CC Resolution No. 6730 - ~ ~
! RF50Ltrf9, by the City Oo~mcil of the City of Npartino, as follows:
1. Anrerlcbtient ard R,epeal
Zhat that Oode entitled, ~'cbnPlict oP Intarest Code cf the City of
, ~ertino Eor Officials ar~d Designated Fh~layees~' is hereUy amerd~ed,
' aPpro~'ed, azrl adol~ted as set forth in Exhibit nAn ~ attached hereto arxi by
this refererioe macle a part hereof.
' 2. EPfective Date
' Rhs aPfective date oP the a1e,+~„ra to this Nde sh~.ill ba thirty (30)
days aftar adagtion o! thia resolutiozi by the City Cbta~cil.
3. Filir~a oP R,esolution
Zhe Clerk ia hereby directPd to file a a~py o! this resolutiozi with
her oflice arid to maks it available to me~bexs ot the gerexal public.
j PASSID AND ADOPI~D at a r~ular mestinq oP the City Oamcit of tha
~ City ot Q~extino this 5th day of May, 1986, by the followizz~ vcte:
' Vcr~ Mem~e_
~s oP the Citv Camcil
AYFS: Gatto, John.scm~ Plur~gY~ ~J~
NOFS: Naa'?e
AffiFNT: ~par}cs
AffiZ'AII~I: Not1~e
AT'!'E5'T: APPf~1VID:
Ci Clerk r, City or
~ ~
; For Officiels and DeaiRnated Employeee
, 5ection 1.OQ - Authority. Theae amendmenta to the Conflict
, of Intereat Code of the City of Cupertino for Officiale and
Designated Employeee are adopted by the City Council of the City
of Cupertino pureuant to, and in implementntion of Governmeat
' Code Sectione 87300 and 87307 of the State of Californis.
Nothing contained herein ie intended to modify or abridge the
provisione of the Political Reform Act of 1974 (Government Code
' Section 81000 et. ee~c.). The provieiona of this code are
additional to Government Code Section 81000 and other larra
' pertaining to conflicta of interest. Except as othervise
' indicated~ the definitione of said act and regulations adopted
pureuant thereto are incorporated herein and the code ahall be
interpreted in a manner consiatent therewith.
Section 1.01 - Severability. If any article, section,
aubsection, paragraph, eubparagraph, aentence, clauae~ or phrsae
of thie Code ie £or any reeaon held to be invalid,
uncoaetitutional or uneaforceable, euch deciaion ehall not affect
the validity of the remaiaing portiona of thie Code. The City
Council of the City of Cupertino declares that it would heve
adopted these amendmente, and each article, section, eubaection,
paragrnph, eubparagraph, eentence, clauae, and phrase thereof,
irreepective of the fnct thnt any one or more of euch portions of
theae nmendmente be declnred invdlid, unconetitutionnl, or
~ ~
unenforceable. • -
Section 1.02 - Effective Date. Theee amendmente to this ,
Code ehall take effect thirty (30) daye after their approval by
the City Council of the City of Cupertino.
Section 1.03 - Definitions. As uaed in this Code, unless
the context otherwise clearly implies~ the following xorde and
terma ehall have the meaninge set forth herein.
(s) Bueineea eatity. "Bueineee entity^ meane any
organizatlon or enterpriae operated for profit, including but not
limited to a proprietorahip, partnerahip, firm, bueiaesa truet,
~oiat venture, ayndicate, corporation or sasociation.
(b) Conaultant. "Coneultant" meane a poeition
establiehed by contract with the City of Cupertino pureuant to
which contract information, advice, recommendation or counael is
provided to the City of Cupertino, provided, hovever, that
"conaultant" ahall not include a position in vhich the peraon
providing auch information, advice, recommendation or counsel:
(1) conducts reaearch and arrives at
conclusiona xith reapect to hia or her rendition of
information, advice~ recommendation or counael
indepeadent of the control and direction of the City of
Cupertino or of any local agency official, other than
normal contract monitoring; and
(2) poeaeeaes no authority with reepect to
any City of Cupertino muaicipal decision beyond the
randition of information~ advice~ recommendation or
~ ~
~t• ~~Cwnty~~ meany the Oounty of Santa Claza, in which
this local agsr~cy is located.
