a�and%or gas.appliapces.als listed on the ieverse side hereof, and agreesrto install said pipes r,� and%or app liances,,inritccordance,;,wi6fi'i&_provisions of dte,.Plumbing Code of the City <� of Cupertino and all-other law a pltcable;the'reto. �. Use Pre ises o,"z Owner Address. Z J a' Jz Bv Address o ^ + �y 3 � • ' m Phone. r1W Z r 0 State License �� f �_ Approved ) _ % �02 5 ■ on ' \ � 22 . Kr , � , a � � , ! / ■ f ƒ -- % . T2 �• , \ � .. .. .OFFICE COPY 7� GAS -SERVICE 'NOTICE /✓�yJ BUILDING..INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO ...-�....��.-`------. ------, 1963.. To You are herebyautl ed to watt the rvic o Owner or Tenant .... .. _.. . At // ppqq '... No. of Meters, .. .. e nnec 44. ic No' +Move Metdrr, } J b PL UIvlEln(j) INSPECtIOR Ito J, t-soo M1