01090095 (2) CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: - PERMIT NO. 21267 STEVENS; CREEK BLVD 01090095 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICgqTION SyyB DATE TOGOS SNADWICHES (4314) 09/21/2001 ONE: .. SANITARY NO. CONTROLNO. a ARCHITECT ENGINEEW BUILDING PERMIT INFO 00 RLOG ELECT PLUMB MF.CH w U 5 baa SN= LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION 4, I hereby aRrm that I am liecomed under.provisions of Chapter 9(commencing Job Description ,lot with Seclion]0d0)ofDieislan3oflheBA,inessandPordassimm,Code.Add mylicense TENANT IMPROVEMENT. .O m lull foM`na c U Liccns lass Lic.p Date Canoe; FI N A L M!["I. i LL a'Ga ,.•, 4..•(RC TECT'S DECLA A -- .. �• >. undentdnd mY Plain nnnll rte used as public records I , DEC 2 1 2001 i p p Liccnud Professional 'a OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION As to S•� I hereby affirm 1 am exempt from the Commdor s License law for the z< following Mason.(section 7031.5,Business and Professions Cade:Any color Clardy $95000 - M 0 which qu permit t .amt ll , demolish.Orreparanystructure BUILDING 63 .prim to its Also req rex the ppl If Permit Pe1 In file a signed Atonement - _...... .. _.._. __. _.. ____ — ....... Nat he.gltt . dpu Snilathbpr i sfuseC Contractors License Law(Chapter 9 r••� t g 'g r a e Valuation (tam n sw ns t 7500)of Division 3 ofthe ButimessandPrgrep.onsCare) •,, t l \ $I�. .... . .. -_ ... . R1Y:\F FO. or Nal he is excmpi thaefrdm and the basis for Bre alleged demdubn.Any vrolatmn of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit sabjaxas the applicarn to a civil Penaily- taf lot lnnRthen five hPandreddollars(s5w1. - - 10 IAPN IODATION. Ir,^`I" `•_ Occupancy Type °I.as owner of property or my employees'with wages as their sola compensation, O — PIERS ' will-dome'work;'slid the"6om,mra is a.(intended',,,offered for ime'Isee a. 103 - UFER Required Inspections" ,' �Busirress iande:and CoThe Conuonor's License law does not apply to en q ..net of property Whn builds or improves Ibemon,and who does such work himself 104 - REBAR ' or through his own employees.provided Nat such improvemems are not intended _ _ offed fa Ie If ho the W(ding r mpm t ry Id ih i one year of --—' - '`" "'"�' completion,the gwncT.Wilder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or 105 ANCHOR-BOLTS ) a .f .I improvefo,"asafala.). .. .. 106 - SEWER & WATER _ --------- _. _ . .. ._.__2 02 '= UNDERFLOOR--PLUMBING---- - ..--- -- --- —- - --01:as ownerof the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed contractorsl° '= construct the project(See.7 L,Business and Professions Code:)The connector a 203 - UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL 1':: 4l, l = - — License law does not apply to an owner of property who build[or improves theme , ;L ._and,whu.mntmcts.for.such pmjccts.wRb.a mntmmor(s)licensedpursuant to ons. _...._ _—_2.04----UNDERFLOOR-FRAME- -- .. • ;. Contractor's Licari Law. a - } °l am eaempwader See B.&P C for this Menson 205 - UNDERFLOOR' INSULATION owner In Daia 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 302 - TUB & OR SHOWER tMnr;Nmrunderpalr_any,ofIlia,Oneofthefollowingdaclandions: 303 - 'ROUGH,'MECHANICAL . s' arm 304 -' ROUGH ELECTRICAL ]-I nave and will alrdain,a,Cenifeme ar Conxem In 5[If-InSYR for Work[r'S — ampcmunkm, as previded4oi by''Secnon 3700 of the labor Code, for the perromunce of the work for which this perrok is issued. 