(d) Desianated e~lovee. ~~Designated ~lg,ea~~ mea~s ~1~ a
natuial pe,L~soa~ holdin4, or repr~enti~ a business eritity which holds, a
designated positioa~, (ii) a a~nber, salaried or unsalaried, of any boani,
oamnissioa~, or oa~ittea holding a desiyriated position, or (iii) a
, consultant to (i) or (11). °Designated ea~lcYee" does nat include an
' elected state officer or ariy tu~.salaried memiber oE ariy boa~l or cca~miission
' which serves a solely advisozy Su~cti~ and also does not include ariy
, unsalaried member of a non-re~gulating omnnittee, section, owimdssion or
other such errtity established by the State Bar of California. Designated
~layee also incltrles oz~e' a sPw-~e ar~d deperident childre.n.
~ (e) Desianated nositions. 2he positions listed in Ap~Ciix ~~p,~~
( attached to this Cx~d~e are designated positiaa~s, officials and e~loyees
~ 1~olflit~cl these positio~s are deen?ed to make, or participate in the making
j cf, decisions which may foreseeably have a material effect on a financial
(f) Disclosure stataner~ts. "Disclosura statenrents" means
stdtemerlts disCloeitlg re~oTtable 1z1t.elrsts required bY SeCtions 2.0o arld
2.01 to be filed by desiqnated e~loyees.
(9) 8e~ortttble ~nt~,~ra, ~~Report~bla interestsn means
irn~es~nerits, i.nterests in zml property ar~d inorn~e, including laans arxi
` gifts in cartain specified amoiutta, requiz+ed to be disclosed by designated
, ~loyees which have sane relatiar~shiP, direct ar irrdiz~ect, to the
official duties and respo~sibillties of such ~layees. ~~Reportable
interesta" as to
i -3-
~ . .
any particular designated employee means thoae categories of such
intereeta aee:lgned~ by Appendix "A"~ attached hereto, to the the
designated poaition held by euch employee. "Reportable
~ interests~~ as to any particular employee are deemed by eaid
aesignments to be affected foreseenbly and materially by any
decieion made or pxrticipated in by the deaignated employee by
virtue of hie or her poaition and have eome relationehip, direct
' or indirect, to the official dutiea and reaponeibilitiea of auch
(h) Incorporated definitions. Except ea othervise
indicated, the definitiona contained in the Political Reform Act
of 1974 (Government Code Section 81000, et, eeq.) and Regulationa
adopted pureuant thereto are incorporated into thie Code.
Section 2.00 - Diaclosure Statementa. Each deeignated
employee ehall file an initial etatement and annuel statementa
thereafter diacloeing thoae reportable intereste in the category
or categoriea of real property~ investments, and incoma, as set
forth in Appendix "B"~ which are esaigned by Appendix ^A" hereof
to the deaignated poeition held Uy euch employee. Such
etatemente ehall be filed at the place epecified in Section
3.00(a) and at the timee epecified in Section 3.00 (c), (d), (e),
and/or (f), and ehall be on the form epecified in Section 4.00.
The initial etatement shall diecloee intereete in real property
and investmente, and each annual etatement thereafter ahall
diacloae interesta in real property, inveatmente and income.
Section 2.01 - Termination Statementa. Each deeignated
employee ehall file e diecloeure etatement Within thirty (30)
~ ~
days after leaving a designated position, dieclosing reportable
inveatmenta, intereeta in real property, and income held at any
time during the period between the cloaing date of the laet
etatement required to be filed and the date of leaving auch
position. Such etatemente ehall be filed at the place apecified
in Section 3.00(s) and ahall be on the form epeciPied in Section
~ 4.00.
Section 3.00 - Place sad Time of Filine.
~ (e) All pereone holding deeignated poeitioas rrho are
required to eubmit a statement of financial intereet ehall file
the original with the City Clerk of the City of Cupertiao.
' (b) The Clerk of the City of Cupertino ehall file the
original etatements and make them available for reviev.
(c) All pereona holding deaignated poeitione who are
required to aubmit etatements of financiel intereet ahall submit
an initiel statement vithin thirty (30) days after the effective
date of this Code, diecloaing interesta held on the effective
date of this Code. The firet etatement filed by a deaignated
employee ahall diecloee any reportable inveetmenta and interests
in real property.
(d) Probationary or certified employeee appointed,
promoted, or traneferred to deeignated poaitione ehnll file
initiel etatemente within thirty (30) daye after date of
employment, dieclosing intereate held on the date of employment.
