27636 (2) APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES•USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUP6RTIN0 n ILDING.BLEL RICAI. PERMIT NO. APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING-MECHANICAL 27636 BUILDING DIVISION BUHAHNG PROJECTIDENTIFICA'1'If3N BUILDING ADDRESS: (� SANTI'ARYNO. APPLICA'I ION SUBMIITALDA'1E 10 +60 E+0keS RV e / UNIT. LOT# s OF:RS NAME:ii PIIONE: ��//7 �/y CONT'RACTOR'S NAME: LIC NO: 1 1 1 C Uy1 Y/-1 { I N/C CONTROL# III ECT/IiNGINHER: - LIC NO: ADDRESS:' ❑ TACT: PHONE: BUILDING PERMITINFO Q'I'Y. Iil,liCPftIC PF,ftM1fll' FEF � �C1� G' LCF,`— P UMB ECH • PERMIT ISSUANCE LICENSED CONTRACT'OR'S DECLARATION APPLIANCES-RISIDWPIAL C1=z I hereby affirm mal l am licensed under provisionsol'Chapme9(commencing with Ic00 Section?000)of DavisIon 3 of the Business and Professions Cale,and my license is in PANELS y�E+E fail force land effect. 11P TO 200 AMPS o<ce Dam nt Coractor IDI-I"AMT'S ZOnoi yZ ARCHITECTS DECLARATION OVER 1000 AMPS SQ.IT.FLOOR AREA E/SQ.FT. CZ-0 I unrsta dend my plans shall be marina public records. r'4 SIGNS ELECTRICAL JiN Licensed l'rnfessa...I OWNER-exempt 1iR❑EC Contractor's SPECIAL CIRCIII'I'/MISC. °QOp,U I hereby affirm that 1 nm exempt front the Craton Co License Low for the - 1 Sao fallowing mason.(Section TB3L5,Boniness and Professions Cade:Any city or county TEMP.METER OR POLE INS(. F�'ON a which requires u permit to convect,eller,improve,demolish,or inp any manure KM}m prior to its i...ance,also requires the optician for such permit o file a signed statement POWER DEVICES ❑C40 Ilia,he is licensed pursuanuo the provisionof be Connector's License Law(Chapter p•�o8' 9(nnnnwncan,with Section?(00)HIDivision 3.fthe Raxinexsand Professions Cute) SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION Wmy or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for Ilia alleged exemption.Anyviolationof OUTLETSSWITCHEBFI%TURNS I—Z_Q Section 701.5 by any applicant for a permit&objets me applicant m a civil penally of - - CSW not more than five hundred dollars(5500). NLW RESIDIiNT1AL ELECIR _SQ.FT.I p ❑ 1,asowneroftheproperty,ormyemploymswithwagesastheirsolecompensmion, STORIES NPI?CONSTRUCTION y will do lbsuiumend@'I ImnamasnmxLio, ,c La a does x apply of anJ Professions Cade:'I'bu Comrxmrs License Law does nm apply to an owner of ' property whobtildsmimprnvesmuratuand whidoe,imib work himself0nhamgb lits - OCC.GROUP RIS.UNITS wite er,the provided Netsuchimprovementsarenotym,o o mofferedfoesale.IL huwe eq ill have the burden of pTem is hat he did year or improve omm a for purpose of _Vol; builder will have Ibe burden of proving that he did not build or improve for puepse of W it, ra[ate propeny.nm excbtxively n�mrmlangwim liwnxul conannnrsm QTY. PLUMBING I'ERMI'f - FE8 n.DOD ZONE APH nstm. 'c pmjocl(Sec,7( ,Business end Profesximi,Cadet)The Contractor's kricenseLawdoesten apply manownerofpropony who buildsmimpmves thereon,and PERMIT ISSUANCE whoc.mrsCls for such projectswith a comracmr(s)licensed pursuant o the Contrunols License Law. ALTER VENT-WATER(EA) PEE SUMMARY ❑ 1 ant exempt under See. ,B&PC for this mason ACK FLOW PROTECT. V ICE . UL FEE. SANITARY YN Owner Dots RECEIPT# ORNNS-ILOOR,ROOF,AR ,GOND. WORKMAN COMPFNSA'1'ION DECLARATION SCHOOLTAX N ❑ Thereby affirm mm lhave acenificete pf consenu.elf-insum,maceni mof 19XTURFS-PER TRAP F.CEIYTp Worken'Compensation insurance or a cerified copy thereof(Sec.3800, .)which PARK FEE N j covers all employee's under this permit. GAS- A.SYSTEM-IINC.401II1.B S � El # Policy# _ )l to :3S - Company - ,SYSTEM-OVER 4 PEA) PLANCHP. .F. ❑ Cenifiede.pyisheeehy fumisheJ. 