00120055 (2) CITY OGI UPERTINO BUILDING PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 20710 SUNRISE DR ROSSETTAS ROOFING 00120055 OWNE'R'S NAME: APPLICA'T'ION SUB DA'I'S MILICHEVICH NICK M AND J ANNE 401 LINCOLN AVE 1.2/08/2000 IIONP_ SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408)294-4400 ❑:EZ ARCHITECTIIeNGWINFR: BUILDING PERMIT INFO 00 8 w— BLDG ELECT' PLUMB MGCII RU IJ Hj LICIiNSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION - Job Description zZ�+G 1 Immby afEvn Ilan I am liean..d under provisions of Cnamer 9lmmntcneing u with Section 7000I of Divixion 3 of the limine,,and Pm1c,,iam,Calc.and my license ¢' Is in roll foreen d t. I s xa Licca cd.. N 'l REMOJE SHANE INSTALL 1/1/2" CCX 30 TEMP Dale��b L117 a,nlrnZCt�ekS AltClll❑iCl"S IIIiCLARAI'I(1N tg O 4 I understand my plans shall he used as public mcorits Liccn.uJ I'nde.,innul /at n a OWNER BUILDER DUCLARAI'ION I hear,flub,Thal 1 an,eviden form the Contraaol.,License Law for she f_Z following resson.(Section 7031.5,Business and Pmfesions Cade:Any city or county O which reiluiren a pen pit in construct.alma improve,denadd,h,or repair any.structure a,jm p..oreal, . 1 per, If 11 I.I 1 -E d.l l•nwm that he is I . t ptextemnal the p s fthe tr ',License U.(Clrptm" Sq. Ft. Floor Area m (commencing with Section 7EMB of Di.iont f the Il and Pro Rv,lort Core) $ 287 or that he is excerpt themBom and the basis ln ithe alleged exemption.Any violation ,it Section 7031.5 by any ap,l earn kora nnit,ubjco, he appllcam n,it civil Penally of net more than ma waded dollar,($500). APN Number Occupancy Type OLle,nwnernfinepmpcity, out,employee,,siffivage,aaneirsale cnmPea.amir 3591 00 will do Ire%ork,and Ire structure is not intended or uttered for sale(Sec.7044. uoint„lord Po@..h,.„Canlernm ConIractor',Liccow,Law doe,nd:),ply to at Required Inspections or ,of popery Who budd,or bnpowe,mneme.and who doe,,nn,work broself 305 — FRAME through his stem employee,.provided that such impovereems arc nae mended or ollered for sale.If,however.the building or improvement is,old within one your of 307 — INSULATION im,:,"moon.Ire awna.bwlder will Novelle hidden of pn.It.,tom ha did not bold or provetorpurposeofhale.). 601 - ROOF TEAR OFF 01,a,wine,of oopen,anexclusively c:nraamgwith wermeonamctor,1. 602 - ROOF PI_YI400D NAIL ismnsBmet nee pojert(Sec.7014.Hue and Proro.. ,Code,The contractor, e Lavish,nil apply. L„f„operty who fold,of impr es meters. - 603 '- ROOF BATTENS and who contracts for xuch prnjm,wilt.v raoorlo licensed pta,ma, or the Carter 604 - ROOF IN-PROGRESS ❑l alb Lecnnpt under See. ,B A P C for this reason Owner Date Wo RK17R'S COMPF-NSAI]ON DECLARATION I hereby nlBnn under penally ofperiary one of the following declaration,: ] I have and will maintain a CeNlicate of Consent to self-istre for Worker'. Campcnwtion, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Cad, for the perfomrater of IM work Eunuch this permit i,issued. - ❑1 have and will maintain W'mktr's Compensation Lnurxnec,as ,.,,cd by Seclinn 37W of the Labor Code,for the perionanee of the work for which this 1,coun is ` I vaird.My Worker's Compensation Insurance canter and Police number are: Cnrricn-�-]Ic3 TIAXXk—Policy NaC. CERTIFICATION OI:EXEMI'fION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (The ecetinn shod not be cm;plated if are permit is for one tordred dullnc (1110)or fell I 1 certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued,I ,hell net employ dry person in ury remove na e,beeline.subject to the Wodcrd Coru'remtion I,—of Culifomia.Datas Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,after making tris CeniGc.m of Exemption,you should become abject to me Workers Cni"cnsation pnrvis hal the L.al,n Calc,you mu,, p O onr"Ill co..fly with...1,prvv'ui; res hi, cr it,fall he nice:heal eevoked. Z FN.: C(1NSTre is a oN LENDINGlen AGENCY ' I hereby which mat Petra i,a con.swSt a lending agency Tor the pedi,mmnce L7: of the rod for whichd...pcnnin is i.vwed Ise,.31197,civ.CJ L Q Isndcr's Nano 7 Z. 1<ndet,nehlress V p 1 vcm y that l boo,read this upplicatian and%toe Beal the ahove information is loaned.I ages,or m.. fly with all tray; I.wan I,aid lnunce,1 1"ale laws relming p [) ,,building eorotrawie.,and hereby aumodae representatives of this city to enter upon } the above mention(]progeny for in,pection purposes. H L (We)agree to wvc.imanaryand keep harmlev,the Cryof Custom against Uri) hathdonev,judgmcnl,,a I,and axlen,c,%Inch may in any way accrue against.said Cis in c we'e el he if do, Solid UNDERSTANDS AN`DWILL Permit. COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date / '�•� -nrhi (a��ler, sign—:,Iam,dnphhettmteamm( Daae Re- roofs HAZARDOUS MATER1AIS DISCLOSURE Will the appfcam nr In bre Ivdaimg amtpant q:ac or handle hvnnlaa,arterial Type of Roof as defined by the Ca,setz M "ipul Calc.Chapter 0.12,anJ the Health and Safely Code,Swoon 25532(.1'! O Ye, )No All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed Wilt the applicant or future building arcupant use equipment or device,which If it roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, 1 agree to remove ,v 1amloas an luntun:in:m,w defined by the Hay Arca Air Quality Manu career ,it...let'! all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with 0Yc' N. all non-point source regulations. 1 have mud Ire haranmu,:onen.1,nc,mmnRnl,under Chapter 6.95 or the CnliI ria ifill It ge Safely Calc,Seddon,255115,:55;11 and 25514.I model,it IM1tn - 1`�,k iflhe building de,nol currently ly have a mue.Ihal it i. n,or,pm.iMda,h.natlty lbs -�_� �.4� ��l on cu,na at the aqui menti which mot he mel prior it,n...acc of a Certiliwle Pel l Oc,aphae1w - t a Signature of Applicant Date mod!a"- -� _ee All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better owner or�nmodaed ager Otte OFFICE