The firet etatement filed by a deaiganted employee ehnll diecloee
any reportabla ittveetments and intereeta in real property.
(e) All other pereone appointed~ promoted, or
~ ~
transferred to designated positiona shall file initisl atatements
not more than thirty (30) days after assuming the position,
diacloaing reportable intereste held on the date of aesuming
office. Persone already occupying a position subsequently added
to the categoriea of deaignated poaitiona by an amendment to thie
Code ehall file initial atatementa within thirty (30) daye after
the effective date of the amendment~ diacloeing reportable
i interesta held on the effective date of the amendment.
I The firat atatement filed by a designated employee ehall
diecloae any reportable inveetmente, intereete in real property
and intereete in real property and investmenta held by buaineae
entitiea and trueta.
(f) An annuel discloaure atatement ehall be filed no
later than April 1at of each year by each designated employee,
discloeing inveatments, interesta in real property and income
held or received at any time during the previoua calendar year or
aince the date the deaignated employee aseumed euch poaition if
during the calendar year.
(g) A deeignated employee who is required to file a
atatement of financial intereat with any other agency, which is
xithin the eame territorial juriediction, may comply uith the
provisione of this Code by filing a duplicate copy of the
etatement filed vith the other agency in lieu of an entirely
separate document, provided that each duplicate copy filed in
plnce of an original ie eigned and varifiad by the designated
employee ea if it were an original.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r
• .
Section 4.00 - Contents of Diecloeure Statementa.
Discloeure etatemente ahall be made on forma aupplied by the
Clerk of the City of Cupertino and prescribed by the Fair
Political Practices Commiaeion. Diecloeure etatemente ahall
contain the following information:
(a) Contenta of Inveatment and Real Propertv Reporta.
When an inveatment, or an intereet in real property, ia required
to be reported by Appendix "B", the etntement ahall contain:
(1) A atatement of the nature of the
iaveatment or iatereat;
I (2) The name of the bueineee entity in which
I each investment is held, ead a geaeral deacription of
the buainese activity in which the businesa is engaged;
~3) The addrese or other preciee location of
the real property;
~4) A etatement vhether the fair market
value of the inveetment or intereet in real property
equals or exceeda One Thousand Dollare ($1,000) but
doea not exceed Ten Thousand Dollara ($10~000)~ vhether
it exceede Ten Thoueand Dollare ($10,000) but doea not
exceed One Hundred Thoueand Dollara ($100,000), or
vhather it exceede One Hundred Thoueand Dollare
~5) In the ceae of a atatement filed under
Sectione 2.00 and 2.01 of thia Code, if the investment
or intareet in real property vsa partidlly or wholly
acquired or diaposed of during the period covered by
~ • .
the statement, the date of acquisition or disposal.
(6) For purpoaes of discloaure under this
section~ "intereet in real property" does not inelude
the principel reaidence of the filer or any other
peraonal property xhich the filer utilizea excluaively
ae the peraonal reeidence of the filer.
(b) Contente oP Pareonal Income and Bueineea Entit
' Income Reporta.
(1) When income ie required to be reported
, by Appendia "B", the etatement ahall contain, except sa
' provided in eubeection (2):
e. The name and addresa of each eource
of income aggregating tvo hundred fifty
dollars ($250) or more in value, or fifty
dollare ($50) or more in value i£ the income
was s gift, and a general deacription of the
buainesa activity, if any, of each source;
b. A etatemeat whether the aggregate
value of income from each source, or in the
case of a loan, the higheet amount oWed to
each eource, xae at leeat txo hundred fifty
, dollare (~2$0) but did not exceed one
thouannd dollara ($1,000), whether it wsa in
exceae of one thoueand dollara ($1,000) but
vae not greater than ten thoueand dollara
(~10,000), or whether it wsa greatar than ten
thoueand dollare ($10,000);
~ ~
c. A descriptlon of the considerstion,
if any, for which the income wea received;
d. In the case of a gift, the amount
and the date on which the gift vas received;
e. In the case of a loan, the annual
interest rate and the security, if any, givea
for the loan.