'a—,❑ CenificJ copy is fled with Ne ciry inspeainn Division S 1NDUSTRL i' STE INTER EPfOR CERTIFICATE OF E%EMPI ION PRO ORKERS' GREASE RA COMPENSA'PION INSURA This section need not be completed if the palinal' for Crone hunJr (EI(0) SP, .R- NITAR -STORM .A.2 Ff. ENERGY,7'r mless.) I cenify that in the perLnmance of be wad foe ichlhispemlilisis ed, &hall AER HEATER WN' /ELECfR nm employ any person in ony manner an as 1.be m subject m th rkcrs' PAID C.mpenso,inn Laws of Culif.mix. Date - WATER SYSTIiM EATING ate Receipt# Q Z Applicant - Z 0 NOTICE TO APPLICANT:I L after makingthis Cenatica of Exemption,you should NEW REST ;N'IIAL PLMB. SQ.IT. TOTAL: bxame object the Worker s Compensation pmvisionp he Labor .Code,you nun BUILDINGF forthwith comply with such provisions of this permit shall mod revoked. Lia .. SEISMIC ITE lis. [a CONS'fRI1C1'ION LENDING AGENC L,^ Thereby affirm Ilial there iseconstruction lending agency lb eperfnmmnce of U O the work for which this .it is issued(Sca 3097,Civ.CJ L. ELECTRIC T. Lenders Name F Lenders Addmas QTY. MECIIANICALPERMIT FEC PLUMBING 1„) I ocrify that I have mad This application and state drat the above information is >1 Ila correct.l agree to comply with all city and County ordinancesand state lows relating,. PERMIT ISSUANCE MECHANICAL E huildingcnnsvunion,and hereby ammo,! ,maentafves alibis ciry,.emerupnn the U Z above-mentioned rt for inspection ALTER OR ADD TO MECH, CONS'I'RIJCTIO TAX property Pec peeps! I Wc)agree m save,indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cuperino against liabilities,judgments,costs ander n swhmh may in any way accmeagainsl said City AIR HANDLING UNIT(10 10,000 CPM) in consequence of the gmmang tis pe it, C AIR IIANDLING UNIT(OVER 10,000 CPM) gnammof ApplicanUCmomc Date / HXHAUSTHOOD(W/DUCT) PAID HAZARDOUS MATERIALS D SCL URE HEATING UNIT(TO 100,600 BTU) Date Receipt# Willme applicamor future building oaupant sat handle haurdmi.mamrial 1117ATING UNPP(OVER IOLPXM BTU) O' us deftncd by the Cupertino Mani ,.1 Code.Chapter 9.12,an I the H.Ilh and Safety Code,Sectio 25532(a)? VENTILATION PAN(SINGLE RESID) ❑Yes ❑No Will the uombamo e,as refining by the Bay Am.Air anality Management BOILER-COMP(3HP OR IW,(00 BTU) I UANCE DATE District? air cmntaminams as Defined 6y the Hay Area Air Quality Monagcment BOILER-COMP(OVER IOQIXO BTI!) District? ❑Yes C No NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH.—SQ,IrT. h I have readra .the materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the PAID I .— Califnmiulleahh&Safety Cede,Sep,ioms25505,25533and25534. ltadersmndthat Face. if the hooding does not currently have a tenant.that it is my responsibility to notify the o B / Q ecti, I of the requirements which mus,to met prior to is.vuunoe of a Cenifinno of Occupancy. Owner or authmaeJ agent Data T( ISSUED OFFICE /