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Lot No. No. Street APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO Sanitary Date E - y 196 P Application is hereby made for a permit to aja4j _.CAI' a to be occupied only as Q_Tei� � w.d in accordance with Estimated Value of Improvements FEE$ Owner dil-a� Contr. V � Phone ' w .�L�( • �1�� a ,13_ zssb File No. S107'j.0 it plan, plans and Specification filed hereivith,' $ Plan Check $�• Address Address State License - /.3 T - 10 0 Q Approved AO jrm&Kr.( la APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PE IT Data G ®lam 196 FEES 3�j J� Contr. Ci^--w-act---%� ddress �J U "4+ Phone _`g �'-1-�.'67 / 'State License i Approved WILLIAM D. F+rnrrs:: APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING & GAS. PERMIT Date -5 "/3 196 % GAS FEE $ (.2' /z y) /D q L,, /�� / PLUMBING FEE$% �7 ,y// {� Contr. 7U U2- //lC (Z( 1� /I do C.f.' • 'Address .�.1✓t/ /�in La.:[y,s/. PhoneState License 331a 1r' / Approved �• �• Wit'-�Gf� �_ �C� APP ICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT Data Q -f 1.96 Q.�/I FEE$ Contr. ea lL( �.7Lt Address /.�.3 1LntJ0lJlnteCP�fR- Pam/ Phone 3,2 .2 - /ot/ / ".5 !d Stare License ���3 7/ Ll-- Approved Applicants agree not to violate any of the Workman's Compensation Laws of the State of Califnreia ' RECORD OFANSPECTION APPROVALS BUILDING DATE INSPECTOR MISC. PAD FINAL FOUNDATION UNrRELDOR w"4 FRAME 6 / LATH & PLASTER - GRADING FINAL FINAL BLDG. 11 W;b ELECTRICAL DATE INSPECTOR, MISC. UNDERGROUND ROU ROUGH WIRING — vk WI` FINISHED RING t% ' 1- -- FIXTURES (c,! MOTORS 10 %CI �16i FINAL - O cv.o_ o t2 © �i Qe,tec zv 13U�' m K M m,sevw O�TSICB-R��O V6NT d�.3'69 9•�� PLUMBING, GAS & APPLIANCE DATE ' INSPECTOR MISC. BACK FLOW REQ. SANITARY NO. UNDERGROUND ROUGH_ PARTIAL ROUG 7'oP ovT MAIN DRAIN_ FINAL PLBG. FINAL GAS TIM FINAL APPLIANCE TEMP RA'RY ' GAS SERVICE -- '-'---.... - --" j............................ Fee: j' 1 Ji#cN t 196 :...... cd.........4 r.. CITY OFACItPEf� i It _ 1�----------x.......7....... ..<.. LOT: ..-......... - - ..... -- -- .... " ...... REASON:... The undersigned agrees to be responsible for the gas service at the above location, until the building is ready for occupancy, and is released by, the Building Department, City of Cupertino. Phone - OUaAl s---- . .........-" ......... \ T OR OW NEt1.F... G'nQ' -R INSPECTOR TENAN 1� t77 1/63-500 ( TEMPORARY -ELECTRICAL SERVICE 0�0 ...... -- Fee: .. ............... ---------- "6?o ( ----- ............................ cay OF LOT: ................... REASON: ... .......... The undersigned agrees to be responsible for the electrical service at the above location, until the building is ready for occupancy, and is released by the Building Department, Q of Cupertino. Phone ... '�<116' --- 1-/ 1 GAS SERVICE NOTICE OFFICE COPY BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Q .....7. -.1...— 6 (............. 196...... ........... To You are hereby authorized to conned the GAS service for (y� Owner or Tenant .....V..AL�.00 77NR.K 4JUHmm,.I {� 1'//9P6S� ...................................... ................ At.....1.0...3.6............................................................................................................... New Service .......K............. No. of Meters ........1............ Reconnect ............................. Move Service ....................... No. of Add. Meters .............. Move ........................ .... ... J............................................ PLUMBING INSPECTOR OFFICE COPY ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY 017 CUPERTINO To .... 19 & You are hereby authorized to connect. electrical service for or Owneror Tenant ........................... .. .......... ...... ............. .............. ................ .......... .... ... .......... .... .......... No. of Wires _......-IL....... Size of Wires .. Motor Load .......................... Voltage ..... ..... Size of Switch 1;Z!70Aj0A .................... phase Heating Load ........................ K. W. ------- Voltage ......... ... ... No. of Meters.... Light ..... New Service... ... P�Xeconneu.. .. .... No. of Add. Mete.� H 220............ Three Wire...... ... .... Move Service........... Power.. ...........- Three hase.. � Move Meter .......... ......... ......... .......... ......... ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR Tantau Ave. LOT NO, NO. � STREET �APPLIeXTION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT " a CITY OF CUPERTINO r o ! ri�,Y l " 1969 sanitary No. o a Date ''TaX 7, 196g Permit No i a ���...� Fee $ O Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing o a pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices i and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of a w Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. wx \ LL Use of Premises ultiole Tenancv 131da. 0 o Johnson �z iIa e 125 In'( ependence Dr. 3 Owner p Address -.i -• u..,.,'- z� 23U1 :aim tiva. j By J.IJ. ,dcClenahan Co. Address san i-ateo,Calif. CONTRACTOR, AGENT 3� — `m Phone lh K_1 601 w z - •- ww a E State License 1 q1 Krl / ApprobedWILLIAM D. buvr:JICH PLUMBING INSPECTOR X FIXTURES NUMBER MAIN DRAIN UNITS FEES UNITS FEES Water Heater Size P'riili. Water Closet (D Material Bath Tub To Curb Shower To PrO . Line Lavatories To Existing Kitchen §ink Not Conn. Dish Washer Sewer Box Waste Disposal Wash Tray STORM DRAINAGE Washing Machine Size Water Softener Material Bar Sink To Main Drain Comb.Sink & Tray To Curb Dental Unit Drinking Fountain Floor Drain WATER SYSTEM Hopper Size £Xlsr'h- Restaurant Sink Material Sand Trap TOTAL FEES Urinal i Fixture Fee Area Drain Main Drain Fee Water Leader Storm Drain Fee Sprinkler Valve Water Sys. Fee �'SO Relief Valve 02 IQ Vac Breaker Skimmer Filter S S In K Permit Fee 00 Total a45- 31,50 Total Fee 3. O N Q NO. STREET LOT NO. z 2 w 0 0O ° APPEMATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT J 3 iV T UPGRTINO r o p Date 19' {; Permit No. —5 f O? 1 _ 0 " a ly I=ce �+ /O�, 2 sd a Applieatiof; i?yre�ytmad to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtur s as I yt�eii "RR (� } rse side hereof, and agrees to install said ii o wiring and/or fixtures in accordance tsitli�lt.4ie provisions of the Electrical Code of the 5 N City of. Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. z J Use of Premises �di•'40S/a,✓ Z;e J 0 J � 3 a Owner Address N /! w z By Ci h d r�...r �/"d .,- d `•� ddress u .$• f ,.i j rl d 0 O //�� CONTRAr�C-TTOR, AGENT A IOV U Phon, .l.2 s O, / I pr ELECTRICAL INSPPCILII State Licensel%�S' k'A-u'4_,,, 7� ITEM - - NEW RPL FEES Number of Outlets _ Number of Switches Number of Receptacles Yl 70_ Number of Fixtures 177 V 76 S Ran es or Ovens`K.W. Size of Main Service /joC Number of Meters / Number of Panels S 0 C Signs - Transformers Dryers - Motors: q� ' H.P. Phase-- `-S H.P. Phase ly C -. --ec Permit Fee - 2.00 - H.P.Chaz es - - Total Fees S� loy3161 N - T-A4 io%y ?mil N Q NO, STREET LOT NO. Y ° �� N FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Q 0 j" ® 8 69 �,�N CITY OF CUPERTINO LL�oQ. ,iJ?Qtto, w ate -2 19, ty� Permit No. O r z CITX�l�E�TINO Fee a Pere y made to the City of Cupertino for a Permit to install electrical r wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said 20 wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the > m City of Cupertino, /•hand all other lads applicable thereto. z J Use of Premises vim--ems^�✓ �+w .