I (2) When the filer's pro rata ehare of
iacome of a bueiaees entity, including income of a eole
proprietorehip, ia required to be reported under thie
Code, the etatemeat ehall contain:
e. The name, eddreea~ ead a general
deacription of the busiaesa activity of the
bueinesa entity;
b. The name of every person from xhom
the busineae entity received paymenta if the
, filer'e pro rata ehare of the groes receipte
from such pereon wae equal to or grester than
tea thousand dollare ($10~000) during a
calendar year.
Section 5.00 - DieQUSlification. All pereona holding
deaignated poeitiona muat diaqualify themselvee from making or
participating in the making of any dacieione in xhich they have a
reportable financiel intereat, xhen it ia reaeonably foreseeable
that euch iatereet may be "materielly affected" by the decieion.
No pereone holding designated poeitione ehall be required to
diequalify himeelf or hereelf with reepect to any mntter xhich
~ ~ ~ '
; • ,
~ could not be legally acted upon or decided without his or her ~
' participation.
~ (a) "Materielly Affected" - Standard of Determination.
The financial effect of a governmental deciaion on s financial
, intereat of a pereon holding a deaignated poaition is material
if, at the time, the pereon holding a deeignated position makes
or participates ia the making of a decieion, in light of ell the
circumatances and facta known at the time of the decision, that
pereon knovs~ or hae reaeon to know, that the exietence of the
financlal intereat might interfere with that pereon'e performance
of his or her dutiea in an impartial manner free from bias.
(b) Circumetances to be Goneidered. In determining
the exietence of a material effect upon a financiel intereat, the
pereon holding a deaignated poaition ahall coneider relevant
factors, including but not limited to the following:
(1) Whether any businesa entity in which the
designated employee has a direct or indirect inveatment
worth one thousand dollare ($1,000) or more;
(2) Whether any real property in which the
designated employee hae a direct or indirect iaterest
worth one thoueand dollare ($1,000) or more;
(3) Whether any eource of income, other than
gi£te and other than loane by a commerciel lending
inetitution in the regular courae of buainees on terme
available to the public without regard to official
etatue, aggregating tvo hundred fifty dollare ($250) or
more in vnlue providad to~ raceived by or promieed to
~ ~
_ the designated employee within tvelve months prior to
the time vhen the deciaion ie made;
~4) Whether any bueinese entity in which the
i designated employee ie s director~ officer, partner,
truetee~ employee, or holds any poaition of management;
' ~5) Whether any donor of~ or any
intermediary or agent for a donor of, a gift of gifts
j aggregating trro hundred fifty dollare ($250) or more in
' value provided to, received bq, or promiaed to the
deeignated employee within twelve (12) moathe prior to
the time xhea the deciaioa ie made.
For purpoaes of thie Section 5.00, indirect inveetment or
intereet meana any inveatment or interest owned by the epouee or
dependent child of a deeigneted employee, by an agent on behalf
of a deaignated employee~ or by e businees entity or truet in
, which the designated employee, the designated employee's epouse,
agente, and dependent children own directly, indirectly, or
beneficially e ten (10x) percent intereet or greater.
Section 6.00 - Penaltiee. Any pereon holdiag a designated
poeition who violates any of the reportiag or dieclosure
proviaiona of thie Code ie guilty of e miedemeanor puniehable ae
provided in Section 91000 of the Government Code and ie elso
eub~ect to any and ell civil penaltiea ae preacribed in Section
9100Q and 91013 of the Government Code. The above deacribed
penaltiee are in nddition to any other penalties ae may be
prescribed by lax.
~ ~ ~ .
I. Intereste in Real Propertv. (Category B)
Each pereon asaigned Category B in Appendix "A" of thie Code
~ shall diecloae ell reportable interesta in real property.
A. "Intereat ia real property" includee any leaeehold,
beneficial or ownerahip intereat or an option to acquire such an
intereet ia real property located ia the furiediction ovned
, directly~ indirectly or beneficislly by the deaignated employee,
' or other filer, or hie or her immediate family if the fair market
value of the intereat is one thoueand dollara ($1,000) or more.
Interesta in real property of an iadividual includee s pro rata
ehare of intereate in real property of any bueineea entity or
truat in which the individual or immediate family ovne, directly,
indirectly or beneficislly, e 10-percent (10x) intereat or
H. For purpoaea of diecloaure under thie Code,
"intereet in real property" does not include the principal
residence of the filer or any other property which the filer
utilizes exclueively ae the pereonal resideace of the filer.
