CC Resolution No. 6764 . . . • ~ RFSOII7rI~I NO. 6764 A RE.'SOIIJI'I~J OF 'II~ CriPft OOUNCIL OF 'II~ CL7.'Y OF QJPII7i'II~TO 2~I~~C' C~IN FTNDItaGS RDQUIRID BY ~ CAI~IIA ~L (~AI~PY P.CP IN ~II~TE]CPI~t 4~'IIi ~ CANf~LLn't'rON OF A WILLIAMSOf1 AGT QONI~tA '~3ATING 'I~D REAL PROPf~'Q'Y AND ADOFI'1NG A NF7GF~ ~ I~CCARATI~J ~4~12DOF BE IT RF50L~ID by the city Oouncil of the city of Cl~peztino: Wf~2EAS, the Oo~mcil int.e~ds to approve the carioellation of a Williamson Act ~ontract relatirig to real praperty described on the attachsd FSchibit ~~Ao (hereinafter °territoiyn) which Gbntract was recorded Febzva2.y 27, 1973 in Book 0254, gages 148 et seq. oP Official ReooYds of tha Ft~oYder of the Oauity of Santa Clara, State of California; arrl Wf~2EAS, the California Envirorm~ental Quallty A~t of 1970, as amended (CDQ~1), required tl~at in the approval of a pmject for whirh a Negative Declaratio~ has been pn~pared, the decision making body must raview said rregative Declaration; and Wf~FAS, a project for such territoYy was tha subject of a Negative Declaratio~ reaamner~ded for Cau~cil approval by the FY~viromnental Review Camnittee and the Planniryg ocemnission; Now, ~RE, ba it resolved that the GUUncil does herel7y: 1. Identify the Project that is mentioned in this resolution as the canoellation of a Williamson Act Oon;ract arid disestablichir~r the Agricultural Preserve which re.lates to real pmpe.rty described aai the attached F3chibit ~~A~~~ 2. Declazps that cancellation of the contract and the canyirg crut of said project in ita approval form will not have a aignificant effect on the er~vizosunent. PASSID AND AD~PI~ at a req~Ltar meetirg oP the City Oouncil of the City of Q~pertino this 3YSi day of Febzvazy, 1986 by the follaairg vot.e: ~ • • RESOILfl'IOi~I NO. 6764 Vote ~`iembers of the City Oouncil AYFS: Gatto~ Johnson, PltutigY~ SP~'~~ ~4~ NOFS: None assarr: rrone I+BSTAa1: None I APF~ROVED: I d~iQ y Mayor, city of Cupert AZTFST: ; l~ ~ / G~ l~ G~ ~~i~i Gae'~ City erk ~ ~~'•~r ' ' ~ "SOUTH STELLIhG ROAD - 85-03" (~10K) All that certain real property situate in tkie Coun[y of Santa Clara, State of California, more particularly described as follows: Being a portion of Lot C as shown on that certain Record of Survey Ptap recorded in Book 79 of Maps, page 24, Santa Clara County, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the sou[hwest corner of said "Lot C" as shown on the aforementioned Record of Survey Map, said corner being the intersection of [hat certain annexation to the City of Cupertino entitled "South Stelling Road 81-3" with that'certain reorganization en[itled "San Jose/Cupertino Municipal Reorganization" dated July 1, 1919; Thence NORTH, 415.41 feet along the westerly boundary of said "Lot C" and the easterly boundary of said annexation "South Stelling Road 81-3"; Thence along the northerly boundary of said "Lot C" the following bearings and ( distances: I N 89 °S~'32" E, 1~4.69 feet; N 45 °00'E, 142.06 feet; N 88 °09'05" E, 27.28 feet; Thence S 40°43'49" E, 337.54 feet along the boundary of land conveyed to the State of California by instrument recorded November 22, 1960 in Book 4989, page 340 of Official Records of Santa Clara County, to the center line of Regnart Creek; Thence along the boundaries common co the sou~herly boundary of said "Loc C" and the northwesterly boundary of [hat certain annexation to the City of Cup- ertino entitled "Orogrande 79-7" the following bearings and distances: S 35°15' W, 38.89 feet; S 74 °52' W, 53.11 feet; S 55 °OS' W. 53.74 feet; N 70 °26' W, 51.36 feet; S 70 °31' W, 93.72 feet; S 58 °29' W, 115.35 feet; S 12 °43' W, 61.52 feet; S 34 °20'48" W, 60.86 feet; Thence S 89 °57'32" W, 121.92 feec along said southerly boundary of "Lot C" and the boundary of said San Jose /Cuper[ino Municipal Reorganization to the Point of Beginning. - Containing: 3.49 acres more or less A: P.N.• 9 362-U-3 . "EXNIBIT A„