CC Resolution No. 6729 ~ ~ I2ESOIITPICH~I N0. 6729 A FiFSOLU!'ICd~I OF THE CI'PY (X7UNQL OF ~ CITY OF CVPE~['II10 APPftpVING VARZANCE F~CNI ~2DINI~NNCE N0. 1240 TO AL~LAW A SINGIE-FAMILY FiCME 'IU ENCE~IACH INPO ~ RD¢TII2ED SErBACK AIiEAi ROCE~2+ D. AND~iSON~ Pf20PE~'IR IL)CATID AT 4HE ~i4JFS'P II~PE~DCPI~I OF STE~7FNS Q2EEK BOlJIE~IARD AND QJPF~~10 ~D W~REA.S, the applicar~t has met tha bunden of proof required to support his said application; a~l WF~REAS, the Planni~ Ocimnissiom, after duly noticed public hearings, has foxwanded its z~a~rendations to the City Cau~cil. t~JW. 2f~E, BE TT RF50L~/ID that after carePul oonsideration of maps, facts, e~d~ibits arxi other evide~ce sut~nitted in this matter, the a~licatiom for the Varianoe (2-V-85) be anl the saine is hereUy approved with the followir~q oor~ditiar~s and findinqs: ~ OONDIR'IONS: ~ , 1-14. STANOARD NNDTTZONS • 3tandax~i Oonditioa~s to the extent that they do not oonflict with the special ooa~ditions ernnnezated herain. In the event a , oonflict does exist, the special oonditions as ernunerated herein shall apply. 16. APPf~JVID F~~BITS That the reoa~m~r~dation of approval ia based on Eadiibits A, B, arid B let Revisi~ of Application 2-V-85, except as may be amended bY sPecial o~nditioa~s ernunerated herein. 17. MJVE FF~1CE Applicant is to m~ve the fer~ce adjoinirr3 his scutheast PY'~P~Y line out oP the Stevens c~eek Boulevani R{qht-of-Way at the applicant's expen~e before buildinq u~+„+its are issued. 18. F~ffBIT A Ztiis variance is based on the aocuracy of the lot lines, necessaxY street dedicatio~.s ard building placert?erit per bchibit A of this applicatiar~. Ir~onsistencies or variations fYan the above may invalidate this varia~ce approval. ~ ~ F2F50LITlZ~1 N0. 6729 19. DFI~ ~1 RDD[T~2II+~P Zhe applicant shall asslm~e the respoa~sibility to abtain all required danolition perndts in aooordanoe with City oniinar~ces before issuance of buildir~q permita. FIrID2NGS: 1. Zhat there are e~oceptional ci~tances applyirx3 to the land, use ar~d buildinq referred to in the application which do nat apply generally to lazxl, buildings or uses in the same clistrict. 2. 2~at qrantinq of the application is necessazy for the . p~+ese.i'vatior? aMl enjaymps~t of substantial pznperty rights of the ~ petitiaa~er. ~ 3. 2Y~at granting of the Varianoe will not affect adversely the health arri safety of the oammuiity, or pnoduce econanic injury to the subject neighborhood. HE IT FU~ RF50LUED that tha City Clerk be and is here}:ry directed to notii~ tha parties affeeted by this decisioat. PASSID AND ADOPTED at a regular meetinq of the City Oau~cil of the City of CUpertino this 16th day of Deoen~ber, 1985 by the following vote: Vote Manbers of the Citv Oow~cil AYFS: Gatto, John~on, Pltir~gy. S~arks~ Ro4ers NOES: None AffiFNP: None ABSTAIN: Na~e ATI~ST: p~rp~: ~ ~ G~t~ 6Q~C? Ci Clerk Mayoz~, City of