II. Inveetmente. (Categoriea A~ C& H)
Each pereon aeaigned Category A, C or H in Appendix "A" of
thia Code ehall diecloee all reportable investmente in bueinesa
A. "Investment" meane any fiaenciel intereet in or
eecurity leaued by a buaineee entity, iacluding but not limited
to common etock, preferrad etock, righte, warrants~ optione, debt
~ ~
inetruments and any partnerahip or other ownerehip interest owned
directly, indirectly or beneficially by the designated employee,
or hie or her immediate family, if the busineea entity or any
parent, aubaidiary or otherxise related buainesa entity hae an
interest in real property in the ~uriadlction, or doea bueinese
or plans to do bueinesa ia the ~uriediction, or hae done buaineas
within the furiediction at say time during the txo yeara prior to
the time any atatement or other action is required under this
Code. "Juriediction" ie dePined for purpoaea of thie eection sa
thoee areee located within the boundariea of the City of
Cupertino or any other areae within the control of the City of
Cupertino. No aseet ehall be deemed an inveetment unleae ita
fair market value equale or exceede one thoueand dollara
B. Inveetmente of an individual includea a pro rata
ehare of investmenta of any busineae entity, mutual fund, or
truat in which the individual or immediate family owne, directly,
indirectly or beneficielly, s 10-percent (10x) interest or .
greater. The term "parent, eubeidiary or otherwise related
businees entity" ehall be ae epecifically dePined by regulationa
of the Fair Political Practicee Commiaeion.
C. The tarm "iaveetment" doae not include a time or
demand depoait in e financiel inatitution, ehares in e credit
union, any inaurance policy, intereet in a divereified mutual
fund regietered with the Securitiee and Eachange Commiaeion under
the Inveatment Company Act of 1940 or a common truet fund xhich
is created pureuant to Section 1564 oY the Financial Code of the
Appendix B-2
~ ~
State of California, or any bond or other debt instrument iesued •
by any government or government agency.
III. Income. (Categories D, E~ F, G& H)
i Each pereon eaeigned Category D~ E, F, G or H in Appendix
I "A" of thia Code ehall diacloee all eourcea of reportable income.
A. IInleee otherwise provided in eubeectione C or D,
, below, "income" includee s payment received, including but not
' limited to any ealary, wage, advance, dividend, intereet, rent,
proceeds from any sale, gift~ including anq gift of foad or
beverage, loan, forgiveneae or paymeat of indebtednese received
by the deeignated employee or other filer~ reimbursement Por
expenaes, per diem, or contribution to an ineurance or pension
program paid by any pereon other than an employer, and including
eny community property interest in the income of a epouae.
Income of an individual eleo includea e pro rata ahare of any
income oP any buaineea entity or truet in which the individual or
spouae owne, directlq, indirectly or beneficially, e 10-percent
(10z) interest or greater.
B. Income xhich muat be reported iacludee income from
each eource, includiag outetanding loane, aggregating two hundred
fiPty dollare ($250) or more in value, or fifty dollare ($50) or
mora in value if the income wea e gift.
C. "Income,^ other than a gift, does not include
income received from any eource outaide the ~uriediction and not
doing bueinesa within the ~uriediction, not planning to do
buaineee within the ~urisdiction, or not having done buaineee
xithin the ~urledlction during the txo yeara prior to the time
' Appendix H-3
. • ~ •
any etatement or other action is required under this Code.