305 FRAME ;. °I have and'will maintain Worker's Compensatlan Insurance,u r wired by Section w 3700 of the Labor Cade,for then to....no. of the wank for which this pemtil is _ N _issocdMyWorkersCom' tionmsuranc.Carrkranarolia u ler 307 INSULATION . , .•,,.. - -.,.-_..... a . _..., ...�.. .r•",m _aR_ .• `'- 308 - SHEETROCK'....., _i.•„,_�.,. t:; --_-_ ----=- cm44'a,-'r + : tl >I 4oficyblo. ['7011309%L. EXTERIOR L•ATHI: r .CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION FRQM WORKERS'i _ coMPENsnnolv_INSURANCE: .;'.�. _ '---'- 3-10- •. .INTERI'OR....LATH•"-- -' ------------- .__------ ._.._.. (Toss A,Ojon ria d let rte c rmpleied if the permit is for one hundred dollars '_s r a 100)ar less.), 311 SCRATCH COAT . I con fY tht ni eyorf c f th o k f ch h tw t shell ria cmPl Y Aliyq on awn 07:t cam subject to the Workers' 501 - FINAL ELECTRI CALl"'ENBRGY” Compen't S21, .11( 1, 502 -.--F.INAL..PLUMBING..ENERGY ._ . .. _._. .APPI< IN .. NOTICE P 1CAJ,(Tlt( m Mg this r TExe ptionyoushould 503 - FINAL MECHANICAL' ENERGY be2ome se yen tome Workers cadnpra,.uma p ovons rnof Ne Labor Code,you man ZfonnwiN comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed milked. 504 -;__FINAL _BUILDING 'ENERGY.";-:;'CONSTRUCTIONLENDINGAGENCY ' 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL 1 bei ny from Nor there-¢ con.o cl lending agency(m the perfummnee of the akrp nlCnm P< ratpae7t' 3097cb.C) 506 - _GAS TEST �. linden Is me^' ,,. I"' ••."",w`. _`.•.•' ----FINAL; a.q 507 - FINAL 'PLUMBING O „Iteray that i have Roe this application and:tate that the above information 15 508 — FINAL MECHANICAL ._ L*.:'p., coirecLI agree 1°comply with all city end roomy;yrdinernees end some laws mlaling 509 - FINAL GRADE - - ---------------- -' 0.p to wildingconsuunion,endherebyAuthodMrapRsnlmivesoflhisequ.carerupon 510 - FINAL PLANNING F.a (Wa)ag lass ndemn fY and keep hmml ss the City of Cliper'gu against ' 514WORKS- 1.1a the W t dp pear peed purposes. m IubJtesje ts,cars.And peas nrnmYi y y SISma —:'FINAL WORKS U City - e v e r t ng f s pe t _ _ OU IC T ULA IIT. DS ANO 'll OMP 41TH ALL NONPOINT - ISSUed by: -72 Date grari " pP is notce HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE" " Dare Re-roofs _ ...._. ._ ✓ e of A 1 m !s' WiII&ipplicant orPotu lw]ding Occupant ,&e in handolia>areousmaterial .Type of.Roof ..,.... _..r •, -__ .T_ K, ✓ _ _-. ��- . as d[fin al by Ne CupeN o Mun clpal Code Chapter 9.12,and Ne Health and Safely t �, 'sa 1 Code, econ 255532P1 i'.QNa;: ^i, -. _ -.Allroofs shall be-inspected.prior-to.any roofing material.being installed­­­­ Will ._.. Win me apphcand or.future budding occup.�t use equipment o;devices vhicn If a roof is installed•without first obtaining an inspectiori;I agree to remove emit hassNAos air tvnmmrams As defined by the Bay AMA Air Quality Management District? . . all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply With,_.- OYes ONO ' all non-point source regulations . .. r 1 h ve d,the haeard o' ' Is req pob AA,under Chapter 695 of Ne 1` Cal fpmfa HeAlth&Safny Code;Sections 25505;25533 en 2553? I undersand that ifthe'Building does not cunently have a tenant.that it is m sponsibility to notify.the •P t of the 'Icme -x i[h must prior t i ..'aof a CenifcaR of occu Signature of Applicant -.. Date o e�pr madaeaagent, ;.I• upk• All roof coverings to be Class"B" or,better ' -OFFICE-. _ .._ . ._ ... . . _ .. . . . . ..