��� '� Z- J G °� 3 a Owner �_ Addressr .f w z � u rc a By yd vtAddres. } /7 O CONTRACTOR, AGENT Approve y: - U Phon�'3 / Pr ELECTRIUL INSPECTOR /a��/�/ k State License / - -ITEM - NEW RPL FEES " Number of Outlets - - Number of Switches - Number of Receptacles ,2 GS� v4 -191710 Number of Fixtures " - Ranges or Ovens K.W. ' Size of Main Service Number of Meters Number of Panels Signs - Transformers - Dryers Motors: - H.P. Phase H.P. Phase Power Poles . Permit Fee - 2.00 H.P. Charges - - - Total Fees • LOT NO, NO. STRE'T Q A, PPLIC �T ONE Fi9R BUILDING PERMIT ° CITY; OP CUPERTINO 2 J Sanitary No. ° < f P1AY - ,9 1969 I `1 �.%07.5� i a U;ne 96_ Permit No.S ° Appli-tailon�s�hereb'yu�ade[[foralpermitto a Ln I JJ,. r aw story,Type a��/r.�fi Building i to be occupied only`as JWOZOC� in acc`ord', 'ante wyLb 0 o Plans, Specifications and Plot -Plan filed herewith. �Pl Ck Fee • %.S �', "; Estimated Value of Improvements, $ ,�/.. QDD Fee $ iciR J iJ It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and J z all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings. within the City of d o Cupertino will be complied with. - 3` O a wner V HCd 1PRY1'� Address —w �q a i By �'6"ga''� F I�'�R Address a ° Phone Z7— / Fl// Approved State License /.3JrOD 1_4 BUILDINGINSPeCR LOT NO. �� I No. STREET w z FOR BUILDING PERMIT r ° ® ,o ITY OF CUPERTINO 0, Sanitary No. 3� iJUI 16 1969 i I , to 196_ rmit'No. 0 o CITI( p atI for a permit to _CliOE a In a story, yPe Building w w to be only d occu ien p y as 4.�.a.t� � in accordance with 0 0 Plans, Specifications and Plot -Plan filed herewith. PI Ck Fee '99. ov "; Estimated Value of Improvements, ftl M Fee $ 0'0 0< z J It is hereby agreed that the requirements o thF a Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and J z all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of O Cupertino will be complied with. 3 , r I.��leZitrGGR'O _ m Owner Address_ ¢a By `�� Address01 <° Phone 3 2 Z f �/ I Approved r`p[ State License 135008 V/ BUILDING INSPEC" � O O U tb E o U 19440 North Tantau, Cupertino, California No. Street Lot No. APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT City of Cupertino Date May 14 , 196 9 Permil No. Fee $ ,6 / o % S . F Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises Commercial building Owner Cartenian Address Same as above 6y Cal -Air Conditioning Co. Address 123 Independence Dr. Contractor, Agent Menlo Park, California Phone 322-1857 State License_ 137195 Approved umbi g Inspector APPLIANCE UNITS FEES Gas op Gas Oven Wall Furnace Gravity Fu n. -replacement units 6 .00 Forced Air Furn. Gas Fired Boilers Warming Ovens Sus . Units Dwelling Kit./Bath Inde end. Vent System Com. Indust. I nst. K i t. Hood & Vent System Forced Air Under 4000 CFM Forced Air Over 4000 CFM Ind. Ventilation System without ComfQEI Forced Air. Mech. each Power 5 20.00 Gravity System No. of Air Outlets, No. of Flues 33 8.25 Stacks for Metal Fireplaces Smoke Stacks, Misc. Equip. Under 15' High Over 15' HiLh Comfort Cooling Comp. of 20 HP or less 3 9.00 & absorp. units with input of 500,000 BTU or less V c t 1= 2 no Comp. over 20 HP & Under 50 HP & Absor . units with input of 500,001 & Under 1,000,000 1 7.50 Permit Fee Total Total Fee