CC Resolution No. 6736 I ~ + RESOLITI'ICN N0. 6736 A F2E507IT1'I~1 OF ~ QTY aQR~FCII, OF ~ CPPY OF CUPfT1TIN0 AtTlf~4tIZING fl~QTIZCeI OF CEE~ AL~2EQ~~NI' WI'!H JOSE~Ei F. ffiiG~dT FC~2 ZHE II~OVII~NP OF Fi~TPAGE AIR1G 10026 PFNII~STJIA AVENUE FB~k2FAS, there has been presentsd to the City (Xxuicil an agreemeat for the iag~zOV~et~t cf the street fYn~t3ge alarlg 10026 P~ids~sul3 Atrer~ue by JoseF31 F. ffivwri; and WF~2EAS, said Px~aposed ag~t oo~tains provisiaris for the canstrwctio~ oP streets, curbs, gutters~ aidewalks, and for other I it~rwements within a period oP five (5) yeazs and six (6) mo~ths fx~an the date of e~oacuti~ of said agreemPSit: and said agz~eement having been aPProved bY the CitY AttoiT?eY; N~FI. TF~REF~2E, SE IT HE50Lt/£D that the aforaoentio~ed agreeae.nt is , herebY approved; and the City F]~gineer ia hereby authorized to sign the final plans when presea~teci by the develaper; arrd the Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to e~aecute the aqreanent herein referred to in behalf of the City of CUpertino. BE IT FUR'g~t RE50Lt1ID that the City Clerk is authorized to file this aqreanant with the Sartta Clara Oauity ReoolYiar. PASSID AND ADOPi£D at a z+egular meetir~q of the City Ca~cil oE the City oP GVpettino this 6th ~y pg January , 1986 by the followiT~g vote: Vote Membezs of the Citv Camci~ AYFS: Gatto, Johnson, Plungy, Sparks, Rogers I~FS7 None AffiFITP: None ABSPAIIdt None ATPFSP: Appf~7VID: ~ v ~ / q~~ Cit Clerk r, ty oE + /