D. "Income" aleo doea not include: (1) campaign
contributiona required to be reported under Chapter (commencing
~ with Section 8Q100) of Title 9 of the Government Code of the
' State of California; (2) ealery and reimbursement for expenaea or
per diem received Prom e atate, local, or Pederal government
i agency and reimburaemeat for travel expenaes and per diem
, received from bona fide educational, academic or charitable
organi2ation; (3) any deviee or inheritance; (Q) intereet,
' dividende or premiums on a time or demand depoait in e financiel
inatitution, ehares in s credit union or any ineurance policy, or
eny bond or to her debt inetrument ieeued by any government or
government agency; (5) divideade, interest or any other return oa
a aecurity xhich ia regietered with the Securities and Exchange
Commiseion of the United Statea Government; (6) redemption of a
mutual fund; (7) alimony or child eupport paymenta; (8) any loan
or loane from a commercial lending inetitution which are made in
the lender's regular course of bueinese on terma availabla to
membera of the public without regard to officisl atatua if: (i)
euch loaa is uaed to purchase~ refinance the purchaee of, or for
improvementa to, the principal reaidence of filer, or (11) the
balance oved doee aot exceed ($10,000); (9) any loan from an
individusl's apouse, child~ parent~ grandparent, grandchild,
brother, eiater, parent-ia-lav, brother-in-lav, aieter-in-law~
, nephew, niece, uncle, nunt, or firet couein or the spouee of any
euch pereoa, provided thnt n loan from nny auch pereon ehall be
coneidered income if tha lender ie acting ae an agent or
Appendix B-4
~ . ~ ~
intermediary for any pereon not covered by this paragraph; (10) '
any indebtednees created as a part of a retail installment or
credit card traneaction if made in the lender'e regular courae of
buainesa on terma available to membere of the public without
regard to official etatue, so long ae the balance owed to the
creditor doea not eaceed ten thoueand dollara ($10,000); and (11}
paymenta received under a defined benefit peaeion plan qualified
, under Internal Revenue Code Section 401(s).
, E. "Gifte" are defined ae any payment to the extent
that coneideration of equal or greater value ie not received and
include a rebate or diacount in the price of anything of value
unleae the rebate or diecouAt ia made in the regular courae of
buainesa to membere of the public without regard to official
etatus. Any peraon, other than a defendant in a criminal action~
who claime that a paymeat is not e gift by reason of receipt of
' consideration has the burden of proving that the conaideration
received ia of equal or greater value.
F. The term "gift" does not include: (1)
informational meterial euch ea booka, reporta, pamphlete,
calendare or periodicale (ao payment for travel or reimbureement
for any expeneee ehall be deemed "informational material"); (2)
gifts Which are not used aad vhich~ xithin thirty (30) daye after
receipt, ara returned to the donor or delivered to a charitable
organi2ation without being claimed ae a chariteble contribution
for tax purposes; (3) gifte from an individusl'e epouse, child,
parent, grandparent~ grandchild, brother, eiater, psrent-in-law~
brother-in-lnw~ sieter-in-lav, nephew, niace, aunt, uncle, or
Appandix H-5
. . • s
firet cousin or the spouse of any euch person; provided that a
. gift from any euch pereon ehall be considered a gift if the donor
~ ie acting ae an agent or intermediary for any peraon not covered
i .
by thie paragraph; campaign contributiona required to be
reported under Chapter 4, (commencing vith Section 8Q100) of
Title 9 of the Government Code of the State of Cellfornia; or (q)
any deviee or inheritance.
Appendia B-6
. • ~ ~
pppFIJDI7{ nAn
i ~
! c7onrtnissions
I! Amhitectuz'al atYi Sita Approval Ocxtmiissioners A thYnugh H
' Cable T.V. Advisozy GL~nnittee Membexs A~k g
Assistant City Attorney, Deputy City At[orney A[hrough N
Assistant Cih' F~CJi~r p t~~l H
Asa~et8tlt CiVil EZtg,i~L' g, D, E, F, G 6 H
Assistant Director of Planning A thr.ux~h H
Associate Plattt~er B and C
Assistant to the City Manager A thz~h H
I~~ild~ ~i~ I B, D, E, F, G& H
Huilairg Insp~iOn II B, D, E, F, G& H
Building official
City Clerk B~ D, E, F, G& H
Deputy City Clerk A~~ H
A through H
Ccnammity Setvices Officer D, E, F, G& H
~oa~sultant A thz~t~ H
Direct.or of Finanoe A ~ H
Director of Parks ard Reci,eatio~n A thro~ H
Direc~tor of Plannir~g and pevel
Dire~ctor of Public Works - Ci ~ A~ H
Electrical Inspector
~3~~x1 Technician H~ D, E, F, G& H
Hcme Rehabilitation ~,Lor B
P13nner I B ~
~ x
Planner II B azxl C
Public Works inspecstor B, D, E, F, G 6 H
Public Works Superintercient B, D, E, F, G& H
Ptuchasing Officer A thttixygh H
Senior Pl~~r~ ~'~hnician g
Traffic Ai~de~ ~ician g
Traffic B
~~r A through H
Traffic ~chnician H
Tz~easurer A th~t~gh H
Wa~ ~rvi~ H, D, E, F, G 6 H
([*7 or as her+~fter may ba reclassified)