CC Resolution No. 6826 ~ • ~ FtESOI(TPICN 6826 A RESOI[TI'I~t OF 2i~ QTY OpU1J(~I, OF 'I4~ CITY OF GUPERZ'a10 MJDZPY~IG 'IHE SPECIFICATIONS OF 'If~ TRAFFTC SIC,NAL ~CE ~IRAL'P ~F'.AS, the existi~ oontract specificatic~s r~,~uire the contractor to isatne tha City, its officera, agents at~d e~layees as additional ir~sured.s: and Wt~tE~.S, such a policy is in addition to the City ~ s currnr~t insurarrce polici~s; and W~2EAS, the procurement of such a policy, iE it cwld be obtained at all, wvatd be prohibitively e.xpensive, the oost of which w~uld be reflec.'ted in our mafnteriaryce oosts. 2~1, ~EF~E~ HE 1T RFSOL~f:D that Paragraph C, Page 32 oP Section 10.03 of the specifications be ameaded to read as follaws: The Contractor shall take out arid y~aintain d~.irg the life of the C~tiact, ca~rehensive public liability and property damage insurar~ce in the at~u?ts specified herein. Zhe City, its offioers agents and e~layees shall be named as additioa~al. inEUred, hcwever, oril.y as r'es~ects the operations of the nvned insured as defined within the Co~tract inoorpomted het'eiI1 by refezenc8~ and ewoeptim~ that liability resultir~g fma the r~amed additional. insured's sole negliger~ce. In deterndnin4 whether any injury or damage has been proximately caused solely and exclusively by the additioa~al insured, only tha acts or anissions ~ the part of the insured and the named I additional insureds shall be tak~en into aooauit. Oontractor agrees to irrlenniP~ ar~d hold hs~smless the City, its ofYice.i-s, agents ar~d ees~lal'ees fran azd against all clai~, dmnages, losses arid expenses, includim~ 2ut not limited to attorney's fees arising aut of or re.gulting fnxn tha parforn~nce og the work, provided that any such claim, dama5e, loss or a~-nse. (ij is attributable to bodily injury, siclaiess or death, or to injury or destructioa~ of tarx~ible prope.rty (other than ths work itself) including the loss of use therefran~ and (2) directly caused by the sole negligenoe of the cbntra.ctor in the installation or maintenanoe oP traffic amtrol devioes. It ia w~derstood arxl agreed that Contractor shall have no , iryde?aiity abligations, (i) with z~espect to tha detexmination of ~ ~ ItFSOIUIZd~I 2J0. 6826 tratfic signal timir~, (2) the deaign ot trafPic ao¢~trol devioes aix~/ar stz+eets and roadw3Ys~ (9) whez+e C1ty has actusl ar oonstn~tive ]mowledge oE a defect ar malR~nction which is un}axxdn to Ooz~tractor and has failed to notify the Oo~ntractor within a reasaiaUle perial of time. PASSID AND ADOFTED at a regular meatir?g of the City Council o! the City of CUpettino this 5ch day of ~y , 1986 by the following vot.e: VQtg L~ers of the Citv Caincil AYFS: Gatto, Johnson, Plungy, Rogers None Sparks ABSTAIN: None AP'P~f'JVID: , Ci o! ~ ~ A~rr~sr: - - ~ i G Ci Clerk '